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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 976x690, BIZ ARK NODE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2321134 No.2321134 [Reply] [Original]

Hey faggots! I gotta surprise for you! I present to you the Official /biz/ ARK node!! If we vote this baby all the way into the top 51 spots all the voters of this node will be earning 90% of the ARK forged from the node! (I am a saint, I know, most people offer around 80%, but I love you guys too much)

So you magnificent bastards that I love so very much what do you think!? I am here for us, for the community. I fucking love ARK and I fucking love /biz/ we're gonna make it senpai.

I am here for questions and discussion about this /biz/ money generator. I loved setting this up and being involved with the whole ARK infrastructure.

Here is the delegate monitor to see who is at what place, you can see biz (our node that I set up) is under "newest delegates":

Or you can just go straight to our address here:

If you are thinking "wtf is this shit" here are some links for you to read about the whole thing.


>> No.2321175

we are are currently ranked at #309 by the way. We need to be in the top 51 delegates to generate $ARK.

Here where you download the ARK client which you need to vote.

>> No.2321264
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>> No.2321352

Bump and praise Kek

>> No.2321361


>> No.2321396


I'll vote for you but you best pay out bro

>> No.2321409
File: 63 KB, 499x499, ffp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb newfag, no idea what this means but i'm going to just keep boarding the ARK

>> No.2321416

I this a miners pool? I have a gtx 1050 to throw in.

>> No.2321418

thanks a ton brutha
check the last 2 links I posted

>> No.2321435

Sure, I like free money.

>> No.2321441

No, ARK works like proof of stake, except only 51 wallets can stake. To get into a top 51 position, people vote with $ARK for who they trust are who they want to be in that position. The voters than get their candidate in a position to generate new $ARK, the person running the node has to convince people to vote for them and then runner of the node also shares a large percentage of the $ARK generated with their voters, the the voters get payed like every 3 days or something. Fucking cool if you ask me.

>> No.2321452

All setup, anyone send me some ARK to vote with?


>> No.2321482

loading up 50 bucks on bittrex to buy

you faggots better not let me down on this coin.

>> No.2321490

If I have this right:
>422 new ARK each day

If you're sharing 90%, that's 379.8 ARK to be spread between voters.It costs 1.1 to vote (if I'm not misunderstanding this). That means, if 100 people vote to bring our node up, that's a net gain per day of 2.698 ARK.

Did I miss anything?

>> No.2321504

send me ark to AaPN5Sr4duPrwXX3E6smeQ7GfnXNaUPUCq

and ill post recepits

>> No.2321515

How do I do this? I have 400 ARKs, what do I need to do to vote, and how I'll earn anything?

>> No.2321534



>> No.2321566

You will be paid out proportionally to the percentage of weight YOUR votes has against the pool of votes.

So heres the math:
x = how many ark is in the account you vote with
y = total votes

(422 forged ARK / .90(x/y)) - .1 ARK transaction fee, per day

also the fee to vote is only a one-time fee... unless down the road you want to change your vote, but it doesn't cost you 1 ark to vote per day.

>> No.2321568

pic related, see https://blog.ark.io/how-to-vote-or-un-vote-an-ark-delegate-and-how-does-it-all-work-819c5439da68 for the rest
can you cite where you got your numbers from?

>> No.2321570

All well and good, but how do I get paid out?

>> No.2321580
File: 69 KB, 1000x444, 1-KPrdBuPzEFh7VQKcksis9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2321582

Sounds good. Downloading the client.

>> No.2321604

I would but I just sold at 31k
Ill send you some when it dips back down.
inb4 it doesnt

>> No.2321605

Holy fuck, totally messed up that math. sorry im inbred atm.

Its .9(422 * (x/y))

>> No.2321607
File: 82 KB, 637x496, glorious bonerific.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ we already moved to rank 74! Fucking sick

>> No.2321616


Gimme 15 mins and I'll vote. Don't do anything crazy to the system when you're rich

>> No.2321618


ark just broke ATH!

>> No.2321625

Right, I'll vote. The number of Arks I get from It is directly proportional to the number of Arks I give when voting, right?

>> No.2321635
File: 95 KB, 880x1140, glorious 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost $1

>> No.2321648

The voters get paid as often as the delegate wants to pay them..

The downside is that each time you get paid out there is a .1 ark tx fee (however, this i supposed to be lowered soon)

There are some delegates that pay out every 6 hours and some that pay out every 7 days

>> No.2321651

Really? Damn. Lemme flog off my DGB before I vote.

>> No.2321659

Right, so I ask you guys now to decide how often do you wanna get paid.

>> No.2321676

directly porportional to the total pot of votes for that one delegate. Keep in mind this biz delegate needs at least 850k coins voted if it wants in the top 51

>> No.2321679

Automated process, or do you have to approve it?

>> No.2321685

btw guys I have to pay to run this shit on a server, I wanna upgrade our node to be more efficient so the more people we get on board the more ark there is to pay for our better hardware

>> No.2321688

Sent my vote got rid of the #1 delegate. Make me proud senpai. Godspeed.

