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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23683979 No.23683979 [Reply] [Original]

This will be known already to "Chainlink OGs" if you will, but I feel the need to give a quick rundown to anyone who is new onto the ride. Open your mind and enjoy.

>Memeticsis the study of information and culture based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents describememeticsas an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer.Memeticsdescribes how an idea can propagate successfully, but doesn't necessarily imply a concept is factual.

Ideas spread throughout a culture much like biology spreads through an environment.

Take 4chan as a particularly harsh environment, where as instead of relying on figures of authority or harsh moderation which moves populations towards group think, 4chan relies much more on individuation with no system of likes/favorites/retweets. This makes this website a particularly special place where ripe ideas can propagate long before hitting places that relay on group-think mentality.

To those of use who have browsed these image boards for a long time, you already know that a lot of aspects of internet culture seems to run deep here. Pepe and Wojack, still one of the longest running memes in the entirety of the internet, was birthed here. The first following Donald Trump ever had on the internet was first from the now infamous ‘politically incorrect’ board here. To those of us who have browsed these image boards, we know the feeling of an idea being organically ‘birthed’ vs an idea inorganically created. ITs the smugness and sureness that is unmatched anywhere else. Once you’ve been part of a culture being birthed here, you’ll be able to instantly spot it once it occurs again in the future.

>> No.23683997
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What is Synchronicity?

World renowned psychologist and philosopher Carl Jung describes his idea of Synchronicity as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle,” “meaningful coincidence”, “acausal parallelism” or “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.”

To explain the concept of Synchronicity simply, pic related does a better job. They are “coincidences” which are connected so meaningfully that their “chance” concurrence would represent a degree of improbability that would have to be expressed by an astronomical figure.

A young woman of higheducationand serious demeanor entered Jung’s office. Jung could see that her quest for psychological change was doomed unless he was able succeed in softening her rationalist shell with “a somewhat more human understanding.” He needed the magic of coincidence. He asked for it, searched his surroundings for it. He remained attentive to the young woman, while hoping something unexpected and irrational would turn up. As shedescribeda golden scarab—a costly piece of jewelry—she had received in a dream the night before, he heard a tapping on the window. He looked and saw a gold-green glint. Jung opened the window to coincidence. He plucked a scarabaeid beetle out of the air. The beetle, closely resembling the golden scarab, was just what he needed—or just what she needed. “Here is your scarab,” he said to the woman, as he handed her a link between herdreamsand the real world.
“God does not play dice with the universe”- Einstein

>> No.23684022
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Excerpt from book written by Carl Warwick, 2016-

People began to notice that the hieroglyph representing an Egyptian deity called “Kek” strongly resembled a man seated at a computer and a DNA strand emerging from it. They realized that this deity was also represented by a frog, and they quickly determined that this deity was influencing our political system, for political cartoons were more and more often featuring an otherwise mundane cartoon known as “smug Pepe” - a frog literally representing smugness encapsulated in image form; the strength of this image of course is the lack of a caption- it needed none, because the image came to represent smug satisfaction in every circle of understanding by pose alone- a gestural, non-verbal meme with significant meaning

Irreducible complexity matters; it is not possible to simplify. This image further because in a completely non-verbal manner it already perfectly expresses a feeling of smugness. How wonderfully this applied to people whose political ideology was gaining dominance, as it still is to this moment. Whether or not the influence of Kek plays a role large enough to topple the reigning world social order via democratic action is as yet unseen, but it will topple it regardless, either that way or some other way- for the egregore is now so powerful it is no longer even contained.

>> No.23684035
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Buy STA.

>> No.23684043
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Subsequent to this first wave of spread it was noticed that there was also a band called Pepe, which has produced, apparently, one single album back in the 1980s- this album, of course, included a cartoon frog waving a magic wand. As if it wasn’t already enough synchronicity to convince a fence sitter, the length of the one track contained on its “A’ side was 5 minutes, 55 seconds long: 5:55- that Kek is regarded as acting through repeating combinations of numbers, which represent stages between segments of chaos, is key here. This song even seemed, when translated from Italian, to represent what was happening in an occult manner as it overlapped with politics- it spoke of being free, liberated, and being the spawn of rebels and confusion, all very much in play.

I personally dug deeper and realized that 5 in Kaballah (jewish mysticism yes but still a folk rite in itself) was represented by Geburah, and that the numbered name of this sephiroth coincided with concepts such as “young male warriors” (a microcosm of the most significant fan base of the candidate this meme came to represent) and social stress. It was perhaps not coincidental that Geburah is also numbered as 216…. Or six times six. The mark of the best, how lovely.


