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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23177225 No.23177225 [Reply] [Original]

Vintage Trading Cards = Golden Bull confirmed?

>> No.23177236

>biz fomoing at the top into pokemon cards

>> No.23177244

Covid, economic crisis.
oh jeez what a crazy year this has been.

>> No.23177251

>former rapper logic
He’s not rapping anymore?

>> No.23177265

He move to streaming video games.

>> No.23177278

I have like ~50k in Pokemon cards and all of this low effort shilling and the FOMO by retarded rich people really motivates me to sell lmao

>> No.23177279

yeah this was the golden bull. i wish i could short pokemon cards somewhere

>> No.23177361

guys i think i have a charizard

>> No.23177384

Unusual investments going hyperbolic is just the usual sign of economic uncertainty
After the oil crisis of 1973 all kinds of stupid shit became popular like vintage wine funds and Amazon forest farms

>> No.23177385

you cant be serious, someone bought a fucking piece of paper with a drawing on it for 250k? i mean if it was some kind of instruction for adnvanced tech, but a fucking pokemon card? lmao

>> No.23177393

I have a 1st edition foil one somewhere...

>> No.23177411

holy fucking shit i might have them somewhere in my parents house

>> No.23177417

i have to find my cards kek. im just going to sell all this shit i have for sure a jap charizard and blastoise

>> No.23177456

Fine arts

>> No.23177519
File: 89 KB, 381x600, lf (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant be serious, someone bought a fucking pieces of paper with drawings on it for 965k? i mean if it was some kind of instruction for adnvanced tech, but a fucking superman book? lmao

>> No.23177616

Not exactly a direct comparison; there are less copies remaining in existence of any condition of AC1 than PSA10s alone of Base 1st Zard. Otherwise I agree; cards, like comics, are fine arts.

>> No.23178641


>> No.23178715

Hmm, is this what they meant by the "everything bubble"? Everything is in a bubble, even pokemon cards

>> No.23178987

Classic pump and dump. Those faggot influencers that are shilling this stuff probably bought a ton of them when no one cared about Pokemon, now they're bidding up the price in a very loud way in the hopes to stir a mania and for the rest of their inventory to moon. They chose a good vehicle for it, Pokemon cards are still fresh on the minds of every millennial that bought these in the early 2000s in the hopes that they would appreciate. Stay far away from their schemes, participating in this is like buying the top of a Dogecoin pump

>> No.23179525
File: 186 KB, 483x638, 1600118669274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit you hated when it came out because it's normie trash is now "classic" somehow

>> No.23179597
File: 388 KB, 989x512, 3253252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made several million a few months ago by signing on Twitch.
He has money to burn.

>> No.23179660

How much is a Pikachu card?

>> No.23179764
File: 18 KB, 525x478, noo stayyven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a single pokemon card is worth 226.000 dollars. Chainlink still crabing at 10 dollars.


>> No.23179796

Trying to figure out whether I possibly dumped anything of value.

I bought like a starter pack when they first came out - you could buy either a Fire, Water, or Grass box - it also came with little glass beads to use as counters.

Can't seem to find this box anywhere, but can't remember name...

>> No.23179808

I watched LOGANGANGS unboxing together with a friend who is somewhat into the market and he said the first edition base set pikachus in PSA 10 are worth a couple of thousand. But I don't bite it. Maybe on paper, but who the fuck buys that? The market has to be very, very shallow. I'm sure it's a very long process to find someone who buys this shit at the prices that people throw around.

>> No.23179856

Did Sergey say Link would reach price of a children's card game card?
There may still be hope!

>> No.23179915

there's millions of people in the world and only hundreds of these cards still in mint condition/unboxed. its easily worth that much considering how much people spend when they have millions to throw around.

>> No.23179995

Literally millions of people are investing in vintage trading cards, and more and more people every day are jumping on this risk-free, high reward opportunity.

Also, it makes for the perfect tax shelter & money laundering front

>> No.23180136

>might not
cringe Can't wait for Amazon to get fucked in 2040.