>> No.2321699


Alright I voted but it cost me 3ARK

because 1 fucked up unvoting previous delegate

I'm a poor ARK holder - DON'T make me regret


>> No.2321705

Bought and voted. We at 74. lets do this biz

>> No.2321722

"The ARK Crew will be releasing an official and fully supported open-source profit-sharing script that any potential delegate may download and run as part of their proposal for their delegate votes. The parameters for profit-sharing will be negotiable and will play a large part in whether or not a specific user receives votes from the community. Users will be able to determine a % of overhead to go to the pool owner with the rest being distributed to those granting votes to the delegate pool. There will be several different options for how the pool may calculate each individual user’s voting contribution over time. And the payout time intervals vary per pool. It will be up to the voter to make decisions and research each vote."


>> No.2321737


>> No.2321738
File: 275 KB, 1024x683, fdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long does it take for ARK to be transferred from bittrex to my wallet? seems slow

>> No.2321742

mine took like a min

>> No.2321744

we rank 64 /biz/ keep it movin

>> No.2321752

Can be all be rich with this?

>> No.2321756

We need to shill like we have never shilled before. We are on the internet ark. an ark that will save us from shitcoins forever.

>> No.2321770

ARK is gonna be fucking huge, its designed for mass adoption of the mainstream, its super adaptable and is trying to develop smartbridges to link other cryptos together and shit. The team is so killer dude I am in love with this project!

>> No.2321775

Ive got ark in the desktop wallet, gimme a step by step how to vote for you and it will be done man.

>> No.2321785

price point prediction for 2018-2020?

>> No.2321789

we need a pretty big push. number 51 is at 21k and growing

>> No.2321803

here you go buddy


make sure you have at least 1 ark so you can vote.

>> No.2321804

go to votes click add delegate type biz. vote.

>> No.2321805

read the link in the first post

>> No.2321807
File: 29 KB, 258x260, 1352249517468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nevermind i'm retarded, had to check e-mail for a withdrawal confirmation

>> No.2321809

Just waiting for the deposit from Bittrex and then we can vote.

>> No.2321810

What's your platform OP?

>> No.2321817

Next general ARK threads, link this op

>> No.2321818

sent you 1 back

>> No.2321834

op you are a good anon. i really want to see all of us neets on this board get rich. you are making progress to that vision.

>> No.2321841

Voted, praise kek, to the moon with us!

>> No.2321842

gave you votes i think with 54 ark backing it bro

>> No.2321843

I found biz as a delegate, what do I dO?

>> No.2321844

By the way if anyone can help me find the script thing I quoted in this post >>2321722 so I can implement automatic 90% shared payout I'll love you forever and send you an ARK tip.

>> No.2321849

We are going to need a lot of fucking people man or a few giant whale holders. It is so fucking much to break into the 51 barrier. I am going to buy some more right now maybe 30 or so won't be much.

>> No.2321865

Once Bittrex clears me, I've got 245 to throw at it. I could sell off the rest of my DGB and get another 200 behind it, but it's still not that much.

>> No.2321869


>> No.2321880

aight my man, i just voted for you. take us to the moon.

>> No.2321885

I don't have the brain power for this right now but my 'tism instincts are telling me to buy ark so i did. I have alot to learn about how this works but the potential seems fractal.

>> No.2321887

Yea I have like 70 waves don't really wanna sell. Could sell all my XBY for 1,000$ but I dunno I like how much of a disaster and risky that coin is.

>> No.2321908

I'm on mobile but will do this immediately!!!!!!!!!! I love ark!!! #boardtheark

>> No.2321923

How can I send more than 1 Ark? Every I click vote It just has to option to send 1A

>> No.2321927
File: 467 KB, 270x203, youre awesome carl sagan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
Fuck yes it is! The team is INSANE
Thank you!!!

>> No.2321939

once you vote, you're done. If the 1 ark has been deducted your vote has already counted

>> No.2321951

>buy at $0.40
>only 90
why do i keep doing this. At this rate i cant even by a toy model lambo

>> No.2321959

For some reason, Bittrex isn't letting me withdraw my ARK.

>> No.2321962
File: 93 KB, 590x584, vhtiyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for organizing this. Despite all the shitposting I truly feel like everyone on /biz/ is trying to help each other get rich.

>> No.2321967

Voted, deus vult

>> No.2321968

this happened to me, check your emails for a cofirmation

>> No.2321989

ten more spots to jump till 51...

>> No.2321993

It's my pleasure, when I hatched this idea I nearly creamed myself in excitement. we're all gonna make it brahs.

>> No.2321996


Did our fellow Kekistani here get an answer? Wondering if anyone's done any projections.

>> No.2322016

voted brother

>> No.2322021

Okay, I'm having a moment of controlled retardation: How do I actually cast my vote.

>> No.2322028

How do we know you'll hand out 90% and not 80, 70?

