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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23282605 No.23282605 [Reply] [Original]

How're you holding up /biz/?

>> No.23282639

im ok

>> No.23282656

Your image would be a stark improvement.

>> No.23282670

Why is life so cruel

>> No.23282680

I wish someone would update that image for use on different boards. That's from /fit/ 10 years ago. I'm not that image anymore, now I'm a 30yo boomer failure neckbeard. UPDATE THE IMAGE

>> No.23282685
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It feels like every week I'm reaching new lows

>> No.23282688

Doing great, OP. Hope you're makin it.

>> No.23282692

wojak id

>> No.23282695

you do it

>> No.23282699

Adderall binge.. Could be better?.

>> No.23282705

did you miss the failure neckbeard part? i have not the skillset, anon

>> No.23282709

>Adderall binge
How many hours of porn have you watched?

>> No.23282719

Live life based.

>> No.23282730

>implying age matters after 18 and before 40 for men

>> No.23282770


>> No.23282773
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you know what guys

i got you


>> No.23282780

I jerked off 2 times and going to third day now. a few hours probz?

>> No.23282800

4/10 mood this week, work is stressful and I'm spending too much time daydreaming about making it. But ok all things considered. I'm pretty deep red these last couple weeks in crypto as well but whatever.

>> No.23282833

I'm a fiend on stims, I can no longer take them.

>> No.23282837

I'm sleepy anons

>> No.23282844
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Not great, I cannot bring myself to continue riding with Biden.

>> No.23282850
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What is the one (1) thing that will without fail turn your mood around and give you happiness?
Hard mode: no money allowed

>> No.23282864

Good for you bro. I dont see any food garbage in that shithole.

>> No.23282872
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I was doing a lot better physically and mentally a year ago. This whole corona mess and the state of the world has put me back into a state I haven't been in at least a decade.

>> No.23282884

Checked and same here. :D I'm just NEET ing and take stims.

>> No.23282935

for me a cold shower/cold water swim guarantees some sort of mood change. or a hot oil thai massage. without going outside? vr can do the trick sometimes. or a set of heavy deadlifts

>> No.23282965

Praying for a fucking meteor to hit this shit country called America

>> No.23283006
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Its my birthday.
none of my friends know.

>> No.23283008

you're just growing up, welcome to the show

>> No.23283043

You just told your frens. Happy Birthday.

>> No.23283060
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Slowly turning around from a 2 year depression, down 25lbs from my highest, apartment used to be a total disaster but I've cleaned things so it's a lot better now, it still needs a few more hours of cleaning/tidying up before I'd be comfortable having people over though.
Haven't been getting enough sleep and have been doing shitty at my wagie job, feels like a miracle they haven't fired me yet. I'm hoping I can turn that around too.

>> No.23283113
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weather cooled off finally and it's supposed to be overcast all week, so good for the time being

>> No.23283142

Is this me?
Fucking accurate

>> No.23283151

not great, lost a fuckton of money from CBDAO exitscam, havent been going to the gym since covid, sprained my wrist and it is taking forever to heal so I can't do much of anything really and have to move out of home soon too.

>> No.23283161

>no fucking top sheet
this is why you guys dont get good gains

>> No.23283610
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We know now

>> No.23283642

Watching my aquarium or playing minecraft and pretending it's 10 years ago

>> No.23283697

Thanks friends!

>> No.23283836

the past 8 years have blended together into one, i have made no memories just wasted away my youth in front of a screen, i hate myself

>> No.23283857

Just got denied a home loan cause of my school debt

Not feeling good bros

>> No.23283858
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a bazoo for our fren !

>> No.23283877

Lol I have bonds in school loans
Sorry bro

>> No.23283905

GF dumped me about a month ago, crashed very hard since then

slow gains, but slowly discovering new outlook in life

1 year and im done with my masters
then onto the CFA

need to look for a job now

>> No.23283918

Its okay. I just don't know how im gonna get a house anytime soon now

>> No.23283935

No one can feel really safe and happy without owning their house.
Without a house, you are always on edge and worry.
How much interest you got on it?

