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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23400326 No.23400326 [Reply] [Original]

The real deal


only $1.6mil marketcap

>> No.23400406
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>anon creates a new thread every other day
>the number is always lower than the last time
I was expecting to be able to enjoy my tokenized wine 100% yield farmed by empowered African venture capitalists on CurioSwap by now. What happens in case a person drinks a tokenized wine anyway, Anons? And when do I get the right to do so? Is it enough to own 51%? What if people die and shards get lost, Anons? What if more than 51% of a sharded NFT are lost? Can I never drink it?

>> No.23400432

>8 months ago
Please just let them release some fucking news. These bags are getting heavier.

>> No.23400795

any day now

>> No.23400817

What happens if I own 51% of a bottle of wine and deicide to drink it? Can others intervene or will it leave to panic selling?

>> No.23400827

That's not how it works retard. You can't drink it. Is this a shitty attempt at FUD?

>> No.23400837

Why can't I? Don't I own it? If I don't, how does it have value?

>> No.23400867

I'm not even gonna bother

>> No.23400873

I've only dipped my toe into wage slavery and I already want OUT
how much CUR for a make it stack??

>> No.23400896
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>old wine on the blockchain
Because you obviously don't know yourself.

>> No.23400900

Suicide 1k.
Make it probably like 10k.
Convert to CURV for extra gains.

>> No.23400916

Intrinsic value isn't based on whether you can drink it or not.

>> No.23400950

what do I do with CURV? Man, their website mentions Car tokens alot, are you telling me there is CUR, CURV and car tokens? 3 Different tokens, why?

>> No.23400977

If it can't be drunk even in theory, then it isn't wine.

>> No.23401064

There's CUR which I'm pretty sure is their utility token. CURV is their voting token for use with Aragon (also you get a portion of every asset they list if you hold this). They're also releasing CSC which will be their stablecoin. Then there's the car tokens which will act as security tokens. In the case of their first asset (ferrari) it'll be called CT1.

I should also mention that KYC will be a thing with the security tokens but they'll also be tradeable on uniswap. They have some kind of on-chain whitelist thing going on. I'm probably botching a lot of this so DYOR I guess.

>> No.23401072
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Car Tokens (or Real-estate/Spiritouse Tokens in the future) = the security tokens of tokenized assets, basically the instrument of what the whole project is about. People can invest in shares of a supercar, for example John Miller buys 10% of the $1,000,000 Ferrari for 100k CT (Car Tokens). It will be traded on MERJ, a special security-token exchange for legally listed assets.
Curio is also developing an own DEX for security-tokens, on a uniswap fork. it will have a KYC element to legally trade the security-tokens.

CUR = basic governance token, traded on crypto exchanges, not much utility other than swapping for CURV for now.

CURV = what it's all about in the CurioDAO. it will legitimize holders for rewards in form of % of the tokenized assets in security-tokens,
plus option for rewards in their own stablecoin once the CurioStable system get's released.
CURV holders also have voting rights for future decisions of CurioInvest, regarding new assets, and other moves.

>> No.23401130

Cope. As long as the bottle carries the wine, it CAN be drank. Ownership doesn't change the inherent usecase of the asset

>> No.23401152

thanks for the info anons. It looks very ambitious so I hope they give an update soon, hopefully still this month

>> No.23401169
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We can only hope.

>> No.23401214
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im confident they will enroll all the juice very soon.

>> No.23401218

If a tree falls in the forest, but nobody is there, does it make a sound? Quantum theory would suggest that you need an observer (drinker) to establish such property, as otherwise the wine would be both drinkable and undrinkable at the same time. But we are investing in established properties, not quantum states with at least 50% chance of the wine being undrinkable.

Sounds like curio is a religion, and it doesn't sound good desu.

>> No.23401233

*Super positions.

>> No.23401244

Test Reply 1

>> No.23401288

Oh, and is it already possible to hold CURV? I just have to register and complete KYC on their website?

>> No.23401311

Test Reply 3

>> No.23401325

I don't think you have to do KYC to swap for CURV. Just buy some CUR on uniswap and go to https://client.aragon.org/#/curio/0xbce6a8789bb1e47fd832300a988927db32c4cc1e/ to swap for CURV. Make sure you load up on gas.