>> No.23684081
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Ari fuels, head research at Chainlink labs

Those of us involved with LINK for awhile, read the 42 threads and such already know the connection between Ari fuels and 216

Ari Juels also wrote a novel,Tetrakyts. This is the description of it given on Amazon:
“International computer security expert Ari Juels brings his extraordinary talents to fiction in a literary thriller that spans the centuries. Cryptographer and classicist Ambrose Jerusalem is a UC Berkeley graduate student with a beautiful girlfriend and a comfortable future, until the National Security Agency recruits him to track a strange pattern of computer break-ins. Individually, they might not mean much a State Department official discovers a peculiar series of incriminating appointments in her computer calendar dating back to 18th century France; a corrupt president of the International Monetary Fund is startled by an oracular voice from his computer charging him with crimes against divine numerology and God but together, they provide disturbing evidence that someone has broken RSA encryption, the security lynchpin protecting the world’s computer systems. Even more bizarre, a secret cult of latter-day followers of Pythagoras, the great Greek mathematician and philosopher who believed reality could be understood only through a mystical system of numbers, appears to be behind the attacks. With his deep knowledge of both cryptography and classical antiquity, Ambrose is the government’s best chance to uncover the cult. Soon Ambrose discovers he is not only the hunter but the hunted, and the game is not simply code-breaking, but a deadly plan to alter the fate of the world.”

>> No.23684122
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The name of his book is a play on the word tetractys. The tetractys, or tetrad, is:
“a triangular figure consisting of ten points arranged in four rows: one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical representation of the fourth triangular number. As a mystical symbol, it was very important to the secret worship of Pythagoreanism. There were four seasons, and the number was also associated with planetary motions and music.”
Pythagoras, like those in the cult of Demeter, believed in reincarnation. However, he also believed between each cycle was a period of 216 years, which is the number six cubed (or 63).

>Mastermind behind Town Crier and the term "Oracles"
>Number 216 associated in the Bible for The Holy of Holies (Oracle) https://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_216.php
>It is described as "The Number 216 is the cube of 6 - the Number God used in the foundation of the Creation Holograph. It is the value of the Davir (Holie of Holies, called the Oracle in the verse above) which God designed as a physical cube of 20 x 20 x 20
>Chainlink is the physical (or virtual) cube
>Chainlink is the Abomination of Desolation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abomination_of_desolation
>Matthew 24:15-16 (So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
>Chainlink acquires Town Crier (see pic related)
>Saturn, Set Satan, 666
>Every character in Hebrew is also a number
>Chainlink, adding the numbers in Hebrew is numbered 616 (Qoph, Yod, Shin, Vav, Resh) קישור

>> No.23684147
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I hope I’m not losing anyone. If I haven’t yet, I certainly will now.

Biblical scholars point out that thenumber sevenis quite significant in the Bible. In the creation story, God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. Scholars have found that thenumber sevenoften represents perfection or completeness in the Bible. In Judaism, there aresevenheavens.

Snow White ran off to live with seven dwarves, there were seven brides for seven brothers, Shakespeare described the seven ages of man, Sinbad the Sailor had seven voyages. And when Ian Fleming was looking for a code for James Bond, he didn’t go for 006 or 008. Only 007 had the right ring.

The legend of Zelda, the oracle season. Maine announcement and release dates. 20022 Gematria calculation, “I believe in an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent god who is in control of everything all the time there is no such thing as coincidence in my Fram of reference why would a god who is in control of everything…”

The Hermetics had a mantra, “as above, so below” to describe ways in which the microcosm and macrocosm behave alike. Very helpful to understand this concept in the area of finances alone, but difficult when put to the test on society at large.

>> No.23684170
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As its commonly referred to, “Meme magic’ is a representation of “as above, so below”, that the actions of a few here can have a ripple effect on society art large. The idea that a social circle on a micro scale correlates to a macro one. “Meme magic” cannot be quantified through traditional scientific experiments. Our current understanding of physics dictate that the universe itself is not deterministic. This knowledge can only be gained by immersing yourself in it. You cannot adequately describe a concept undergoing “meme magic”, yet if you have been involved in it before, you can instantly spot it again. Those on the outside are left completely dumbfounded as to how this process occur. They do not understand why Donald Trump got elected. They have no idea why a far-right rising is occurring in Europe. They will not understand why Chainlink exploded and a “few lucky ones” were able to cash out insane riches. They will not understand and they cannot understand as they do not immerse themselves as we do.

To us, we disregard Luck. There is no Chance. The events have already been foretold. We didn’t create this, we didn’t force this, we didn’t mold Chainlink to our liking. We are rather mere spectators, along for the ride on a rollercoaster that can only be described as divine guidance.

Even still, to this day, there are those who think the price will only be $200. There are those who believe 1000 EOY is just a simple “meme”. They are still blind to the manifestation of these ideas.

