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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23186212 No.23186212 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Not a retard so I know how to be fiscally responsible
>Use my free time to pursue my hobbies
>Periodically use leave time my job allots to go on vacation using a small portion of my savings
>Keep responsible Roth for retirement
Why do you guys hate having a job so much? I can do what I enjoy and having a set schedule is good for you.

>> No.23186246

i feel as though most endeavors are a waste of time.

>> No.23186255

We don't hate having jobs, we hate the jobs. No one wants to work 9-5 doing boring bullshit all day making hundreds for sheklestein and pennies for you. If it were easier to get a job in a field you enjoy, doing hours around your schedule, making good money, no one here would bitch.

>> No.23186266

The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth...
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.

>> No.23186283

You're still giving up the majority of your life doing something other than what it is you'd truly want to do, and that's what it comes down to, 40 hours a week on nothing

>> No.23186293

I work for the government, so there is no money being made

>> No.23186326

Honestly are your weekends completely packed? are you struggling to fit everything you want to do in the time you have? Most people just sit around and watch tv when they have too much free time because they dont have much else to do.
Having the schedule a job gives you is good for you.

>> No.23186339
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>he thinks the loud screeching of biz is the majority in biz

>> No.23186480

Ew. Neck yourself wagie

>> No.23186489

Did i hit a sore spot?

>> No.23186658

The only thing we are sore about is the fact we have to live in a world full of bugmen like you, that presume everyone must have has as empty of an inner life as you do. There is literally no such thing as "too much free time", to state otherwise is the hallmark of a well-trained slave.
I don't know why I bother. I might as well be arguing with a Roomba.

>> No.23186685

>has as empty of an inner life as you do
Wtf does that even mean.

>> No.23186830

you're a last man nig

>> No.23186847
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Okay wagie. Keep on grinding away for another man while I sit in my parent's basement and do whatever I want. Thanks for paying my welfare, keep at it tiger.

>> No.23186885

>whatever you want
You mean sit in front of the computer all day I assume

>> No.23186889
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>no klan gf

>> No.23186967

A lot of the guys here get really buttmad if you admit you don't hate your job, it's weird.
>Security guard
>Shitposting right now and getting paid for it
>Just have to say "clear" in a walkie talkie every 2 hours
>Spend the rest of the time on my laptop working on my personal projects or researching stocks/crypto/real estate/dropshipping
>The company in the guard station continues my marathon of the sopranos
It's pretty comfy not gonna lie. When I'm home I mainly just relax with my gf, I save most of my money easily, while funneling in extra from my other income streams.

>> No.23186980

*>The company computer in the guard station
Fucked that one up desu

>> No.23186982

Bro. If you work for someone else and do not get to reap the full rewards you are a slave. You are a prisoner. Most people crave freedom. Freedom of mind, body and most importantly, the freedom to do with their time whatever they so wish. Working as a wagecuck is a deliberate decision you have made to exchange your freedom for 'security'. You're basically the modern day equivalent of a serf from the middle ages. Unless you work for yourself, or are a 'lord of the manor' you will never truly be free and for this reason, similarly, never truly happy.

>> No.23187314

yes goy continue slaving.

>> No.23187326
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how into klan gf

>> No.23187375

Because I work three (3) shit jobs while studying full time to get a degree that guarantees me a real job.
This means I rarely EVER get ‘weekends’. Weekends in the sense that they’re days where I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to. I’m sure a job would be fine if you actually had days to yourself.

>> No.23187407

How do you manage that dude, 3 jobs on top of studying that's fucking insane man. Are you getting enough sleep, do you have a life outside of working? What degrees/jobs if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.23187429

You are a NPC.

>> No.23187466

Dream on, wagie. Kek. You sound so butthurt that we gain money for doing absolutely nothing and we do not answer to anyone. Better neck yourself, you are never going to make it. Lmao.

>> No.23187477
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 1596852763228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all klan grills look like this? Half of biz will be signing up today.

>> No.23187488

That's a man

>> No.23187500
File: 67 KB, 600x374, Nazarenos-y-Virgen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably trolling, but OP's pic is a penitence tradition in Spain older than the USA.

>> No.23187517
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>That's a man
2/3 of biz are joining the klan then.

>> No.23187578

looks like you got some dubs too fren, klan "girls" for everyone on the house

>> No.23187593
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>> No.23187645

I work night shift at a plant and I am on youtube all night with multiple crypto related tabs open on the company computer. I know they can probably find out if they want but I literally do not give a shit.

