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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23515309 No.23515309 [Reply] [Original]

TR here, you may not remember me but nearly 2 months ago, I came here and made a thread.
I’m here to today to give you the completed whitepaper. This will revolutionize yielding as we know it. Farming is only a sliver of what it will be.

I’ve always hated pajeets coming to biz to pump their bags and dump on biz the moment they could. That’s why I’m here before it launches to give everyone a shot at the tubes.
The team is made up of nearly 15 people, 6 of them are full stack devs. None of them being pajeets. There are multiple contracts that tie into eachother, all contain brand new and innovative code. The contracts will also be released before it launches for everyone to review.

Pic related took our graphic designer nearly 100 hours after all renditions were made. We are going to vamp UNI’s rewards as well. 2 boards with one stone.

discord zTK4Z7S

I’m super happy that it has been finished. It has been a long ride and since then, so much has changed. We should be launching in the next few days. Join the discord, read the whitepaper and come ask any questions in the AMA if you have any.

>> No.23515345
File: 207 KB, 800x800, B159F964-DA9E-4CAE-B8D9-47FEE79C99C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tide youre a fucking god thank you for doing what you do. I’m most hyped on the surfboard NFT’s. It looks like they’ll actually have a real purpose. Any set time for launch?

>> No.23515367

bump >:)

>> No.23515387

Thanks man, these last few months have been pretty stressful but def worth it. We are hoping to allow staking in the next day and will go live Tuesday at some time. The soft launch will only last 1000 blocks but will give a huge portion of the rewards. We want to make sure everybody has a window of opportunity to get in. There’s people that have been waiting months for this so it’d be an injustice to them to launch when they couldn’t get in.

>> No.23515450

That infographic is insane! Well done. Looks like some interesting new dynamics there

>> No.23515503

bump and pump

>> No.23515516

The next wave is something we actually could use, like Bonded.Finance. few.

>> No.23515527

Why did you guys decide to do no premine/presale/ICO? How do you benefit from all of this?

>> No.23515535

I guess you didn’t read the WP. We’ve spent 2 months innovating and building something that’s never been done before.

>> No.23515546

How did this get a partnership with Trade and Chads.vc? Wtf

>> No.23515595
File: 449 KB, 998x998, surfs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme quality++

>> No.23515614

No premine, no ico, no presale was the only way to do this. Everybody does a presale and it’s a scammy thing to do. It’s an easy catch grab. We’d rather people see the promise in our product before investing. We could have did a presale and probably could have done pretty well but it’s not our cup of tea. Previous projects like sushi, took 10% of all tokens minted. That’s why when Nomi exited, sushi took a huge dump and ended up being catastrophic to the entire project. The sell pressure is completely removed which creates a healthy outlook for the token knowing the team cannot dump 10% at any time. Our contracts have been designed for a 5% team/marketing fee and the other 5% gets sent to the Whirlpool which awards the holders. It’s a win/win for everybody that believes in the project. Phase 2 starts with the Whirlpool and future projects will all feed into it and reward those who hold the token. Thanks for the question

>> No.23515619

Delete this right now!

>> No.23515642



Is this the real contract?

>> No.23515661

There are no contracts out right now. We will announce everything and release the code before we go live.

>> No.23515671

How do I buy this op? Is it on uni swap?

>> No.23515691

not yet. read white paper. join discord. join telegram. build a time machine so you can pool with aegis

>> No.23515708

For the first 500 blocks, you will only be able to farm it. Once the 500 blocks end, it will be listed on Uniswap for those to buy/sell. Once 1000 blocks are over, the soft launch ends and the fixed APY kicks in. It’s 5000% for surf/eth and the other 25 beaches (pools) will have 1000% APY. The supply is capped at 10M. It is not a never ending type of thing. Farming is just a means of fair distribution.

>> No.23515722

So if I farm 1k for 500 blocks how much is that?

>> No.23515791

The team has no say in what the price will be. it will be based on the liquidity and what the buyers/sellers want.

>> No.23515804

Also, after the 10M supply is farmed, all of the rewards will be shed by the whirlpool to the current holders. It will be neat to see.

>> No.23515869

What do you think the best play is Tide? Farming, buying, both?

>> No.23515985

I will be farming with pnk and uni. Some beaches with pay rewards in both our token and UNI. It will be vamped from Uni. Being that the apy is 5x greater than any other beach, I will also get a bag and start farming once the soft launch is over. The soft launch is basically a thank you to all the early supporters as it will give the most rewards to each beach during the 1000 blocks.

>> No.23516459

Excited about this.

>> No.23516491

LMAO Surf isn't dead yet?

>> No.23516577

It hasn’t released yet. We’ve been working on it for the last 2 months.

>> No.23516853

They were going to release in September but just kept building instead. Now it’s its own coin. I see it as yfi/core/steroids all wrapped into one that is also built to be sustainable and reward the holders well into the future.

>> No.23516905

The greatest scam is going all in on a product that takes months to produce meanwhile all your opportunities are slipping by while you're mentally stuck on that 1 project.

>> No.23517044


Will devs communicate and share infos? nothing kills a coin faster then a silent dev team.

>> No.23517046


>> No.23517072

Come join the AMA in tg or discord. you can ask anything you’d like. The main importance right now is getting the contracts out to the public before we launch. That way everybody has a chance to review and ensure the contracts are solid themselves.

>> No.23517226

Have the contracts been audited by a reputable company yet? I'd hate to see such a promising project fail due to bugs. This is the first time I've thought "Oh shit, this is the one" since the 2017 bullrun.

>> No.23517310
File: 158 KB, 541x506, C3D66A2F-6750-48A5-9A5D-6FF864C6F61C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they have been audited by SherlockSecurity and by 6 other devs so far. There weren’t any errors reported by any of the parties. The contracts will also be out soon for us all to review. I appreciate your interest. We’ve been working extremely hard on this.

>> No.23517329
File: 348 KB, 419x610, tiderider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always an honor, TR.

>> No.23517397
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>fullstack devs
imagine 10 years of learning getting experience reading documentations that leads to this masterpiece website

>> No.23517460

Incredibly based II

>> No.23517496
File: 318 KB, 419x610, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourselves a favor, boogie boarders and read the whitepaper, the proof is in the pudding

>> No.23517501

>shilling before release.


>> No.23517512
File: 571 KB, 700x1200, SURF Finance Promotional Card by II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting a fair distribution
you are mad why?

>> No.23517526
File: 3.77 MB, 500x281, 7C11DE01-EB25-4911-96F8-534F3A6E8530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK trannies
FUCK jannies

>> No.23517545

Did not give you permission to reply to me.

Big odds the launch will be ''delayed''. You watch.

>> No.23517566
File: 236 KB, 541x506, card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like a fucking tranny, dilate

>> No.23517635

If we didn’t delay, surf would have just been a polished sushi clone. The contracts are all done and so is the website. We are launching within a day or two. Hang tight anon. I understand your frustrations but it was for everyone’s best interest that we delayed.

>> No.23517711

The delays only gave me more time to save up, it also allowed me to miss all of the rugs that have happened. So thank you Tide. Just the idea of this has kept more money in my pockets.

>> No.23517818
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>> No.23518489
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>> No.23518568

where buy?

>> No.23518588
File: 2.55 MB, 700x1200, Surf card PNG [do not upload, grey overlay to NFT when png].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
