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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23688259 No.23688259 [Reply] [Original]

Up to $1.60 huge whales buying in.

The buy back event will be huge.

Telegram: @surf_finance


>> No.23688274

Just make sure you dump before they rug :P

>> No.23688285

exit pump

>> No.23688292

surf will never launch

>> No.23688294

>really thinks there will be a buy back kek

>> No.23688297

Someones salty they didn't listen earlier. Its not too late anon, join us.

>> No.23688304


>> No.23688325
File: 173 KB, 671x900, 3C237478-8E2F-4ACD-B726-0A5E0B07F7D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surfs up

>> No.23688324

Surf is the most based project on uniswap Love all the fud it attracts. Like an early Link.

>> No.23688337

Based reverse rugpull
Pajeets are seething

>> No.23688341

why god why didnt I go all in

>> No.23688351

There is no use case like every other shitcoin marketing scheme. Wow you’re making 1000x returns in worthless tokens. Where is the demand going to come from for you to dump your bags?

>> No.23688363

Fuck off Telegram pajeet.

>> No.23688368

dude. i'm holding. there's no way i'm not gonna sell before the "event"

>> No.23688379

Imagine still using the oldest boomer its a ponzi fud. There is a place for people like you over at r/buttcoin

>> No.23688384

Magic carpet upwards?

>> No.23688408

Excuse me sir, but I think PMG would be more your speed. Feel free to exit this thread

>> No.23688415

I can’t wait to see you see the harder than you already are

>he hasn’t heard of phase 2
B-but anons they’re going to buy back with $2M it’s not a good choice!
Imagine being you.

This is hands down the best defi project out right now.

>> No.23688418


Read the whitepaper you retard.

>> No.23688426

the event will be huge, cant wait !!

>> No.23688432

>being this retarded
I can’t wait to rub my balls in your face.

>> No.23688437

It literally is.

>> No.23688454

So is chainlink

>> No.23688462

See >>23688408
Also >>23688324

>> No.23688589

bought in @0.9$
This is going to make me rich af

>> No.23688600

Read the whitepaper moron. Whoever isn’t in surf is sub80. This is an IQ test that you’re failing miserably.

>> No.23688663

Do I get the fuck out of the pool not to get rekt by IL?

>> No.23688665

$5 soon

>> No.23688728

unstake and remove liquidity

>> No.23688751

How will IL reck you?? You'll still make a profit, just not as much

>> No.23688783

Insider here. Whales will be selling prior to the event to dump the price.

Won't be posting again.

>> No.23688789

Yup, as expected. Whales dump and plebs get scraps

>> No.23688790

I’m in lol. It is a pony scheme, hence why the people get so defensive when I call it out. There is absolutely 0 value in this as a currency, store of value or token. The only reason people buy it is to speculate on price and to get interest

>> No.23688840

If they sell prior to the event then that’s a good thing lol. Seethe harder dumbfuck

Congrats you just summed up 99% of crypto. You did good.

>> No.23688882
File: 820 KB, 929x733, 27CDD461-59D2-4F24-8804-A47E720DC832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn’t heard of the whirlpool
>he hasn’t heard of the 2500 eth buyback
>he thinks it’s just a farming clone

The only thing you’re an insider of is your boyfriend. Neck

>> No.23688885

Don't think he's seething, he's just telling us the play

>> No.23688898

>shilling a token that benifits hodlers if it is not shilled
why the fuck are you dumb faggots shilling this? It literally benifits you if you FUD, stop SHILLING! FUCK.

>> No.23688903

>Whales will be selling prior to the event to dump the price.
As if this wasn't obvious

>> No.23688997

>yeah let’s dump BEFORE 2500 eth goes in
Very smart
DYOR fucking retard. Do you even crypto hahahahahaha

>> No.23689094

This is merely the community building and token distribution phase before the implementation of long-term revenue sources for the Surf Ecosystem.
Surfboard owners like myself get to see what the devs have planned; I wouldn't be surprised to see the Surf Ecosystem become larger than Yearn.

>> No.23689261

This is peak midwit speculator right here, gents.

>> No.23689479

>Surfboard holders liike myself
@ me in the board room so I can confirm

>> No.23689713

why is price dropping before a buyback?

>> No.23690007

Ok guys so people who have surf-eth lp tokens should we get out before the event so that we dont get screwed by LP?

>> No.23690059

the fucking bots keep selling rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.23690082

dude... your LP will go into the whirlpool and all the skaters will receive rewards from the accumulated surf. 1% a day for 100 days - something like that

>> No.23690090

I meant to say impermenent loss, I am talking about the 2.5k eth buy up at 5 mil tokens

>> No.23690117


>> No.23690234

ponzi is collapsing

>> No.23690687

I am blessing this thread

>> No.23690704

people trying to get ahead of the market so they can restake at a lower price. It's all over the TG. I don't really know what they're thinking. Just hold and let a new price floor establish itself. Trying to time this is a fool's game.

