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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 273 KB, 614x602, 1602611662556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23249422 No.23249422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Setting aside the foolishness of simping/paypigging for ANY girl who won't have sex with you: why do men become simps/paypigs for chicks like pic related?
Is it because they know they'd have zero chance with an attractive Stacy, or even a Becky, in real life, so they can only bring themselves to pay for a parasocial fauxlationship with an average or below average girl?

>> No.23249440
File: 162 KB, 1125x1726, EjLfy1QXcAIgnkf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are her simps black? I know they go for overweight white women.

>> No.23249478

uhhhh, have sex sweaty???
ur such an incel DUH

>> No.23249553

onlyfans and twitch are capitalizing on loneliness, they provide people so depraved of attention their need of their social interaction in exchange for money.

>> No.23249582

Nice proof
>go to open house
>take pics for likes from your simps

>> No.23249592

She probably just got a mortgage.

>> No.23249648

Even if she didn't, these retards are in for a rude awakening when they realize they can't sustain their lifestyle past a couple years and everything comes crashing down. I mean, how likely do you think it is for these idiots to actually reinvest their spare income?

>> No.23249661

some people are into the miss piggy look.

>> No.23249692

If she did earn enough money this year for a whole house, I hope she set aside a nice chunk for taxes. Also this girl ain't shit I wouldn't even check her out if I saw her on the street.

>> No.23249735

Ok I'll admit her instagram is better than OP's pic. Probably lots of star wars simps https://www.instagram.com/xsavannahsolox/?hl=en

>> No.23249761


>> No.23249816
File: 85 KB, 752x460, 1422907562513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd pay to not see her ever again. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.23249864

she's cute :3

>> No.23249908


>> No.23249918

Shes still ugly as fuck
Cosplaying is cringe
Fuck all these normies

>> No.23249965

That tweet is the thot equivalent of "MOONING NOW GET IN HERE" I wonder how many potential thots took the bait and got rugged of their dignity

>> No.23249980

Because these men are unconscious. They are actually sleeping walkers, automated in their obedience to modern matriarchy. That's why they will perish, while crypto holders will not.

>> No.23250254

>cosplaying is cringe
hating on others for their hobbies & interests, ngmi

>> No.23250394

my gf gave me charge of her of money and i bought link at 1$ checkem

>> No.23250433

t.cosplay neckbeard

>> No.23250435

Black don’t pay or cuck. We alphas who get sex unlike white incels. Cope

>> No.23250482

im so tired of you whining incels
if being a woman is so great why dont you just cut off your balls and b ecome a woman yourself? we literally have the technology. but nuh-uh you just keep whining about female privilege

>> No.23250519

this has been happening for decades. why is everyone uptight about it now? theres been girls that make money from sex stuff for DECADES now. you guys are just mad now someone can tweet that they did?

>> No.23250589

Sure woman have paid for their life by selling themselves for a long time, but they had to be decent looking for it.

>> No.23250597
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1601751439370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being black

>> No.23250658
File: 78 KB, 1100x1007, 1585587006029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually sick to my stomach. This disgusting fat whore is coasting through in life because of simps.

We need a final solution for simps.

>> No.23250757

heres a pity (you)

>> No.23250993

People don't realize that OF is paying girls to post stuff like this to recruit more people to the platform. Google average OF income. It's like $150 a MONTH.

>> No.23251021

ok nigcel

>> No.23251076

Howd she react when Link hit 20?

Anything other than started blowing you on the spot is wrong answer btw.

>> No.23251089


>> No.23251103

Legalise brothels. It is the only way. Making whoring illegal was supposed to prevent societal degeneracy and decay but that has to be better than this shit.

>> No.23251140

she probably "bought" a house in the sense she got approved for some FHA 3.5% downpayment mortgage, lol

>> No.23251201

I make 125k a year and I spend like 3-4k a month on onlyfans. I even paid 18k towards a car for a cam girl a couple years ago. I wish I had been putting this money in crypto but it is what it is. The worst part is I still have never even kissed a girl.

