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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 492 KB, 640x1109, qhwtgl88g8t51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23341426 No.23341426 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend like Chainlink was /biz/'s token in 2017/2018? There were multiple coins, most of which failed, which were billed as being "/biz/'s coin". REQ, DBC, ARK, DGB, and the list goes on.
Chainlink performed absolutely horribly during the bull run, and only a fool would've bought it, especially considering there were no legit exchanges listing it--only a then shady, small Chinese firm known as Binance.

>> No.23341498

that's a man

>> No.23341552

for once you are right

>> No.23341558

wrong, it's a drawing

>> No.23341623

it's called hentai, and it's art

>> No.23341645

tenderly kissing astolfo’s slightly musky pink anus

>> No.23341784

Who cares?

>> No.23341794

Even better

>> No.23341886

REQ, ARK, DGB did a good pump and dump. That's good enough for me. You're right about LINK tho, it was pure shit.

>> No.23341945

I think you misunderstand the topic of this thread

>> No.23342164

>for once
Welcome newfriend

>> No.23342214
File: 22 KB, 360x360, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c u t e.
how can one girl be so perfect?

>> No.23342807

Go back. There were hundreds of threads per day. Link is our coin

>> No.23343649

the stand split meme is not art

>> No.23343691

shillvivership bias
same reason 4trans trannies thought they got trump elected beacuse they posted unfunny memes on an obscure imageboard with 50 users

>> No.23343792

It was. Chainlink outperformed the entire world.

API3 could do the same.

>> No.23343832

Your right about the election trump was just the right guy at the right time but if you believe 4chan had nothing to do with chainlinks rise then your a fool.

>> No.23343847

why do trannies try to rewrite history? LINK has been the biggest project on /biz/ by a factor of 10, since ICO.