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23387214 No.23387214 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never have a rich gf

>> No.23387254

All in insecurity

>> No.23387260

That's some serious wagie cope.

>> No.23387267

>imagine reading that
kys redditfag

>> No.23387310

You have to go back

>> No.23387325

You realize none of this is real, right?
everything on reddit is a larp, even the newest newfags know this

>> No.23387344

You find a girlfriend that is ALSO RICH and he immediately finds a problem with it instead of riding it out

>> No.23387347


>> No.23387356
File: 27 KB, 400x401, comment_1602905771r67YEvOUlHSHWGRh3sjJwtw400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw twitter Facebook and discord have stolen away the desire for anons to get personal so we have to rely on plebbit

>> No.23387366

He can give her angry wagie cagie ragie sex. She needs it on a metaphysical level.

>> No.23387380

How does a redditor get auch a rich bitch gf while I am here hustling

>> No.23387413

>wagie wagie
>get in cagie
>wage all day
>in silent ragie
>if you get mad
>wage some more
>if you get sad
>we will ignore
>because wagie
>you are slavey
>wagie wagie
>little baby
>wagie wagie
>we dont care
>wagie cagie
>you will be there!
>wagie ragie
>cry or whine
>cut your pay
>forced overtime
>ragie wagie
>work until die
>in wagie cagie
>it is no lie

>> No.23387439

I had a rich gf once, it's difficult af, cause basically money doesn't matter to her. That 50€ which for me was alot, isnothing to her, so why not just let her pay cause what difference does it make? This then snowballs to the point where she pays for most things cause she knows I'm poor; we go shopping together & she buys me clothes I could never afford on my own; we travel all over the world staying in expensive hotels, all of which she pays for cause I have no money. Remember we get on really well & are best friends. But I'm now living a lifestyle I could never achieve on my own. Ffw 7 or 8 years, & the relationship begins to break down cause people change, and finally falls apart. You're then faced with going back to a normal fag lifestyle and having to live in the normal fag world, which is incomparably more boring than the world's you have access to with real wealth. Luckily I managed to get a 6 figure link stack so will be returning to more interesting planes of existence iminently

>> No.23387465

Fill her, marry her, take her for half. Made it with no shitcoin roulette.

>> No.23387490

That’s why you fill her, marry her, then divorce her. Take half her fun tokens then never succumb to mediocrity again...

>> No.23387717

This, like all reddit posts, is a larp. Half are cuck fantasy larps, half are seething cope larps. This is the latter. Probably an undesirable career hag trying to establish that men don't like "self-made" women.

>> No.23387736

This is also one such larp. As redditors and their cuckybrains began to move here they also brought their signature posting with them.

>> No.23387769
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If I wanted to read reddit I would go to reddit

>> No.23387811

Have sex

>> No.23387822

Imagine complaining cause your gf isn't from a loser wagecage family like yourself. Holy shit

>> No.23388054

>gril needs a man to husband her resources
If only there was a name for such a man, if only there was some ceremony by which he could adopt it

What a twat

>> No.23388068


>fake apartment

this is one massive fucking larp

>> No.23388078

dude needs to lock up that waifu and figure out how to hide his own wealth on xBTC

>> No.23388106

she's an escort

>> No.23388111

Correct. She would have lived at the dorms.

>> No.23388155

I talked to a friend who is wise about this shit yesterday. He said that these people will be the first to break when SHTF (coming soon(tm)), they won't know how to cope because they never dealt with actual stressful situations.
Also they tend to be ungrateful, atheistic and lack in faith in a higher power.

>> No.23388164


>> No.23388238
File: 590 KB, 743x758, 1601872175413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck cope is real let's pretend this situation is real. Who cares? Wouldn't it be wiser to go to her dad and ask him to teach you how to be rich and rise from wagie ashes? Like what the fuck if she loves you when you are so poor means it's not about money (prob dick or good sex) but it's not something to be crying about opportunity literally stares at you and you be like uhoh I'm so depressed because she has more money :((( WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE NIGGGGGAAAAAAA

>> No.23388320

I dont get it,dude why the fuck would you resent someone winning the lottery.In all seriousness maybe decide not to date her, since it takes the whole trad thing of being a provider away.For me I would try to wheel her into investing of some sort and maybe have her try and fund a business to make her feel like she's worth something.Fuck the haters.

>> No.23388634
File: 145 KB, 560x461, Never-Go-Full-Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking women will let you within a yard of their gold horde

Women don't share with men, they only take. The few rare times they take it's entirely in expectation they will get way more back. If they don't they basically flip shit and get passive aggressive.

>> No.23388689

this is pure cope anon

>> No.23388769

Terrible rhythm try better next tjme

>> No.23388773

Based qanon retard

Why would she live at the dorms if she had an apartment to pretend to live at? Would she pay kids at the dorm to pretend to know her?

>> No.23388796

>only poorfags believe in god
unironically true

>> No.23388853

Seriously, if you can't see that's a larp your IQ is probably double digits.

>> No.23388878

Heh. Mine is rich, and attractive. To bad about the crazy though. Hot/crazy matrix guy was right

>> No.23388895

* Too

Spelling anyone?

>> No.23388922

Why doesn’t this guy wife the bitch, fuck her pussy full of babies and let her go mom-loco? She can hire a nanny if she needs an afternoon break.

College “just for fun” is troubling, though.

>> No.23388943

I haven't worked a day in my life at 31


>> No.23389130

I had a rich gf, if you have any respect or ambition for yourself it's hard to make work. Nothing you provide will ever be appreciated, although this is true with most roasties anyway. We still always split things 50/50 but she would always give nicer gifts for birthdays or christmas. It sucks not being able to use her ski or beach house anymore but my biggest takeaway from the relationship is now just wanting to get that for myself without the strings attached.

>> No.23389177

I dated a rich Chinese girl that would buy me random shit like Boy London clothes. fun while it lasted.

>> No.23389752

She is probably the creator of VALUE

>> No.23390015
File: 149 KB, 890x630, 63339532_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's not something to be crying about opportunity literally stares at you and you be like uhoh I'm so depressed because she has more money :((( WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE NIGGGGGAAAAAAA

Because most people don't understand how wealth is generated. They always think it's by one person getting lucky or "just working hard" without ever taking account the insane value of familial support or mentorship.

Now that I've typed this out, I realize now how important it is that if you want to level a race and keep it in a gutter, you destroy its family structure.

>> No.23391064

dont give jews ideas

>> No.23391216
File: 563 KB, 750x842, 1602766416724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've known for at least a hundred years.

>> No.23391398


Bruh, you weren’t hitting the bag right. A proper man would totally savage the pussy like young mike Tyson. Instead you chose to play paddy cake with it and lost.

Protip: what determines a man is a man is how he takes the pussy. Nothing else.

>> No.23391496
