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23526537 No.23526537 [Reply] [Original]

If trump wins I think things will stay as they are.
If Biden wins I think the market will implode. I'm looking at the list of people he's likely to appoint to the consumer finance protection bureau and they're all antixapitalists. He promised to appointment to vernier sanders to healthcare policy and I think he will put aoc in charge of economic/energy policy. Remember, the "progressives are really the ones running the show behind biden.

Now for the bad news... I think biden is going to win. I think the Democrats are going to take the house and the senate. I think there is so much hatred for trump that everyone (suburban women included), except straight white men, are voting biden. They don't care that he's old they don't care that he's senile. And since straight white men split 60/40 it doesn't look good. The black vote isn't coming to trump, that's a stupid fantasy. They vote Democrat every time 90% or more for like 10 decades now.

Omar will likely run committees, the Marxist faction will take over and the market will implode. I'm going to take most of my gains out this week and go either cash heavy, gold heavy, or a split, and see what happens..

Fingers crossed trump wins but I honestly don't see it and I don't see the energy of 2016. I know most of you guys are in coins, I'm not sure how this will affect that sector, but I do think if big banks get knee capped because of the consumer finane protection bureau pick, that coins will take a hit since there's been lots of positive talk in big banks starting to open up to coins, which stabilizes their value.

Your thoughts anon?

>> No.23526571


If either wins nothing will change just like always stop being a poltard

>> No.23526607

if you think that biden will be any less of a puppet to (((them))) then you're probably either too young to vote, or a complete retard. Either way you should go back to your containment board.

>> No.23526621

My thoughts are that you might be one of the dumbest people on biz

>> No.23526627

You don't think things will change with the progressives in charge? Because I do. I don't remember ever seeing policy this extreme and even if they back off for the moderates left in the part, it will still be devastatingly... but I'd appreciate if you told me why you think nothing will change

>> No.23526651

This. Stop viewing it from an (incorrect) macro point of view and look at the numbers. Download historical data from yahoo finance and the CBOE website and look at how the elections months performed historically in Excel. We're in a heightened volatility regime right now but it's the same as before.

>> No.23526650

I'm 33. I'm an options trader. I 40k last month and I watch this stuff very closely. But again I would appreciate if you would explain yourselves. I'd like to have a discussion.

>> No.23526686

since you're an options trader, and think that the biggest market movement will come from a biden win, you should be voting biden of course. you know that there are put option, right anon?

>> No.23526704


Because bureaucracy is extremely slow and is always 2 babysteps forward 1 babystep back. Usually less than 10% of policies that candidates talk about ever actually get implemented. Of those 10% they usually get gridlocked for years due to filibustering

>> No.23526716


Short term, if Trump wins expect riots. Bad riots. Worse than before in places where it's warm.

If Biden wins, expect nothing for a while but could see a domestic terror incident by a QAnonner or violent clash between a militia group/member counter-protestors

>> No.23526725

I'm not concerned with market behavior currently... I'm concerned with market behavior as affected by the election outcomes. Let's say berne is in charge of healthcare policy and aoc in charge of energy policy... what do you think that will do to the dollar? It's going to wreck out global reserve currency status. She won't deal with the Saudi properly, and she hates oil.

>> No.23526747

I'm not interested in doing short calls to make money off a Biden win, I'm concerned about the long term stability of the market. I could care less about big short term gains... stability is always best long term.

>> No.23526751

I don't think the market implodes, they will just brrrrr ad infinium to keep markets afloat and stable after the tax hikes. I wouldn't want to be in cash, I think the case for boomer rocks is pretty solvent, I'm 33% in mining stonks

>> No.23526774

Yes, a biden win will tank the markets, if not by tax hikes, then by federal mandated economic shutdowns

>> No.23526837

Biden has fundamentally no alignment to the far left. If you want to find a more politically undesirable position, you'd be hard pressed. The entire power of the so called "radical left" is encompassed by four votes in the congress, and one vote in the Senate. The majority of Democrats are, aside from theatrical displays of dissent on issues allowed by their owners, in complete ideological alignment with the neo cons. Your fear that a Biden administration would be have AOC or Sanders in it is laughable, AOC and Sanders are reviled by the democratic party for opposing the lucrative Israeli's lobbying funds they've been receiving for years. If you cared enough to do some research you'd see that Biden wants to do what literally every other President in the past hundred years has done, fill his cabinet with JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs approved RINOS and third way democrats, and we'll have a pale imitation of the Clinton years complete with a rapist-in-chief. Gold might pump because of stimulus currency devaluation though. If you honestly believe in >muh Marxists
you need to take a Xanax.

>> No.23526856
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But my concern is that there's big political will for this garbage. The new younger voters are full steam ahead for communism and the people running for Congress are completely radical. Here in Portland ted wheeler is going to lose to Sarah iannarone who is a known antifa leader and who wears a skirt with Lenin stain and Mao on it. And I see signs supporting her even in upper income neighborhoods where old boomers live. The populace is stupid, they aren't informed and they don't care. They just go with the crowd.

>> No.23526894

>40k$ last month
Grats bro, I'm a 27 YO neet with a Meme Degree and I made 90k$ last month.

