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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23364685 No.23364685 [Reply] [Original]

You have no idea how high this is going to go in the next 6 months.

>> No.23364693

i can't fucking wait

>> No.23364694

is this post from a year ago? cuz you said this then too but all we got was fartless beans.

>> No.23364720

>6 months

>> No.23364815

>12 days
whew lad

>> No.23364828

10c stable coin, a better question is what will the supply be in 6 months? Kek

>> No.23364861

>can't even work out what the price is in cents (* 100)
try harder my man

>> No.23365046
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Around half of the total (50 billion).
You'll be seeing Reserve in the top 10.

>> No.23365111

$0.01557 - 0.02000 if we get a mega bull run. very much excite sir

>> No.23365250
File: 61 KB, 640x427, FBC19215-0D77-4BE1-BC75-EDD5103B61B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clearly don’t. My beans are still making me fart and I grow ever so tired of the smell. Why should we believe you, and why shouldn’t I give up on fartless beans?

>> No.23365254

do YOU have an idea how high this is going to go? My bags are getting heavy...

>> No.23365322

Neither do you know.

>> No.23365375

what do you people think happens when 90-95% of all RSR is being staked+burned while big brain whales are arbitrage looping their stack? kek biz really is full of low iq mongoloids nowadays.

>> No.23365411

Unironically, explain it to me because I'm a degenerate brainlet

>> No.23365439

It was $0.002 a year ago you fucking retard

>> No.23366289

just pay attention to all the places were rsv will be used outside of crypto and then add all the defi applications that can benefit from having a decentralized stablecoin. all of this will give rsv insane arbitrage opportunities for high iq players. app users don't care about paying small fees or paying .01 or .02 above the "$1 peg" and defi users pay fees up the ass just to have the privilege of trading in a decentralized way. then there's exchanges using rsv as a way to on-ramp from otherwise difficult jurisdictions (brazil for example), then there's the remittance markets which are in the billions per year and so on. the list goes on. anything application that CAN use a stablecoin WILL use rsv at some point in the future. this is literally the paypal of crypto for normies in the coming defi bullrun. yield farming will look like childsplay compared to the kind of yield farming we're gonna do with rsv but biz is too caught up in the total supply fud to realize it. i know this is the case because niggers are low iq and run to projects with "muh low supply" thinking that's the only variable and then get rugged hard. in the coming weeks all these low supply shitcoins will rug the low iq fad chasers and they will ultimately realize that fundamentals beats out any stupid notion of "muh low supply". when you're burning a set % of the total supply why would you fixate on the # of tokens? it makes zero sense yet people keep spamming "hurrr 100b supply anon hurrr". yes nigger we know, 100b supply but what % of that do you own faggots? stop thinking like retards and pay attention to the bigger picture. 90-95% of all supply will stay locked while only about 5-10% is traded at any given time. that's a max of about 10b tokens moving around in the market while 2-5% token burn eliminates the rest and this is AFTER mainnet and AFTER all tokens from VC get unlocked. get in before coinbase or stay poor and salty. cap this faggots.

>> No.23366323

Oh no that's only the easiest 10X of my life noooo

>> No.23366339

>RSV logo

I know exactly where it's going to anon. In 6 months it will be exactly $1, you're welcome.

>> No.23366356

who here sold their uni for rsr?

>> No.23366384

You dont know how high im going to be today man

>> No.23366436


>> No.23366480

it's pronounced
get it right. Then move on to something better like xbtc and have a good day sir

>> No.23366508
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>hurr gonna post again

this is you

>> No.23366525

so does this mean I will make it after all with a 400k stack?

>> No.23366547

>today's volume
>actually just $400

>> No.23366565

That's RSV. That's a stablecoin. Stablecoins don't move (much).

>> No.23366643

>offchain transactions don't count

>> No.23366778

>using imaginary info to invest

>> No.23366789

Hey, you started it

>> No.23366798

smart money is trying to accumulate at least 1M before coinbase. if you manage your risk you could get away with a 500k suicide/make it stack. you can always grab a little profit on the way up with a smaller stack (50-100k) if you're worried but if you don't need the money just chill and watch yourself become extremely wealthy. then you can tell your grandkids about how you made your first few million from magic internet money that turned out to be a bigger deal than you first thought.

>> No.23366869

this is holochain all over again... prob the same people

>> No.23366899

What's the time frame for this to start printing tendies?

>> No.23366917

So CoinGecko uses imaginary information?
We are all fucked.

