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23658306 No.23658306 [Reply] [Original]

China has won Capitalism

>> No.23658322

And the whole chink economy will be Chainlinked. 1k is fud.

>> No.23658369
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Wow imagine my shock. A ginormous fully state backed moloch is winning.

>> No.23658392

this guy is a fucking idiot

>> No.23658440

Imagine willingly funding the Chinese Communist Party who want nothing but the destruction of the Free World and enslavement of your loved ones.

>> No.23658743

China hasn’t won shit.

It isn’t even a real country.

Soviet collapse in 3..2..

>> No.23659124

read ray dalio about china and understand chinese culture before making such claims

>> No.23659178


>muh free world
save your propaganda for facebook amerishit

>> No.23659193

you mean turbo-capitalists

>> No.23659198


That's a gremlin

>> No.23659346


People call it capitalism now that it's working but if it wasn't working they would call it communism. Politics and economics is just full of biased fucking retards.

>> No.23659510

This is going to be the world's biggest transfer of value in a single day. And not in favour of all these retail noobs. Banks are offering hugely irresponsible margin loans that would get called with as little as 1% movement. Jack Ma is going to pull a heist on unsuspecting Chink normies that would make George Soros look like a saint. Mark my words.

>> No.23659589
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So many morons on this board that know nothing of the CCP or the Sithole that is Mainland China.

>> No.23659621

exactly. he's going to swap those vapourware bags for physical tangible assets and leave all those idiots hangers on in the dust, dirty and broke

>> No.23659660

aren't commies?

>> No.23659679

Shut up Neocons!

>> No.23659792

Bingo, tangible assets that will ultimately be controlled by the deeper circle of CCP leadership. Him, the banks, the brokerages are all in on this. It's a ploy to further disempower the people, and put more control into the hands of the CCP leaders and their few affiliates.

China has been playing the long haul game of capitalism as any other method of executing their grand plan would be considered aggravating and would warrant harsh retaliation by other nations. They don't siege and conquer through warfare, instead they just buy up all of our assets, both private and public, with the money we've given them in exchange for cheaply manufactured goods — all to sate our unquenchable thirst to consume. Western society is doomed if we don't become as self-reliant as we were in the early-mid 20th century. And if you don't believe me, just look at the US, Canada, Australia, etc. trade deficits, and where all that shit is siphoned into.

>> No.23659809

What's his net value if ANT sells for 3 trillion $? Will he beat Bezos?

>> No.23659846

hard bitter truths anon

>> No.23659863

In Soviet-land you weren't even allowed to have a private potatoe garden. Chink-land is what they used to call "interventionalist", they let you do shit but prepare to have some bureaucrat tell you what's best for the nation.

>> No.23659901

I’m sure you’re doing much better right anon? :)

>> No.23659904

>early-mid 20th century.

Get your history straight retared. Until WW1 the world was very globalized, German autism destroyed this though and it took until 1990 to recover to 1914 levels of international trade and investment.

>> No.23659927

What a diva. You sound like the kikes on television

>> No.23659948

Point is that nations were manufacturing their own shit, "retared." Imagine having so little to contribute that you point out some minor, subjective inaccuracy.

>> No.23659993

listen to his talk with Elon, the guys a fucking clown on any real world subjects. he has vapour ware "scammer" con-man written all over him

>> No.23660003

He's not, but he has to strictly play by the strings of the ccp. He knows they could gulag him at their whim at any time

>> No.23660024

This entire site is infested with bugs literally being paid to spread pro chink propaganda

>> No.23660039

What, have i hurt your feels? Don't out yourself as a retard if you can't take the heat.

>> No.23660062

He himself is member of the party. People forget that the CCP has more members than Germany has population.

>> No.23660073

he's smart at being a low life scammer furthering the cheap Chinese knock trinkets for pennies on the dollar keeping his own people in the chains of poverty and enslavement while undermining the global economy for personal corporate profits and gain

he has added nothing healthy for the world . only greedy personal PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF UNTOLD MILLIONS SUFFERING IN PVERTY AND ENSLAVEMENT

>> No.23660077

>western (((service economy))) slaves sell their firstborns to invest in a functional business
oy vey just think of the ROI!