>> No.2322032

yo anons look what I just found on the ARK slack, pretty nifty eh


>> No.2322035

how do i throw more coins at this to help. already threw in my one. buying $100 more when my eth gets to bittrex.

>> No.2322036

Inbred or imbibed? Kek

>> No.2322042

We don't, but I'll risk $1 for a chance at more. I mean, better odds than Powerball.

>> No.2322047

I'm looking into this as we speak on the ARK slack channel under Help, my username is the same as my trip.


>> No.2322065

says needs invite

>> No.2322078

How much ark per day would I get?

>> No.2322119
File: 86 KB, 480x480, 7549782978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, is it worth it to vote for voters?

>> No.2322141

well with only 16 voters it isnt going far. throw your buck in so we can blast off together.

>> No.2322146

I still can't figure out how to vote with this thing.

Also, is it safe to keep all my ARK on here?

>> No.2322157

safer than an exchange if you dont lose your passphrase.

>> No.2322164

Guys, don't forget to put ARK in the wallet. We need at least 834,952 amongst all voters to break into top 51.

>> No.2322173
File: 77 KB, 506x921, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2322177

fuck this is genius

>> No.2322184

I'll vote but my quadriga account wont be verified until thursday, if anyone wants too hook up an ark, I will glady vote. How much is a vote by the way?

>> No.2322186

I need 1 ARK so I can cast a vote, anyone want to send 1 measly ARK so i can cast my vote in? Literally downloaded and created an address just for you guys.


>> No.2322191

damn you're a faggot but are good setting these stupid fuckers up

>> No.2322204

If we had the number of replies in this thread as votes we could have been there already.

>> No.2322207


>> No.2322215


Does voting more than once do anything?

>> No.2322219

If anyone can spare 1 ARK I can vote


>> No.2322235

i have 250 :(

>> No.2322236

Thanks, will post results as soon as I get it

>> No.2322244

>36 posters
>19 votes
Of course /biz/ is too jewed for donations.

>> No.2322245

I am an honest dude dude. Ive been working on this for like 6 hours straight.

>> No.2322254

I'm about to vote with a wallet that has 687, good luck everyone

>> No.2322265

I guess i just need 1 ARK to vote? my address is above if anyone is willing to send.

>> No.2322280


it took me literally 5 seconds to download the ark wallet, then 1 minute wait to send my ark to it from the exchange, and then 5 sec to vote.

And to those complaining....its literally 1 ark (1$)... whether you trust op or not you could lose 1 ark or potentially gain many.

need more votes!

>> No.2322281

I didn't send shit

>> No.2322284
File: 4 KB, 225x225, anark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting half an hour for localbitcon to transfer, in the meantime, this is my address if anyone want to share 1 arkANZqErsCjtrTcorLd61AnPR9aFDRimVvGM

>> No.2322295

Send me an ark and I will voet for you

>> No.2322297

You can change your vote later if OP turns out to be a faggot. Litrerally 2 dollars lost max. Anyways I did my part lets get this motherfucker a delegate spot.

>> No.2322303

I'll vote right now if someone sends an ARK. my address below, reposted from above.

>> No.2322306

Oh wow! Only $1.

Your money going to some wanna be crypto fucks. I did t realize how easy it was to scam the masses like yourself.

Gonna start my own dev team this week. Fuck you, pay me you dumb niggers.

>> No.2322307
File: 18 KB, 128x128, paccoin-128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help, but first I need to wake up properly.
What are chances of a success?

>> No.2322309

He's fairly active around the board and he's given me some good advice. I doubt he's a troll.

>> No.2322310


>> No.2322320

are you guys seriously so jewish you cant buy 1 dollars worth from one of your other shitcoins to post in the pool. what a bunch of faggots

>> No.2322322

Can anyone tell me how to vote I needs the directions

>> No.2322324

Here's the thing I don't get, how are you going to pay out back to us? haven't voted yet btw

>> No.2322328

Decent, if we can get to the 51 slot and don't get more than 100 voters somehow.

>> No.2322332

Pay the white fat mans rent you goyim!

>> No.2322344

It's automatic, I think. Saves the wallet addresses to the delegate, and the money it generates will be distributed automatically.

>> No.2322346

He's not you stup8d f7ck

>> No.2322349
File: 35 KB, 460x642, 1427483462244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this d e s u I recognize this tripfag and he's not too bad.

>> No.2322360

bittrex has been 31/36 confirmations for like 10 mins now. wtf let me sell my eth for this coin bittrex

>> No.2322363

ARK's dev team has a guy who has done code for EU satellites, if you feel you can top that go nuts.

>> No.2322365

I don't think he is a troll. Just saying its 2 dollars max on the rare event he is.

>> No.2322370

Please don't fuck up a perfectly good coin by associating it with 4chan. What do you think the price will do once people see /biz/ is one of the top delegates

>> No.2322374

please don't break before I get home I want to vote :((((

>> No.2322377

Yes yes. You'll be paid back.


