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23146518 No.23146518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been hearing that COVID is back on the rise over there; how is it in actuality my european frens?

>> No.23146529

yeah, it's rising but no1 gives a fuck anymore about a fucking flu

>> No.23146545


>> No.23146594

record high cases in my country last week, number just keep going up.

records being reported in Italy.

Czech Republic literally shutdown police hour for next 40 days a week ago.

Second lockdown is coming, all flu deaths will be counted as Covid, and people are always dying in winter from flu/pneumonia.

>> No.23146595

Italianon here, masks now mandatory in open spaces again (was only in public Buildings fod 3mo), cases on steady rise, death ratio lower than april.
Second lockdown not ruled out, but being carefully weighted since it will mean closing 50% of small bars/businesses.

I'd say brace for impact.

>> No.23146671

record numbers here in Switzerland

>> No.23146681

Still don't know of anyone who's has the deadly highly contagious coronavirus sars2-cov-covid19.q.1

OH well, wear the mask forever, every non-Amazon business must be destroyed

>> No.23146687

shalom my jewish minions

>> No.23146737

yes, but there probably won't be a lockdown 2 for wave 2, that's all I'm concerned about

>> No.23146742
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level of panic in my country is as close to march/april situation, yesterday i was in 2 shops after big news hit, shops were full of people.

massive lines to banks.

people are stocking up, and getting prepped for winter.

my country is Poland, approx 40mil people

all bars and restaurants, clubs etc will be shutdown in winter no fuckin doubt in my mind.

we will come full circle, and on my country stock market it already hit the stocks as soon as news came.

currently it's mild in terms of restrictions, full country is in "yellow" mode and "red" zones are popping left and right.

Yellow zone is almost red, there's restrictions on everything, masks in open space.

Red means basically lockdown for economy, the amount of fuckin restrictions for any business with people aka consumers.

We are on the verge of full country going Red, since all BIG cities which bring most of the % to gross product are in RED at the moment.

Winter will be cold. That's all i have to say.

All of this is starting tomorrow.

>> No.23146770

About as bad as the flu. However, the flu seemed to have disappeared here, so that's good news.

>> No.23146774

New cases are on very high levels, but deaths and serious hospitalization is not.
Meaning virus is spreading amongst resilliant people. There's no problem.

>> No.23146781
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half of the retirement home in my town died lol, then they seized it down.
My best buddy's mom got it being a nurse there, she was fine, her husband went into ventilation support for 3 weeks.
Said buddy didn't even notice he had anything, although most certainly he got it since he is living in the same spaces.

I agree amazon should burn to the ground, but it just werks till there is gas available and no bandits looting the delivery trucks.

>> No.23146850

>Rabi ID
Checks out

>> No.23146856

>all my friends claim to have had it
>the few who have had antibody tests have all come back positive
>range of symptoms from none (me) to hospitalisation

I don't fucking know

>> No.23146881
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>> No.23146889

Moved to a gay lockdown few days ago in Ireland

>> No.23146987

an MP overnight said that in the north east of england, the virus is "out of control".
nah fuck that, you're putting others in danger

>> No.23147050

Things are chill in Switzerland, daily life hasn't really changed, except for the masks and slightly reduced social life

>> No.23147052


You can catch any number of diseases from that shit heap

>> No.23147060
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>> No.23147204
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Norway is slowly but surely fucking more and more up
can't wait for lockdown pt.2

>> No.23147206
File: 19 KB, 652x395, DutchCases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this juicy chart. We're hitting new ATHs daily and this is the first time people I'm acquainted with actually got infected and even a few in my inner circle of friends. In march/april it was all 3rd or even 4th degree "I heard that Jenny's sister's husband from accounting has tested positive for Covid" bullshit. Now it's my actual friends and coworkers being infected.

However, they all reported minor symptoms and most of them have recovered already and are out of quarantine. Also, despite the magnificently higher number of cases, the intensive care in the Netherlands is less stressed than it was in march/april. To me the last 2 weeks has proven that Covid is indeed a nothingburger and the only reason we see a second wave that's bigger than the first one is due to way and WAY more testing capacity.

