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File: 229 KB, 1080x955, Screenshot_20201109-002322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23807957 No.23807957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how to profit from misplaced self hatred?

>> No.23807969

Probably the worst meme I’ve ever seen desu. What Mexican sweatshop worker put that one together?

>> No.23808004
File: 186 KB, 730x1594, 1604702593905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better?

>> No.23808572

You dont understand.

Leftists are genetically incapable of shame. You can "trigger" them all you want but they legit don't feel shame. They just want to end your life. You can embarrass them, force them to spew cognitive dissonance sentence, make them look stupid, make them eat shit to an audience and laugh at them. They don't give a shit. And the moment they get one little victory, they act like smug monsters, they don't feel shame, but they get pleasure at destroying their enemies. The worst part is that rightists value what they say, instead of seeing them as subhumans, so they are affected by it. Left wingers legitimately cannot feel sham. They were humiliated and seen as the subhuman cowards 4 years ago. If a right winger experienced that, he would have been so ashamed and humbled, even 4 years from now. But the leftists wouldn't even feel shame even the day after. The left says the 2016 election had fraud, now they act like this election is legitimate. The boy who cried wolf, except leftists have no shame so they can keep crying wolf when they want. This is how they can make such a disingenuous image that even a normalfag can see what is wrong.

You consider pointing this out a win. Its not These people are evil.

>> No.23809451

>Leftists are genetically incapable of shame.
Holy projection

>> No.23809469

time and time again
the left cant meme

>> No.23809549

they can definitely feel shame, for 99% of them that’s why they’re so fucking easy to manipulate

>> No.23809566

OP, this is a really, really bad thread. It's not a good look. What were you thinking?