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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.23652463
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>> No.23652614
File: 206 KB, 670x454, lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning is something that crypto requires. If bitcoin wants to smash past ATH then it will need to scale.

>> No.23652672
File: 45 KB, 591x512, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2017 bullrun was a eye opener for some people. Seeing bitcoin go to 20k and have $50 transactions fees, an extremely slow network at the time. Even recently with uniswap eth had the same issues with congestion reaching extremes with over $30 network fees.

>> No.23652731
File: 82 KB, 470x538, vitdickapproved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The XSN fudder fears the Stakenet layer 2 swaps.

>> No.23652835
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x3477, xsndexsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23653063
File: 54 KB, 480x480, car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ ignoring stakenet threads won't stop it. I know you're still buying and don't want retards to buy but the clock is ticking, the shilling must continue.

>> No.23653066

These xsn gens are really boring..

>> No.23653075

Checked. Is there anything you wish to talk about anon? Most people here either already know or are in denial.

>> No.23653190

Would like more current events and news instead of the same copy pasta over and over. Whats the reason for the dump recently? What catalysts are coming soon?

>> No.23653213
File: 54 KB, 789x348, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same updates and news are the latest anon. Pic related was a few days ago. Devs don't spam updates, they mainly just do work and try fix bugs.
>Whats the reason for the dump recently?
This is crypto. Number go up, number go down.
>What catalysts are coming soon?
Apparently they have some big announcements with exchanges coming this month but have refused to tell us any more due to NDAs which is understandable. We'll just have to wait and se what happens.

>> No.23653836
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, STAKENET DEX SWAP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beginning, public beta, wETH lightning swap proof of concept. Raiden integration on it's way, allowing for ERC-tokens to be integrated and traded on the DEX. Good coins like XMR are starting to implement lightning network, allowing them to be integrated into the dex.
The future is bright faggots, and you'll be kicking yourself in a years time if you don't get the fuck in while you still can. The vision is there, the tech is there, the team is there, the product is there, and the hype will follow, just like with BTC, ETH, and LINK. OG /biz/ knows, which is why the FUD is so insane. Ask yourself this, would someone who's not invested spend hours upon hours fudding a coin because it was fun and to "save their fellow bizlets"? Of course not, don't be naive.


>> No.23653881


>> No.23653884

The FUD yesterday was insane. You had 70+ replies of desperation trying to test XSN apart with same baseless criticisms we've seen for months now. The fundamentals for Stakenet are convincing, I'm not saying it's a sure thing, there's plenty of risk.

But what's REALLY convincing is the sheer effort behind this relentless FUD campaign. Ive never seen anything like it on /biz/. We literally have a team of people who are working around the clock to try and suppress this project, and it's been going on for MONTHS. I am wholely convinced that it's the most bullish indicator we have.

>> No.23653907

>price action dictates fundamental value

>> No.23653912
File: 38 KB, 250x201, bigsuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cz and co do not want you to buy.

>> No.23653920

There was a pajeet fuder yesterday who claimed he held XSN for 2 years and sold the highs in august... And is now just doing his honourable duty to warn /biz/ about this 'scam'.... Right ..

When asked for proof, he evaded the question and refused. Pajeets with specific interests aren't behind this FUD and I will always bet against them

>> No.23653927

thanks for the bump

>> No.23653936
File: 2.38 MB, 4448x5904, xsn fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23653957
File: 167 KB, 1160x1420, xsn fud2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23654275

ANOTHER xsn FUD thread up kek. roaches are terrified of the /XSN/ chads

>> No.23654310

Ahem, fuck blocknet.

>> No.23654385

>discord trannies still don't know about herbs

>> No.23654550

thanks for the bump

>> No.23655341

Stakenet nodes are easy to run now. I'm talking about hubs. There is no guide for the hardware requirement for hubs. I tried my damndest to know what they would need so I can have it turnkey when phase2 starts. Now I know, because I looked to blocknet. Only thing though, Hubs will only run chains with lightning, so you dont need to have massive RAM. But you'll still need an archive eth node on an 8tb ssd. Did it occur to you that the shit you're giving me is the same bullshit coming at you from fudders? Quit being defensive, blocknet isn't your competitor and you can learn alot from it

>> No.23655371

Hubs are just masternodes.... They will be temporary until Hydra (run on all nodes).

>> No.23655385

>But you'll still need an archive eth node on an 8tb ssd.
No you won't, eth and xsn are not the same thing.
>Did it occur to you that the shit you're giving me is the same bullshit coming at you from fudders?
Kys blockcuck.
>Quit being defensive, blocknet isn't your competitor and you can learn alot from it
They can learn not to build layer 1 which can't scale and not to give cz their code.

>> No.23655411

The hub will run the eth node, how did you think it works?

>> No.23655429

How would you even know this? The devs are still integrating eth key management before they integrate raiden.

>> No.23654984

Fudders just make up whatever bullshit they want.

>> No.23655081

You're a fool if you dont think blocknet has a place in the story. Hold nodes in both projects if you want to make it.

>> No.23655139

>Hold blocknet
Kys pajeet. Blocknet is literal shit.

>> No.23655154

We're completely open to well thought out arguments. If you provide us with a positive investment thesis based on facts we will certainly listen. Until then, i remain convinced that blocknet is a shitcoin.

>> No.23655251

I'm not here to shill blocknet, just letting you know it's a great project that has a definite place going forward. Also, if you're planning to run a Stakenet hub, you should take note of what is required to run a blocknet service node as they run full nodes of traded assets.

>> No.23655269

>A great project
Not at all. Their layer 1 dex is terrible, they've had years and achieved nothing, they only managed to willing give cz their code.

>> No.23655276

Stakenet noded are easy to run. Blocknet is completely different. Stop trying to shill you're shitcoin here.

>> No.23655288

>their layer1 dex is terrible
Yeah that's what I kept hearing, then I did the work to get set up and it was actually quite smooth, even on the cheapest walmart laptop.

>> No.23655300

It's layer 1 (speed+onchain fees). It's not normie friendly. And you have to use block to use it. Gtfo.