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23783170 No.23783170 [Reply] [Original]

NOOOOOOOOOO it's not FAIR, we were supposed to /make it/!!!

>> No.23783195


>> No.23783212

I never understand if these threads are LARPS or not. If you don't hodl you're ngmi anyway, right?

>> No.23783268

not short.
The market will go back to normal once investors realize trump supporters are all talk and won't pull off a boogaloo.

>> No.23783276
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>> No.23783278

oh my god you have no idea what youre talking about
bearish very bearish

>> No.23783293
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>> No.23783322

okay so enlighten me.
What is going exactly?

>> No.23783346

biden won, you'll see massive profit taking on the stocks side and since crypto still is a correlating asset you'll see the same happen here
which means, a massive crash, bigger than march
bezos sold, like he did in march

>> No.23783351
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You’re in for a treat anon

>> No.23783356

election fraud got a chinese puppet into the whitehouse
if fraud is confirmed = murrican civilwar/election was always fradulent
if fraud not confirmed = communist puppet stays
ur done nigger
everyone cashing out for shinny rocks guns and supplies

>> No.23783399

>which means, a massive crash, bigger than march
So you mean I'll finally be able to own a whole bitcoin is what you're saying.

>> No.23783404


>> No.23783413

if you are american you might never "own" anything ever again

>> No.23783414

it went down to 3k o nmarch, if its bigger than march then I should be able to own a whole bitcoin for 300 american pesos.

>> No.23783435

like i said, it depends, if it goes down to 3k people will buy since they've seen it go down and up again and know that it will happen again
so expect massive buy pressure the lower it gets

>> No.23783437
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That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, Jack

>> No.23783443

Based. Fuck the non believers

>> No.23783515
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Hes fudding bro. Relax. This is a bear trap. Think for a fucking sceond.
On a saturday afternoon. Aftr a very volatile election with unprecedendet circumastances thanks to the plandemic. And you think the bear market starts now all of a sudden? This is the retraction before the golden bullrun. Dude, 2017 will be nothing compared to this.
And one tip for any of you fools reading this. Look at coinbase.pro which one dumped basically not at all. That token is the winning ticket. Its the better ETH network and nobody realized how cheap it is atm. It was on the news and you probably saw it if you paid attention.

>> No.23783558

>better ETH
>This is the retraction before the golden bullrun
oh no no no HAHHAAHAHHAH

>> No.23783682

I dare you to short, faggot.
Do it and see what youll get. Trump will back down once the GOP turns his back on him. And they will. There wont be a civil war, yet! The markets already knew Trump would lose. I know Biden cheated but when the ENTIRE establishment is against you, you will lose. Thats how it is. The pump we had was insignificant. They knew shaky hand faggots like you would take their 5 Dollar earnings and run into the pink sunset. The golden bullrun will start come monday. Remember that, Gaylord.

>> No.23783709

nice empty words faggot, you literally explain nothing
i however explained some things here >>23783346

>> No.23783778

I didnt watch the news. Spoonfeed me. Which one?

>> No.23783794
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>not buying the dip
you'll never /make it/

>> No.23783803

You kiss your black stepfathers cock with that mouth, young lady?
Bezos does that all the time btw. Its all in the open.
And the march crash was a one in a lifetime event. Wont happen again. But go ahead. Wait for ETH to drop to 90 USD again. Or BTC under 4k. Good luck with that though. You are selling way under price and tell people to panic when theres no reason to do so.

>> No.23783827

>march crash was a one in a lifetime event
even if everything your just said is correct, THIS is just fucking false which just means you have no idea what you're talking about
sooner or later we WILL see a massive crash, so saying it will literally never happen is so retarded i cant believe you are able to read and write

>> No.23783890

If you cant hold an asset as volatile as crypto and stomach baby swings you honestly do not deserve to make it. Bear posters will literally never make it.

>> No.23783893

OOOh right. That totally normal and reccuring event when the entire planet went full retard and destroyed their respective economies for a glorified flu.
Shiiit das rite, brotha. Happenz all da time.

>> No.23783894

What fucking coin are you even talking about, tard?

>> No.23783934

>Happenz all da time
literally does but thats beside the point

>> No.23783972

Do your own research. I wont pre-digest it for your gay ass, faggot. Work for your money!

