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File: 39 KB, 536x354, 1604069103859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23747147 No.23747147 [Reply] [Original]

Did you buyed?

>> No.23747162

nope i have 6 oz of gold and 100 oz of silver. i feel like such a dumb fucking faggot

>> No.23747164

since DEC 2018.

>> No.23747174

gotta be able to fit your networth up your rectum

>> No.23747202

he's probably got a huge asshole

>> No.23747205


i hope that includes an antminer or two for you btc maxis.

>> No.23747224

kek i have both crypto and gold. never unerstood only have 1

>> No.23747226
File: 369 KB, 1023x576, randy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made more in a day than 4 months of wage slaving

>> No.23747255

Yep, I'm done. No more funds left for crypto. Time to sit back and watch.

>> No.23747296

3.5 and counting

>> No.23747302
File: 66 KB, 675x601, silverboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks ago some metal boomer was telling me how the founding fathers would have been against bitcoin... When I tried to knowledge drop he just called me a smartass. I wasn't rude or anything to him, but right now I'm feeling as smug and comfy as can be.

>> No.23747318


I'm taking out a $100k loan to buy more, we are all going to be so, so rich.

>> No.23747325

I converted all my shitcoins to btc at 11.9 a couple weeks ago and just sold 15.9. I'll buy back in a few hours/days around 14

>> No.23747328
File: 80 KB, 882x758, 11062733-0A0E-492D-A7A5-2A15BDF75157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was literally 10k a few months ago and I, still, said no.

>> No.23747363

is this how everybody gets these fat portfolios? I was debating whether I wanted to hold or start swinging so I can live off this shit. Whats the strategy here?

>> No.23747405


>> No.23747432

fuck you say to me?

>> No.23747439
File: 4 KB, 166x49, bitfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this much bitcoin. Will I make it, bros?! I don't have money to buy more. :, (

>> No.23747442

I sold a couple months ago at $11k. Never going back to crypto.

>> No.23747459 [DELETED] 


>> No.23747467

You have a little less than what can be evenly distributed around the world. I think you’re fine for what it’s worth.

>> No.23747483
File: 503 KB, 2698x1496, XBTC_Dominance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought and leveraged long with XBTC.

>> No.23747486


>> No.23747496

Lmao he fell for the jew rocks

>> No.23747527

imagine buying 1btc at 10k then selling at 12k because you lost interest now slowly buying in again

>> No.23747595
File: 463 KB, 1000x563, Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_10.01.55_AM_kkhcxb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke half a mil on my trezor
about to break 100k on my coinbase account i keep shit on
and 2.1 btc on 3 edgers and 2 trezor split

you don't know how happy i am. how far i came, how hard I had to work for this. everyone i know who talks crypto usually has few hundred or maybe a few grand, occasionally someone with 1 or more btc. knowing that years ago buying up an 'online collectable' and fast forward a few years of waging and i may be able to retire this bull run for good. I'm about to cry and laugh at the same time. i know theres anons who have felt this exact way. i just can't believe it is actually happening.

>> No.23747626

hold it for 10 years and buy a new car.

>> No.23747630

traders by and large lose money, but my strategy is to sell a portion to dollars once things look parabolic on medium/long timeframes, like they do now. historically, selling btc on a day it gains ~15% (like today) has allowed for a better entry if you're patient

>> No.23747655
File: 98 KB, 1024x716, Kawasaki Vulcan 650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good or a bad car? Used one? I wanna a bike, man.

>> No.23747663

honest trust, 3 options:
1. calls, almost always options calls to make $. but usually they cash out for cash and not leave btc or keep much btc on the platforms. btc is very rare.
2. bought before 2017 and saved on
3. found some from a while back

I'm only talking about 250k and up and thats not that much if you were here in 2016

>> No.23747676
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Sold most of my btc to participate in a rugpull....

