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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23848405 No.23848405 [Reply] [Original]

So we get high definition logos so that we do not need to hire a south asian darker pigmented graphic professional in order to design lambo wraps.

But at the same time we get a Community Code of Conduct to obey to.
Does Sergays think this is a way to rear his ''marines''?

>> No.23848414
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>> No.23848629

when you get big you have to behave like your big
power to the course i guess..
linkchads need to move on to a different coin now

>> No.23848632

This is a geninue red flag
>The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind

>Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks

>> No.23848648

the chainlink community program is basically people who they have advertise for them. people signed up last year to basically be a chainlink shill and organizing community events in real life. for example, if you live in singapore, you volunteer to organize a chainlink event at some place in your city.

those people are in the affiliate program aka the chainlink community. the code of conduct does not apply to random people on /biz/

>> No.23848654

>Community Leaders, such as Ambassadors, Advocates, and moderators, are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

>> No.23848693

They've seen some of the memes. I would be worried if they didn't address it. However the network should remain censor free

>> No.23848704

you know this American Incel Forum has the same rules right?

>> No.23848725

I wonder if the telegram now supports memes

>> No.23848763

Really the main worry is that they're growing too fast and becoming just another well polished corporate husk. I'm not saying this is the case, but this kind of "code of conduct" is a red flag to me.

>> No.23848769

>"evangelizing" chainlink
Definition of evangelize:
transitive verb
1 : to preach the gospel to
2 : to convert to Christianity
This is fucking pathetic, are they trying to mock God?
Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.23848784


Well it is the god protocol.

>> No.23848817

>This is a geninue red flag
holy shit shut the fuck up virgin youve obviously never had a real job kys and let adults handle business fucking dumbass

>> No.23848818

its literally just so that chainlink doesnt get in trouble of some chinese guy runs a chainlink event and spreads his asshole in front of 40 people.

>> No.23848849

So you're saying all the asshole spreading during smartcon was in fact chainlinks fault because they did not have a code of conduct at the time?

>> No.23848859
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> covering yourself legally with codes of conduct for logo usage is a red flag
just kys

>> No.23848876
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Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.23848920

a synthetic god who will not have one piece of itself left after judgement.

>> No.23848950


A real job huh ? You mean like a job like you have working at mcdonalds for mister shekelstein?

>> No.23849003

Not selling

>> No.23849042

It's just to cover their ass when people see gay ass Hitler Sergey and pepe memes with LINK logos on them.

>> No.23849141

I hope they become a corporate husk. The memes are great but I want them to link the world. Fuck

>> No.23849174
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>> No.23849210
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>> No.23849239

Gee I’ll never forget the smart con launch why those retards thought it is okay to leave on live chat with thousands of 4chan ((marines)) is beyond me.

Anyone have a screen cap? I want to have a good laugh again.

>> No.23849297
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>> No.23849829

They need to distance themselves. Nothing will happen.

>> No.23850063
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>Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community





>> No.23850108

I wouldn't worry until they go on an ad campaign talking about hiring for diversity.

>> No.23850559

Time to move over to ALGO. Based pasta nigger running the project only speaks Italian so he won't get any of the memes.