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File: 29 KB, 250x250, HEX-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23668900 No.23668900 [Reply] [Original]

It just keeps pumping

>> No.23669051
File: 150 KB, 817x1098, ElwcExFXEAEGMu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else did you expect? It was designed to. What you do about it is up to you, but HEX is gonna keep pumping with or without you.

>> No.23669074

Will dump now soon, AA is getting too expensive rn

>> No.23669092

is this the bitconnect of the next bull run?

>> No.23669111

As it was designed

>> No.23669160

just looked at https://hex.com/.. it gives total scam vibes. really reminds me of bitconnect. i don't know how people can be comfortable with putting their money into this

>> No.23669250

RH addresses this a lot if you DYOR. He knows people only care about the gains, so why not make the pumpamentals the main selling point?

>> No.23669300

Will axion.network do the same thing?
80% of eth from aa lobby goes to marketbuy
And 5 bug pay days for 5 years
Also the penalties are much bigger

Is it possible it does a hex?

>> No.23669310

wtf dude? hey i also know most only care about gains. but at some point an obvious scam like this gonna do a rug pull. it has no product, so it doesn't have any value. atleast most coins in top 30 try to solve something. this is just put your money here, lock it up, and i promise next year you will have more.

>> No.23669340

a bigger baller than you just bought $285k


>> No.23669362

it's a cryptographic promise bainlet

>> No.23669365

>It has no product
>You lock it up and gain interest

>> No.23669415


I don't know why you would do 5 minutes of research then attempt to FUD people who have been following it for almost a year.

HEX is finished. Its not some shit product promising the moon but taking years to develop (i.e. almost every top 50 coin). The value comes from time deposits, a financial product that already exists in fiat. You lock your money up, you are promised a better rate of interest. Thats it - its fairly simple.

>> No.23669474

The literally described a CD at the end. A CD is a product.


>> No.23669915

>$10k market sell would drop price 80%
>only buy orders are all in 100k amounts, clearly the same person
richard just give up bro, its pathetic

>> No.23669965

you cant seriously be this stupid

>> No.23669990

don't you have to stake that shit for like 5 years?
BTC or bust

>> No.23670020

You can literally stake for a day if you wanted to. The frontend displays the average length of stakes. Some are 1 day, and some are over 10 years.

>> No.23670043

an anon told me on /biz yesterday and I googled it
you cannot withdraw any earnings unless you stake for five years
is there a way I can get this coin with Bitcoin?
I still have 10$ left

>> No.23670076

because its a wonderful(completed, audited) project. its amazingly intelligent and fun. making interest on an ever increasing price is fucking boss. there's no stopping this train

>> No.23670091

Yeah you can free claim on the hex website. Be aware that the freeclaims are auto staked for a year i believe. You can buy eth and convert it into hex using metamask.

Any hex you buy doesn't have to be staked though, but I would definitely get in and stake now before the 19th, which is "big payday" for all stakers.

>> No.23670113

if you actually listened to Richard he addresses the website and why it looks scammy

>> No.23670138

I got like 5$ in ETH left and can't purchase in my country
but I will give claiming for free a go
any links or dummy guide for claiming?

>> No.23670182

I'm not sure on that as I didn't free claim, but I would jist go to hex dot com. There should be something about it on there. Good luck!

>> No.23670186

you can withdraw earnings at anytime 24 hours a day 7 days a week at uniswap(very liquid) you noob

>> No.23670214

alright thank you very much

>> No.23670219

>"big payday"
What does that even mean?

>> No.23670269

BPD awards stakers from a pool of HEX that was generated from the leftover free claim pool. Basically, any bitcoin holders that don't claim their bag give it to us.

I would seriously consider watching Richard Heart debates on youtube. He covers most of the popular arguments against HEX.

>> No.23670290

Stakers receive the HEX that's not been claimed.

>> No.23670328


>> No.23670342

NOV 19th is the last day of the launch phase and a one time explosion of money will be given out to the staker class

>> No.23670344

Hex holders are delusional. There is no product. You cannot use it as currency. You have to stake or your money will be massively diluted. Why would anyone put money into this

>> No.23670462

Money gets diluted in every coin, including FIAT, BTC and ETH. That's what inflation is. That's how BTC went from 0 to 1 millions of coins, except in HEX that inflation can be paid out to everyone, not just the miners, who dump on your head every day to keep their machines going. And don't even get me started on the hellscape that is FIAT dilution through inflation, where the people only get the suck and none of the benefit.

HEX is a superior form of money in every conceivable way. The value proposition is obvious to anyone who spends the time to understand it, except it might be too big of a proposition for your small mind to grasp it. But you will understand in time. You all will.

>> No.23670493

>massively diluted
3.69% my dude

>> No.23670510

Nov 19th is literally the last day of the money printing dude. DYOR. Look at how broken fiat is. I bet you still have a job and a bank account.

>> No.23670642

>Massively diluted

The average inflation for pound sterling historically has been about 3%.

RH is right, some people are just fucking retards.

