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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23548275 No.23548275 [Reply] [Original]

Outside of the following copy-pasta, I’d like to address a few things: Yes, Clover has dipped heavily the past few days. The pump to $30 was unrealistic and inorganic. We are now aiming for steady, organic growth. It’s like none of you people remember how long it took LINK to grow (inb4 “don’t compare this to LINK bro!”). There have been some missteps, sure, but the core community and project uses are still there. If you were hesitant to throw $100 into CLV2D/3D, now is a great time. We have a new website launching soon, as well as the dev’s own take on CORE, called COPE. We’ll be in the thread to answer any questions or address whatever trepidation you have.

>best unofficial 4chan/biz/-centric token of all time
>fairly distributed to only 4chan participants
>tricked jeets into buying 4chan passes
>made a Nigerian a temporary prince

Maximum Supply: 22,222 CLV

Website: http://clover.rocks

Token Address: 0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F

COINGECKO: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/clover

ETHERSCAN: https://etherscan.io/address/0x22222c03318440305ac3e8a7820563d6a9fd777f

UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F

CHART: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x1a455b43e185ecc80b4118a47255bf97cde976fe

CHART 2: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Clover-CLV

CHART 3: https://blockfolio.com/coin/CLV

Simple Youtube guide for how to get ERC-20 coins in Uniswap (Uniswap is the recommended method):

Simple liquidity pooling guide:
go to https://app.uniswap.org/#/create/ETH
add CLV to the pair (this pairs CLV to ETH) using the token address 0x22222C03318440305aC3e8a7820563d6A9FD777F
and then press Approve and then do it again but this time press Pool (it's a 2-stage process, this is normal)
(Recommending anons also add a LINK-CLV pair if possible)

>> No.23548331

God fucking damnit.
What is the difference between CLV2D and C3D?
Which is more profitable?

>> No.23548355
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I'm financially benchod because of this scam and vrc

>> No.23548386

Project is dead. Tg trannies try to come up with possible solutions and cuckmin doesn't even fucking respond to the people that still believe in the project. Fuck, this could have been so good but it really is over now. Cant believe I didnt sell my 100 CLV at $15, tg is dead, discord is dead, no plans for this besides creating more 'games' where admin and friends get first and take all the profits. If you're reading this please don't invest in CLV, don't make the same mistake I did.

>> No.23548407 [DELETED] 
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Clovers engagement with /biz/ is changing in the near future. The anons who said things along the lines of pic related are absolutely correct and it hasn't gone unnoticed. That's all I'm going to say for now.

>> No.23548409

Hi, so CLV2D is the staking game in which you deposit solely CLV. CLV3D is the game where you deposit CLV-ETH Liqudity Pool tokens.

>> No.23548420

based lol scam based based based based

>> No.23548422


>> No.23548424

Telegram trannies are the fucking worst.

>> No.23548456

Very interesting. I have to research more, but I want to stake my CLV so damn badly I almost need to be spoonfed. I am thinking pooling right now would be smart because the cost would be so low in ETH.
Thank you.

>> No.23548504
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>> No.23548536

It’s really not dead. It corrected. Before you call me a “coping discord tranny”, I’ve never used discord and I’m not coping. I’m not going to make excuses for the developer. The way the VRC smart contract fuck up was handled was poorly executed, and I understand why it made people hesitant to fuck with CLV and they withdrew funds in CVL2/3D or sold. The reality is this is the absolute bottom. Resistance appears to be at $3. So yes, we are back where we started on a 3 week old project that rocketed upwards inorganically initially. If you don’t have an attention span that extends farther than 1 week moonshots, it’s not the project for you. I’d appreciate if you’d quit shitting on it because you didn’t get your 1 week moonshot though. I’m not here to have you pump my bags. I’ve accepted the fact I could lose a decent chunk of change on this. I’m more so here to clear the air and address any issues people have taken with CLV. Thanks.

>> No.23548545 [DELETED] 

The first day this coin game out they were already constantly shilling their tg and how much it reminded them of "le old 4chan", fuck tg trannies.
If you are shilling the Unofficial 4Chan Coin (tm) while the dev barely interacts or posts on /biz/ then it might as well be called the Unofficial Telegram Tranny coin.

>> No.23548569

Yeah if you go the pooling route for CLV3D, it’s a solid plan. You’re right about it being relatively cheap pooling-wise.

>> No.23548578

Trust the plan guys

>> No.23548589

I'll invest in this garbage if you have better options to incentivize poolers

>> No.23548593

The first day this coin came out they were already constantly shilling their tg and how much it reminded them of "le old 4chan", fuck tg trannies.
If you are shilling the Unofficial 4Chan Coin (tm) while the dev barely interacts or posts on /biz/ then it might as well be called the Unofficial Telegram Tranny Coin.