>> No.23366937

Been holding this for a couple years. Am only willing to hold more one year until I start looking like a XRP coper

>> No.23366950

literal XRP fork

>> No.23366953

It had better. I’m a few bad months away from a rope desu.

>> No.23367039

RSV has yet to be incorporated, all current transactions via the app are taking place off-chain. Current RSV volume is not reflective of anything.

>> No.23367168

So you are using your imagination to come up with transactions that may or may not have happened.
I am using the official verifiable numbers.

>> No.23367210

>official verifiable numbers
That represent what exactly?

>> No.23367235

All we really want to know: price EOM & EOY?

>> No.23367257

If anybody on the planet knew that for sure they'd be a billionaire. I'm sure not even Thiel has any idea

>> No.23367298

Just post any arbitrary number and watch them go crazy, like this:

EOM $0.03,
EOY $0.12

>> No.23367467

Only have 10k, am I gonna make it?

>> No.23367581

you need to FUD this shitcoin till it hits the ground <=0.005 is an ideal price to accumulate, you goddamn asshole

>> No.23367856


How does $!00 sound, anon?

>> No.23367900


My fingies are too fat and I missed the "1". So, yeah.... $100.

>> No.23368303

Official verifiable numbers.
I didn't say it was a lot of information. I said it is exactly what it is.

>> No.23368445

the thing is that once the stablecoin mania hits these will all be going ot $5, $15, $25, this is pretty much a new frontier the same way bitcoin was. it is breaking ground like link did for oracles. these are going to become the thing.

>> No.23369178

RSR or LGCY? LGCY still has room to pump. RSR has made it's run already for at least 6+ months

>> No.23369897

pump LGCY, buy back RSR later end of 2021 they'll have mainnet by then

>> No.23369962
File: 108 KB, 389x842, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im from venezuela and this is already getting adoption, I see stores there using it, its kinda surreal. accepting reserve as payment. I think its a big buy signal.

>> No.23370121

to many N words in this post so it is now debunked. Along with this RSR scam coin.

>> No.23370159

saying nigger helps me filter out the retards. dont want any niggers making money from this.

>> No.23370162

Post proof please, id like to see a pic. Also what businesses are using atm?

>> No.23370175

I bought this shit at 0.00135 and dumped on your faggot ass at 3 cents. so again.. is it 2 years ago? cuz this project is completely fucking dead.

>> No.23370238

venezuela is just proof of concept. i dont get why all you rsr fags are so obssessed with one country, it makes fudding it that much easier for the discord trannies. rsv is gonna hit at least 7 countries in the next 5-6 months. they basically already proved it's doable and that's why coinbase asked them for extra liquidity a few months ago and posted about it on the latest coinbase custody blog. they're almost ready to list both tokens. you can't have rsv without rsr and visa-versa, you want people to have arbitrage functionality within the exchange or within the wallet app.

i would recommend you fags start downloading the coinbase wallet app soon so you can immediately start using the arbitrage pools and don't miss out on any arb loop gains early on.

>> No.23370324

early on arb loops will be more profitable for the simple fact that rsr will still be under $1, any arb loops you do with rsr under $1 will buy and burn the maximum amount of rsr per transaction until it reaches $1, after $1 it takes less and less rsr per arbitrage so even though you get back the same profit you wont get as much of an edge since you wont be able to buy back the same % or more using the profits from arbing. $10 will most likely be the cut off point where they set that as the minimum value for minting rsr. they alluded to this in the original whitepapers but had to scrap it because rsrfags kept harping on the $10 meme. $10 will unironically become the bottom for rsr wtihin the first 1-2 years. so many biztards will rope, i cant wait to make threads laughing at them kek

>> No.23370547
File: 31 KB, 500x459, act right Rajneesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you did, Raj

>> No.23370601

sure thing pajeet, post orders

>> No.23370608
File: 54 KB, 334x506, 1597306095474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone bigger brained pls explain to me how RSR -> RSV arbitrage works, if RSR is burned as part of the arb process? If you lose your RSR in the transaction then that's basically a "sale" and not an "arbitrage" right? I feel like I'm missing something important here. Will post wholesome, nutritious milkers for anyone who can give me a decent answer about this.

>> No.23370690

you send rsr to the arb smart contract and the arb smart contract gives you rsv in return while burning the rsr that you send. you're not buying rsv from the market, you're getting excess rsv that gets collected by the protocol from fees and appreciating assets that back rsv.

