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23815988 No.23815988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I make money on trumpoids cope?

>> No.23816078
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lmfao americans are hysterical

>> No.23816141

they already lost everything by betting trump winning, which is pretty hilarious

>> No.23816159
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Unlucky for Bidets, cable TV news sites and Google don't get to nominate the next president.

>> No.23816169

sell t-shirts that appeal to them

>> No.23816388

Twitter/fb/Google reps need to be locked up after all this, they loved under oath. All of them.

>> No.23816413

Lol. lied* under oath.
Like these people have ever loved.

>> No.23816418

You can't, jokes on you.

>> No.23816448

migapedes on suicide watch

>> No.23816471

I don't really care about Trump, but if you support Biden you're even more retarded than them, and belong on reddit.

>> No.23817200


Yet even a broken clock is right twice a day, genius.

>> No.23817214

>shitbull waiting to maul the owner

>> No.23817266

sell Trump 2024 hats, not even kidding, they will buy them for 10x the normal price

you have no idea what an oath is, do you?

>> No.23817406

That dog is a American Bulldog

>> No.23817592
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Good luck convincing the sites you bet on with that logic, retards

>> No.23817829

Sell rope

>> No.23818226

real talk, biden is going to buy a bunch of health shit from china with american tax dollars, they will buying all kinds of shit to prop up the chinese economy and they will tax you out the ass to do it, and guess what the best part is? if you don't play ball your neighbors will report you.

>> No.23818553

imagine believing baseless claims from a compulsive liar versus every analysts' conclusion derived from official sources. trumptards truly live in a warped reality

>> No.23818725
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hehe, nice. i wish fringe retards on both side of the 2party corpocratic system would fuck off but in the meantime i guess it can help to laugh at em al ittle... but maybe it will get them heated and paranoid and shootey idk

>> No.23818758
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Bet on him going to jail?

>> No.23818772

Americans complain about the establishment for years. Finally elect someone outside the system. 4 years of media blitzing and gaslighting later Americans tearing up and thinking they just defeated hitler reincarnated. The elite's campaign of control and globalization continues unhindered and Washington goes back to business as usual.

It's like that teenager who runs away from home then caves after an hour bawling that they miss mommy and daddy.

>> No.23818802

just because someone is different and not a part of the establishment doesn't automatically make them good it swings both ways

>> No.23818824

I guess the electoral process is (rightly or wrongly) discredited for the immediate future. That's one way to slide into civil disorder and internal conflicts.
Tik tok faggots, there isn't much left to tie the country together.

>> No.23818850

Imagine believing literally everything MSM has shoved inside your asshole for the last four years as they make the transition to click bait dogshit.... to make up for the massive revenue lost from ratings due to the interwebs. Imagine still believing it as literally every last thing they came up with, re: TRUMP IS DONE NOW ends up being completely false. Lay off the transition meds transfag, they are melting your brain

>> No.23818882

c o p e

>> No.23818925

You idiot.Everyone he put in place was inside the system -- name one thing his gang of elites did that actually changed life for the better for the majority of Americans (those who earn less than 100k)?

>> No.23818938

I don't care either way nigger. Where there is tension there's money to be made.

>> No.23818958

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23818985

>name one thing his gang of elites did that actually changed life for the better for the majority of Americans (those who earn less than 100k)?

no new wars, why is that lost on the left which is so adament they want peace and work against the us military every step of the way? how could you miss that? oh yeah, you ignore the bombing when your side does it, and you ignore the violence in the streets when your side causes it.

>> No.23819015
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I can name several. You weren't paying attention.

>> No.23819054

>Bottom half of households nearly 50% richer under Trump
Fake news. And even if it were hes a demagogue and nothing good will come of that ultimately.

>> No.23819077


It's not fake news. It was the exact news that made the elites launch a fucking pandemic this year. You're a goddamn program. He was actually helping the working class and that was incredibly dangerous for the globalist elite.

