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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23753218 No.23753218 [Reply] [Original]

Any hope for Lition? Was such a promising coin...

>> No.23753276

If you didnt do your due dilligence on the acquisition then kys honestly

>> No.23753291

developers who didnt know there is delay between syncing nodes and you bought it. everyone invested in this is a fucking brainlet

>> No.23753302

Congratulitions, you just bought a scam

>> No.23753301

Tech was enough to be bought out (with its existing ecosystem) by a company that excel their times 4x. kys

>> No.23753310

with shitcoins like these you buy low and sell high
you know when its "high" when you see more than 3 threads on the catalog

>> No.23753325

they bought open source software.

>> No.23753381

Moonboys getting shaken out, tomo whales will pick up cheap coins and dump on moonboys near 1$. Rinse and repeat

>> No.23753664

Thinking of staking this for a year if nothing interesting happens in November or December.
Don’t really see anything promising in the coming months but in a year or two this is about to explode I’m pretty sure.
We’re still in the 2018 link phase

>> No.23753703


I wouldnt stake if I had the option to cash out. We are about to enter a bullrun in BTC which will pump ALL alts. You want to be in those. Nothing will happen to Lition due to the bullrun, only some news.

>> No.23753718

>bullrun will pump alts
>bullrun will not pump lition, an alt

>> No.23753747

im about to stake this for a year. i bought in at 5 cents so im still up. Only reason this dumped is crypto moon boys "muh chinks" and dumped. thats lthe only reason lmao. It's better than ever now.

>> No.23753757

Totally agree. But i’m currently at about a 50% loss on lition so idk if it makes sense to pull out to regain losses

>> No.23753823


Why would anyone buy this shitcoin at the moment. We dont even have complete information about the acquisition. For all we know, Richard owns the next 6 months of unlocks.

>> No.23753833


The idea isn't the problem. The problem is that Richard possibly will have a bag of 10 million LIT.

>> No.23753851


That was not the reason. The reason was that Richard admitted the project was doomed, and had been for months because he was utterly incompetent. The price did not reflect the value of what they had done. We were overvalued. Currently the price is more accurate. If we get a usecase and a exchange we should be able to climb.

>> No.23753995

no he didnt admit that you piece of shit. He sold it cause hes too small to expand it to the ambitions he had. He's still working with lit and lit energy,
>If we get a usecase and a exchange we should be able to climb.
true and thats a realistic goal that will happen sooner than moonboys think. til then ill be staked for a year.

>> No.23754033

because it's going to be listing on actual CEXes soon and will rise with other alts even if no one wants it due to bot trading

>> No.23754280


His actions admitted it. He couldnt secure any usecases and they couldnt even finish the main-net without help from TOMO.

>> No.23754313


To be fair that doesn't suggest that Lition is doomed, it just highlights his incompetence as a CEO. If anything his departure is a good thing. In fact this in undeniable.

>> No.23754654

>no more litgen

yeah, its dead

>> No.23754679

This. Where did all the bakers go? I need hopium…

>> No.23754685

it is a promising project which is why Tomochain bought them. drank them up like a milkshake in that movie. Enjoy the boost sir

>> No.23754692


You struggle with reading comprehension or something? That is literally what I have said in this thread.

However there are easier money to be made with the coming alt-bullrun that being stuck in this shitcoin while waiting for news to break.

-200k staked.

>> No.23754702


I am one of them. None of us can be bothered with baking while this thing crabs. The last threads were only fudding, crying, caps and retardation.

If you miss the generals, make them yourself. Do SOMETHING for once in your life.

>> No.23754724

It dumped because people were expecting a major CEX announcement (and instead got TomoDex), a new sidechain launching or finally something from the SAP relationship materializing. Everyone expected something big. Instead, this huge curveball and we are back at square one. I agree this is ultimately a very good development for the project, but it’s no wonder we dumped so hard.

>> No.23754785

This. Before all the Tomo shit (which is more than enough reason to consider this dead) their blockchain was in a shambles for months, utter incompetence and pure vaporware

>> No.23754980

>That was not the reason. The reason was that Richard admitted the project was doomed, and had been for months because he was utterly incompetent
This. Dude is a failure

>> No.23755002
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Don't reply to fud threads.
Ignore fud threads.
>Pic related

>> No.23755109

it's not doomed but it's probably gonna take a while for tomo to materialize LIT's value

>> No.23755449

Better shift into SHYFT instead. Way better project

>> No.23755484

Just buy ETH bro, ETH 2.0 is on track its going to do a 10 x easy, way less risk than shitcoins

>> No.23755750

I bought this shit more than a year ago at 23c, the market was on the rise like it is today and it seemed that any shit can moon, especially european, but then it crashed and i became suspicious. It turned out that seed investors leave the project. My 20k turned on to 2k.
I asked and asked questions in their tg group with 21k members lol 99.999% of which were bots, and it became clear for me that the SAP partnership is the same kind of PARTNERSHIP they have with Microsoft - discount hosting servers for startups... I called up this shit in tg and got attacked by fanatics and got banned there.
I was really surprised when it hit 20c last month, and was ready to sell at 23 but it was just pump and dump so Richard can Cash out and throw the project to a trash bin like a used condom.