>> No.23283957

$500k in crypto (over 90% in LINK) waiting for the next bullrun

Right to study expires by 2023, that is my deadline. Currently wasting my time, have no plan B, no way I am going to do highly stressful software engineering for my career. Studying comp science despite being non-autist mediocrity in math and logic, I hate computers, I hate blockchain, I hate nerds and I just want out and never heard the word cryptocurrency, blockchain or do anything software or coding -related ever again. Absolutely no ambition just a race against time and pretending to be interested

>> No.23283964

Idk i owe 65k right now because im a fucking moron who lef my family max me out

I don't even talk to them any more

>> No.23283969

Wait? How your family maxed you out?

>> No.23283981

I let me mom talk me into taking every loan i could cause they told me they needed finical help

Turns out they were going to Vegas twice a year

>> No.23283982
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post ss of position

>> No.23283999

The cool morning air in the summer. When the sun is out, but the air hasnt heated up yet. Its refreshing.

>> No.23284005

Position of what?

>> No.23284019

>Currently wasting my time, have no plan B, no way I am going to do highly stressful software engineering for my career. Studying comp science despite being non-autist mediocrity in math and logic, I hate computers, I hate blockchain, I hate nerds and I just want out and never heard the word cryptocurrency, blockchain or do anything software or coding -related ever again. Absolutely no ambition just a race against time and pretending to be interested
This is legitimately like I wrote it, I'm in the exact same position as you, including the ambition part and the right to study which for me I think also expire by 2023 (I'm entering 6th year now and keep failing classes because I just don't care at all). The only difference is you actually have money, I'm hoping for a jackpot win to save me from a software engineering job, I cannot handle the pressure and stress and working with other people, the thought itself makes me more suicidal than I already am

>> No.23284043

Join the military. Forget your crypto investments. After your service, come home with a fresh perspective, new skills, and discipline.

Use your new confidence to get a wife and move to the woods or something. Live off crypto gains and grow some food. Start a family. Congrats you've officially made it

>> No.23284047

you're not alone

>> No.23284079

When will the pain of you hating yourself eventually be high enough to motivate you to stop being a pussy and get out of your comfort zone? Took me about 2 years of depression until I knew I had to do something about it

>> No.23284109

Man that hurts.
Me and my family are open with money.
But we don’t use each other.
We have a literal internal communism party (share all the money) but we also live and work like capitalists (don’t waste money on shit that won’t make you more money ...mindless consumerism, stupid loans, trips)
Your family is everything and can also be your downfall if they are not good.
There is a law though that if you pay your loan regularly it can be forgiven in 25 years.
From time you get loans to 25 years.
So I think you can own a house by 45 max

>> No.23284135

>Taking a 30 minute shower, slathering myself in moisturizer a bit after, then climbing into bed with fresh clean sheets

Feels good to be a simple man

>> No.23284137

Im 28 now so only 17 years to go :)

Thanks for the talk anon you are an alright dude

>> No.23284145

A gf

>> No.23284156

made and lost half a mil
back to square one
you tell me

>> No.23284162

I have no reason to get out of my comfort zone, there's nothing I want out of life I'm just gonna wait it out. Thinking of going to a psychiatrist to write me some meds to make the process easier

>> No.23284167

Thanks bro.
Don’t use alcohol drugs or pain killers though.
Be angry, be in pain, be sad, don’t sedate it.
Let it motivate you to get out of shit. Because one day you get out of sedation and realize your life still sucks ass and you are older.
(This is how I live btw, I can make brew sick alcoholic drink and grow shrooms, but I never use them.)

>> No.23284176

oh man, how much did you start with?

>> No.23284195
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Happy birthday

>> No.23284196


less than a grand

>> No.23284206

I hate this market so fucking much.

>> No.23284207

Oh no im good man

I have a good woman who's been helping me out of the hole. I tired to get us a house so thats why I'm feeling down RN

She's okay with it but she deserves better

>> No.23284209

>I'm hoping for a jackpot win to save me from a software engineering job

Lol it kinda sucks the life out of you. The problem with me is that I'm older than most of my classmates (I'm in my late 20s boomer late bloomer who did physical jobs most of my 20s)

Most of the guys are smarter than me, it's not that I cannot come up with solutions, but I'm like 40% slower than other people. I see these pretty bright young dudes full of enthusiasm and some naive ideas, but these guys are literally "live for the code" nerds who also spend their free time coding.