>> No.2322393

It's called Proof of Stake you dumb faggot. Please learn how coins work before you post.

>> No.2322399

Sent. Best of luck OP. Godspeed everyone!

>> No.2322405

Show proofs

Must be more lucrative taking your fuckers money then

>> No.2322407

I've spent more than a buck on Powerball, and the odds are better. Plus, the price is rising. I could have done worse than getting out of DGB and into ARK. If this is that impetus, I'll take it.

Also, >>2322393.

>> No.2322408

You mean the place that predicted literally every coin that was going to moon? BTC, ETH, XRP, DBG, STRAT, now ARK

>> No.2322423
File: 8 KB, 263x192, always do opposite of what the jews say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with jews u lose.

>> No.2322428

How many votes do we need to get 51st?

>> No.2322429

A complete moron can get something right at least once in their life. 4chan is, from a probabilistic standpoint, a retard supercomputer.

>> No.2322434

sorry u r 2 poor for 1 dollar :(

>> No.2322443

I think it was ~870k ARK worth. See >>2322173.

>> No.2322459

Im setting up the 90% payout script with a dude on the ARK slack channel right now.

>> No.2322460

Turns out you need ark to vote. Id gladly throw in like $100 worth, but I am a no coiner and its so fucking hard to buy crypto here in aus.

Good luck OP. Wish I could help.

>> No.2322461

I have 1260 Ark delegated to one of the top 10 delegates. What could I possibly gain by switching it to your pool?

>> No.2322463


>> No.2322464

i have 60 ark, send me some and il give you the vote.


>> No.2322466

I joined heliohash before you made this. Once I get 2 ark from them I'll join biz so I break even.

>> No.2322477

Ok fool. Good luck. What $1 right?

>> No.2322479

Statistically speaking, nothing, but if you're a /biz/raeli, the loyalty would be appreciated.

>> No.2322482

waiting for ETH to deposit on bittrex before exchanging it for ARK and depositing it all into it.

I believe in you OP, don't let me down.

Is the higher our ranking the more we stake or something? I'm too lazy to read the rest of the articles.

>> No.2322486

OP, I'm about to sleep, do I have 24 hours or do I need to do this now?
Will definitely contribute

>> No.2322491

I take it back: We're a smaller pool with a higher payout, I think.

>> No.2322493

You can sleep, it doesnt take long though.

>> No.2322497
File: 166 KB, 640x634, All the Way Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, pending.

>> No.2322502

coinbase to bittrex, friend in ausfag land just did it and is holding ~100 ARK

>> No.2322510

have you seriously never heard of a co-op before? There are fucking grocery stores that operate on the same basic concept, nobody on earth is autistically screeching about them being some kind of nefarious zionist ponzi scheme.

>> No.2322511

gracias, satan
will bring the kerosene tomorrow

>> No.2322520

And it counts the total balance of everyones account who voted right? I put 1 ark to vote and then my total balance is added to the total count? If im understanding this right.

>> No.2322523

We've moved to 60. Just 9 to go!

>> No.2322541

Yeah, but you'll also get a comparably lower payout as I understand it because your vote carried less weight.

>> No.2322543

>more than 100% profit in two days

>> No.2322544

Is it even worth to vote with 1500 ark?

>> No.2322552

My numerals prove you wrong.

Co-opt is a fantasy no end profit dream. In reality profits are made while socialist faggits like yourself believe in the comunal effort.

Sorry fuck nut, downstream fat boy is taking your money. But keep playing though *kisses ;-p

>> No.2322553

was just thinking, even if we don't get paid back this will definitely help our gains
this contest seems to have helped a few coins during this bull run

>> No.2322557

I voted at 359. Fortunes are built slowly.

>> No.2322560

you vote with 1 ark, but your wallet had 1500 ark so your vote has more weight than someone who has 300 ark. conclusion: every bit helps.

>> No.2322565

I am putting 2 ARK, get on my level.

>> No.2322566


>> No.2322585

Convince me to join your pool and not one of the higher delegates. Do we get more of a share with a smaller pool?

>> No.2322597

K finally my order with bittrex went through. is there a way for me to vote twice?

>> No.2322598

This link makes it sounds like the total value of your wallet is how much weight you have
"1. The more ark you hold, the more weight you hold in your possession—but note that if you split the wallet your voting splits with it. For example, if you have 1,000 ARK your voting power is equal to 1,000 ARK, if you split that in to 2 equal wallets each having 500 ARK the voting power of the 1st wallet will be 500 ARK and the 2nd one 500 ARK."


>> No.2322605
File: 49 KB, 1817x137, arks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it worth getting back in guys? ;_;

>> No.2322607

If i transfer more into my wallet does my stake go up or is it only upon the vote?

>> No.2322617

I would assume it is just the total of your wallet even after you have already voted?