>> No.23251214

And when the THOT bubble bursts she is going to be absolutely fucked

>> No.23251255


lul kill yourself

>> No.23251290


>> No.23251310

house prices appreciate faater than interest so shes coming out ahead anyway

>> No.23251321

it's a christshit thing

>> No.23251324

i want that out of shape woman to fart in my mouth with gas!

>> No.23251329

this better be bait, if not start spending that money on therapy not even joking

>> No.23251353

Ay dios mio la creatura de puerco

>> No.23251380

>why do men become simps/paypigs
low self worth

>> No.23251460
File: 61 KB, 979x874, 1397640971680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's quite obvious low-tier bait/marketing to get average girls to sign up in masses.
you're literally falling for a fucking ad, OP

>> No.23251484

it is known that simps are predominantly asian ,white and lastly latino males

>> No.23251510

/biz/lets, you may or may not remember me since it was a while ago.
But the thread had the same image in the OP.

I was the artfag /biz/tard who had the idea of making an OnlyFans for an OC I create.
Just wanted to let you all know, that the idea I had is indeed possible as I found someone who apparently beat me to that idea.

Now here's an idea for you guys who aren't art orientated.
However it will cost you money to get it off the ground.
>create a shitty reference sheet of your character
>commission an artist to draw it for you better
>gather a following
>open an OnlyFans for your OC
>now start doing "private commissions" from artists for lewds
>post the "private commissions" to your characters OnlyFans page

It'll take a while to make your money back; and profit; depending on artists you commission but in theory it could work.

>> No.23251511

>theres been girls that make money from sex stuff for DECADES now.
Try millennia.

>> No.23251548

Based whore. She won

>> No.23251586

I bet by cheating

>> No.23251872

It's gotten to the point where I've decided to stop trying to advise simps to not be simps
I'm done being mad at simps for wasting their money, emotions and time on pics/videos that should be free. Let them do it.
I'm done feeling envy over women making easy money online by leading simps on. It is what it is
You just have to focus on your fucking self in this life, and accept the fact that there are some people out there living life on easy mode, in part because other people like to make bad decisions which greatly benefits that first set of people
They're similar to that family member who's in the streets always drugged out, or that obese friend you have who keeps pumping himself with unhealthy food
You WANT to sit them down and explain how that cocaine is ruining their life, or how all that extra sodium, added sugar and bad cholesterol will eventually severely impact their health. You WANT them to see how the local drug dealers and the food companies are getting rich from their self-destruction by fooling and using them. But you know they won't listen
I'm focusing on me. On getting myself at least financially comfortable if not rich, even if it's done the longer and harder way compared to women selling themselves on OF
I'm focusing on not ever being dumb or pathetic enough to give a dime to a woman who I'm not at least fucking, and even then she's not getting too much from me

>> No.23251875

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Start making your own moves instead of whining, incels.

>> No.23251894

Based schizo

>> No.23251916

Great post. Kinda obivious but great post

>> No.23251939
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>> No.23251973
File: 101 KB, 920x911, of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most roasties actually get roasted by this business model, it's completely unsustainable. Some people who got in early were able to get rich, which was also boosted by it offering MLM style referral bonuses, but bc of Corona causing so many people to sign up they cut it.

>> No.23252282

At this point I've prioritized I'd rather get with an e-thot so neither of us has to wagie than waste my energy hating on them. My ex is now one so we'll see how that goes.

Cynicism mostly. I'd much rather a whore show her feet and pussy to self loathing Christians and Reddit mods taking their money than her go out and just be another dumb boomer working a shit job. The point is to make the right sorta people suffer and lose out

>> No.23252447

I'd be wary of believing any of these insane numbers girls claim their making on onlyfans.

I know people popular in the adult entertainment industry and they're not making anything remotely close to what these random girls claim they're making.