>> No.23660144

Hey, at least you spelt retard correctly this time. Get off the computer buddy, go get some fresh air to cool off that heat you're packing so tightly.

>> No.23660148
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How about we just cut the bullshit and just nip these nips in the batflu soup before shit gets worse than it already is...

>> No.23660163
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>keeping his own people in the chains of poverty and enslavement

Taobao and Ant have enabled entire villages at the ass of nowhere in China to specialize in goods production and sell it globally, raking in loads of money while participating in the global e-commerce revolution.

Pic related, one of those villages build this giant Mao statue as a thank you.

>> No.23660173

I read it but think there is a flaw in his thinking.
China stole technology from the west and tried to copy it to get to their current state.

However if you want to innovate, you will need creativity and enslaving your population with a social credit score and a forced top down and seniority based power structure instead of a merit based one and freedom of expression won't let you get the same results when you are left with nothing to copy.
Another aspect which helped the USA become important was their easier to profit from stance.
China isn't the superpower of the world yet and it already bullies all the countries it has diplomatic ties with, and behaves in a way worst than jews.
The experience of lying to all the world after releasing and developing the Corona virus, using all chinese migrants as potential spies, or other things which could be only replicated by jews should make many countries more reluctant to give them more power when they already showed their ability to abuse them.

When two states are in a competition for hegemony the most efficient one will win.
China can't become more efficient than the western civilization even if the west loses its power for a few decades, because China only applies capitalism to a small portion of their companies, and still keeps all the negative points of their culture.

It seems like Ray Dalio has been blinded by his close proximity to the high ranking Chinese officials and can't understand the result of the cultural differences between the two systems.

>> No.23660184

Any chinese national doing business based out of china is a part of the ccp, whether they opt in or not.
This is blue pilled emotional thinking. This is why he fucks russian model prostitutes with that little contorted chink body while you gamble on shitcoins to escape wagecuckery. If the chinese people wanted to they could overthrow their government, they outnumber them by the millions.

>> No.23660229



>> No.23660238

>People call it capitalism now that it's working
because it's capitalism indeed
china is not forcing you to be a bakery and it's not forcing you to produce a fixed amount of bread you mong
then china is a super-surveillance shithole and that's the commie part of it

>> No.23660254

The "west" is not capitalist. Otherwise feel free to explain why Russia shouldn't be able to buy Lockheed Martin and relocate it to Moscow.

>> No.23660255

The millionaire/billionaire per capita ration is still infinitely smaller than that of the States or other Western places as far as I know...

>> No.23660275

And it's a good thing.

>> No.23660292
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>Jack Ma has stated that workers should consider 996 "a huge blessing" to "achieve the success [one] want[s] without paying extra effort and time."
>The 996 working hour system (Chinese: 996工作制) is a work schedule commonly practiced by some companies in the People's Republic of China. It derives its name from its requirement that employees work from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, 6 days per week; i.e. 72 hours per week.

>> No.23660300

>Lmaooo, thinks villagers have the material and ingenuity to build massive structures out of their hearts.
China is an autocracy and has a mixed command economy. Workers were employed to construct this.

>> No.23660349

You’d think that but apparently they’re winning in the South China Sea and the belt and road initiative is progressing unabated. I think the other states are just going to side with China purely because it’s mutually beneficial from an economic point of view. Money talks bullshit walks and the west happens to be the bullshit now.

>> No.23660360

I hate China but you can't deny that their leadership is extremely competent. I really hesitate to call their country communist or capitalist. I think their upper leadership are committed communists in the sense that they are anti-Western, very wary of capitalism, and for the absolute control of their citizens to steer them into what they think is the 'right' direction - but they are not principled Marxists that believe the whole mumbo jumbo of it all. In practice their economy is more than a mixed market economy, and is some kind of market socialism.

>> No.23660377

>Workers were employed to construct this
No shit Sherlock.

Paid by the village, until the regional government got wind of it because at that time Mao was still a bit of an un-person, so they razed it to the ground again.