>> No.23684338

what about eternal recurrence?
I remembered the chainlink name and logo was very familiar the first time I saw it. I had several dreams of chainlink reaching $2000, $1000.
Mind you, I also dreamt of chainlink hitting $20 before.

>> No.23684851

>eternal recurrence?
Never heard of it

>> No.23684995

> Eternal return (also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.

We're in a time loop, we keep coming back to this life over and over again. I think that is why the chainlink logo and name was very familiar, and a lot of anons had dreams of chainlink going triple or quadriple digits. This could be the reason why we're having all these shared dreams, 42, the uneasy feeling that something is going to happen, etc. I don't know anon, I just realized this recently, I realized that I'm stuck in this loop called life but in each life, I believe I'm making a progress, I just don't know exactly what to look for. Sucks!

>> No.23685252

Not related to Chainlink but this has been spooking me more and more often these days.

You know that sensation of deja-vu and that you know what's about to happen.

At first when it was happening it was too unexpected and I was just a spectator to the whole process. Now I can recognize when one of these moments is happening and I try to remember or predict what's going to happen next. The thing is, it never happens as I "remembered" or ""felt" it. Which brings me to the thesis that somehow I am thrown back in time for whatever reason, that I change things through subconscious actions due to future experience, and I only remember slivers of it.

This all sounds super retarded and I'm probably losing it.

>> No.23685316

The aliens had overwhelming tech (disable and suspend in space any size object
such as battle cruisers, planes), as well as full control of electricity (static
fields of electric webs in clouds/space, electric spheres that move as singular
vessels throughout space)

Apparent preference of mothership/device/entity location is in clouds / over water(ocean),
likely interdimensional, untargetable and difficult to sense with our devices

A sense of perplexing ease in the face of certain destruction, the entity appears
to have telekinetic(thoughts/emotions) abilities of communication with us or some
of us, as well as the ability to take on our form and communicate thusly. . . Their
requests seem strange, such as "go have a good day" or "don't worry(about waht you
can or can't comprehend in regards to us or the "event") - as in childhoods end
they, despite our consternated effort to attack them, do not attack us - rather
show that we have no means to breach or command their audience, much like an angel
or a god as it were

>> No.23685428

Nobody care anymore about your stupid white cube.

And inb4 >cope or you had x years

Never cared about making a few people rich, never will.

>> No.23685476 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 608x1080, (sinb) 161028 여자친구 (GFRIEND) 파도(Wave) [신비] SinB 직캠 Fancam (아메리칸 투어리스터팬사인회 ) by Mera-8ejrDXpca08-[00.34.000-00.38.021].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23685485

Shut up faggot.

>> No.23685563

Looks like someone forgot to take his meds

>> No.23685658

The universe restarts after our death, although the details of the reconstruction of the universe is very precise, there appears to be some issues with the reconstruction of these tiny details that our soul catches, they called it Mandela Effect.

It sucks not knowing what mistakes you should avoid in this life but you certainly know that something is about to go down, you feel restless and uneasy like the soul wants you to come to your senses. This is really hard and no wonder why Thot felt sad after he woke up, he went back to share what he has witnessed in hopes that some of us could get out from this loop.

>> No.23685729


perfect example of forced idea. fuck off and prey on newbies in other threads.

>> No.23685731

You faggots are making me look bad. I thought my disappearance would calm things down but the greed took over this community.

>> No.23685751

not the real 42 but nice try.
He never called anyone "faggots"

>> No.23685799

If the newfags need this thread they've already ignored what's been under their nose for years at this point. I would think even if I were an outsider to crypto coming into it for the first time I'd still realize Link was the end all be all. I got into crypto two years ago and Link was the first thing I bought before I knew anything about it because I've been on 4chan since 2009 and recognized what it was. Nothing else has this energy.
To the newfags and tourists: don't miss this opportunity. Recognize this place for what it is. Nowhere else on the Internet has weaponized autism the way that 4chan historically has. If that sentence doesn't make sense to you then you've missed out on a lot of modern history that began here

>> No.23685813

Except I have? And I’m calling you a faggot right now. I thought BAND and QUANT would’ve opened your eyes by now. I thought the devs market dumps and the uncovering of fake partnerships and proven flawed tokenomics would’ve made some people in here think.

>> No.23685820

Weak bait

>> No.23685852

@chainlinkgod is not here to help you my sweet sweet summer child.

>> No.23685960

Memetics are about the propigation of Desire. Desire on a social scale is what keeps the gears of oppresion and unhappiness working, there is always another bag to chase because someone has one. Everyone wishes they were Satoshi.

This is the gold pill.