>> No.23670700

pump this shit

>> No.23670747

absolutely, holding both hex and axion is the true chad folio

>> No.23670840

This. They have a bunch of wrapped cars advertising how much it went up on their website. If that’s what you are shilling and not the actual project, stay the fuck away

>> No.23670874
File: 160 KB, 853x1280, 18645235432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axion is not needed. It doesn't have the balls that RH brings to the table. The only value proposition of axion is getting rid of Richard Heart, which is HEX's greatest asset. There are very good reasons for why he set up the OA the way he did and you'd understand them if you took the time to think about it honestly.

The fud on RH will disappear and in time he will be hailed as one of the greatest inventors in history. Meanwhile your copycat coin will fade into obscurity since you fail to understand this. And al the gains you could have made will disappear since you fail to answer the most important question. The question being: "Who is Richard Heart?"

>> No.23670894

Then tell me why the fuck people buy bitcoin? It's over 10k with absolutely no adoption. It's almost like people care about the price.

>> No.23670929

The first time I saw HEX (note: I am relatively new into crypto. I've known about BTC since 2010 (never invested) and Link since 2018 (did not invest until April of this year). I never really 'got' crypto. I tried to get in in 2019 but just hit issues with on ramping so I gave up) was last month and I thought it looked sketch as shit.

I gave it a second look last week.

You absolutely have to swallow your pride and just try and look at it objectively. This shit is sold like a ponzi. People on Twitter have been telling me it's an obvious ponzi.

Here's the thing.

Listen to Richard Heart talk or be interviewed. Just ignore the bullshit aesthetics. Just listen to the man talk. Do yourself a favor and just carve out an hour to listen to one of his latest talks about crypto. Listen to him and keep in mind the performance of HEX, which is what really matters.

If you are still convinced this whole thing is a scam, then you gave it a fair shot and I won't argue with you.

>> No.23671066

What is the reason for the OA?

>> No.23671158

Exactly. Recently Chris Blec, who has for a long time been one of the sharpest dudes in the space (calling out fake de-fi, scams and speaking on the need for security) had a chat with Richard Heart diving deeply into the current issues in the space. After the interview he noted on twitter that the best way he could describe his impression about RH was "weaponized intelligence".

It's actually incredible how smart Richard is when you watch him speak. The guy knows his stuff on code, economics, security, markets and so many things, better than almost everyone in the space. To be honest I've never seen anything like this, especially coupled with the ambition he has with HEX. The man means fucking business. He's sincere and honest about what he wants to accomplish and he actually does it. It's just awe inspiring, seeing what he has done with HEX.

>> No.23671193


Yeah... just watch some videos on RH, and tally up the number of times he gets BTFO with regards to crypto knowledge, or anything really.

I haven't seen it yet. The only time he got stalled was when someone questioned the origin address, and that is basically the only fud left at this point.

>> No.23671346

This is what swayed me. The man is very knowledgeable. And he isn't, like, reading a speech or teleprompter. He just knows his shit inside and out.

HEX could crash, sure. But so could any other thing you invest in in this space.

Another thing, RH could die tomorrow and HEX will continue going forward.

All I'm saying is to give it a fair shake by actually listening to RH. All the marketing shit is to catch people who like flashing lights and pretty colors. Listen to RH actually talk and you will be impressed. At least I was.

>> No.23671354

The actual amount of strategies that the OA can enact is too big for a 4chan post. One of the most important things is that the OA serves as a pseudo-anonymous CEO of a company. CEO's always control the largest share of the company for a very good reason. In HEX due to this pseudo-anonymity whoever is in control of the OA can act as a CEO outside the regulations of governments, to do things that generate value for the shareholders, because it is so greatly incentivised to do so. The OA benefits the most from making everyone in the company rich. The lack of such an entity in charge of something fully complete has been the reason why crypto is stagnating so much. Other founders are still trying to make the thing. HEX is complete and the function of the OA is to get it to the people. You will see more of what this means in 2021.

This is a small video going in on some aspects of the OA, if anyone is interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feuIdAaYGPc&ab_channel=HEXClips

>> No.23671432

The OA controls monetary policy

>> No.23671488

The marketing shit this year was to onboard retards who like to gamble on potential scams. The livestreams are for people intelligent enough to hold their attention for more than 5 minutes. The people yelling scam are the middlebrow. They're the people who are just intelligent enough to be vary of scams, but not intelligent enough to understand the difference, to understand that HEX is an outlier case, that they're looking at true greatness. Dunning Kruger assholes like this always get in the way, and if they want to miss out, good. Fuck em.

>Another thing, RH could die tomorrow and HEX will continue going forward.
It's a truly robust black swan event. Nassim Taleb will write about this in one of his future books lol.

>> No.23671558

maybe the elite is behind HEX

>> No.23671563

HEX, the next bitconnect. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.23671575

even my wife thinks it's a scam. what am i gonna do?

>> No.23671591

Whether you get cucked or not is up to you anon.

>> No.23671609

HEX is not a black swan it is a white swan

>> No.23671621

Stakers are the new elite.

>> No.23671642

You have no idea man. There's a lot of things that RH can't disclose since he has to avoid making promises, but they're big and 2021 will be the year when we see some interesting developments and a lot of influential people speaking out about HEX.