>> No.23526962

Do you have a list of likely Biden economic candidates that are big finance people? Because I have t seen any. And if Biden was not senile I would believe you but again, I think that the radical progressives are behind him calling the shots. His campaign staff is not typical electioneering campaigners from the establishment, it's radicals. They will be guiding him during the transition and they will pick the cabinet.

>> No.23526983

Which other president has ever said they were going to stop the fracking a

>> No.23527020

Sorry, which other president has said they were going to stop the fracking industry and shunt oil?

>> No.23527031


>Bezos owns the Democratic Party
>Bezos owns the Washington Post
>they post their "Recommendations for a Biden Cabinet"
Half the names on the list are fucking republicans, all the in fighting is a big psy op man, Trump isn't in on it so both sides have decided its time for him to go so they can have someone (((they))) control.

>> No.23527075

I live in PA and see commercials every day where Biden rambles incoherently about how pro fracking and pro oil he is. I'm old enough to remember Obama promising to ban oil production to, it's just rhetoric. Follow the money, he wants to put an Exxon Mobile lobbyist in as head of the EPA.

>> No.23527103
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I voted for Biden ask me anything.

(ps I hold 15,000 XRP)

>> No.23527126

fbpb. people legitimately invested in bipartisan kiked politics should be tortured to death. nothing will change, we're still on a slow and fixed path to economic ruin. nothing will change this.

>> No.23527133

I don't think he's going g to put those establishment types in because the progressives in his campaign will do the transition and recommend appointments. Even this is a little concerning to md... and I don't think he'll pick warren. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/26/biden-would-likely-pick-a-new-cfpb-director-if-elected-president.html

>> No.23527167

At the last debate he said he was going to kill the industry though. He doesn't even know his own position. He'll be easily convinced to put a crazy incharge of energy policy.

>> No.23527201

It's a prerequisite for making money in the market the traditional way. If you aren't following global politics and you want to do traditional stonks then you're fucking yourself in the ass.

>> No.23527247

believe what you want, but I live just over the border from Delaware and out here Biden's nickname is Credit Card Joe because he's pretty much bankrolled entirely by the Jews at citibank. Pretty sure the fuckers black mail him too, just look at all the sketchy shit Hunter is involved in, my guess is the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Biden will throw all the progressives to the curve because (((they))) want things to stay just as they are, and as soon as antifa isn't valuable in removing Orange Man, they'll call cut them all loose and probably give them the clinton treatment. Trump slowed down the wars in the Middle East too long and now the people who really control the country are pissed.

>> No.23527299


>> No.23527359

You better be hoping for a Trump win. I believe markets will rally EOY/BOY2021 if Trump wins.

>> No.23527473


People actually think Biden has a chance?

Trump will have the largest victory in the history of US elections.

>> No.23527562

>credit card Joe
That gives me some reassurance but I still worry about the progressives in his campaign that will be steering his cabinet appointments. I don't think the establishment has the power to just cut them loose anymore because the populace is so supportive of them and they'll be targeted in riots/burnings

>> No.23527586

I think the cheating this election is going to be so extreme and unparalleled that the Democrats will just cheat into victory.

>> No.23527832

>make 100k off of a play
>your life is now forfeit and you will be miserable but hey at least you made some money
Biggest kike in the thread.

>> No.23528651

Right now Mcconnell is stopping the second stimulus bill from passing through the senate, he has abandoned Trump and has prioritized preserving what the GOP can get out of his presidency which are his supreme court appointments and of course making sure ACB gets through before the election

Even though a 2.2T stimulus bill passed during this month would have definitely helped Trump in the polls, it doesn't seem to be happening
Even Pelosi spoke privately (even though she is denying the 1.8T spiked bill with which was originally 0 and then 600B) and said she does want a second stimulus bill to pass before election day due to the fact that the inevitable crash is going to be far worse when it happens

The economy needs 2.2T right now, if they ask for 4.4T in February when the recession gets far worse there is no way its getting passed, however 2.2T now and 2.2T a few months from now is likely to pass and would go very far in propping up the economy but Mcconnel won't pass it because it could interfere with ACB (his legacy and she will live for the next 40 years) and he no longer has faith in Trump securing a victory, as evidenced by all of his actions these past months (especially using the senate to block the white house frequently)

>> No.23528716

You want my thoughts? You're horribly misinformed. I wonder why major financial players are backing Biden?

>> No.23529288

Why would stimulus interfere with ACB? They can't do both? The R's really have fucked Trump by being so stingy on the helicopter money. So basically you're saying stimulus is inevitable, but it'll take some time allowing for big red dildos in the interim?

>> No.23529494

Look the economy is going to take a dump but the stock market wont.
They'll just brrrrrrr to keep up appearances.
It's not so much the markets i'm worried about. It's the dystopian hellhole that inches yet another step closer.

>> No.23529535

Is this why kikes vote dems?
>Destruction leads to volatility from which I can profit therefore destruction is desirable.

>> No.23529659

I worry about the he'll scape too, especially with this great reset horror show they're pushing.

>> No.23529698

If AOC was going to be appointed for anything he would have announced that weeks ago to get some votes. If/once he is president he doesn't need to appease the low IQ democrat masses anymore.

>> No.23529718

It's over if Biden wins
But he won't

>> No.23530753

>Let's talk election implications.
murrica fucked either way
it's just plain fucked m8