>> No.23548605

That’s a fair point, fren. I’m not going to argue with you. We have been having a bit of a circle jerk in the telegram the past few weeks. You can call us fags and I wouldn’t disagree. The reality is it’s easy to get hyper focused on one thing and forget about the rest. The rest being posting on biz and interacting with you guys. It got backseated to shitposting in telegram, so you are correct, anon.

>> No.23548632


>> No.23548654

As for which is more profitable, the amount of clv staked in the c2d pool is only around 13%, whereas in the c3d is around 45%, so you would be getting a better price for c2d currently
On the other hand, more people would be willing to stake their clv-eth lp than their clv tokens, so there's upsides and downsides to both

>> No.23548670

I don’t know how long you’ve been in crypto, but how often have you seen coins release, pump insanely, then correct? It happens very often. We’ve corrected, shaken out weak hands, and are moving forward. It makes little difference to me whether you like it or not.

>> No.23548674

>Price is low so it must be a scam
Nigga do you even hear yourself?

>> No.23548709 [DELETED] 

100% in agreement, like I said things are changing.

>> No.23548754

My bags are so heavy hopefully things turn around. What is the dev planning for the future? Anything this week?

>> No.23548757 [DELETED] 

What more incentive do you want other than this coin actually making it? We all make it together or we don't. If you can't understand that you need to pool for this to get anywhere and to not expect an immediate short-term reward then you're a low-impulse-control nigger and ngmi sorry.

>> No.23548780

Cuckmin is literally right now in TG saying he doesn't give a fuck about CLV kek so why the fuck should anyone else? Roasting the jannies that are still trying to keep this project alive, man what a fucking dumpster fire.

>> No.23548799
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I’m willing to engage with any of you who have an issue, want to make suggestions, or outright shit on CLV. I’m all ears.

>> No.23548804


>> No.23548807

What are the pros of staking clv-eth as opposed to ust the CLV token? Less exposure to the token?

>> No.23548824

>what is shitposting

>> No.23548832

Statera is a scam, clover is a scam, chain link is a scam, even Bitcoin is a scam. You won't find anything of worth value in these shitcoins. You know what will be there? That's right, XRP. You guys know that it's being implemented into the digital dollar right? Or that Bitcoin runs on XRP ledger? How about Europe even considering it? When will biz ever learn, and surprisingly reddit is more aware of it and on board than you all are.

>> No.23548838 [DELETED] 

Post with your trip if that's you, cuckmin

>> No.23548876

This is a start, anne frankly what you stupid cunts should have done from the beginning. That being said, I am hopeful for CLV.

>> No.23548885

Test site is at https://testsite.clover.rocks

>> No.23548896

What has he done for CLV lately? Crash and burn VRC, laugh at the people that invested in Void2d? How do you keep defending him at this point?

>> No.23548917

c3d is literally putting poolers vs poolers that's weak

>> No.23548953

We're getting our shit together, also if you're that concerned you can always do something to help. I keep saying this but we're not putting up barriers to cooperation and contribution.

>> No.23548988

I think if literally anything happens that incentivizes holding this (nfts, more non-retarded airdrops, better system of staking vs powh), it’ll pump back to $10 or $15. The mcap is literally under $80k, a high schooler made a retarded music coin as a senior project in 2017 and is still double that (and peaked at $25m). The whales (aka anyone in the elders’ group) are basically too autistic to sell at this point too, if it literally collapsed to 0 tomorrow I think most of us would just keep the dust in our wallets and move on. I think the odds are higher it hits $7 instead of sub $2.

>> No.23549010

He probably lost more money in V2D than most. I’m not here to defend him. He’s a grown ass man who can defend himself if he chooses to. When something goes tits up with a contract with no resolution, what are you supposed to do? As an aside, I lost about $500 from the VRC debacle, and I haven’t been plotting to destroy him like the people who probably lost $50/their free airdrop. What is it you’d like us to do? Personally reimburse people the $20 they lost on a very high risk project? Please do tell.

>> No.23549026

What TG are you on? If you wanna get the real one just get it from the site.

>> No.23549043
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Can confirm, am retarded enough to hold to zero.

>> No.23549169

Alright faggots, I'm going to buy your token but first I'm gonna need to see some memes. What kind of bizcoin are you if you don't create your own OG OC?

>> No.23549175

I was one of the og liquidity providers and started a couple threads initially but lost interest with the increasing focus on the tg. I'm very pleased you guys are coming back around to posting on the board since it's supposed to be the board (and site's) coin. Provided this keeps up and isn't just a knee jerk reaction to crashing, i'll get back on board.