>> No.2322627

Hey everyone the guy helping me set up the payout script said this:

"you run the payout script manually. it calculates it all for you but you choose when it is run. if you set it as automated at the vps then it runs without you doing anythinb at the day/time you set

so you could say pay once a week and tell it to run on a monday at 7am"


>> No.2322631
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Interested in this one if anyone has info...

>> No.2322655


After I vote am I all done? Do I have to do anything after this or just let the ARK flow in.

>> No.2322658

I believe the more ARK you have when you vote the more weight your 1 vote has.

>> No.2322662

What is the average for other delegates? 3 days seems like a decent amount of time but i'm also wondering how much payouts would be?

>> No.2322663

Voting with 489 ARK

>> No.2322671

It'll just flow in like nothing. Go out and spoilt yourself tomorrow! We're gonna be rich.

>> No.2322697

But do we have to revote if we deposit more ark into our wallet? I would assume no because if this was the case what would stop people from putting 1k in an account voting then transfer the remaining 999 to another wallet vote rinse and repeat and it would show the actual amount as way more than the real amount.

>> No.2322699

Does one have to vote daily/monthly or is this set and forget.

>> No.2322701

Days[.9(422*(Wallet/Votes))] according to >>2321605 & >>2321566

But that provides 22788 ARK for a 500 ARK wallet and 20 voters, for three days, so I don't think it's 100% accurate. Or I'm a retard at math.

>> No.2322711

Is there any way to vote more than one time?

>> No.2322714

My offline wallet has a icon of a crossed cloud next to it, does it not work then?

>> No.2322731

Revoting with 3019 ark

>> No.2322734

We are at rank 60 now!

I assume no also

>> No.2322744

actually just to be safe...I will still be able to access the ark in my wallet after I vote, right?

>> No.2322746

Fuck ARK at ATH right now, should I buy?
Send me some to get this started senpai


>> No.2322749

voted, have 415 ark

>> No.2322751
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 1478909316251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it ride!

>> No.2322753
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i know you think you're clever and above the herd but really you're just an overly cynical asshole and look like an idiot

>> No.2322760

Alright boys voted with 3k ARK you fucks better not fail me.

>> No.2322762

Nvm, just found out.

Anyway, when you do transactions with other coins you realize how shitty BTC fees and waiting times are
Yes, I first voted with only 2 arks to be sure. You only spend one Ark in your vote

>> No.2322773

I've been lurking biz and watching ark grow over the past few days has really made me want to start trading.

I would love to be a part of this!

If anyone helps me setup an ARK wallet. I'll do what I can to help and vote.

>> No.2322783

You could actually READ the fucking op before you ask for help, get the fuck out.

>> No.2322786
File: 27 KB, 875x386, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEE I am trying to send ARK from Bittrex to Offline Wallet to vote for 10 min now, is it fucked?

>> No.2322787

Just install the version that's compatible with your desktop:

>> No.2322788
File: 12 KB, 619x124, pending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long does bittrex take to transfer 3 fucking ARK?! It's been like 30 mins now

>> No.2322789

You guys are nowhere close to top 51 haha holy shit

>> No.2322790

Rank 59

>> No.2322795

Do I just send it to the delegate to vote?

>> No.2322800

You have to confirm the transaction on your email senpai, it's generally pretty quick compared to BTC.

>> No.2322801

Check your e-mail for a confirmation.


>> No.2322803


>> No.2322808

Confirm the withdraw in your email.... The transactions are almost instant.

>> No.2322811

Who the fuck is going to dump 600,000 ARK into this now that i see the votereport?

>> No.2322814

Maybe, but most countries that lurk on 4chan are on sleeping time now. OP just needs to repost this thread when the board is on peak time

>> No.2322819

If I miss this I will kms.

>> No.2322824

My bad, 750,000*

>> No.2322831

Voted, dont have much ark but its what I can contribute OP

>> No.2322833

He should also spread it around. I don't frequent any other boards because I'm the worst kind of NEET who plays games and faps to anime, but the ambitious amongst us should shill this to high Heaven.

>> No.2322836

No one needs to dump 600k Ark, it just needs to be a wallet or wallets with this much Ark.

>> No.2322851

Don't have to spend that much, just have to have that much in our wallets. It's like PoS.

>> No.2322864

This needs to be updated. Voting transactions do not get processed in 30 seconds. If you want to change the delegate you would have to wait a while ( I left it overnight ) for your old delegate to disappear from your wallet.

>> No.2322866

No one has to send more then the 1 ark to vote its just the wallets that voted total has to be over 600,000 all together. Honestly this will be a pretty good delegate with 90% reward compared to the current biggest delegate with 50% reward.

>> No.2322869

coin base only needs a photo of your drivers licence back and front (no selfess) and your able to buy $300 worth of bitcoins each week
or if you feel like giving exhorbant rates to Israelis for little identification you can use coinmama
have fun trying to get your bit coins back to your bank account though

>> No.2322874

Ahh alright got it, thanks.

>> No.2322880

I appreciate anything you can contribute. We are officially rank 59 and have 0.01% network approval! Thank you to everyone who has help so far we're gonna make it brahs. Im configuring the payout script now!