>> No.23660431

Everyone seems to ignore the fact that the Chinese only took off by doing outsourced work for the West.

>> No.23660467

So? Are you retarded? We outsourced all of that shit under Reagan for profit, nothing else. It wasn't altruism, it was a smart business deal at the time to enrich the elites and kikes.

It backfired.

>> No.23660486

Stop posting

>> No.23660523

You're one of those "USA destroyed its industry!" guys right?

US industry has never been in better shape than today. What you're moaning about is that old low tech low effort shit like steel production disappeared. Other older industries have had enormous increases in efficiency which means less people needed to produce the same output.

>> No.23660524

Do you think the tradewar and forcing e.g. parties like Huawei to create an alternative to the Google Play Store (and alternatively rival Google globally) will backfire, as well?

>> No.23660549

*ultimately rival Google globally

>> No.23660591

What? I never said any of that. I don't know anything about current US industry, you're literally arguing against a ghost right now you scumfuck smoothbrain. All I'm saying is the manufacturing we sent to China was to enrich our rich elites and make a buck - it was the springboard that allowed China to boss up, it backfired hard.

I don't know.

>> No.23660618
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>I'm saying is the manufacturing we sent to China was to enrich our rich elites and make a buck

That's the "we outsourced our industry and destroyed it" narrative, which has no basis in reality, like most political discourse in the soon to be disunited states.

>> No.23660622

I'm doing much better than this guy. I post "cute" every hour, of every day on 4chan.org/biz/. He's got nothing on me

>> No.23660664

Maybe, but that wasn't what I was getting at. Of course the USA put the steel manufacturing, coal, whatever the fuck low effort shit to China. It exported that type of stuff to China to make money, because it was more profitable doing it there.

I am aware the US manufactures complex shit and sells it to the world. The problem is that the white and black working class that made cars and used coal and shit are mad - and we have a large group of people who want that type of low effort manufacturing back.

I don't really give a shit if low effort manufacturing doesn't come back, I'm not a Trumper.

>> No.23660768

>Paid by the village, until the regional government got wind of it because at that time Mao was still a bit of an un-person, so they razed it to the ground again.

Based. Fuck Mao. Present-day CCP is leagues ahead of that faggot and they should erase his existence from China.

>> No.23660799 [DELETED] 

>implying competition isn't at the heart of innovation

Let me chicks load up their weapons. Let them develop their technology. Had the Soviet Union not launched a probe into space, the United States would have never raced to get a man to the moon.

>> No.23660808

Truly a worker's paradise

>> No.23660815

Chinks are scary. Kikes are going to get wrecked.

>> No.23660820

>implying competition isn't at the heart of innovation

Let the chicks load up their weapons. Let them develop their technology. Had the Soviet Union not launched a probe into space, the United States would have never raced to get a man to the moon.

>> No.23660839


>> No.23660858

The neo-maoists are actually quite popular, and the new leadership has to pay more lip service to the old ideas. Xi would probably have let the statue stand. Believe it or not many Chinese see the Mao years as the "good old time".

>> No.23660893

Thank fucking kek there some anons with a clue still around.

>> No.23660937

What is Britain's real economy though?

>> No.23661156

This is the dumbest wealthiest guy in existence:

>> No.23661197

Imagine being the only retard without insane gains because he didn't buy Chinese stocks during their golden era

>> No.23661208

absolutely. The chinks will take the best of several intellectual properties and make it their own while google and others reee

>> No.23661225


>> No.23661258
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>> No.23661700

"...we will do whatever works and call it communism."

>> No.23661818

US or China can't tell these days with those fuckers about destroy the free world and etc

>> No.23661841

don't be dense, you could have posted an identical picture with import. $ Export will as a minimum increase with 2% a year, cause of inflation, it will also increase with gdp growth.
If we assume for a second that companies in the west actually outsource manufacturing to China and other third world countries, you would still expect the $ value of export to rise on a year to year basis, because of the previous mentioned mechanics..

>> No.23661970

the argument that only freedom creates innovation has been around for a long time. have a look at the number of patents for each country and or per person