>> No.23549187 [DELETED] 

Did you miss the last 500 threads where people have posted about 1 billion OC clover memes or something?

>> No.23549194

Its zero sum pyramid games, every single coin that was lost was gained by someone else. DYOR. People that got in to the game knew what it was about.

>> No.23549195

>incentivize holders to pool other than with C3D, TVL must go up
>burn mechanism
>prediction market if you can deliver
literally anything more than 2 pyramids

>> No.23549263

>tg trannies
>airdrop had questions that newfags couldn't answer

It's actually sad (funny?) how you're an obvious newfag shitting up 4chan in general.

>> No.23549268


>> No.23549277 [DELETED] 


>> No.23549310

Yes I must've missed them being busy with other stuff than being on biz 24/7, some of us aren't neets and have lives outside of here. So are you going to dump the memes or is my money no good in that case?

>> No.23549314



desu coin would be better if the NFTs weren't 'unique new maymays' but stuff like sirgay.

>> No.23549334 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23549337
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>> No.23549401 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23549426

To honestly think any of you would actually invest in something that doesn't have a real world use case really says something about biz. You all would rather gamble your money away on bitcoin or y this or core that, when the answer you've all been looking for is getting implemented in December. The real world is going to use XRP, and you're all delusional to think otherwise. If I were you I'd be getting a stack in preparation of Flare. Screenshot this, because then I can laugh at everyone who called bluff.

>> No.23549455 [DELETED] 

>muh use case
read the site moron

>> No.23549524

XRP will never go above $3 again. You goal is to have it replace the dollar correct? Does 1 dollar skyrocket to $2000 in value? No, it doesn’t. XRP is fucking retarded. But let’s not derail the thread. This has nothing do with XRP. It is a CLV thread.

>> No.23549536 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23549539

Not bad. Is there also a front side to this gif? >>23549334

>> No.23549563 [DELETED] 
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you better be buying that CLV now, faggot

>> No.23549622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23549642



We now have a record label

>> No.23549668

Cope. Around this time next year you'll be seething while I'll have become a multi billionaire. As a matter of fact, I'll even frame this post in my future mansion just to have a chuckle of nostalgia.

>> No.23549679

Fuck it I'll trust the plan

>> No.23549693

Kek I already bought before seeing any memes, just wanted to see if I did good or if you guys are memeless niggers

>> No.23549703

Also it's not supposed to replace the dollar, moreso have it run on the XRP network. How about you do some research, it'll really blow your mind when you realize it's going to happen.

>> No.23549781

I don’t give a good fuck about XRP. It has nothing to do with what we are discussing here. You have XRP threads. Go post in those, thanks.

>> No.23550149
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>> No.23550153

Pumping wtf

>> No.23550228

8$ EOD

>> No.23550240

this is a long term game. Clover has brought the best community ive had in a while. And it continues. we all pitch in ideas and there is a donation fund that will be used to pay for the ideas in the future. DYOR. But having a little bit of CLV couldn't hurt for the future.

>> No.23550252
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>> No.23550259

>replace dollar
u wot m8

>> No.23550392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550420 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550449

Buy before CloverSwap yield farming pumps CLV.


>> No.23550458 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550491 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550506
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>he doesn't already own two clover NFTs

>> No.23550526 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550528

You have never seen a bigger bunch of losers than the people who operate this project.

>> No.23550553 [DELETED] 
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This one's for you

>> No.23550572 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550577

The community are the worst part. There were oldbros and richfags then the drugged out admin and his trash tier jannies banned them before tanking a bunch of idiots money in an exploit. If anyone finds these guys irl they should give them a beating

>> No.23550587
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Remember this? Posted at $16, but you retards would rather spam Brandon at me.

Shitcoin that does nothing. Dev only knows how to make powh copies which both have 0 volume and will most likely go to 0 in value. For some reason he is making a third one on another shitcoin. His jannie trannies insiders in tg bought in an hour before C2D launched and reaped all the profits, 5x gains straight from the pocket of others, putting anything in now is suicide. Only reason why the price is over double digits at this point is because of a twitter shill, but even that money is dried up.

Good /biz/ coin, you made it two weeks before scamming other anons.

Whats next in the horizon? You guessed it:
More ponzi

Find it funny how you still shill a powh as ''staking''. Well clv anons, still not to late to grab the little dignity you have left and move on to an actual project.

>> No.23550610

How so?

>> No.23550636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550645

>coins release, pump insanely, then correct

Anon I...

>> No.23550647

going straight for the insults now eh? You're not contributing to the conversation at all. See you at 5.80

>> No.23550665

You’re not going to derail this.