>> No.23252478


>> No.23253180

neat, I have recovered some hope
get fucked roasties

>> No.23253267

3 years holding LINK to be bullied by simps

>> No.23253395

These whores and simps are unlikely to change. Very few ever do change and if they "do change", end up having a kid, and the kids ends up doing the same thing they'll say "that's a part of growing up". They never really changed they just view it as a part in life where they MUST do that in their opinion.

Enraging really. Here I am busting my butt trying to get rich off stocks to help my family and I, yet a broad can go take scantily clad pics and make over $500k in a year. Where and who are these simps!? If you're just going to throw it all away like that why not give it to someone like me (prefarably me)? Seriously, they'll just toss money amd be enraged when they same girl ends up only going for a fake "Chad". She doesn't even need beta orbiting simps with money once she's reason. Absolutely infuriating how easy these women have it only for a bunch to cause problems (out of boredom) when I'm just trying to escape wageslavery!!! If Im rich Im out, why would I want to continue wagecucking or even talking with npcs for the sole purpose of befriending!? Heck I just want to get my own secluded place and be left alone by society for the most part

>> No.23253475

Most these women will be on the streets by age 31. Women age in value like the US Dollar has since 1920.

>> No.23253519

I went to her website and watched a vid of her in the shower whining about how she couldn't get a real job. Very grating voice. A vile person all around.

>> No.23253550

Honestly a fucking disgrace she shouldn't be able to find a dick for her vag let alone 100s of K. Everybody who gave her money should be lined up and shot.

>> No.23253576

holy fuck you're a failure
rope now

>> No.23253645

it's hilarious how this website isn't enraging feminists all over kek

>> No.23253666

Not how it works. Why do you think it works that way?

>> No.23253670

execute whores and simps instead, foolproof way of preventing social degeneracy

>> No.23253682

>not hating on other for their hobbies and interests
Cuck mentality

>> No.23253687

I'm sure she'll enjoy living alone in that big modern house, all that space that could have been used to enjoy the company of friends and raise a loving family in. The large kitchen for hosting dinner parties, and years later in the same kitchen, teaching her daughter the recipes her mum showed her.

Except she doesn't have any friends, only people that want to fuck her. And she will never form a meaningful relationship with someone willing to share their life with her.

A big empty house for a big empty person.

>> No.23253710

slightly cringe but also based

>> No.23253726
File: 672 KB, 2368x1653, 1548055467717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, fuck women
only thing you need is a gym and your bros

>> No.23253751


>> No.23253760

>posts #blm shit on her instagra
>instantly lose any and all attraction to her
>close tab and this thread and move on
sorry not sorry but I cant find gentlemen negro lovers attractive

>> No.23253773

this is just an advertisement retard

>> No.23253791

Feminists are pro sex work though.

>> No.23253796

they want to lure gullible goyim thots to send nude pics directly into the NSA database

>> No.23253816

that's true but they also don't want women to be objectified? it's just a retarded psyop at this point

>> No.23253836

I feel the same.

>> No.23253840

>We alphas who get sex.


>> No.23253947

Women have a sweet spot between their teenage years and about 30. After that it's all downhill. Diminishing returns. There are a few exceptions to this rule.

Men have a sweet spot between 30 and 50. This is when biologically they are most attractive (31 is the most attractive age for a man). These are his prime earning years.

A teenage boy is not in demand. A teenage boy is repugnant to a lot of the population (insecurity/immaturity). That doesn't mean a guy in his 20's can't murder poon. But what happens isn't an equal distribution, what happens is this:

The top 20% of males clean up. They play the entire field. Average women in their 20's don't want average men in their 20's. They want the Chad's because even a shot at a high value man is worth it over an average dude. You can see this with animals. There are genetic reasons for this that are actually a boon to our race (you really don't want a bunch of average people procreating, you want the best of the best). Men don't care, so you need women to filter out the "lower value" (or however you want to phrase it) men. Women are the last arbiters of the future of the human race. They are the ones that decide whether your traits are passed on or not.