>> No.23401335

You can hold CURV without completing the KYC.
you only need to register if you want to get rewards in the future, because the security-tokens are legally regulated assets

>> No.23401358 [DELETED] 

Test Reply 5

>> No.23401370
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How many thousands of shitcoins are you going to try and dump on everyone?

>> No.23401380

Test Reply 1

>> No.23401400

Test Reply 4

>> No.23401414

your mental masturbations are pretty obsolete, because the market will decide anyway. if the wine gets traded, the value of THIS asset will reflect in the price.
all investors know they are buying a share of the asset for monetary purposes, not drinking it, so its a mutual agreement and no conflict should be existent

>> No.23401504

Not sure whether your plead for ignorance will hold up on front of court desu. Can't wait for the first lawsuit demanding access to a wine in case of a majority share holder.

>> No.23401512

Ok I see that aragon app. And maybe a dumb question but I can send CUR and then receive the CURV via metamask?

>> No.23401537

Yeah there should be a buy button somewhere. CURV is an ERC20 so yeah metamask is fine.
You really think they'd be retarded enough to not include something like this in their TOS?

>> No.23401574

Okay. thanks, king

>> No.23401597
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>> No.23401631

Yes. Aside of the fact that tos don't overrule the law.

>> No.23401663

>buy part of a wine bottle
>agree to not drink it

>> No.23402067

Welcome to the real world. Aside of the fact that logically >>23401317, it isn't even a tree, because the system by nature disallows owners the qualification of an assets inherent properties, with the confirmation of properties and states to require observation as per universal laws. No reasonable person will buy your worthless "wine."

>> No.23402133

I say the wine has value. So does everyone else who will invest and so does the person who will buy the wine off Curio once the owners are in agreement it can be sold. What's so hard to get here? There's a wine market outside of the blockchain.

>> No.23402249

I'm not arguing that it can't have value. I'm saying that it isn't wine, and valuing it accordingly is pretty bogus and that you are an idiot for doing so.

>> No.23402295

If the curio team buys a bottle of wine with the money their users invested then there's a physical bottle of wine. I really don't get your point. This is about earning money not your memeshit about quantum mechanics. It's 2am and I'm going to sleep.

>> No.23402328 [DELETED] 

Exactly. You are buying your belief in wine, not the physical reality. Curio is a religion. Case in point.

>> No.23402397

with your logic stockmarkets and investing in general shouldnt/couldnt exist, because it is always about speculating price of asset/stock/outcome x

it doesnt matter man, a fine wine in a bottle = a wine, per definition

>> No.23402474

So curio tokens are effectively derivatives? You don't actually own a share in the car itself, but a derivative that isn't backed by the real asset...

>> No.23402716


>> No.23402739

"Security Tokens Crypto
A crypto token that passes the Howey Test is deemed a security token. These usually derive their value from an external, tradable asset. Because the tokens are deemed a security, they are subject to federal securities and regulations."

>> No.23403167
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>> No.23403312

They would probably get more interest tokenizing pokey man dragon cards

>> No.23403437

dude, the point is CurioInvest will tokenize EVERYTHING which is valuable and appreciating in value.
supercars, real-estate, fine spirits and art, dragon pokemon cards, instagram thots panties etcetc

>> No.23403917
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Didn't they already exit scam last month? "Announcement of announcement of announcement of announcement", which turned out to be a nothingburger? Like, the worst exchange in the history of exchanges, which the dev described as an "apology" for not listing on a slightly less shit exchange, after hinting forever of Huobi and promising Uniswap liquidity? What kind of cuck would continue to invest in such a scummy team?

>> No.23404088
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how did they exit scam when team tokens are still in the wallet?

>> No.23404681
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>> No.23404834


YFV / Value fix this.

>> No.23405195
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>> No.23405657

It's not only Ferrari, it's also real-estate, fine wine, art, and everything, token.
It's tokenization of valuable assets on the blockchain, for everybody to participate, instead of only a handful superrich people