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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.47 MB, 1222x791, Litgen x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23168411 No.23168411 [Reply] [Original]

>AnyBlock Tools join The Lition Network as a Validator
>Uniswap Liquidity Program announced:
>MAINNET IS LIVE: We are proud to announce that we have officially launched our sidechain protocol and the Lition Energy Mainnet is live –
>Mainnet Launch Event Developer AMA scheduled for October 15, 2020. Submit your questions here
>Apply to be a Validator on the Lition Energy Mainnet:
>Q4 activity to include customizing an additional sidechain for an upcoming partnership with a new use case
>Lition Energy wins Digital Top 50 Award
https://dt50.org/winners-2020 https://twitter.com/Lition_Block/status/1311004684375732230

>What is Lition?

>How To Buy?

>How To Stake?

>Staking Calculator

>Lition Energy Mainnet Dashboard

>Official Site




>Previous threads (newest to oldest)

>> No.23168416

Pls don't kill me based baker

>> No.23168627


>> No.23168652

trash coin. scam. to make your money back, consider investing in $LUIGI

>> No.23168668

Morning faggots
Burgers pumped through the night and we dumped

>> No.23168704


its the second night in a row with these huge buys. Someone is dumping though.

>> No.23169097


>> No.23169116

bump your mother. this coin scams.
trust me, buy $LUIGI

>> No.23169137

green ID get to balance out OP cursed pink ID

>> No.23169138

Fuck off pajeet, eat some cyanide and calm the fuck down.

>> No.23169223

who taught you to be so rude? did your mother fucking shove you head first into her vagina after you are born? this is why you are poor and you will likely stay poor. Fucking imagine investing in a scam like Lition! LOL

>> No.23169277


>> No.23169489
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My only two investments in crypto have full time FUD campaigns against them on /biz/ and i couldnt be comfier. I know the truth will triumph in the end.

>> No.23169518

>this obvious amount of curry but he STILL shills his meme coin

I hope you and your family die in a callcenter fire

>> No.23169530

Fuck you, I am not the pajeet here.

>> No.23169580

Faggot 1 and 2, don't you get tired of jerking each other off with the same thread every night? No one is buying this useless shit coin, I'm not even sorry for you that mainnet launch was such a disappointment to price, in fact its hilarious, eat shit baggy holders

>> No.23169595

>every night
Found the pajeet

>> No.23169627
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How many mainnet chads in here?

>> No.23169632

Shut the fuck up. Mulattos are not white either.

>I am not the pajeet here
>...after shilling his shit in a general post that only talks about one shitcoin only

I will bet your worthless mother on the fact that $LUIGI is a rugpull scam. Fuck, even the name is a meme. Kill yourselves.

>> No.23169644

If you mean trustnode operators with that, then count me in.

>> No.23169650

I never wrote the name of that shitcoin down, learn to read idiot. Or just eat cyanide with your pajeet friends.

>> No.23169664

You bring up mothers an awful lot. It's getting hard not to notice.

>> No.23169724
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my 50k stays staked for 12 months. I simply CANNOT sell, as i am too based

>> No.23169764

I tell him to fuck off and you drooling fucking nigger assume that we are somehow arguing every night...lay the fucking drugs away you sad and utter degenerate. Your life sucks which is why you literally slur at random people on the internet without checking for the context. You are literally below the shilling pajeet since the pajeet atlesat gets paid for the showcase of his mental incapacity.

>> No.23169777

Oh wow, thanks capatin obvious. You might have not experienced it but usually a mother raises her children anon. Bad raising of kids = shit kids. Hope I've helped you figure out why you are sucha loser in life.

>> No.23169817

>trustnode operators
Yes, just wondering how many of us have trust nodes up and running.

>> No.23170062

Stop onboarding trustnodes, i only got 1667 lit this stake. 500 lit les then the first time

>> No.23170114
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This. Trustnodes are getting way more rewards than advertised meaning LPS guys are getting well and truly ass fucked on 3 litties a day. Fuck off Adam, fuck off smilex, fuck off road sign guy.

>> No.23170131

Jesus christ what a chesspool is retardation we have this fine morning. Stop shitposting by the traintracks curryjeets, or you are gonna get run over by the 5'o clock shittrain to Mombay

>> No.23170259
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I'm sure this will be addressed in the ama. There are many theories regarding the huge difference in rewards that far exceeds the 2.0 vs 1.8 LPS 12 month stake for example.

If its because lack of competition (probably a big factor) since there are not that many trust nodes online, fine. It could also be that the LPS is not yet taking part of the profits generated by all of the txs going through the main net, while trust nodes do.

For example, some anon claimed he was staking 400k through a node, earning him 700 a day. That is roughly 1.3x or something higher than the current 1.8 LPS payouts.

Very exiting non the less, and I'm obviously staked and based. Never selling, not caring too much about the price. I only want that passive income in a year or two. And fuck schizo Mike.