>> No.23147231

From saturday everyone has to wear a mask outdoors in my country

>> No.23147246
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we have bazillion fake cases and no deaths so the government and locking us down again soon

>> No.23147249

> t. Works in medical ward

>> No.23147253
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Oy vey it’s a shoah

>> No.23147256

Yeah the job situation is fucked open the economy

>> No.23147277

anarchy on the streets, people dying, food running out.. its hard man, people killing eachother over food.
>regards from Finland

>> No.23147312
File: 42 KB, 768x512, 2FFD2A80-27FA-4A99-AF6D-0F588D297D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nononoooo, covid is deadly. How dare you go outside and breathe on everyone!!! Reeeeee!!! Mandatory face mask and face shield!!!!! Reeeeeee!!!!

>> No.23147323

no way you guys are that fucked
right? :(

>> No.23147332

what are you gonna do? People are just tired and we will see a cultural leap away from Christian slave morality. Dead grandmas aren't the worst and can even bring benefit in today's aging society.

>> No.23147334

I don't get it. Everyone but retarded Americans wore masks and flattened the curve. How can this be?!

>> No.23147352

Record numbers here in France. Just before Winter too.. looks bad desu

>> No.23147371

Luv the norf, me

>> No.23147385
File: 67 KB, 1024x577, 8D1244F0-F424-4D31-A9DB-B98E794A0EBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for mandatory face mask and face shield!!!! Think of the children!!! We need government leadership!!!!! We need government!!! You can’t just wear and mask if you want to!!! Government must tell us!!!!! We need government!!!! And only a vaccine can save us!!!!

>> No.23147469
File: 272 KB, 777x777, F946F363-7A03-4140-AC63-3D207681D4E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a fucking coronavirus. An engineered one but it still follows basic rules.

The longer it exists in the wild it will evolve toward non-lethality as a simple course of nature. There are millions of strains of corona out in the wild now, which is why a vaccine is laughable, and anyone over 100 IQ SHOULD know its impossible and never take that shit unless they hold you down forcibly.

I said 8 months ago by this time next year corona will have burned itself out, but tbat doesn’t mean they won’t still try to make a panic over it.

TL;DR Obama sold the Chinese a chink slaying bioweapon intended to clear cities/sieges in 12-18 months and it got out for ((reasons)).

It was always intended to disperse and become non-lethal over time. Why is it so hard for you retards to read between the lines and arrive at simple conclusions?

>> No.23147475

it's fake and gay pierre, to scare the yellow vests

>> No.23147559

I just want a massive recession, huge unemmployment, dollar devaluation.

>> No.23147570
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Don't care, not gonna wear a mask and most definitely not taking the vaccine :D
t. Funland

>> No.23147583

Post stack

>> No.23147702

sounds exciting man, be safe

>> No.23147711

Wouldn't a recession imply deflation? Or you want to get at it on the other end of the money printing inflation horseshoe?

>> No.23148163


>> No.23148199

>Why is it so hard for you retards to read between the lines and arrive at simple conclusions?
Because most retards like their information like americans like their food: Heavily processed

>> No.23148204

No one gives a fuck anymore. Swine flu was worse and even that big of a deal

>> No.23148288

My country has a record number of cases every single day that blows march levels out of the water

>> No.23148304

There is no second wave
There is now a last attempt that reminds from the methodology and techniques about (you) fags desperately trying your consensus cracking and discourse disruption, just that it doesn't work when 30% of the demographic wants to see you hang, 50% don't care and only 20% somehow still believe it a bit.

In short, you will go to jail, and ours will like the tradition commands it be made a head shorter

>> No.23148377

Of course not the second wave is fake and gay

>> No.23148485


Record number of new infections every day, but deaths hardly go up (Netherlands).

>> No.23148503


The only people who get infected by this globalist hoax are those that look at the television news

>> No.23148518

Cases are x2 or sometimes even x3 of what it was at the peak in march, yet there's no lockdowns or any significant changes in most cities in europe. I'm predicting a massive crash of everything pretty soon.

>> No.23148545

be safe PolBro

>> No.23148592

Our dear leaders seem to have flirted with authoritarianism and tried to force the meme through msm and in the process lost 80% approval. The children of gladius are about to make their last move, when burger voted, our dear leaders will die

>> No.23148703

Pretty much this, plus I think a lot of the "positive"
market data out of China is complete bullshit. Huge correction within the next 2-4 months imo

>> No.23148844

Cases are meaningless without an accompanying death rate.