>> No.23685963

Band is a chink scam and Quant utilizes Link. Chainlink team is expanding from a 50 person team running out of a nail salon bathroom into a 500 person team so the token dumps (included in the whitepaper right next to the cup of coffee peg sidebar) are being used for salaries, marketing, propping up nodes to enrich the network until it takes off and no longer needs assistance. What are you trying to fud exactly? "Chainlink is rapidly expanding and will accomplish more than the massive list of shit and acquisitions they already achieved with just a philosophy major and a couple code monkeys?"

>> No.23686008

Dont get baited by shills

>> No.23686036

>”Chainlink is rapidly expanding and will accomplish more than the massive list of shit and acquisitions they already achieved with just a philosophy major and a couple code monkeys?"
This is the part that hurts the most. Quant isn’t what you think it is and this community has turned their back on the rest of the projects that are already in place.

>> No.23686247

You're not the original 42 poster.

>> No.23686287

You don’t have to believe me, it’s not my responsibility to open your eyes. I sold the top after I leveraged it from $4. I am now invested in a different coin with a different use case, praise be kek for opening these doors for us all. Only those who have been paying attention will make it. The plan was put in place before bitcoin was created.

>> No.23686326
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Deja vu is a repeated memory, which is present in two or more lives. The more lives it repeats, the strong the recollection is.

>> No.23686356


I like the idea but shills turned me off it it n I sold

>> No.23686414

You're literally a retarded double nigger, I'd appreciate if you stopped larping as the 42 poster.

>> No.23686594

Quant is the next link right now. Price discovery is yet to come.
You mustn’t believe me Sir Devil. I am only letting you know I’ve sold 2/3 of my LINK, and I hope it’s not too late for my brethren.

>> No.23687154


>> No.23687232

I hate to tell you this but BECAUSE this website has no way to validate users it is a cesspool of paid shills, /pol/ included. I want you to imagine for a second that as a 4chan Trump supporter who is not being paid for your support, you are the victim of propaganda meant to take advantage of your weak state of mind. Now imagine this same concept applied to crypto investments, with a constant barrage of scammers trying to get you to empty your pockets at the promise of riches beyond your wildest imagination.

The good news is, LINK is legit. Unlike Trump and rugpull XYZ.

>> No.23687293
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>> No.23687376

> projection

>> No.23687461

>To the newfags and tourists: don't miss this opportunity. Recognize this place for what it is. Nowhere else on the Internet has weaponized autism the way that 4chan historically has. If that sentence doesn't make sense to you then you've missed out on a lot of modern history that began here

checked and based

>> No.23687592

Post shorts

>> No.23687626

>Pepe and Wojack, still one of the longest running memes in the entirety of the internet, was birthed here.
wojack is from krautchan. anon your memetic reps....

>> No.23687720


>> No.23687752

Meme says chainstink going to zero. Holders ngmi.

>> No.23687830
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>> No.23687835
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I recently had a dream about posting on /biz/ as Chainlink broke $1000, it was very comfy.

>> No.23687925


>> No.23687935

Wholesome pic, wish this would happen with anons.
But it never will.
At least the thought of it is nice.

>> No.23687946


>> No.23687955


>> No.23688020

>implications of group think
>reddit spacing
like clockwork

>> No.23688094
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>for the egregore is now so powerful it is no longer even contained.
checked and praised

>> No.23688096


>> No.23688121

You explain this like you overheard a geneticist and a cultural evolutionist speak at a bar while all three of you were drunk, and yet you get the basics absolutely right. That's how powerful (and correct) the meme of memetics is.

>> No.23688142


>> No.23688164

oldlink feels itt

>> No.23688372

Thank you for this beautiful read anon, we are all in this together.

>> No.23688599
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>> No.23688684

Kek bless

>> No.23688856
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>> No.23688881
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>> No.23688901
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>> No.23688926
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>> No.23688971
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>> No.23689211



>> No.23689243

Link has successfully made awful people rich. Regular people will pick up on this and hate anyone associated with the product including the team and all the lazy assholes who do nothing with their gains but feed themselves and masturbate to anime. the only thing chainlink will have contributed in the long run is dysgenics.

>> No.23689273

>people using their gains how they want is bad.
Go back to building section 8 housing, you selfless paragon of faggotry.

>> No.23689299
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Bernie Sanders will NEVER be president.

>> No.23689332

what the hell...

>> No.23689621
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>> No.23689635
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>> No.23689656

I came here in mid 2019 with thousands of fud and I still realized LINK is the chosen one

>> No.23689754

When moon?
I'm kinda unravelling and I need the moon money

>> No.23690018


>> No.23690069

Good thread anon haven't read these for a while... but are you trying to meme something in code?
> Carl = Tarl
> Ari Fuels = Juels

>> No.23690114

Noticed this as well

>> No.23690401
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I'm going to read through it again.
42 take note this is how to esoteric post