>> No.2322892

Poorfag here, will toss my vote. Seems interesting, I don't have much to lose if it doesn't work out.

>> No.2322901
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>> No.2322903
File: 1.27 MB, 320x320, 1326429077567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voted with my measly 1,020 ARK

don't let us down OP

>> No.2322904

Well for what it's worth, subtracting the 1 ark voting fee my wallet is worth 488 ARK

We need to shill this to the high heavens.

>> No.2322905

OK, I voted, should I transfer all my ARK to the offline wallet I used to vote?

>> No.2322906

>ark .49 cents Monday
>debate buying it vs zencash
>set up order for ark
>about to submit
>last minute switch to zencash
>my soul when

I want to fucking die. Crypto genuinely makes me feel terrible inside. This is too much stress.

>> No.2322909

gonna vote as soon as I get this shit up and running

holding 1000 arks, not much but everybit helps I guess

>> No.2322910

Thanks for the tip, OP. Just went all in on heliohash.

>> No.2322916

We will need to harpoon us a whale to get these last 8 spots. We are at 14k we need a total of 670k.

>> No.2322920

Pls keep this thread alive, I'm at work and can only vote in about 9 hours time

1800 ark

>> No.2322924

This happened to me with LTC, ETH and Waves.

>> No.2322932
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>Ark will reach $1
I lost money on most of my alts today, but at least this one is still kicking

>> No.2322933

anyone know how long we have until we run out of time?

>> No.2322940
File: 79 KB, 752x617, IMG_0715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

218 Ark reporting.

/biz/ you have my axe. Now go make me some money

>> No.2322941

This btw.

Do I need to transfer all my ARKs to wallet client or can I use the bittrex wallet address?

>> No.2322947

Again, do I have to keep my ARK in offline wallet I voted from or is Bittrex fine?

>> No.2322955
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Soon to be 51 at this rate

>> No.2322970

You and me both my friend. I managed to almost triple my money since I started, but every time I lose it feels pretty bad. Actually, even when I win I always think that I could have bought or sold earlier or later, and always when something dips I keep thinking I could have sold to buy back at the dip.

Watching the market 24/7 and investing is pretty stressful, but also very rewarding. It's the thrill of the gamble pumping in our hearts.

>> No.2322983

Looks like the strawpoll is having once day a day

>> No.2323003


>> No.2323010

Btw OP bake threads daily so /biz/raelis can get votes in

>> No.2323016

Well, once a day seems optimal since speed is very important if you want to make money. You may miss an opportunity to invest on something if you have to wait one week.

>> No.2323036


Can we have an answer?

>> No.2323044

Also want to know this.

>> No.2323049

the way you benefit from any of this is if you hold. so hold in your wallet. bittrex holding or any exchange holding is quite frankly retarded. they can close at anytime without warning.

>> No.2323050

I assume you need to put everything in the offline wallet so it's in their vote system

>> No.2323051

you need ark client
see https://blog.ark.io/how-to-vote-or-un-vote-an-ark-delegate-and-how-does-it-all-work-819c5439da68

>> No.2323072

Try localbitcoins, it's super fast, cheap and easy

>> No.2323073


Vote how often you guys want to get paid

>> No.2323080

Yep has to be connected to the blockchain. Kind of like leasing Waves ( i've made 5 waves already, feels good)

>> No.2323081

What he asked is if he needs to keep the money in the wallet even after the vote.

>> No.2323094

Should votes be limited? Fewer voters = less spread. What good is a node if we ed up getting a few hundred SAT a day each?

>> No.2323096

Not sure, I think not, but cant confirm.

>> No.2323097


So I guess I need to deposit all my 1000 Arks to the client to get full voting power?

>> No.2323112

I want to know as well.

>> No.2323114

I got a question to: If you have Ark in your wallet and vote and after you vote you get more, do they increase your gains as they are bought after the vote?

>> No.2323123


>> No.2323125


>> No.2323129


>> No.2323140
File: 83 KB, 1197x495, ark59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 59 and not moving REE

>> No.2323156

Now you tell me after I voted wit 1 ARK, next time say it FIRST.

>> No.2323157

Problem is, how the fuck we will get that much Ark without spreading? I doubt anyone on /biz/, without counting whales that lurk here, has more than 100k Ark

>> No.2323186

i'll be voting asap. we need to vote for you to recieve your payout correct? I'm formatting my computer before i deposit my ARK onto my lite wallet.

By the way, is there a way in which tbis wallet can be backed up? or no?

>> No.2323190

My thoughts exactly, we need 750k ARK in voting power in order to overcome the 51st position, considering ARK is now $1, that's literally $750,000 needed to get into 51st place.

>> No.2323197

It's 3:25 AM in the United States, they are sleeping, we will alert them when the son rises.

>> No.2323212

fuck, i meant sun.. lmao

>> No.2323217

voted. to the moon bois!