>> No.23783998

>Look at coinbase.pro which one dumped basically not at all. That token is the winning ticket. Its the better ETH network and nobody realized how cheap it is atm
wait are you talking about fucking EOS

>> No.23784028
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Yes, im just larping. Dont buy it, faggot. Its a shitcoin. I swear.

>> No.23784050

So why even post if you're talking in riddles? Either you want to help or you dont

>> No.23784063
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>shills eos
>retraction before the golden bullrun
>empty words
>one in a lifetime event
>new viruses dont happen ever 5 years
you have no fucking clue
why are you even posting shit if you dont know anything about anything

>> No.23784169
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>> No.23784213

I pulled out, because I think at the very least, it isn't going to the moon in the next little while. Probably gonna dip hardcore due to Joey. Gonna reinvest all those gains though when things stabilize back down to a reasonable level, then ride the stimulus next year.

You pull when it's as high as you think it's gonna go, you invest when you think it's as low as it's gonna go.

Take your gains now, reinvest later, and we haitian.

>> No.23784269

I would have eventually. Relax bro. Anyway, buy EOS because Google will buy them this coming year and they have really big plans. Its all set in motion.
> How do you faggot know?

You might ask. Well, because the company I work for has been hired to faciliate certain ressources. Im using a proxy and am too small a fish to get caught talking about this. But go ahead, ignore it. Im giving you pure gold.
Have you ever saw someone talking about EOS or shilling it since 2018?
I dont know how many will read this, let alone believe this. But im telling you now, once and never again. 1 EOS will hit triple digits next year. I promise you that.

>> No.23784390

Im in a good mood, so fuck it.
Look at EOS resistance.
You know why that happened all of a sudden?
Because the deal was struck like 3 days ago.
And numereous people buy EOS like crazy now. Its surge wasnt a fake pump like most other shit. It was natural growth because people started accumulating. But go ahead call me a schizo and ignore it. Because I truly believe If I can help even one of you schizos, karma will pay me back.

>> No.23784409

you're wrong about everything you said why should we believe your LARP kek

>> No.23784470
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One for the finale and im out.
Look at the books and see how all of a sudden big purchases started rolling up. Look at it closely and you will see that im not lying.
Im out though. Good luck to us all.

>> No.23784491

>Im out though
and just like that, dodging everything i say you fuck off, good job retard

>> No.23784500

*Tripled in value since April

NOOOOOOO it's not fair

>> No.23784592

Because its you, sunshine, im saying this one last time.
I bought for 8 grand because I have shit to pay and never really saved up, like a retard. My mistake. However, I got like 3000 EOS and fully expect to pay off my entire apartment and car with that next year. Im trying to get my parents to give me another 10k but im not sure I can convince them- They are retarded upper class landlords who think this shit is childs play. They will never learn...

>> No.23784619

>my parents to give me another 10k
>the company I work for has been hired to faciliate certain ressources
are you 19yo ?

>> No.23784677
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> biden bad for stonks and crypto

Fucking idiots, stonks don't care about a presidential change, much less if Senate and SCOTUS are not with the pres.

You know what stonks care about?

Civil wars.

As time goes on Biden victory is assured and Trump legal stuff will fall to the ground. Good for stonks. Bad for crypto, instability was somewhat good for crypto.

Notheless no news are revelante now, we are in a bull market and BTC will rise one way or the other.

>> No.23784704

LOL, I wish. I drive a 60k BMW and pay off an apartment and have other expensive hobbies. I never really saved up because im not a degen neet and enjoy life, faggot.
I never really invested into shit anyway and actually laughed about Crypto back in the day. I know better now and wouldnt have invested in anything actually. Till rumors flew around that we might get hired for some big thing. To be honest I never even knew what EOSIO was before all of this. If I had knewn I would have saved up every last penny, of course. But hindsight is 20/20 and in reality nobody knew this would happen. So im happy even if my stack stays at 3k. Still nice.

>> No.23784723

>im bad with money and buy shitty cars
>i ENJOY life
>i dont know anything about crypto lol
>BUT EOS... its for SURE gonna moon

>> No.23784753

Based. Im seeing btc/alt gains across the board.
This is starting to look like 2017 again.
Btc/alt pairings at a all time low.
Whales moving into alts.

>> No.23784819

>stonks don't care about a presidential change
when a president plans to literally put in place regulations that trump removed you can expect the big players to take profits
so yes, they do

>> No.23785529
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nice 7 day gains faggot