>> No.23747748

Thanks for an actual response. I'm talking more about how to get there though. I get tons of people bought a few years ago and made a shit ton of money but what about growing an account from $5000 and up? Like are most people selling BTC right now hoping it's going to tank in the morning to buy back in?

>> No.23747814

>taking out a $100k loan
No you're not unless it's a HELOC, Banks are not lending right now and they certainly aren't to the tune of $100k. Maybe you can get a 10%+ interest rate loan on like $10k but even then you'd probably do something dumb like buy the top and sell the bottom

>> No.23747861

I panic sold all my BCH for like ~$200 months back but kept all my BTC. BCH is fucking finished anyways, these last few scam pumps are worthless.

>> No.23747860


>> No.23747928

How much do you have? I got a headache trying to tally up your inventory
You have to follow charts and make educated guesses. I follow Conquer Investing and Trading on YouTube and he has good analysis on BTC.
Currently I am waiting for the run up to hit 17/18k and drop back down between 12-14k.
Your best bet is honestly to just buy the dips and hold instead of trying to time the tops because I don't think you're going to get it right or even be close. Not saying that to be a dick but when something is going up 10x in a year its better to just play it safe and get the sure thing than risk it to edge out some more gains but potentially set yourself even further back.
The other thing to remember is that there are always opportunities. Right now BTC is the best opportunity but after this bull run there will be other opportunities in other assets. Just have to keep your eyes open and your wallet ready.

>> No.23748017

Nice thanks man. Does conquer investing make educated guesses on his channel or is that all you with the charts?

>> No.23748031

fuck politics

100x presale bout to pop


>> No.23748044

and what i said before was what thought buying the dips was. As in waiting for the morning to buy back in and stuff. What do you mean exactly?

>> No.23748090

What assets are you eyeing after BTC tops? I've got a majority ETH right now, with some good positions in DOT, OCEAN and NWC, and am trying not to FOMO into BTC

>> No.23748207
File: 73 KB, 1000x1262, dollarz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go into work next week wearing this

>> No.23748293
File: 702 KB, 500x500, sataniachan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy bitcoin call options right fucking now. only use 20% of your stack and make sure you get good prices. hold bitcoin with the other 80%. use ledgerx if you're a burger.
99% of shitcoiners don't even know what options are.

>> No.23748299

I just use his analysis to guide me, I’m too retarded.
It’s easy to think you’re buying a dip when it’s not one and it’s easy to think the price is getting away and FOMO in that’s why it’s a good idea to follow some people who know what they’re talking about as opposed to just winging it or taking advice on here.
Not sure, maybe alts maybe equities maybe both. It’s hard to know exactly. I only just started buying BTC again over the last month or so and maybe a week or two ago ago I sold out of all my equities and put it into BTC.

>> No.23748320

What platform are you using for options?

>> No.23748329

I unironically bought about $110,000 worth.....at $19,000 each. These past 3 years have been painful.

>> No.23748332

I don't either. Can you do that on coinbase?

>> No.23748402
File: 29 KB, 700x394, c81f554101a36e4b853318b7f937fcbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy bitcoin but my bank account be on hold. I have fomo and there's nothing I can do about it

>> No.23748473


>> No.23748497

Can we ban this nigger for failure to communicate (global rule)?

>> No.23748521

nvm I know what you mean. So you only gamble with 20% of your stack overall on the dips and just keep accumulating?

>> No.23748527
File: 234 KB, 702x1013, ICantSaveYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys ever wish you could save them?

>> No.23748630


>> No.23748633
File: 738 KB, 659x657, 1389330046615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw only 0.27

>> No.23748695
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1502346758222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 0.16 because poor, but still good

>> No.23748728


>> No.23748756

this is LITERALLY what i did except 7k buy

>> No.23748828

I am going to feel so sorry for you when ETH 2.0 drops.

>> No.23748911


a kawi cruiser? i dunno man. i love japanese bikes but if you want a cruiser then why get a sterile foreign bike?

>> No.23749570

heh, same