So while you might think it's unfair that a women can be so high value without actually needing to do anything or be exceptionally good looking. They have a sliver in time that this is the case and they know this and that's why they push harder in the relationship for stability and future, they're on a clock.

Most men have it pretty shitty in their youth, but become more valuable later, with the added benefit of being able to procure attractive women their entire life as long as they're successful. A successful woman typically procure an attractive male if she isn't attractive. But their sense of values are much different from a man so they don't care as much about attractiveness anyway. Some exceptions. That's why always swiping right for most guys doesn't work.

>> No.23253950

These inefficiencies will be fixed eventually. This reminds me of the day trader craze of the dotcom boom. Anywhere where the slaves are making enough money to buy their freedom is an inefficiency waiting to be corrected.

>> No.23253974

If she bought it in cash then that’s pretty cool.

>> No.23254110
File: 324 KB, 362x409, 1602306074138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then, for no reason at all...

>> No.23254200

Simps need to be hanged

>> No.23254298
File: 1016 KB, 1242x1541, 8E8038B3-7E22-4FEB-AAF3-B89B86EB6C7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow people don’t recognize feminism as a weapon to topple our country.

>> No.23254327

Damn that’s a fuckable little piggy

>> No.23254348


>> No.23254350

Jesus dude contact Julien Blanc before you decide to kill yourself one day.

>> No.23254393

that post can be read multiple ways

>> No.23254401

I plan on selling content on OnlyFans (not sexual photos) but actual content people would like. What's the best way to get started with advertising? Can't say what my content is as no one has done it yet.

>> No.23254403
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 1600483054074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is it because they know they'd have zero chance with an attractive Stacy, or even a Becky, in real life, so they can only bring themselves to pay for a parasocial fauxlationship with an average or below average girl?
yes, they are very pathetic people

>> No.23254416

because its safe prostitution... the girls dont have to go out and touch those icky gross men so femtwats are in favor of it cuz hue hue hue fleece the gross icky males. if they actually tried to legalize prostitution tho the femicunts would suddenly be enraged and seething over it.
feminists are just looking for more privilages and perks on top of the tons they have men dont

>> No.23254425

Anyone else tired of retarded assholes on here handwaving it away as
>nothing you could do
>she just happened to benefit being born when she did
>it sucks but it is what it is
what the fuck happened to the dream of obtaining your own home where most can't but if you post nudes on onlyfans it's practically gifted

>> No.23254453

im pretty glad im better looking than most people out there body and face combined.

if i was peasant tier genetics and saw things like this i'd be furious

i probably should just move to vegas and become a male stripper for a few years...who the FUCK cares.

>> No.23254469

>I am just pretending to be retarded i-swear

>> No.23254529

Who is paying these people?

>> No.23254548

What stops someone from using female filters, makeup, or deepfakes to scam people?

>> No.23254571

I don’t see it.

>> No.23254578

>greentext snarky comment
>point btfo
kys my man. If it's not boomers telling us to work harder it's retards like you saying nothing you can do just grin and bear with it

>> No.23254586

You sound mad

>> No.23254592

They feel less intimidated.

>> No.23254610
File: 53 KB, 1024x977, 1600656606925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, go for it champ

>> No.23254627

Men do not personally benefit from mating though. They can only even break even if part of the elite class.

For this reason there’s probably a hard ceiling on intelligence.

>> No.23254642

she didn't buy a house. she put a down payment and had someone else cosign it.

>> No.23254648

Laziness. I've heard of junkies gettinf girls nudes and reselling them on onlysimps.