>> No.23819076

I love this one.
>all through the bush administration "bomb the fucking sand niggers"
now republicans are peace loving cucks because just trump failed to continue the most American tradition there is? fuck off.

>> No.23819136

>just because you made peace and we ended it doesn't mean you are in favor of peace!

you are a fucking idiot, and i would respond if your rant made any sense but, yeah....

>> No.23819204

but you did respond anon, and trump was the republican party candidate. who is not making sense?
I just wanna bomb more sand niggers, its not complex

>> No.23819243
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>Americans complain about getting microwaved hot dogs for dinner. And yet when inbred yokels elect a bowl of boiled diareaha they complain?!?!?! Libtards pwned by facts and logic!

>> No.23819250

>I just wanna bomb more sand niggers, its not complex
that's all you had to say, and i meant retort. if that's how you feel then i can understand why you might vote for biden.

>> No.23819281

I didn't vote for that pedo, fuck you.
I just hate seeing red blooded americans turned into cucks acting like not bombing sand niggers is something good that trump did.

>> No.23819296


did anybody make a collage of the biz dumbasses who bet on trump

>> No.23819414
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>How can I make money on trumpoids cope?
They are still betting on Trump to win on predictit. Free money for us Biden Bros.

>> No.23819448

You’re a Zionist kike nigger retard and you will be roped

>> No.23819506

Make a subscription-based social networking site where they're free to spew conspiracy theories.

>> No.23819661
File: 226 KB, 599x746, badger_twats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have already been mining SETT with badger.finance, so just continue doing that.

>> No.23819685


>> No.23819724

oohhhh how the tables have turned

>> No.23819774

pajeet shill getting paid to spam biz

>> No.23819852
File: 267 KB, 588x547, 1604781755921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Trump won on election night. Modern nations have made mail in ballots illegal and can finish counting on the same night. Biden fraudulently won by having fake mail in ballots counted in his total, suspiciously gaining a bunch of swing states that shouldn't be possible in a period of 4 days for counting 1% of the votes. More over, numerous statistical impossibilities occurred during this election. The Bellweather irregularity is a red flag. This election was a fraud.

Defending electoral fraud is treason. Over 70 million Americans had their voice silenced by this fraud thanks to collusion between the left and the media. Spread all pictures, info, data to as many people you know. Centrists, apolitical, Trump voters, sane people, and people with morals will listen. Only leftists and Trump haters won't. If this electoral fraud is allowed to go away, then the US will never have a free election again.

>> No.23819871
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Why haven't Americans started getting rid of these Trump hating riggers? The mask fell off and we know their true nature. I have never met one that was a good person. Get rid of them you faggots.

>> No.23820081

is this really the level of cope we're at now?

>> No.23820088
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How come you left wing retards cannot ever make a point without using insults?

No, 70 million Americans are not "inbred yokels" because they aren't stupid enough to think your president which didn't fuck them, nor call them evil, nor act like being mean to brown people is the worst thing in the world. You're the fucking subhuman who sides with BLM, antiracism pseudoscience, and act like everyione who disagrees with you as evil. You only think this behavior is acceptable because right-wits keep acting like people like you deserve freedom.

Do you want to know why you behave like such an unpleasant retard that nobody likes? Because you're a leftists. And leftists are genetically born like this. Leftism is a mental disorder. And the faster you rightwits learn to accept that political behavior and beliefs are genetic, the better.

>> No.23820133

Dude , you know better. The subhumans posting here about Biden are paid to do so by Shareblue

>> No.23820177

The "cope" posting is really getting pathetic. I realize that is the media narative you are paid to push but god damn its sad.

>> No.23820262
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three posts in a row. all dubs. this thread is blessed indeed.

>> No.23820667

believing anyone who disagrees with you is paid is another form of cope, congrats, keep crying bitch nigga

>> No.23820720
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You realize this comes from a self-reported anonymous online poll posted on a right-wing biased "Psychology" outlet.

It's the most unscientific source of data possible, but it's posted on /pol/ as though it's the most solid piece of evidence for their sanity while they pee in jars and talk about Jews all day.

