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File: 85 KB, 1597x806, Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 23.48.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23379551 No.23379551 [Reply] [Original]

Prepare because Bitcoin is about to go absolutely ballistic

>> No.23379611


>charting 1m
>meme lines everywhere


>> No.23379628

>1 min chart

>> No.23379848

cup and handle formations happen over long periods of time. we're talking 3-6 months, or even longer. anyone that thinks this happens in a month or even smaller time frames, literally needs to kill themselves

>> No.23379909


1 min chart.... bruh.

>> No.23379965

he’s not wrong faggots. are you guys going to buy bitcoin or still waiting for muh 9k?

>> No.23380555

People aren't buying that shit because the pumps on btc are weak as fuck. Nobody gives a shit about a 3% pump.

>> No.23380579

kek, how does it feel to be brain damaged

>> No.23380597

this nigga unironically believes this line is just going to go up forever and that the hyperbitcornization is upon us

>> No.23380860

BTC is for large stacks where its more about not losing your huge holdings vs maximizing upside potential.

When your stack is in the hundreds of thousands/millions a 1-3% pump is nice when you also see that the downside is equally small when the market turns against you.

I wouldnt go 100% BTC as a portfolio with a mix of cryptos will have more upside, but I also feel great with my portfolio heavily biasing towards BTC as that allows me to not check the price like crazy as I'm confident its not going to go to 0.

>> No.23380912

You do understand that you could easily outperform that btc bias by just holding stocks, right? Literally get passive income too. Maxipads literally have the stupidest narratives ever.

>> No.23380920

I do, thats why I hold more stocks than I do crypto. I'm just talking about my crypto holdings here though.

>> No.23380974

Why even hold any btc. You could literally just keep stocks instead of btc then have that small amount of alts since they pump like crazy. btc is just a stable coin with excessive entry and exit fees.

>> No.23381028

FIrst, I'm not a maxi, so I do hold other alts besides BTC, but I hold a lot of BTC because its the one I believe in most for the long term. Plus its silly to just say that BTC is a stablecoin, I feel like when this rally gets started we could easily see a 5-10x which is nothing to sneeze at. Would you turn that down? Maybe you believe in other coins more, but I'm not convinced to the point where I feel like it makes sense to throw out my BTC.

Fixed supply, longest track record, larger players like Microstrategy starting to get interested, etc.

>> No.23381053

You sound like a new fag. When BTC goes on it's facemelting run it will pulverize alts into the ground.

>> No.23381084
File: 195 KB, 770x653, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do understand that if btc pumps by 10x that the fees would be so high that it'd eat into your gains and that cashing out would be next to impossible?

Microstrategy is run by fucking scammer

>> No.23381100
File: 26 KB, 513x340, 05pg-vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When BTC goes on it's facemelting run it will pulverize alts into the ground.
No, it won't and it never has. Sounds like you are the new fag.

>> No.23381124

who me

>> No.23381161

BTC really grinds your gears huh? Sounds like a personal issue

Either way, even if the fees skyrocket it wont even make a dent in the amounts I would be working with. I'm also a holder from 2012 so even if I paid ridiculous fees I'll be in handsome profit.

In addition to that I run a lightning node at home with several channels open (yes, lightning does work great and fees are super low). I think you're making this into a bigger issue than it needs to be.

Whats so great in your portfolio that you feel the need to shit on papa BTC so much?

>> No.23381221

dam dude, you're so right, just sold all my bitcoin, thanks for the insight anon, you sound very smart :)

>> No.23381227

Nah. It's just that you people are either dumb or you're shills looking to sell your bags to people who don't understand.

>> No.23381234

Seriously considering putting my 100k savings into BTC.
Convince me what to do.

>> No.23381238

You know what. You're right. One sec - let me go dump my bags on Jack Dorsey

>> No.23381287

Let's see a pic with a timestamp of this node you claim to run

>> No.23381301


I'm up 15k due to it going up 3% Lol.

Alot of poor ppl in here not understanding when BTC actually pumps, alts will get drained no questions about it.

alot of ppl haven't experienced a BTC rally.

>> No.23381310

If you actually care (I know you dont). You can connect to my node over TOR here:


>> No.23381331

That is absolutely not a pic with a timestamp.

>> No.23381340
File: 260 KB, 960x605, E8A75D30-33AB-4F95-9A63-147B7133F437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 100x leverage

>> No.23381370

I'm not doing any extra work for you man. Not like you're going to open a channel with me. Be happy I even sent you an address.

>> No.23381379

You would know. 1m is for zoomers

>> No.23381407

Nothings doing any serious moves till nov 3rd, unironically

>> No.23381417

Because you don't have a node. Even if you did, you're an idiot for running a nonproducing node that just adds overhead cost.

>> No.23381446

I run an ecommerce site with btcpayserver which has lightning built in. Cost of doing business. It produces plenty.

>> No.23381472

No, you don't. You are paid to shill btc.

>> No.23381482

>OP gives you an address
>muh its nut a timestemp!!#!11
the absolute state of newbiz kys you nigger fucking tourist

>> No.23381513

I would happily sign up for one of these paid BTC shill positions.

Seriously man, what is your deal. You have an unhealthy hatred for BTC. You know you could always not buy it and ignore it right?

>> No.23381528

Nobody is going to buy your btc trashbags. You idiots have trapped yourselves in that shitty ass investment and now you either sell at loss or continue trying to pump your own heavy bags.

>> No.23381561
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>> No.23381829
File: 248 KB, 1380x1152, 1543407802559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nobody will ever experience one ever again

>> No.23381869

btc benefits from being an uncorrelated asset with equities and thus provides portfolio diversification. It also has far more torque to the upside relative to a broadly diversified portfolio of index funds, so even a small allocation can result in large gains if held for sufficient amount of time

alts are almost entirely all dogshit vaporware scams that exist solely to flip for more bitcoin. That's it. Maybe own some ETH and XMR, but even those ultimately exist to flip for more BTC. Being pro-alts for the long run is a sure sign of a 2017 latecomer who doesn't know fuck all

>> No.23381900

I can sell these trashbags on the open market for $11,700 USD per one coin. Sounds like you're just a dumb faggot mad he doesn't own any.

>> No.23382836

Daily reminder post 2017fags opinions are worthless