>> No.23254659
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1080, 1601366531224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkkedd, dude oddly enough David Wu of all fucking people added me to some fucked group on jewbook where a bunch of these girls meet and follow/promote each other and it's some of the ugliest girls I've ever seen, badly non-recovered post pregnancy bodies (it's one thing if a chick bounces back that's a MiLF but these were not), really fat way fatter than the OP girls, and just overall gross cake makeup below average raisin titty slampigs who probably wouldn't even get hired at your average strip club because even those places have standards
Who the fuck is paying to see these women naked?
How are they possibly making this much, if anything at all? I thought OF takes some kind of huge cuts
I really hoped the thot bubble was on the horizon of finally popping when pic related was stealing all the views from chatterbate camwhores

>> No.23254678

5 years from now new Netflix documentary about whores who regret posting shit on onlyfans

>> No.23254706

I heard these bitches fake their success in order to dupe other girls into signing up with their affiliate link. What is to stop a guy from making a CG whore and selling Cgi nudes

>> No.23254943

Based. This is the healthiest mentality.
I honestly dont understand how so many guys get angry at those sluts who make some money on OF. Those sluts are ruining their lives. They will never experience true love as their brains are 100% fucked in the first place. Loser simps are wasting their money on damaged goods.

In the mean time I’m working on myself, fucking good girls and lifting weights. Investing money and working. Focusing on myself and my loved ones. Remember: 20% of the guys gets 80% of the girls. The 20/80 rule applies to a lot of things in this universe. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.23254984


>> No.23254986


>> No.23255028

I’ve seen speculation that it’s a money laundering scheme, a viral marketing PsyOp, etc. I don’t believe for a second that an average looking woman could rake in enough money for a house over the course of a year, unless she was somewhere in the midwest. No mortgage broker would hand her this kind of money when her earning capacity is going to peak and then rapidly decline inside of 10 years (if that).

>> No.23255046

This but I'd add YouTube and most social media, anything that has "influencers."

>> No.23255072

Don’t forget Pajeets. Jeets are the biggest simps even over Plebbit Soibois. They literally spend every waking moment in Internet cafes thirsting over thots

>> No.23255115
File: 1.49 MB, 498x498, 1600601247873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tomboy gf

>> No.23255152

>implying this content is not Onlyfans viral marketing at work

>> No.23255165

I'd have to know more about your product and who's the target demographic and why (I'd assume it was media or art of some sort) it would catch someone's attention without money

>> No.23255346

you forgot indians

>> No.23255362

yeah this is a lie by the way. It's been shown statistically the average girl on onylfans only makes 185 dollars. You have to be in the top ten percent to make bank.

>> No.23255723

The fact that we're acting so similar to animals is proof of decline

>> No.23255942

This is wrong on so many levels.

>> No.23256219


i hope you neck yourself


>> No.23256295

it's because no one has to work anymore. 80% of the population is dependent on gibsmedats.

>> No.23256310
File: 1010 KB, 3000x2500, 904335_platinumfusi0n_pink-wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23256440

>pics of tits hanging out dont even get 1k likes
You retards really think this slightly chubby uggo is making enough to afford a home? Here I was thinking she had 6 million followers or some shit. Get the fuck out of here, you stupid incel zoomers.

>> No.23256471
File: 1.86 MB, 500x275, ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23256521


You know this makes a whole lot more sense when you think about it. You have Men trying to sell other men online ads for "How-to-get-Rich-Quick" courses via forex, crypto or dropshipping while women sell online ads for "sex work" or "social media influencer" courses on the same side of the coin. They're both the same! Its just people trying to sell other people the IDEA of becoming rich and successful.

This is a practice that is as old as Ancient Roman times! Bra-fucking-vo!

>> No.23256604
File: 819 KB, 598x2988, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes little sense. This swine is so far below even US average that I do not believe for a second that she is even making minimum wage showing her square tits to online retards.

>> No.23256626

this is 100% it.

this article shows that all the girls boasting about being in the top 5% of OF are still worse off than working a minimum wage job.
only the top <0.01% are making enough to justify it.

>> No.23256653

jesus one of the most based posts on /biz/ i've ever seen........