>> No.23820739
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There really is an organized shill campaign here.

>> No.23820759
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you sound upset sweetie, why don't you come have a glass of juice and some cheese and crackers.

>> No.23820774

actually a good idea

>> No.23820777

I am pretty leftist, and will say that I have zero mental illnesses other than ADHD. I have many friends, graduated from a top school, have a great job and am making lots of money in crypto. I don't have any negative feelings for you guys, but I wish you all well. Perhaps going outside, cleaning your room, buying some plants, taking a bit of effort and joy in your appearance (even if this means working out minimally and wearing the same thing every day, but it's something nice instead of random crap) and trying to find hobbies outside of politics would be healthy.

>> No.23820780
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Does it sting anon

>> No.23820816

Not really. I have a diverse group of friends and I enjoy spending time with all of them. All of them are great people and I care about them a lot.

>> No.23820833
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why did @ me? does wanting to bomb sandniggers sound like a fucking leftist? god your retarded

>> No.23820846
File: 49 KB, 378x499, 61CikTuk+DL._SX376_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell your country to China is what biden is going to do

>> No.23820865


So do I, unironically. Some of my best 3 friends are half black, half asian, and half mexican. Regardless, white liberals have a serious fucking complex, one way or the other. Nobody should hate their own race or their own country.

>> No.23820893

I am genuinely afraid there will be over a half a million deaths in this country due to Coronavirus before Donald leaves office. He's not taking it seriously. He's not telling immunocomrpomised people to stay home. Earlier this mostly affected minorities in cities, but he's literally setting up winter as a genocide of the demographic base of the Republican party. I don't know how I feel about this.

I feel bad for you, to be honest.

>> No.23820933

I don't hate myself. I don't understand where you get that idea. I am white and I like myself.

I like myself, but I also like people of other national and ethnic backgrounds. It's not an either/or thing and your internet autism anime forum infographic with extremely tenuous sources spammed incessantly doesn't influence my world view.

>> No.23820987


Maybe not you personally, if you're being honest, but if you pay an ounce of attention to modern left wing media you'd know that isn't the predominant opinion. Everything is about how this country is evil and racist and how whites did that and deserve to pay for it today. It is a regression to a racialized country that we were leaving behind, for a small time, in the late 90's.

>> No.23821565

Take on as much debt as you can. Blow it. Wait for the Great Reset to absolve you.

You won't be able to own anything though and hyperstagflation will take everything by next year, so just blow it. You can't accumulate or profit in the longterm but you may as well enjoy it while you can. You could also buy Chinese stocks and hope that they'll honor round eye holdings, since China won't be participating so that they can make a push for hegemony.

>> No.23821595

>should have used Augur

>> No.23821606
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>I am pretty leftist, and will say that I have zero mental illnesses

>> No.23821626

Why do you think it's the governments job to tell people what to do

>> No.23821684

Maybe communists believe that. In the real world whites and non-whites get along fine. Not every non-white is a fucking nigger who is going to steal your shit. Where do you even live?

I don't buy into the commie shit but I think that black people have legitimate systemic grievances. Learning about what the south did during the reconstruction changed my mind lmao. How can you even deny that systemic racism against nogs existed when they literally made laws to round up and pacify as many niggers as possible right after they were freed from slavery? We should of had some type of boarding school program or something afterwards kek

>> No.23821760

>red hat

Haha cope and sneed, lil magapede!

>> No.23821914
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>it's wearing red it must be a drumphy!
mentally ill

>> No.23822029


You realize 90% of alt-right /pol/cels have mental illness right?

>> No.23822127

The best thing is that they have literally 0 OC. All they can manage to do is add a red hat to their 2016 crying Shillary fans. Thus proving further, the left can't meme.

>> No.23822677
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The governments job is to be my mommy.

>> No.23822772

I bet you drooling faggots think you're smart when in reality everyone is laughing at you and calling you pathetic faggots.