>> No.23170290

>so many new shitposters today ruining this shitty thread
no need to fud more, my work is done here, everyone in biz now knows this is a scam

>> No.23170300

Guys, be careful about drawing conclusions so early. Trust node rewards will tank HARD unless the number of transactions starts to increase. We are already getting much less than 3 notaries ago

>> No.23170301

So fuck off and never post again

>> No.23170315


We all know it is your shitty, curry stinking friends writing the same shit or you on different accounts Kys Mike, everyone hates your guts.

>> No.23170318

Blow me faggot. Your poverty disgusts me

>> No.23170321

>There are many theories regarding the huge difference in rewards that far exceeds the 2.0 vs 1.8 LPS 12 month stake for example.
LPS rewards are not based on real-time actual transactions, that's it. But really, as more and more people join us, at least in the short term trust node rewards will be much lower than what we have now, and I can easily imagine LPS being more profitable once you consider all costs related to running nodes.

>> No.23170331

Who are you talking to here you stupid faggot? Learn to read ids

>> No.23170337

Continuing, they might actually need to adjust the rewards in favor of trust node operators (decreasing LPS returns for instance, rather than pumping in sidechain 3 test transactions)

>> No.23170367

>LPS rewards are not based on real-time actual transactions
But they will be in the future if I'm correct? Thought I read somewhere that they will start onboarding the real transactions through the LPS shortly.

>> No.23170377

what do you need for trustnodes technically?

I dont want one, so your rewards are safe and you dont need to scare me off. Just being curious

>> No.23170408

Answered in a previous general
>You won't be accepted for a node unless you're prepared to suck Adams tiny dick while smilex rims your sphincter and Mark videos it

>> No.23170419

okay but does it take like an extra PC, a Linux distro, what?

>> No.23170438

Yeah I expect important structural changes.
8 core CPU, 8 GB RAM, 100 GB SSD.
8 core CPU is what is really pumping up the price.
Honestly we clearly don't need that much for now, but it's future proof and it's a way to filter out people who are not really committed.
In terms of technical knowledge you don't need anything, we have people completely clueless and clearly at their first experience with a node and they didn't have problems, the community is helpful and the devs are very active and patient.

>> No.23170462

Yeah Linux with docker. Most of us are just using a VPS. You can use your own PC but it should be on 24/7 and ideally dedicated just to running the validator

>> No.23170483

okay I get it. Another question: Only people get chosen that are active in tg, is that correct?

>> No.23170548

what a trash general, thanks everyone for contributing
where my comfy safe space at?

>> No.23170551
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Yes see

>> No.23170559

>Only people get chosen that are active in tg, is that correct
Recently I have started seeing names that are not really active. The thing is they want to reach 100 nodes and we are still only 33. We don't have 100 regularly active tg users. If you just entered the group and applied you wouldn't have many chances right now, probably, but I can expect this to change soon. Especially if you are a big staker (300-500k). But you need to be able to be contacted on telegram in case there are problems with your node.

>> No.23170563
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wgmi fren

>> No.23170567

At what time is the ask me anything?

>> No.23170577


>> No.23170587
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You're welcome

>> No.23170631
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>> No.23170674
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Greta is tiny

>> No.23170734

good edit

>> No.23170772


Tomorrows General-picture if we can get some text :D

>> No.23170792


>> No.23170882
File: 467 KB, 1880x1880, 1602287297920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this our song?


>> No.23170950


Your band?

>> No.23171007
File: 134 KB, 1536x830, 119725525_10219454587658698_6317398284658409137_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir

>> No.23171450

heil litler

>> No.23171620
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>> No.23171642
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Or this

>> No.23171770
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I also fixed this one because the lition text was fuzzy before and now it's smooth + has the logo

>> No.23171789


>> No.23171861


>> No.23172175
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>> No.23172373
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>> No.23172479 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23172621 [DELETED] 
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Based. Made the moon a bit bigger aswell

>> No.23172634

I really wouldn't mind seeing Luisa in my kitchen making me a sandwich but I'm afraid she wouldn't shut up about the climate :( As a temporary solution I have named one of my chickens in stardew valley after her (and Greta).

>I have started seeing names that are not really active
Yeah, I've been selected and only have posted a handful of times. Currently getting all my parts for a server as there's no way I'm paying $100/month for a VPS.

>> No.23172654
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Based. Made the moon a bit bigger as well

>> No.23172743
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>> No.23172836

Payed 150€ for 1 year and getting around 600 lit a day so deff worth it

>> No.23172927

Huh? Then I'll definitely have a look again

>> No.23172945

With 8 cores / threads???

>> No.23172987

Ok found one as well, site seems kind of sketchy though

>> No.23173021

There are shitty vps out there with 8 virtual cores that barely perform as 4 dedicated ones. They are much cheaper. And in general the swing in price for similar nominal specs can be huge.
As I said, at the moment the required minimum specs are muuuch higher than what we actually need. You can go for a shitty 15 eur/month vps without any issues, at least for now.

>> No.23173054

Then I'll actually go the VPS route as well.

>> No.23173072

Running your own server will still be cheaper, but do you want your IP to be public?

>> No.23173088

Yeah, I think most of the people now are on the same 2-3 providers.