>> No.2323219

It's possible to get to it. It's just difficult to do It without many people.

>> No.2323226

I'm gonna shill this every day from now on.

Let's do it bois

>> No.2323229

And that leaves what, $1/day?

>> No.2323243


Just in case biz doesn't make it, here's an ark profit share calculator, just input how much your vote is worth, see the estimated daily payouts and time in between payouts etc.

So bookmark it on the offchance that biz doesn't make it.

>> No.2323262
File: 88 KB, 271x238, 1284610894711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is this thing gonna dip? i want more

>> No.2323263

Yeah, thankfully profits are dictated by voting power and not by the votes themselves, I can already feel that biz is possibly going to be one of the few delegates to have over hundreds of voters.

>> No.2323272

Right now. Down $.10

>> No.2323276
File: 89 KB, 339x292, i like this song headphones yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post that info as soon as I find out don't worry, I'll take good care of you /biz/ I live for the feeling working on this gives me

>> No.2323282
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Now it's your chance

>> No.2323292
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this. blow this up.

>> No.2323296

Can someone sum up this scam?
I pay 1 ark to vote someone up, what do i get in return?

>> No.2323316

I have around 4000 ark i don't mind spending, but what's in it for me? explain it to me like i'm literally retarded

>> No.2323318

PoS, the amount of Ark that you have in your wallet at the time of the vote will determine how much you get in return per day/week/month if we do get in 51

>> No.2323330

You just have to spend 1 Ark, what's important is how much Ark your Wallet has at the time of the vote.
>but what's in it for me?
See >>2323318

>> No.2323338

ark in return, it's up to OP in what interval he wants to pay the voters. you spend 1 ark only, but that vote carries your wallets value.

>> No.2323368

what precisely is the time of the vote?
holding roughly 9000ARK here, please explain like i am a babby retard. At what time can I then revert my ARK back into an online wallet? Do i just vote with all of it in the offline wallet and then wait an hour and send it back online, two hours, a day??

>> No.2323371
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The same exact pattern is forming

>> No.2323372

Well I'm going to sleep, for now I'll just forge some ARK to increase my value (set to receive .2 ARK per day right now) once I see biz approaching the 51st spot I'll put my ark back in there

>> No.2323429


ARK cannot be held in an exchange it has to be in the wallet for it to stake. Once you've been paid out then I supposed you can take your ARK out. check the link for info and payouts.


Send tip :^)

>> No.2323437

>what precisely is the time of the vote?
Right, I'll explain step by step in greentext
>Send your ark to the Ark desktop wallet. Here's the link for you to setup the wallet on your PC : https://github.com/ArkEcosystem/ark-desktop/releases/tag/1.2.2
>Follow this guide: https://blog.ark.io/how-to-vote-or-un-vote-an-ark-delegate-and-how-does-it-all-work-819c5439da68
>Once you send the Ark and cast your vote it's done
>Now you just have to wait for the pool to get at the 51 position and if that happens, you will receive a daily, weekly or monthly payment relative to the number of Arks that were in your waller at the time of the vote.

>> No.2323551

You have my vote

>> No.2323566

fuck, no money to buy more on trex

>> No.2323593

transfering to client now :)

>> No.2323599
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>> No.2323605

So do I have to wait till the pool gets at 51 to receive the payments relative to the ARK I had in the wallet from which i voted from or do I just vote with my ARK, make sure the vote goes through, then can I bring my ARK out of my wallet and back into trading?

>> No.2323608

why should I vote for this instead of an established user in top 51?

>> No.2323609
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So when I vote for a delegate am I voting for "biz"?

>> No.2323622

this too...
are we really going to get a 600k whale from /biz/... i hope so

>> No.2323623

I think that you can just vote and then send you Ark back to the exchange, but not 100% sure.

>> No.2323624
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 1422765904107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are bittrex withdrawals

>> No.2323632

Because you should never understimate the power of autismo, really

>> No.2323634

OP is promising 90%, the majority just gives 50 or 70. Plus, It wouldn't be cool to form or own pool?

>> No.2323639

paging ThePinkWhale

we need your help here.

>> No.2323645


>> No.2323683

what are you saying

>> No.2323701

do i have to be running the client for this?

>> No.2323711

yes, did you even read the "wtf is this shit" links in the OP?

>> No.2323720

fuck no im about to go to bed

>> No.2323727

how long did it take you to withdrawl from bittrex to client? im waiting fucking 20min already

>> No.2323737

Like 2 seconds, check your email

>> No.2323741

Maybe next time explain how you vote.

>> No.2323745

Same taking ages over here

>> No.2323753

nothing, some guy was implying that voters are sending you ARK directly to vote.

I think he's talking about the bittrex withdrawals the address made which makes sense, you want them in the client right?