>> No.23690718

>Trying to time this is a fool's game.
Exactly, going to get raped by whales and bots if you fuck it

>> No.23691042

$2 mil split four ways, $500k each for 2 months of work doesn't sound too bad. time to play zero or hero

>> No.23692296

noooo not the balls

>> No.23692405
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Where event?

>> No.23692440

5 million anon

>> No.23692678

What's the minimum for a good farming? should I just buy and hodl? will the price dump or will I wake up to a $5 surf tomorrow? is xrp the standard? Thanks.

>> No.23692686

3 hours

>> No.23692695

none of the above, amigo

>> No.23692699

110% they follow through. Biz won’t believe it because their dumbasses bought every rug imaginable and now they’re too poor to even consider buying so they just fud kek

>> No.23692714

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.23692743

That's the plan.

>> No.23693338

not dumping

>> No.23693362

i have insider information from the inner circle that the event will be delayed for awhile, do what you will with that information.

>> No.23693383
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Why do you people make it so obvious you aren't from 4chan? I thought you were supposed to be shilling to twitter, not /biz/.

>> No.23693453

And then the second time they do it.... bang!

>> No.23694354


>> No.23694402

massive green candle incoming

>> No.23694466

people aren't used to devs that don't have brown skin

one can tell the haters are desperate when they resort to nitpicking at grammar, capitalization, or god forbid, "reddit" spacing

>> No.23694477

Anons, take a look at the event code, more specifically, paymentsplitter.sol.
Those addresses are the ones that will rug you. Leave while you can.

>> No.23694561

more info on this please

>> No.23694597

can you guys explain to a noob how these bots and automated buys/sells adjust their gas and slippage so they can actually clear their transactions? is there a function or something that checks time to completion and adjusts gas on the fly? Or do they just set it crazy high to begin with

>> No.23694691

you asshole, none of those functions get called in the event contract lmao

>> No.23694750

also, if the devs intended to rug they could simply run away with everything instead of putting it in a smart contract

>> No.23694927

t minus 10, 9, 8....

>> No.23694933

No ETH is deposited into the event contract, it calls
uniswapRouter.removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(address(surf), _amount, 0, 0, address(whirlpool), block.timestamp + 5 minutes);
followed by whirlpool.addEthReward();

>> No.23695006


>> No.23695076

lmfao at the pajeets in the TG who bought the news like retards instead of just staking. whirlpool is fucking loaded now

>> No.23695093

I sold at 1.6 and put the rewards back into staking but my pool value just tanked did i fuck up?

>> No.23695110


>> No.23695113

how did i not fuck up my eth value tanked to shit

>> No.23695121

nah man it's just because the price of surf went down. staking rewards are calculated by $ amount not token amount (fixed APY)

>> No.23695126

That was it, now we can bury this coin and move along, thanks for playing idiots

>> No.23695130

the price is volatile, that’s all
just go back to compounding until whirlpool opens

>> No.23695134

nigger alert. I'm still raking it in by staking in surf/eth

>> No.23695146

can you eli5 the whirlpool shit it really doesnt make sense, why would i want to keep my lp locked for 100 days just to get a governance token that will probably dump every day?

>> No.23695154

why indeed

reread the whitepaper section about the whirlpool and come to your own conclusions

>> No.23695168

hype dead, enjoy bleedout. whirlpool incentives are dogshit

>> No.23695181

What moved this coin was hype, and its gone now. You will come to realize that when the volume drops.

>> No.23695186

i did, and it would probably help to show some projects that plan on using the surf token whirpool is not interesting at all

>> No.23695211
File: 29 KB, 1001x365, paperclip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a weird looking parabola friend. out here lookin like the mothafucking microsoft paperclip

>> No.23695247

Did the event happen? I was away for a while

>> No.23695263

yes, hodlers got rewarded, human swingers got rekt

>> No.23695272

This lol. I’m so comfy in surf LP. Retards got greedy and thought they could beat the bots lmfao. Whirlpool rewards 3x’d.

>> No.23695308

Can you still receive your staking rewards in stablecoin?

>> No.23695313

Lol awesome. I was tempted to swing it, but got pulled out to run some errands, guess it worked out well for me!

>> No.23695327 [DELETED] 

Oh yayyyyy, yet another pump and dump "finance" ponzi. You plebs will never learn.

Get into projects with real promise, not another copy and pasted code with a logo slapped on it.

https://cryptokek.com is where it's at.

Dev team have revealed their faces and names. They also have working products. Easily a 1000x all things considered.

>> No.23695441

surf is 100% original and proven themselves to not scam us, yeah I'm gonna stay with my 10% a day

>> No.23695534

this was never a thing, not sure what you're on about

>> No.23695546

Why the dump?

>> No.23695612

bots dumped the buy back

>> No.23695616


>> No.23695701

What are you talking about shizo? I’m earning 10% per day, who cares if it dumps 10% temporarily

>> No.23695975
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POV: You're fud'ing and Proof gives you this look