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23796639 No.23796639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe the US election was rigged in Joe Biden’s favor?

>> No.23796658


>> No.23796677


>> No.23796678


>> No.23796718


>> No.23796752

Well der. Ofc

>> No.23796753

Maybe. If they did it's probably not the first time.

>> No.23796754


>> No.23796764


>> No.23796767

Ofc. But it's not over.

>> No.23796796

maybe Idk.
OSCE claimed everything was okay. If someone can argue against their methods for proving that I might change my mind to team: "yes fraud".

All the "military/dead people/dog-ballots" in total comprised maybe 1k of faulty ballots so that cant be it.
And it was indeed obvious that the democrat were mainly going to go for a mail in vote.

>> No.23796810

yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clear

>> No.23796815

yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clear

>> No.23796818

we know

>> No.23796827

Oof Ivan, you remembered your proxy but forgot which thread you were posting in. Vlad is sure to cut your rations for this.

>> No.23796833

Of course, although the question is whether they'll get away with it again

>> No.23796837

Yes, but it would of been irrelevant if he had kept his promises to his initial base and not just became Jeb Bush with edgy tweets. This is not a /biz/ discussion though, I just wanted wanted to throw my two cents in. Apologies mods

>> No.23796842

I'm pretty sure there is shit going on both sides, it's just that the Biden side was more blatant about it. The country is a fucking joke, Dick Chaney is going to be commanding once again, good luck America.

>> No.23796862

Pretty obviously, yes. I don't expect the Supreme Court to do anything about it, either. Republicans in red states should be pushing to leave the union, though like brexit that's bad for business so it'll be tough

>> No.23796868

Yes, communists are amoral godless scum so of course they cheat.

>> No.23796870


>> No.23796885
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>This is not a /biz/ discussion though, I just wanted wanted to throw my two cents in. Apologies mods

>> No.23796896

yes and I believe many elections have been rigged. The bush/gore one would obviously rigged and 2016 had Russian and Cambridge analytica meddling. If trump wants to prove me wrong about Russia, he needs to release his tax returns just like every other president. Too bad he had four years to do it.

Anyone picking sides in our "democracy" has to be the absolute DUMBEST mother fuckers

>> No.23796898

Outright fraud? Not likely but dirty tactics like extending the election day without approval of state courts and confusing people to use a provisional ballet. I mean the result is the same as fraud but it can always be argued that they didn't mean to. They scammed bernie out of the election twice and bernie bros somehow already forgot. Either way it doesn't matter because it's not about the law it's about what judge is willing to prosecute. Not even the supreme court if it made it there would do anything it would tarnish there name forever. The media influences the mob which influences the decisions by prosecutors. Nothing will ever change until we take care of the "real" problem.

>> No.23796926

Fat black city workers in democrat strongholds have been holding their receptive states and this country hostage for decades.

>> No.23796930

>le russia meddling

You know the system did an entire investigation on this and found nothing, right? Literally a few Russian organizations bought a couple thousand dollars worth of Facebook ads, if thats all it takes to be considered cheating then Israel rigged every election going back decades

>> No.23796942


>> No.23796960

yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clear

>> No.23796973

100% yes.

>> No.23796984

yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clear

>> No.23797052

nah, trump fags are just too delusional to realize most people are not retarded enough to non-ironically like trump

>> No.23797065


>> No.23797072



>> No.23797121
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Vote Joe Rogan. He'll beat everybody.

>> No.23797137
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>> No.23797146


>> No.23797150
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>> No.23797153
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>> No.23797178
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>> No.23797184

Dominion software owned for 60% by the husband of Dianne Feinstein. Probrem?

>> No.23797212

Modern elections have always been rigged, the people haven't had control in a long time.

>> No.23797230

>like trump
You faggots can't make a single honest argument for why you want him out so bad. All you have is the fact you don't "like" the guy. That's apparently reason enough to hand control of the world back to the corporate syndicates you also pretend to hate but couldn't survive for five minutes without.

>> No.23797253
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>> No.23797296
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Based TA.

>> No.23797473

yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clea

>> No.23797573

It was so obviously and blatantly rigged in so many different ways that I'm forced to believe that they wanted everyone outside of MSM to know it was rigged and get fired up. RW false fl*g soon, probably.