>> No.23187661

If you're not receiving any complaints about it then fuck it.

For anyone interested

>> No.23187783

Because you do something that you either enjoy or is enough that you feel like you ought to stay.

I have been on a seasonal night shift for three years. Usually a 5pm start, 12 hr shift, every single day for at least 6 straight months most of the time. But tomorrow I am working 10am to 1 am. I have no life and I forget what I even used to do for fun when I suddenly find myself free time. They asked me if I wanted to work this winter and I declined because mentally I wouldn't be able to take it. This job being seasonal is it's only saving grace.

>> No.23187829

>I have no life and I forget what I even used to do for fun
No joke that line kinda scared me man. You need to get back to doing something just for yourself.

>> No.23188086

Holy cope. Millionaire neets who've made it get to make fun and belittle wagies but you're even more pathetic then they are. You get crumbs to work with and invest while a wagie gets doubke, triple the investment money you're getting from your welfare checks. Some of us are will do anything and everything to make it and even torture ourselves waging. And then there's people like you shitposting, investing 400 bucks into defi crap hoping it'll do 1000x. You will unironically never make it.

>> No.23188345

I have periods where I hate existing, but other than that my life is fine. Have a wonderful gf who lives with me, have heaps of mates (that I don’t get to see nearly as often as I’d like). I guess I don’t really have much time to have hobbies or just blob out these days.
I’m studying the last leg of a psychology degree before supervised clinical practice. Writing up my thesis right now, so wew. For work, I do the usual uni retail slog, but also work as an ABA therapy assistant with autistic kids. The third job is pretty cushy/sporadic, I work in a somehow-not redundant role advertising my uni to local schools and helping out with engagement events and shit. Probably only get one or two shifts a month on average of that one.
But yeah, I feel pretty fine about hating work. Fuck the anons in here who think I’m a just some moaning imbecile with poor time management

>> No.23188535
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Fuck retail, imma get a warehouse job. I can't put up with the boomers and coffin-dodgers anyore.

>> No.23188919

I am a wagie myself, and can tell that you are suffering from wage cope syndrome.

>> No.23189285

>Be me
>See greentext
>immediately want to make fun of you.

Work is slavery unless it only benefits YOU. This is why I'm waiting for my work to be Badger. Start reading some code : https://github.com/Badger-Finance

>> No.23189660

I'm going to try and shit on every point you made
>Be me
Also be me
Used to be a software engineer but quit
>Not a retard so I know how to be fiscally responsible
Not a retard so I bought 55k link in 2017
>Use my free time to pursue my hobbies
Use my free time to browse /biz/ and play vidya and fuck gf
>Periodically use leave time my job allots to go on vacation using a small portion of my savings
Le vacation meme, I just go to the city where my uni friends wagecuck and we drink and fuck hookers
>Keep responsible Roth for retirement
kek trusting the gobernment to invest your own money in boomer stocks better than you
Only npcs are happy, got a gf, 5'10 king of manlets /fit/izen, 140 iq, masters in CS, got a 55k link stack and still unhappy as fuck so you're kidding yourself cuck.

>> No.23189830

I was just thinking about this earlier after a night with my wage slave friend. When someone sells their time, their outlook on life is completely different. I've been on both sides. I feel like when people wageslave, time is just a commodity like oil or basedbeans. They feel like they're wasting it if theyre not doing something other people deem "productive" which in most cases people default to making someone else money. It's sad.
Its also sad that not having enough time becomes an excuse for not doing the things they enjoy. I realized I actually do what I enjoy now that I have a shitload of free time, there's something nice about not being able to make an excuse and lie to myself when I don't do something that I thought I wanted. Turns out a lot of stuff I want to enjoy but just don't. Like being around wageslaves.

>> No.23189930

With 8 hours wasted every day for 5 days out of my week: I could have used that time to actually enjoy my life by travelling and playing more video games, not have to worry about my finances if I become physically unable to work, and become a Renaissance man at a much faster rate than what it currently possible if not for this thankless toil sucking the energy and happiness out of me.

You wouldn't understand, though, because you're a dullard and a drudge who has never had dreams and never had to think very deeply for himself.

>> No.23190119


>> No.23190219
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>/pol/ doesn't know that's a Catholic capirote and not a hillbilly's bed sheets

>> No.23190274

looks like some mississippi boys to me.