>> No.23755789

Doctor Failure

>> No.23755837

Heavy in lit but I agree though

>not on binance
>not enough liquidity
> no news for the forseeable future

I’m sticking with buying some shitcoins that will moon and then putting the profits back in lit

>> No.23755884

It's a long term hold buddy. But there's no reason to deny yourself returns. Things like Lition or early stage Chainlink are best acquired with dollar cost averaging. Sure you didn't get it when it was $0.07, but you did get a lot of it before it was orders of magnitude larger.

>> No.23756151

The community has disappeared.
Tg is pure FUD.
altcoins are pumping, lit trying not drop below 7 cents.

You need more facts?
Or better if someone say 1000 EOY?

>> No.23756171

Just wait for btc correction. 2-3 cents coming.

>> No.23756276
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>t. (You)

>> No.23756283

Ouuu....i forgot, guess who has
10 mln lit? Yep, it's Richard!

>> No.23756420

How many did you stake? ;)

>> No.23756462

120k staking + 20k bought after the dip. You? ;)

>> No.23756868
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I bought 50k in April, sold yesterday for usdt. Never stake, it's obviously trap doesn't matter lit or some other shit.
I had big hopes with lit, but after what Cheng pong said ( adoption 5-10 years) no chance to come back.

>> No.23756948

>I had big hopes with lit, but after what Cheng pong said ( adoption 5-10 years) no chance to come back.

He didnt say that though

>> No.23757543
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Relax frens, based assertive mummy Anh will guide us back to the top

>> No.23757567

Why is Richard still dumping? I thought he was out of coins.

>> No.23757580
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WHAT i was right?! wow who would have guessed ....

>> No.23757817


And you didnt make any money off it. Good job faggot

>> No.23759282
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50k staked. I've been in here since before mainnet fail last year.

>> No.23759981

retarded question, do you expect me to short lit?

>> No.23760875

Based OG. Stay strong mate.

>> No.23761064


>> No.23761079

>Why is Richard still dumping? I thought he was out of coins.
>he doesn't know

>> No.23761097

I guess I'll just toss my 10k up for staking. I was thinking of holding to swing trade this november, but really the APR is the winning play here

>> No.23762151
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>> No.23762267

Still have a huge stack. I'm pretty rekt.
Still it's stupidity undervalued.

>> No.23762521
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>> No.23762556

just hope we get a decent exchange combined with some good news

>> No.23762576

>decent exchange
Completely useless.

>> No.23763587

no it's not. a listing or two would be quite useful for me to break even and dump my heavy 0.14c bags

>> No.23764374

you know what heavy fudding means, right?

>> No.23764481


>> No.23765053


>> No.23765886

it's over

>> No.23766415
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>> No.23766512

Because you are retarded

>> No.23766520

0 hope this 0.07$ are just because schizos buying dip not knowing what caused this dip or staking cucks

>> No.23766551 [DELETED] 

I just made a discord because I want to be able to talk cwypto with biz anons!


>> No.23766702

Reading all the fud is the same shit I read about chain link when it was at 30 cents. Even the worst of shitcoins hit a dollar during a golden bull run and it’s guaranteed this will too.

>> No.23766732


>> No.23766742

I have zero investment in this shitcoin but I’m buying a fat stack of this when it hits 2-3 cents in the next week.

>> No.23766749

>2-3 cents in the next week.
Not happening

>> No.23766808

It’s been crabbing at 6-8 cents for a week. If BTC keeps mooning alts are going to suffer. And we will likely see it below 5 cents.

>> No.23766863
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dont do it you'll get burned like I did, this is a complete scam now that its owned by china

>> No.23767739

When did generals stop? I haven't been here for awhile.

>> No.23767780

few days i think

>> No.23767908

After the dust settled from the Acquisition

>> No.23768091
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Imagine being stuck staking now

>> No.23768131

Sorry bro, but you should have dumped when they announced the acquisition. I was deep in lit but made a decent profit dumping straight after that news

>> No.23768756

Imagine waiting for a pump and dump -71% from a week ago in vits.

>> No.23768769

how tf do you find shitcoins when they are low? soft launch etc

>> No.23769387

thread is full of red ids kek, this shit will be totally left behind in the nedt bullrun, probably drops all the way to 3ct soon anyways

>> No.23769477

Richtard low.IQ will dump all the tokens he's getting in the next six months. Like a boss.

>> No.23769901

Do you think we will get to 1c again?

>> No.23769927

Yes but not anytime soon. Richtard will make sure the price is high enough for his dump. This shit might even go as high as $0.20 before the massive dump. You should sell around April, max July, based on the vesting schedule.

>> No.23770227

Well, January is another unlock where Richards brother (biggest wallet) will def dump all his tokens again so I want to sell before that.

>> No.23770352
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Based Reinhard. He has always known the blockchain was a meme