>> No.23173100

I'd have rented a static ip. The thing I'm a little uncomfortable with is entering the private key on some sketchy rented server

>> No.23173171

Except that they arent

>> No.23173197

Trust node or regular node? How much do you have staked?

>> No.23173252

Though after further thoughts I'll run my own server. If not only to prevent future FUD about all the nodes running on the same VPS providers :v) >>23173088

>> No.23173260

They do. No point in lying on this.

>> No.23173286

Adam and his boyfriends don't give a fuck. Cost cutting above all else.

>> No.23173337

This, people jumped on strato just because of the promo with 1 eur/month for 3 months

>> No.23173348

I'm desperately trying to dump my fucking $67 bag of lition, this turd is very hard to flush. Tried to increase slippage and to pay more gas but it won't work. I think I'm going to start to pray Jesus to get rid of that pile of shit.

>> No.23173365

They are not you fucking faggot. AWS, contabo, hetzner, netcup are already 4 providers and are far from the only ones that are used right now. gtfo

>> No.23173395

How does my cock taste? I wonder if you can tell since the last time you had it in your mouth was long ago

>> No.23173431

Man, who cares about exceptions. Most people are on hetzner and strato. Ask Dragos if you are actually unaware of that.

>> No.23173456


Why not try acting like an adult and use a proper exchange like Idex instead of using that glorified paki casino Uniswap

>> No.23173527

yeah trust node, stacking around 400k,

Staking gains are going down, but still good

>> No.23173582

Except they are not.

t. talking with him since phase one

>> No.23173649

I love you

>> No.23173904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23173940
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>> No.23173958 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23174014


Excellent work! :D

>> No.23174096
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Thanks fren

>> No.23174303

Just bought, I wanted to wait for 0.00027 eth but the current floor seems to be a little higher and I don't want to risk it.
Will double dip if it actually touches that price though.

>> No.23174528


Thing is, no one is buying at these prices. It is just fake orders in the orderbook. They undercut eachother to push the price down again. Probably Mike would be my guess.

>> No.23174698

Is that insinuating noone wants to buy?

>> No.23174725
File: 433 KB, 1024x768, 1595773683172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and scroll down the order book on Idex, nothing but green. Something is up.

>> No.23174744

I don't really care about the current situation. The volume is dogshit right now but I see a good future with this coin since there's no way this thing stays at a 4m market cap while shit like Statera has almost double the amount.

>> No.23174745
File: 168 KB, 540x680, 1595758253201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a look for yourself, scroll down.

>> No.23174832


I wrote that wrong. My bad. No one is selling OR buying at these prices. Thats why they can slowly push the price down, since volume is low except when the whales buy during the night.

>> No.23174857


Yes I agree. Currently the smart money pick up their stacks, as we have seen the past 2 nights. But we won't get moving until we either get a new exchange, a big big sidechain or both.

>> No.23175679

Can someone explain what the use case of actually holding the coin is? Would I theoretically be holding currency to buy green energy in the future?

>> No.23175747

The actual purpose of Lition is its blockchain technology, the energy thing explained in the op video is just one of the many use cases it can have.

>> No.23175812

The energy use case is just the very tip.

>> No.23175918

Stacking the coin entitles you to receive some of the fees needed to operate the blockchain.
Atm there is only the energy business that uses it, but we expect more to come along, lit being partnered with sap and banks.
They also plan in making it a currency, eta is this quarter if I recall correctly

>> No.23176495

>used as a currency
This is the full shaft that follows the energy use-case tip.

>> No.23176725

>our song?
I'm in.

>> No.23176741

what a fucking shit song
sounds about right

>> No.23176776

So as of yet it's not currency but if it does that's when it'll have substantial value?

>> No.23176796

If people need to buy it to pay for their energy the price will go up.

>> No.23176798
File: 285 KB, 989x720, 1602356317791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the official litgen theme newfags https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbQrGaTm02Y

>> No.23176858

Different strokes, fren, amiright? Points for even laying it before such mercilessl reprobates.

Oh, and fuck Mike.

>> No.23177010

I was suggesting you have an unhealthy fixation with your own. Sorry if I wasn't clear, you absolute monkey.

>> No.23177196

Where is our bullrun? :(
maybe thursday

>> No.23177289


>> No.23177484

Who shitted all over my beloved coin?

>> No.23177669
File: 1.81 MB, 325x261, litcum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23178562


>> No.23178681

How are the staking rewards for trust nodes?

>> No.23178986

>0.00031 ETH
>31 posters
>all asleep
Richard better light this coin on fire in the next AMA.

>> No.23179417

Uniswap is based.

This is correct.


>> No.23179737

>haha you said I'm gay? Means that you are gay since you are obsessed with gay people haha

Imagine being as retarded as you lol

>> No.23179776

Euros go to bed and I don't really have anything to say. Richard will be revealing some great shit this AMA though. Really all we need is wait for Lit to gain traction. Also, the sellbooks are thin as fuck, which is both a bad and good thing because it discourages people from buying, but it also drives the price up quicker.