Even at the best I could imagine myself doing some low stress front-end stuff like 2-3 days of the week, I was originally intending to go for some SAP backend stuff, but how the fuck anyone can enjoy it?

I miss simpler days, 10 years ago I had a government job I just showed up and did literally nothing. Received and signed some freight papers and drove a forklift, fuck I was stupid and fell for the "gotta make big buck meme and go study"

>> No.23284239


this is why it is so dangerous to so many people myself included

>> No.23284256

I actually enjoyed coding in high school in my free time, it was fun coming up with solutions to problems and i had no friends so other hobbies were out of the question. Since then I have just lots any interest because university takes any fun out of it, I physically cringe looking at code now. Besides that I can't work in stressful situations, I've thought about dropping out and doing some menial work like making sandwiches or smth

>> No.23284263

At least you got a motivator.
I got no one but my own family.
Though we are good, I feel sad that I have them only because I am genetically linked with them
I have no friends and a virgin at 26 so...
We all have some shit

>> No.23284271

The voice in my head won't stop telling my to kms.

>> No.23284296

Shes all i have now

Family was nice. I can understand the lonleness but at least you have some people in your life who aren't toxic.

I wish you the best anon. Maybe next year will be our years

>> No.23284304

>Going to the gym

>> No.23284338
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Which one is you?

>> No.23284347
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Or this?

>> No.23284375
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Merry birthday anon.

>> No.23284381

happy bday

>> No.23284385
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>> No.23284401

For me is late night laughing at humor threads on pol, while I drink monster or coffee and it’s raining or snowing outside.
When I was in army, I had to sleep on ground for 2 months and so when I came back sleeping on my bed felt AWESOME for couple of weeks
So maybe in my 30s I feel happy about other things

>> No.23284422
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>anon, where have you been? Ive been waiting for you. I’m ready.


>> No.23284437

Ye I just wished “rich Americans” were more nationalistic than globalist.
Then instead of donating to Africa to feed “hungry kids” they would donate to Americans at home.
If I ever get rich, this will be my goal

>> No.23284455
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both of these are meirl
I just finished undergrad physics degree, somehow published a paper in my final year. Academia looks depressing as fuck, but it would be pretty chill but shit pay.
I am now at a big 4 firm doing the most basic software shit ever and i want to quit (only been 6 months and only 60k AUD starting..).

I think im going to start applying to some crypto trading firms and exchanges. At least the work would be challenging and exciting. I just need to stop being a weed smoking degen so I can be properly motivated and do some good work.

>> No.23284475

Happy b day anon.
I had no birthday last 10 years, but I am happy to be here for you.

>> No.23284595

i feel like you misunderstood me, my problem is that it's too challenging and stressful, I'm pretty brainlet I just want something easy and relaxed where people don't bother me

>> No.23284606
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I like to paint and write. Painting like cezanne and working my way forward to dark abstract. I’d also write stories about nothing. Men wandering dark streets alone. An Ugly bird swimming in a pond as the water froze around her. Beautiful people losing everything. Then I burn it all cuz I’m scared of rejection and yet don’t really want fame.

>> No.23284625

Still alive

>> No.23284665
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waiting patiently for loyal.finance to start their presale on sunday and ape in with 2 different wallets because of their retarted 5eth max cap per person.

this will be 4-6 month stablecoin staking for a small group of people... literally 100% secured profit of like 40% over 4-6 month with the option of like 400-1000% if the the token price also rises in this time... (no dump possible here pretty much because of their token mechanics)

>> No.23285108

I hope they will notice that you are using 2 wallets... their system is nearly flawless and aims for FAIR distribution (at least within loyal presale members).. even with one wallet you would make AT LEAST 3000$ per month with 5 ETH worth of LYL staked.

How about NOT being greedy one time and just follow rules and enjoy the insane STABLE apy's while sharing the pool with your other friendly presale plebs?

Hate people like you honestly.

>> No.23285134
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Same position here my dude. Do the art for its own sake, and trust that it will find its place in the world. All you have to do is create it and then kinda let go.