>> No.23797583

yes, without a doubt

>> No.23797591


>> No.23797594


>> No.23797599


yes, there are several indicators that point to potential fraud
the fact that the media and the left refuse to acknowledge the possibility after shilling the idea of foreign election meddling in 2016, makes it even more clear

>> No.23797609


>> No.23797614

That’s the thing that bothers me. Trump didn’t actually do much as president. He wasn’t allowed to. COVID was lose-lose no matter what he did but muh “Trump murdered 300,000 people.” The damning narrative that gets shilled over and over is that Trump is the source of racism in America as if it’s something that just started happening in 2016 (fucking lol). Some annoying tweets and a loud minority of MAGA assholes, the easiest psyop ever btw, are what they cling to, neither of which affect his policy. I’m not a big Trump supporter but it’s unbelievable how badly the media fucked this guy.

>> No.23797616


>> No.23797620


>> No.23797653

Both sides tried to rig the election by spending months telling everyone to mark a certain name on a piece of paper and send it in, it's just that the Dems got 4 million more people across the country to send one in than the Republicans did.

>> No.23797654


>> No.23797657

Daily reminder that ES&S systems, not Dominion - is the largest voting machine supplier and manufacturer, and has historically been in bed with and controlled by the GOP. Both sides cheat.

>> No.23797674

america has the largest deaths per capita and the retard president talks about covid like it's a joke

>> No.23797728

>I’m not a big Trump supporter but it’s unbelievable how badly the media fucked this guy.
I supported him in 2016 because I thought the media would be exposed. I didn't expect policies to be pushed through but I did expect people to wake up slightly to the insanity that is the global media syndicate that rules the world. Instead people just became more entrenched media golems. It doesn't matter anymore how insane or easy to disprove a claim is, as long as the syndicate repeats it it becomes holy truth and anyone suggesting otherwise deserves violence for being "intolerant" or something.

>> No.23797738

Well I knew that he lost the moment they announced the major mail in ballots and know he would have won for sure if they didn't drastically change the way we do elections. They took advantage of something that China created for sure. I think China rigged it in a masterful 4D chrss maneuver

>> No.23797740


>> No.23797743


>> No.23797775
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>> No.23797777

it's plausible. i'm enjoying the memes but I'm waiting for professional analyses.

>> No.23797793

for what it's worth, you got me. aside from not starting any new wars, exposing the cathedral is trumps biggest accomplishment

>> No.23797796

Of course, the dems own me a lot of money on my bets.

>> No.23797807

the president literally has social media to post whatever he wants and shows the world himself he is a fucking moron. the media doesnt need to do anything

>> No.23797809

No. It’s fair. Hoes mad.

>> No.23797826

You have to be retarded to not know he was losing months ago. Mail in shit did him in. He knew it too. Yes, Joe Biden, whohardly campaigned and looked like a walking stiff got more votes than anyone in history. Seems legit

>> No.23797839

Nothing will happen though.

>> No.23797888

People on here are retarded now so it's no wonder they believe it

>> No.23797892

The is definitely something suspicious about Biden, a man with all the charm, personality and desire of room-temperature milk, being the most voted person in US history. Above even Obama and Hilary.

The guy barely even campaigned and I've barely heard anyone say a good word about him, not even his VP, and I'm supposed to believe Americans loved him?

>> No.23797900

No one said Russia literally put in game ballots. They spread misinformation, that's all people have ever said.

>> No.23797948

They're all rigged against the goyim. Trump did his job and now he's gone. Even if you don't believe in literal rigging, look at the gaslighting polls and full court press by the media.

>> No.23797988

>pivots to his talking points about how the man is unlikable
The syndicate media was the biggest threat to the world long before Trump but now it's an absolutely united front with no cracks by aspiring journalists looking for the actual truth. The WMD line for example had at least some push back. There's none of that left, all semblance of journalism has been removed. All of them are now pure propaganda entities who have managed to convince the citizens that they have the authority to decide what the president can and can not say.

>> No.23798029
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I believe bitcoin was rigged to create NEC

>> No.23798031

>literal rigging
A Russian company buying $100k worth of facebook ads is election tampering according to them but 24 hour constant bombardment of the same politically charged narratives with no critical thought applied are not.

>> No.23798037


>> No.23798062

There was fraud but uncertain on if it was enough to make a difference.

>> No.23798063
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You know it, I know it. They know it

>> No.23798087

Well its like with covid. The fact is covid has a 1.5% mortality rate. But you have that faggot fr cnbc and formerly fox shepherd Smith, basically whining for people to stay home oh gawd. Then you have the right wing media saying it's all a hoax.

Goyim just let the narrative be directed by the elite. Make no mistake, orange man is in on it.

>> No.23798099
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Yeah, but it pumps my crypto bags and accelerates towards the race war so it’s a good thing.

>> No.23798119

Dewy, Biden and Gore
the what could have been team

>> No.23798137

Riggers get the rope