>> No.23550668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550742

I get that you guys are salty because of the chadmin shenanigans and VRC, but I don’t understand how you think it’s completely unrealistic for this to go back to $10 with so little current valuation and development continuing. Anyone selling sub $5 should neck, and will when this inevitably gets off life support and goes back up.

>> No.23550744

850 clover has been lost forever. Why is nobody talking about this? Everybody wants to talk about "oh I have X amount of clovers" or "oh my dick is X inches," yet everyone cognizant enough fails to sympathize with the fact that 850 clovers are sitting on the contract address, burnt forever, "lost" if you will and probably cold and freezing too. If I could go back in time I would rescue the clovies from the despondent owner and make sure they never suffer such a fate.

>> No.23550753 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550757

They tried to shut down the telegram after they tanked a side project. The admin gets stoned and nervy so he bans all the funny people in the chat. He sold his link at 50 cents (lol). They spend all day sucking off random Nigerians and anyone who can actually show provable profit records gets banned because almost everyone in there is down in crypto. It is impossible to imagine it but those people are somehow lower than Vietnamese scammers. They think people will trust them with yield farming? If anything anyone should be looking to hack their yield farming product if it’s done by the same people who did their games.

>> No.23550790

I profited off this project so I’m not mad myself but anons should know that this project is at least as bad as 0xbtc before they put money into it.

>> No.23550815

Im not salty. Unlike a lot of retards I bought at 4 before the pump and sold like a reasonable person at around 20 bucks. Fact is this project is absolute trash, and as a /biz/ guardian I am protecting anons from being dragged into this dumpster.

>> No.23550823

wow you didn't even try with the community then. They've genuinely helped me and a bunch of other people. whether it being letting off steam or even real financial issues. true they're autistic and drugged up, but they have heart

>> No.23550869

>biz guardian
I’m glad you are such a noble gentleman you are out to protect the financial well-being of individuals on the board.

>> No.23550886

No most people lost money on this thing. Some smart people earned but the drain bot and swingers took most of the eth out into this project and put it right in their wallets and everyone else was left with a bunch of loser friends and zero to negative money.

>> No.23550916

Also they don’t have heart they are massive assholes the type of people nobody likes

>> No.23550918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23550967

What’s pathetic about you is you probably don’t even know that guardianship of biz was the point of this project. Once all the Temmy shit started you knew these people were jerkoffs not the kinds who want to run a decentralized rating agency.

>> No.23551057

Okay, le oldfag, I bow to thee.

>> No.23551216

Yea, i can see your point. I'm glad you manage to money off of it. I esp hate that swinger bot. its literally everywhere. I enjoy these guys. Yea they can be assholes at times but I don't feel so lonely anymore because of them and they make me laugh

>> No.23551251

Same 2 people keep making these threads. Just give it up, nobody wants to buy your bags. This coin is dead.

>> No.23551281
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>> No.23551324

Actually it's more like 6

>> No.23551345

You may not but your roi certainly does

>> No.23551590

It is literally a scam you LOSE money and CLV by depositing into C2D stay the fuck away from it and shills itt

>> No.23551614

Not me I got like 50 free clv

>> No.23551626

I don’t think you understand what CLV2D/3D are. Consequently you call it a scam. Are you familiar with POWH? Same concept.

>> No.23551721
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you and 3 other anons who got in within the first 3 minutes then dumped on others.
its a pyramid scam where you actually lose money because you make a few pennies by depositing your CLV for C2D, but lose a lot of CLV as people exit the pool. The rewards are so absolutely shit and the risk of losing more of your CLV so much higher there is no fucking point in it. You will unironically make more money by staking ROT what does that say about this project?

>> No.23551832

They are literally a ponzi. I figured one of them attached to the project would be funny but now I know the dev unironically believes in game theory and thinks he can build a crypto project through interweaving Ponzi schemes one of which was bugged. This project is so bad it’s shameful. The funny thing is two years from now some of you will still be spamming this thing.

>> No.23551940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23551966

Maybe get on it early then so much complaining. Get money quick

>> No.23551993

Yes because it's going to moon. Making money is a dog eat dog world. You understand that right?

>> No.23552038

Only the jannies got drugged out and nervous and banned all the oldfags tricking people into buying passes. They unironically got jealous of the money that went to 4chan instead of clv. The losers didn’t understand what they had now it’s gone.

>> No.23552066

Game theory doesn’t work in the real world where payoffs and consequences are unbounded.

>> No.23552499 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552573

Let go loser

>> No.23552705 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552739 [DELETED] 
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Why do you hurt yourself by posting in these threads?
Have a thot to cheer you up buddy

>> No.23552796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552875 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23552936

Just doing the job clv was supposed to do aka save people money. Even the leadership is infighting now. Stick a fork in it. It’s done.