>> No.2323761

He did, by posting the link that explained so

>> No.2323762

Having a simpler OP text next time would assist us a lot, the concept of forging isn't explained on the post, hence why all people asking

If you make it simple enough to get the point across you'll get much more exposure and votes to our cause

>> No.2323768

I think that once you vote, the power you vote has changes depending on you balance, so if you withdraw it's less voting power. I'm basing this claim in the fact that when you click the voters address in the biz delegate page you can see the current balance of the address (not the balance when voted).
Am I wrong?

>> No.2323780

Want to vote but what is the delegates name? Is it just biz

>> No.2323787


>> No.2323793


>> No.2323798

OP please clarify on this point.

>> No.2323804

Oath, just voted, cheers boys

>> No.2323806

ofcourse. If you could pull your ark out after voting then you could have infinite voting power

>> No.2323834

Not exactly because you have to spend 1 ark to vote each time

>> No.2323887

i m voting right now we are 59 only 8 positions missing

>> No.2323908

cmon anons stop being that jewy

>> No.2323930

Yeah I thought of that, but forgot during the OP, I explained it near the top of the thread though. Next time, you're right, I'll do a step by step guide in the OP.
I will ask the guy helping me with the payout script soon and post the answer in the next thread, this is a popular question.

>> No.2323932

can anyone confirm knowing a WHALUUUU?

>> No.2323979


doesn't matter, I think that if your wallet has more Ark post-voting, it counts too. the weight of your vote increases.

>> No.2323983

they'll come, just keep the thread active and bumped.

>> No.2324027

if i put my money in that it's not clear if i had lost that money or if i have invested that

>> No.2324034

how much vote power do we need?

>> No.2324054

Quite a bit more, there is a big gap from 59 to 51. However it isn't unfeasible if it gets around more, considering how fast we have gotten this far.

>> No.2324079

how much ark will get per week?

>> No.2324098

voted! let's go guys keep it alive

>> No.2324104
File: 9 KB, 276x183, nudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just sent some more ARK to the biz address OP, wonder what could be done about that


>> No.2324114

yeah it'll probably take a few threads to get there

>> No.2324118

Depends how much ARK you have in your wallet at the time you voted

>> No.2324132

can som1 explain me what is happening in the transaction window?

>> No.2324136

My friend accidentally sent me like 115 ark from bittrex instead of sending to his own wallet, I sent it back to him you can check.

>> No.2324141

holy shit we're almost at 40k

>> No.2324190
File: 28 KB, 680x486, Carlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw OP, no prob. Still almost 11 unclaimed ARK left

>> No.2324199

Thats from noobs ITT who didnt read the directions on how to vote.

>> No.2324263
File: 6 KB, 227x223, evil meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, people need to learn how to read and we would be doing them a favour keeping those 11 unclaimed ARK until they claim them. I could keep them safe if you don't want to go through the hassle OP no prob. They'd surely learn their lesson this way.

>> No.2324267

How do we know that you will share the forged ARK? Is the only thing we have here your word?

>> No.2324314

You literally only sacrifice one ARK, I am working on the script for the annual pay out right now. I skipped out on sleeping and have been working on this all night. Talking to devs and shit on the Slack channel. Doing matience on the server etc. Trust from /biz/ is one of my primary concerns.

>> No.2324320

If i read this properly if he doesn't deliver on his promises people can unvote and go for someone else, effectively losing his position as a delegate

>> No.2324326

We know he will share it because OP seems like a good guy and remember if he wasn't we can just unvote him and jump ship. If this is successful we will all be helping each other and make a shit load of freebius monius

>> No.2324344

hey OP if you ever want something racked real cheap hit me up at this e-mail
I sys admin at a company that will rack anything for the cheapest price, that's our platform, we are bare bones, efficient, and have 99.99% uptime and dozens of clients.
boutta put 9000ARK in BABY

>> No.2324367
File: 407 KB, 469x463, GOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK = 1.24 USD ATH lads

>> No.2324415
File: 98 KB, 385x500, radical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the nice 9K boyo, I wrote you down I'll be in touch once this madness settles down and if I wanna make a switch.

>> No.2324584
File: 198 KB, 735x735, 1489648896046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging for some coins from the coinlords:


>> No.2324620 [DELETED] 

transferred over some more to my wallet

>> No.2324681

Riding this to the moon!!

>> No.2324713


>> No.2324773

apparently cannot withdraw until i set up 2 factor auth for bittrex, will see that 9000 soon boy, good luck with the server and hit me up sometime!

>> No.2325339

Hey magnet, I'm the guy that made the tutorial on how to buy ark. I only bought 500 because that's all I could afford at the time.. If you're a crypto millionaire now, and feeling somewhat generous; I can prove my identity. Love u ark bro, I'm gonna dig into your node. <3

>> No.2325350
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Forgot screencap of thread*

>> No.2325420

dont let this post die.. we are 58 now

>> No.2325430

What happens if I just have enough arks in my wallet just to vote. Will I get nothing?

>> No.2325448

Does someone mind sending me 1 ark to my ark wallet? I am trying to send arks from Bittrex, but its been one hour and still hasn't gone through. I hope I don't need 2FA auth because I don't have a phone.