>> No.23671659
File: 44 KB, 912x230, Geary-swans-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23671680

I am meta thinking 2 levels above you and 1 level about RH and that is what I can see.

>> No.23671696

For me HEX is as white of a swan as it gets. For the seething midwits it's gonna be pitch black.
It's a perspective thing. All events are certain and unpredictable to someone.

>> No.23671706

Hex is a scam, don't invest in it, you will lose ALL your money

>> No.23671718

Very good. HEX is as meta as it gets. Few understand this and the implications it will have.

>> No.23671754

Show proof buddy

>> No.23671834

I dont have any

>> No.23671894

That's right you don't. You can't have what isn't.

>> No.23671921

Uses recycled eth to buy hex when it tanks on launch, controls supply and It will dump when the fatboy decides its time to cover his pizza hut tab

>> No.23671947
File: 141 KB, 1200x857, EffFZ4GWsAAEie_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep spreading bullshit and next time I'm hungry for a slice, you'll have to do a little dance for me, to get your tip.

>> No.23671972

Reminder Richard that you can /makeit/ financially from this scam token, but you’ll never be respected cause you’re still a fat, weak, bitch titted dweeb who chose the /easyway/ all his life

>> No.23672008

wtf is hex2t?

>> No.23672045

A copy of HEX. People like it because Richard Heart wasn't the project manager, but the risk is that the manager has admin keys (or so I've heard), which could lead to other problems.

>> No.23672109

he deadlifts more than you weigh

>> No.23672123

anonymous owner with admin keys - what could go wrong!

>> No.23672180
File: 9 KB, 219x230, 157345642341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23672252

hex2t rebranded to axion to avoid that connection and fud going forward, mainnet and new token launch in 8 hours. Axion also has multiple audits, a legal team, and a marketing firm. Not a shill, you can make good money on both Hex and Axion. DYOR

>> No.23672300

hurrr durrr fatboy that cant run 9 metres can deadlift 180lbs for a few reps before getting heart palpitations is strong . Btw hi schueler

>> No.23672336

I didn't say it was a shill. I actually hope it isn't because I'm going to free claim when I get the time

>> No.23672379

wasted get. eRSDL's return was 10x that in the last 24 hours.

>> No.23672418
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 185353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the doxx, but pic related is you, isn't it anon? Your whiny voice sounded familiar.

>> No.23672601

huge red candle it's over

>> No.23672615

The first half of his datadash interview is just exposing all the shitcoins lol

>> No.23672629

How do I buy

>> No.23672631

It's just traders. They'll be back in by tomorrow

>> No.23672649

Import the HEX contract into uniswap from etherscan and click swap.

>> No.23672684

yes, is it a coincidence that a coin pumps but doesn't allow you to sell at your own choice in time to sell LOL.

>> No.23672699

but can you sell it?

>> No.23672766

Why else do you think we've had 75% dips before? The difference is that there's an actual use case while you hold it, unlike almost every other coin on the market, where the only use case is buying and selling i.e. trading.

>> No.23672810


>> No.23672823


>> No.23672863

>atleast most coins in top 30 try to solve something
That's your problem right there. You should know by now that as much as we all would like it - there are no real world problems needed to be solved by the crypto. It's been a decade already. There's nothing but speculation, and it is not because there hasn't been an effort. Glorified slow distributed databases solve nothing. This is all casino. All of it, no matter the roadmap or "partners".

>> No.23672897

There is a use case for de-fi, but not enough people care about that

>> No.23673193

There might be something, but almost all of it is pseudo de-fi (admin keys everywhere) and no one knows de-fi even exists. People barely even know what Bitcoin is. HEX solves this. It's the way we go mainstream. If you care about de-fi, HEX is the best thing in the space other than uniswap.

>> No.23673824
File: 17 KB, 480x318, 1509991623469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot withdraw any earnings unless you stake for five years

>> No.23673863
File: 476 KB, 701x519, hexearthaxnmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23673881

Bitconnect 2.0 in the making. Anyone who tries to dispute this is a future bag holder. Cope.

>> No.23673887
File: 160 KB, 512x512, cigarPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>DeFi Program launched October 26, 2020

>>Liquidity Locked so far $5,000,000 in 6 days

>>Team is fully DOXXED and full of US government connects & US NAVY SEALS with talks of partnership with NTT which is a top 40 Global Internet Infrastructure Company.

>>New Internet Protocol Solution, Lead Dev is a galaxy brain but not autistic like Vitalik


>>Arcadia Group confirmed auditing the smart contracts: https://twitter.com/TheArcadiaGroup/status/1322757811747590144?s=20
POOLS HOSTED AT: https://valuedefi.io/

>> No.23673918

I bought the idea of people can be their own central banks back in 2014. Turned out, people don’t want to be their own banks. They want the office hours and high fees because they want the service. They need to be able roll back transactions. They absolutely beg for a number to call. DeFi is just another hyped mask for the real intention people have; get rich. That is the only reason you buy any of these tokens.