>> No.23370767

Okay so it really is just a sale that people are calling an "arbitrage" for some reason. For me "arbitrage" means a low-risk rapid transaction that takes advantage of spot price differences across markets. Something like:

>buy asset on exchange X for $1
>immediately sell on exchange Y for $1.10
>pocket the difference

So this is not really an arbitrage in the normal sense of the word. Alright thx for clearing that up anon, what flavor ethnicity would you like your milkers?

>> No.23370779

the second part of the loop would be considered a purchase when/if you decide to buy back into rsr using the rsv that you just got either by using the profits or the entire value of the exchange. the profit would be when you sell the rsv you got at $1 for $1.03 or 1.05 so that extra penny or two of profit could be used to buy back into rsr while keeping the $1 worth of rsv or you can just use the whole amount of $1.03 or $1.05 worth of rsv. you will also be able to choose at what price you think an arbitrage interaction is worth it for you but the whole point is that this lets you "unload" your rsr without negatively impacting the market value of rsr instead it will create a positive feedback loop of less rsr in circulation, with less sell pressure and more buy pressure until that feedback loop finds a balance.

>> No.23370861
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Ah okay that makes sense, I didn't consider the option of buying back your RSR at market price and keeping the profits. Here are some pumpkin spice milkers for the fall season.

>> No.23370876

well the app itself will/is becoming a kind of exchange but rsr gives holders the right to "buy" the excess rsv that's automatically held in the vault smart contract in quick succession as it becomes available and if the market value of rsr is above the $1 peg. when those exact conditions are met then a transfer of rsr from the arb pool into the smart contract is allowed until the price of rsv on the open market drops below or gets to $1 therefore balancing it.

so it's pseudo arbitrage just like it's pseudo staking. there's no locking feature and you aren't going from one exchange to another but the results are the same as if you were in both cases.

you're buying from the app's "exchange/smart contract" and selling it to app users and rsv traders during moments of volatility in order to restore the peg.

>> No.23370909

there's going to be a lot of interesting stuff we can do once the contracts are all set up for us. this is why yield farming with rsv is going to be insane, you're going to be making money from arbing it using normal crypto assets (btc/eth/tether/) etc. and you'll be able to then get an extra arb chance when it goes above $1 using rsr, all the while using the profits to buy more rsr for future arbing and you can lend it out as well for liquidity providers.

>> No.23370946

>if the market value of RSV is above the $1 peg *

>> No.23371005

This also makes that notorious 100B number a lot more sensible. If RSR is burned in arb'ing they will need a large liquidity pool to keep that loop going for a long time.

>> No.23371223

biz got fudded too hard and the brainlets here don't understand fundamentals they're just chasing pump and dumps.

>> No.23371224

Sounds like what I already have, are you saying RSR is a 0.01 dollars stablecoin?

I'm out of money to buy shitcoin sir, plus I have others coins on my radar

>> No.23371270

Hoping to see $0.10, that'll let me retire.

>> No.23371673

I'm waiting for the right moment to do this, will probably do it on the v3 uni pump

>> No.23371695

If I have 1mil RSR does that mean I can exchange it for 1mil RSV at some point?

>> No.23371860

Stop spoon feeding bizlets
biz doesnt deserve this one
just accumulate in silence

>> No.23372876

No, read the white paper. 1 million RSR is equivalent to 10 million RSV.

>> No.23373718 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 270x187, i quant wait to go all in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is it... what is this "Quant," Anon? I've been thinking about maxing out my credit cards to buy a huge bag. Why don't you fill me in?

>> No.23374157

2 Million Chad stack right here.
Do I even have to ask if I will make it.

>> No.23374303
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I fud this project relentlessly online but tell my friends about it irl so that all of us can make it

>> No.23374375

How will the team ensure that RSY isn't traded on DEXs, thereby creating a price discrepancy to the original $1 value?

This happened to CNS.

>> No.23374383
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it's a guilty pleasure, but holding for retirement by end of 2021

>> No.23374473

Have said it before, will say it again.
If it hits $10 (or $5 desu) I will eat my own mantits on stream.

>> No.23374529

I want RSR to be worth a dollar soon!!! It's taking too long!

>> No.23374539

enjoy waiting 10 years

>> No.23374550
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I'll spray some whipped cream on them for you. At $5 I wouldn't care about working again, couldn't imagine $10

>> No.23374881

put in 10k usd now and have a mil in 10 years by doing absolutely nothing? sounds good to me...