>> No.23190318

do you know what a roth IRA is? based on your post, i have to assume you're <18 and/or have never invested before.

>> No.23190331

How do I get cute spanish gf?

>> No.23190419


>> No.23190489

You're full of shit. I was pursuing a stem degree full time and after my part time job I had absolutely no free time at all to do anything other than homework. I was also sleeping maybe 5 hours a night if I was lucky.

>> No.23191317
File: 488 KB, 1027x1037, 6D34DD12-10CA-4949-B799-705EE4D73D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like the blm and antifa asshats who forgot that the world needs to produce in order for you to get any of other modern conveniences. Or do you think you’re better than other workers? You sound like a salty ass wagecuck so I’d wager the answer is yes.

>> No.23191411

No he does not.

>> No.23191634

>got a gf, 5'10 king of manlets /fit/izen, 140 iq, masters in CS, got a 55k link stack and still unhappy as fuck
based and truth pilled

>> No.23191809

Want to go for a hike on Tuesday anon? Oh. You are out of leave and cant go?
You want to start that new hobby? Oh you need to get your report done instead and do further work related study instead?
What do you mean you are too tired to read a book? You spent too much energy on that excel today?
Why dont you start your own business? Oh you're too burnt out from work tomake the investment?

OP you are limiting yourself. There is a world of endless options but most are too burnt out from waging. Motivation is stiffled when you're doing drone work.

>> No.23191905

to me its the opposite i love what o do at work but fucking hate and despise wage>>23186255

>> No.23192421

Suck my dick anon, I just manage my time better than you. If you think working two jobs on the regular and a third occasionally is impossible then you’re fucking stupid.
Wanna seethe harder? My gf actually studies stem, and she works two jobs. 3 days a week she works 12+ hours a day. If you can’t handle one part time job and study, then you should probably drop out because you’re not cut out for it..
I suspect you’re larping as a student anyways. Who the fuck calls the time they spend studying ‘homework‘?

>> No.23192734

Damn I should have bought more link. I have 10k and its feels great but can't quite fuck off from a wagie life entirely. Someday...

>> No.23192763

if you'd sold at $20 you couldve invested that 200k into real investments, and been well on your way to financial independence. instead you're going to hold a shitcoin down to $0.

>> No.23192793

I would love to have a job, but nobody will hire autismo like me

>> No.23192858


>> No.23192874

>bought magic pixel money at all
your chad license is revoked until you go all in GME

>> No.23192911

>bought funny munny stonks
sorry buddy but you need to get some ROCKS for your portfolio. Come back when you have gold and silver

>> No.23192965

>investing in shitty shiny metals with a market that's heavily pozzed by goldberg and silverstein
>not investing in actual useful assets

>> No.23193184

Get a different job then.
Pick up some hobbies, your free time is what you make it

>> No.23193237

>only npcs are happy
Opinion discarded. Nomies and Npcs constantly whine about their anxiety and depression.
Only a true chad knows how to let go and be happy

>> No.23193268
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Based and Nietzsche-pilled

>> No.23193288
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Yikes. It isn't even sentient.

>> No.23193539

>t. faggot who sits on the computer all day and considers suicide on a daily basis

>> No.23193769
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>Wtf does that even mean.

>> No.23193805

How to not be like this? Asking for a friend

>> No.23193833

>Why do you guys hate having a job so much?
Not everybody has a job they like. Some people didn't get choice in where they were heading.

>> No.23193934

You always have a choice

>> No.23193982

i hope you truly are happy OP

>> No.23194771

Anon I don't hate working, I would love to work in a small french bistro or do construction for a living.

The only problem is that in this clown world the only good paying jobs are bullshit office jobs. You need a good paying job to provide for a family, so I landed one in tech. With the job comes office politics , kafkaesque processes and work that doesn't give fulfillment and meaning.

I know if I start tomorrow I have +100 unread emails, at least 7 hours of meetings and some actual work. If it's a good day I won't get any escalations which basically I have to explain a situation that had nothing to do with me to at least 3 directors who makes sure they themself don't have to do anything regarding the situation.

I went for a promotion this year and got rejected. They unironical choose a female with no prior experience due diversity reasons.

I think a lot of BIZlets experience the same. And also are invested in crypto because it's the only think that allows you to stop waging with a lucky $5k investment.

Also check out the movie office space it's so accurate I sometimes think it's a subtle hint that I'm living in a simulation.