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23489008 No.23489008 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23489031

are you me? lol

>> No.23489040
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>> No.23489043

having roommates past the age of 22 is the most cucked shit imaginable

>> No.23489046

How much are you making OP and how much are you paying for the room

>> No.23489061

I make 24k pounds as a information security analyst and I pay 590

>> No.23489068

just peel your face off bro, changed my life

>> No.23489080

hope you are at least in there cheap if you don't get your own bathroom. kitchens do suck to share as well. Do you actually live with niggers?

>> No.23489091

you are literally living a life of voluntary indentured servitude
congrats on this, seriously

>> No.23489111

what else could i do

>> No.23489205

the sad thing is, nothing
Hope for a communist uprising or an anti-status quo uprising of any kind and squeeze your way to the top ranks somehow. Or gamble on pure shitcoins until one of them moons. No other way out of your position. You will never make it by buying bitcoins with some 10k of annual savings, if it's even that to begin with.

>> No.23489208

per month?

>> No.23489224

i live on oats and water and put all the money I can save into shitcoins

>> No.23489276

If I made that kind of money I would live in my car rather than rent.

>> No.23489306

I dont have a car or a license as I cant afford either
Plus I would have to pay for parking and congestion charge, all that gay shit

>> No.23489319

this. i would end myself before i did that. its only acceptable if your rooomate is your sibling.

>> No.23489345

Live in a tent

>> No.23489375

Illegal and very dangerous in London
The MET would arrest me in a microsecond and bill me for 10k after walking by a nigger selling coke on the corner not giving a shit

>> No.23489390

That's a smart move but be careful with it, I used to do the exact same thing with instant ramen and junk sweets (because they were the cheapest calorie) and I developed several health issues, an irritable stomach with a weekly diarrhea, a layer of fat that's simply impossible to be removed even if I starve myself, and lower energy levels in general as compared to 5 years ago. At least I stopped before I became diabetic.

I can't stress how careful you must be with peasant food and especially if it's the cheapest one possible. Society is designed around selling you that cheap food and never actually telling you how poisonous it is so people like you, or me a few years ago, do not starve and rebel like they did in the Soviet Union which didn't employ these tactics. Every single empire's final breath are the starving lower classes rising up against it. So it's logical that modern society is designed around feeding these starving lower classes and making sure they never realize what's happening.

Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGnfXXIKZM

>> No.23489509

>i live on oats and water
that's scary cuase that's what im eating right now lmao but i dont even have a job lmao

>put all the money I can save into shitcoins
ngmi. save up a big bankroll and 10x it on boomerstonks once you are 100% sure of it

>> No.23489541

at this rate I would be around 40 by the time I can start investing on boomerstonks and make it worth it

i just dont know what to do anymore
im tired

>> No.23489558

move to tokyo
the tent cities are the nicest I’ve ever walked past

>> No.23489573
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>at this rate I would be around 40
same, or even more, I should have started saving up a decade ago
I'm guess you are in your 30s too

>> No.23489608

How much have got saved up?

>> No.23489613

590? Omfg. Time to get a roommate

>> No.23489668

Also I work in London occasionally but my company provide my car. I live 2hrs from London and my rent is £650. That gets me a lovely two bedroom flat with private gated parking. I earn 52.5k gbp and am 35. Move out of London?

>> No.23489711

im 23 but I just cant save enough after rent, having to buy shitty fucking suits and ties for work, food, bills,travelcard I have around 400 pounds left monthly if I skim really hard
0 in fiat
all in crypto
around 2k dollars in crypto in fucking xsn of all things probably gonna go to 0 in a few week
1 year of saving up gone on a shitcoin
its all so tiresome
I cant drive and getting a license plus the hours would cost way too much

>> No.23489735

>400 pounds left monthly
sounds very shitty yeah. but you are not the anon i was asking

>falling for the shitcoin/crypto

>> No.23489746

dude just go all in pickle and use the passive income. Why arent normies staking yet?

>> No.23489845

try being 32 and still living with your parents who both stay home all day & night

>> No.23489873

atleast its family not complete stranger spanish niggers who steal shit

>> No.23489892

sounds better in so many ways, depending on

>> No.23490182


31 and know that feel. It's depressing the fuck out of me but I need to save

>> No.23490395

Im pissed off. If I’d sold my alts back in August before they ranked I could’ve bought a fuckin house and still have left what I have now in $ value. Fuck I hope there’s another altrun soon.

>> No.23490409


>> No.23490486

>Im pissed off. If I’d sold my alts back in August before they ranked I could’ve bought a fuckin house and still have left what I have now in $ value

kek i'm in the exact same position as you. Will never, ever make that mistake again

>> No.23490530

audible kek

>> No.23490550

Iktfb but it's just so fucking cheap compared to my own place. I simply cannot justify paying over 1k to some greasy jew

>> No.23490556

what i did when i could not bare to live with parents any more at 19 was to rent a 4 bed flat and immediately rent out the three remaining rooms on spareroom.com which covered rent and bills and I saved up 6k to put on a flat as first mortgage. you will be living in a shithole for a while at that price but selling that now 10 years later for another 30k equity. forgot to say that remortgaged that in a let to buy mortgage to buy second house which was 4 bed and rented those rooms out too including the downstairs lounge. its a lot better sharing when you are getting the money instead of a landlord.

>> No.23490558
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Convert to Christianity and consider becoming a monk. You get to live with holy brothers and you basically farm all day, eat you what you plant, and worship God in a comfy cloister.

Imo this is the only alternative to the world. Worship God, live with brothers, farm your own food, give thanks to the Lord all day.

Beautiful living. Simple as

>> No.23490561

I rent an ensuite room in the uk for £460 bills included. I develop properties and make about 50k a year. Starting to think the money I save is not worth it

>> No.23490587
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>have seen rent single room aparments in my town for 100€ less than I rent 1 room but I have debt and no job and not enough on the waiting lists to be considered

>> No.23490635

this is one Idea I've had once I can rent an apartment next time to basically live for free due to renting out the spare rooms just to be able to live free / save even more of a potential job pay
wondering if I wanna live with other people though and if it's worth it hmmmmm

>> No.23490679
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I know that feel fren, I got to share a place with 2 pajeets and an african fresh off the boat. All fucking momma boys who can't clean up after themselves and all are unemployed. I hope rent prices keep falling in my city.

>> No.23490701
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Same here, sick of cokehead that I rent from doing shit all the time and sharing space anytime im trying to cook or do anything. Fuck my parents I could have saved tons by just not paying rent. Oh well forwards not back :)

>> No.23490747

Me too bro hope we both get a chance at redemption and make it next time

>> No.23490863
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 131-1313709_confused-face-jackie-chan-transparent-feels-guy-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't allowed to overtake a renting contract and had to move
>public queue waiting times for aparments are literally a decade due to the influx of immigrants and no building

>> No.23491031


we're gonna make it fren