>> No.23256666

>I do not believe for a second that she is even making minimum wage showing her square tits

none of the girls on OF compare against opportunity cost, only absolute income.
they could probably be making 6 figures if they put half as much effort into a job as they did into taking nude photographs of stuffing their asshole with a cucumber, but "working" 60 hours a week doing OF doesn't feel like work so they tell themselves its better.

>> No.23256724

Fuck shes not even the slightest attractive. Goddamn niggers, give money to hobos instead, thats actually a good deed, instead of paying a whore for nothing.

>> No.23256739

/biz/ bros, how do I get a shut-in gf? I live in Australia.

>> No.23256741

Hi medfren
Go fuck yourself medfren

>> No.23256773

Shes got that fucking deadmeat on hear body, like a person who has never exercised. I wouldnt even check her out if she walked past me

>> No.23256799

Basado nero

>> No.23256804

well it seems to be working pretty well

>> No.23256878

you will never be a woman tranny freak

>> No.23256888

this they getting pajeeted

>> No.23256947

The point of feminism was to fucked the working class by supplying capitalists more hands and atomized the west even more no more families no more ties just pure consumption.

>> No.23256959

Every day I hate this world more

>> No.23257040

I’m more annoyed at the men that give women money than the women who do this. I literally don’t care what she does, and if I was a girl I would do that.

>> No.23257520

they have stringent id checks and kyc just like a crypto exchange or worse, so those junkies are talking smack

>> No.23257632

Most faggoos make betwee 30-50k a year, what world do you live in where you believe women could provide any use and potentially make six figures not prostituting themselves. Srry satan ur retart

>> No.23257645

She's only on 5k followers and she's disgusting.
Nothing on her account pass.

>> No.23257738

Blacks are probably the biggest supporters of OF.

>> No.23257972

That's literally what happens a lot of the time

We're living in hell

>> No.23258397

fuck, nice redpill
>dressing like a fictional character is a hobby

>> No.23258464

Hey biz how do I get this girl to stop sending me messages? my story:
>late night, cant sleep cuz too horny.
>find gorgeous 18 yr old on social media. Angel face, skinny with great breasts.
>ask her if she is willing to sell pics
>she says yes
>the pics she sends me are very shitty
She's a very sweet girl and we can have a nice conversation but the moment she brings up sending me more pics in exchange for $$ I get annoyed. Its obvious she noticed the easy money and now she finds every chance she can to get me to send her more. I dont want to block her I just want her to back off

>> No.23258514


>> No.23258662

>I dont want to block her I just want her to back off

>> No.23258766

prophetic, probably the next Muhhamad

>> No.23258769

90% chance you're white, but either way, based negro.
You're many steps up the evolutionary ladder comparead to whitey simps

>> No.23258955

fucking simps destroy everything that was good and holy that even ugly roasties have developed that unbelievable arrogance

>> No.23259025

itt: incel wagie cope at succesful women

>> No.23259255

Not all house prices. The only homes that appreciate are those that are sought after by high income individuals. A 3 bedroom weatherboard shitbox with carpet throughout in bumfuck nowhere isn't appreciating worth shit

And the reality is that that's the type of property the first home buyers are getting because it's all they can afford but they think it's a good move cause 'houses only go up'

>> No.23259552

it's funny because most people marry when they are both 30

>> No.23259610

price to pay: her own dignity (meaningless in todays society)
risk: close to zero other than losing family connections.
Onlyfans is just a lazy form to obtain capital, it generates no value. Hope simps will go extinct one day.

>> No.23259616

She is a literal 5/10 how the fuck does she earn money.

>> No.23259629

Oogabooga we not know to write but like banana.

>> No.23259667

Returning to animalistic ways is a good thing. Higher thinking was a terrible idea.

>> No.23259714

>tfw when you are in your 30s and successful but never found the sweetheart love in your 20s who saw your true potential and believed in you

>> No.23259749

hahha yeah bros...
any media that provides fake social interaction between its users...

>> No.23260366
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>> No.23260722

>jews own your entire country
>you're freaking out over chinks buying houses
Jesus christ conservatives are such retards