>> No.23285438

Pretty good since i started to run between 5 and 10 kilometers each days on daylight. You won't believe how positive the effects are. Tried the usual shit, dopamine, millepertui herbal tea, lion' mane, other nootropics, drinking alcohol at night (obviously bad). Running each day on the daylight beat them all, by far. It's really simple really.

>> No.23285464

I havent done any work since march and I think my manager may finally realise

>> No.23285468


>> No.23285487
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Happy Birthday King

>> No.23285505
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Thanks, bro. We gonna make it.

>> No.23285508


you're literally me except my injury is on the lower leg

>> No.23285518

I lost almost everything

>> No.23285593
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I got a ok job and gf, but nothing can fill the void. Life fucking sucks. I just want an escape. I want to get out of the city. Look how peaceful it is out there, and i can shoot on a bunch of public land. Pure freedom. I miss my old town. Need to find a new place south one before its too late.

>> No.23285646
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9 months to the day since my ex broke up with me. Every day i'm still having thoughts about calling her up and asking if we can talk. I know ultimately that would kill me in the long run. I'm finding it really hard to let go. I always do

>> No.23285678
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Smoking weed and Rising storm 2, best larp simulator

>> No.23285701

Normally my home is tidier but Im out of work for a some weeks and Ive pretty much stopped giving a shit (I can relate to OPs pic). Ive got all types of bills and fines and no means to pay them. Ive felt so rock bottom Ive been wanting to run to the hills and join a religious commune.

>> No.23285990

getting an interview offer from at least one of the 100+ job applications I've shit out over the last 3 months

>> No.23286002

Happy birthday.

>> No.23286048

Librarian in a quiet town without universities or colleges. Dead quiet, books to flick through and plenty of time to trade shitcoin or meme stonks.
If you're a bit handy around the house and good at household cleaning you can get paid to live in people's holiday homes while they're away. It's fucking hard as nails to get into that though.

>> No.23286087

Idk if it’s becauae of covid or all the weed I’m smoking but I’m peak crazy right now. Super depressed , lots of negative thoughts , saying weird shit out loud, having schizo thoughts

>> No.23286109

you need a masters degree to be a librarian in america lmao...

>> No.23286165

The bag on thd ground reminds me of my uni years, i only wanna go back to do things before i run out of time

>> No.23286207
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All I see on /biz/ now are the most blatant scams. Not even the vague promise of an actual use case.

>> No.23286212

Probably the weed.

>> No.23286236

Stop smoking weed and switch to CBD capsules/or buds you can smoke. You wont feel wasted but its anti psichotic. This reminds me that one of the reasons Im fucked in the head atm also is that Ive run out of CBD.

>> No.23286284

checked for freshness

>> No.23286323

When I have had a really bad day (e.g. losing $50k) I:
> go for a long walk
> when I get home I order delicious food and watch something that makes me laugh (South Park, MDE, Youtube videos, comedy etc.)
> get a lot of sleep
> next morning I usually feel 50%-75% less JUSTed
> following 1-7 days I do everything I can to get my mind off money/ finance (vidya, going outside, socializing, movies, eating delicious food, working out etc.)
tldr; NPC escapism but it works for me

>> No.23286410

Am not holding up actually
I wish I lost money in investing, but I lived frugally to start a new life abroad and inflation fucked me over
I wanna end it all on a daily basis but my parents rely on me
be strong bros

>> No.23286416

everyone with real problems:
learn to meditate.
do this 10 day course, which is completely free (you get food and accomodation, but you must show up in the meditation hall).
it's a no-bullshit technique they teach you.


>> No.23286426

A ticket out of here
Am from Lebanon

>> No.23286438

also 9/10 days are spent in silence.

if showing up physically is too much,
maybe do the guided meditations on the BWSA (buddhist society of western australia) youtube channel.

>> No.23286542

Apartment doesn’t have AC until spring, for some reason it’s always 25F above the outside temp so I can’t sleep

>> No.23287252

Damn dude shoulda stuck in the gov gig, they have planned carreer paths

>> No.23287452
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>> No.23287665

I'm so excited!
Lition AMA.
2 year accumulation period is coming to an end.