In fact, higher case counts with equal death counts is a huge BUY signal

>> No.23148881

France alone has 400% increase with ICU patients since the start of this month. NOT bullish

>> No.23148942

don't bother anon, they are paid to spread the meme. It wont save their master from a .338 LM

>> No.23148986

Flu routinely sends 2,000 people to ICU in France

Less than 1500 covid ICU patients in France today.

Literally a mild flu.

>> No.23149105

nursing home crisis -> let's end western economies

>> No.23149444


>flu sends 2000 people to ICU
>corona sends 1500 to ICU
>Now there are 3500 on the ICU
>Meanwhile cancer patients are put on hold because some hospitals are full.

>> No.23149471

>mandatory in open spaces
Lol. Retards

>> No.23149688

>Less than 1500 covid ICU patients in France today

And now wait for the actual flu season to start

>> No.23149751

it seems that everywhere are record highs and that everywhere people stopped giving a fuck about it too

so this next period will show the best how much of a meme this is or isn't

>> No.23149805

>putting others in danger
>Like the constitutional obliteration of freedoms due to flu
you know, call me delusional for buying XRP, but those covidfags, wew it's a new tier.

>> No.23149885

anon, Flu is canceled,
>and literally recalled Covid
in the netherlands influenza mortality nearly plummeted 90% and when you add the statistics of flu and covid together you still havent the amount of flu death from the year before

>> No.23149887

>you should stay inside because if you go out it makes it dangerous for me to go out
the only people that chinkycough is even remotely threatening to is coffin dodgers and wrongborns. Their safety is their own responsibility.

>> No.23149957

Chart looks fucking lit, where to buy sir??

>> No.23149961

I actually have a friend that's heathy as fuck and he regularly goes hiking and he almost died from corona. There's no way to tell how it will affect you

>> No.23149978

>and he almost died from corona
his genes are weak

>> No.23149999

>that id

>> No.23150034

I can’t wait until the government lets amazon defend its own vehicles. Theyll be driving down the street in fucking motorcades

>> No.23150083

>goes hiking
Since when is walking around in a forest a fucking exercise. In my day it was the only means of transport.

>> No.23150091

Yoooo look at that chart what’s the ticker symbol on this! Easy 100x

>> No.23150120

That’s how Finland always is. Let us know when something new happens.

>> No.23150163

He is joking. More cases than in spring and it keeps rising. Our feminist government is slow to react again. Young people have the most of the cases so it is not so deadly, yet.

>> No.23150165

Russian vaccine LMAO

>> No.23150282

checked and can confirm, shits fkd m8

>> No.23150449

because our tests;
test for fragmented pieces of the genome of "Covid"
>Any corona bases viriol will set that test off
>said fragmented peices stay in you system up to 6-8 months
and there is quite a high percentage of false positives

>> No.23150679


>> No.23150720

How can anyone get it if it doesn't exist?

>> No.23150808

I know some older people that got it and died, but haven’t heard of anyone without problems dying.

>> No.23150869

but he didn't

>> No.23151753
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I live unironical in a pretty based village. In west europe. It's most known for being the most right wing place in my country. So logically we don't give a fuck about a regular flue framed like something dangerous. Shopping is like always, so no mask. Bars are open etc. We do respect elderly and give them some space when we are near.

>> No.23152472

Dutch man here in the Netherland here now we see people wearing masks in Shops ands close quarters.

>> No.23152582

My dad who is the healthiest guy I know almost died from corona. Maybe it's because he works at nintendo.

>> No.23152667

Recorded numbers in my country but nobody gives a fuck anymore. People are annoyed about the COVID restrictions more than anything.

>> No.23152670

Was told I had to get tested because I was in contact with a positive IDed case. 3 hour wait. I hate socialism.

>> No.23152691

It's bollocks. The numbers are going up because the positive test results are going up, simply due to increased testing. The PCR test is utterly flawed, and returns about 80% false positives, but they're ignoring that fact. The results can be tailored to fit to be whatever they want by adjusting the amplification cycle numbers. It's a giant fraud, and the traitors in governments should be tried in court and hung out to dry.
This is what happens when corporatism is allowed to creep into governments. It's frightening and if it's not stopped it'll be hell on Earth

>> No.23152749

WTF is 'living unironical'? Even if you meant 'living unironically', WTF does that mean? How do you live unironically in a village?
Why do people insist on reciting this nonsense? Is it cool or something?