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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 422 KB, 700x1200, PINAKION_PEPE_-_Trap_Card_by_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23119638 No.23119638 [Reply] [Original]

>consensus of independent thought in an immutable digital ledger, incentivesed via game theory crypto-economics
>current applications include a result based betting site and a language translation freelance application
>Kleros jurors vote on the definition of words, sentences, phrases, or terms which can be made compositable into an alternative structure to legalese for contracts involving subjective human interpretation or independent thought consensus.
>Kanye West is complaining about shitty bloated legacy business agreements using courts of law are on Twitter
>Anons don't see the opportunity to partake in community driven consensus and opt-in alternative rule-books for the execution conditions of their smart contracts.

If I digitized my employement contract, and added a clause to permit me an extra week of paid time off in the event of a family tragedy, my employer would likely only agree on the terms that the funds at least go to an escrow service (haha) so there's opportunity for claim dispute to combat abuse. If I was choosing which escrow and dispute resolution service I wanted to use for my contract would I choose:
1) old and expensive lawyers that are likely friend with my boomer employer, or
2) a group of independent anonymous peers (verified to be my american peers thanks to a mix of LINKs CanDID and Kleros own PoH),
I'm going to bet on the anonymous peers to say my uncle dying does qualify as a tragic event in terms of my contract, and the tamper proof digital agreement will continue to function as designed from deployment, only relying or calling a session of Kleros "court" (which is really just a tool to verify humans agreed to a certain degree about a certain topic at a certain time) when the application or service, such as my employement contract, needs to perform an action in response to complex and inherently human question. I only have 5k. I want more.

>> No.23119658

>I want more
it’s less than 6 cents, go nuts

>> No.23119664

Is make it stack 100k or 1 mil

>> No.23119698
File: 250 KB, 1242x1633, 1601366562153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying link/PNK in a 90:10 ratio because I realize this is the more idealistic pipe dream of the two, but recently it's been 99:1 because most of my PNK got sold at 16c for LINK which then dumped after I laddered into it with PNK gains.

Fuck you 1mil, make it 100K, suicide 10K, car 5k

>> No.23119721

Buy the NFT of the OP image, and I'll use the funds to buy more Kleros

>> No.23119771

Thanks bro

>> No.23120777

>car 5k
the car is lambo, right?

>> No.23120852

Digits say yes

>> No.23120919

How OP thinks it would go
How it would actually go:

>No sir, I am allowed to have time because my PNK contract says so
>"PNK? Anon, what the fuck is a PNK?"
>"Its a crypto-coin where random people vote by putting up PNK tokens a-"
>"Thats great anon but your coming in on monday or youre fired"
>"Oh yeah w-well ill see you in Kleros court!"

>> No.23120950

literally all pnk wet dreams can be cured by walking outside and talking to people. this is not how normies work, this is not how normies will work and you cannot just wish they will start working that way, nor allude to some technological trend they will be "forced" to partake in
we got highspeed mobile internet and the average retard still uses it to essentially watch tv or talk to his other fellow retards

>> No.23122008


Ratio mind set is based anon

>> No.23122448


>> No.23122837

You're wrong.
>t. literally a CIArb member

>> No.23122892

This coin is hideously undervalued at the moment

>> No.23122904

I have a stack of kleros but your argument isn't very good since both parties at the arbitration needs to consent to it, in your exemple arbitration is in your interest but not in the interest of your boss, and it's predictable for the juries to be in favour of you, the weakest party. I think your exemple is typically a case kleros wouldn't be very good for.

>> No.23122924

There is no hardcore porn on tv.

>> No.23122934
File: 3.05 MB, 3543x2359, 1595271478893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully this shill is way too high of IQ for biz dumb money so there is still a chance my village will not be priced out we are almost at 10k.

>> No.23122990
File: 235 KB, 1440x608, PNK id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide stack was already settled to be 1k by meme id reading

>> No.23123287
File: 1.03 MB, 619x871, 4CB27FCE-234E-4AD9-AFE5-642113F65C38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs do I buy now or wait for more dip

>> No.23123351

I've been hovering over the "swap" button on uniswap a couple of times today, part of me wants to trade now for more pnk, part of me wants to wait a little longer for the election jitters to peak, sir I am not sure

>> No.23123684

My plan was to buy as soon as we hit sub $0.05 being on the edge of it is so nerve wracking

>> No.23123776

all I know is everything is going to dump up EOY
I've been going full retard with my buys lately

if everything crashes to a true fiery death then none of it mattered anyway

>> No.23124172


>> No.23124239

1+ year of daily threads
Link is dead.

>> No.23124284

I bought at 1c and under, sold it all ar 12-15c to all the dumb newfags thst joined /biz/ during the summer bullrun
Made like 80k usd off it

>> No.23124365

Nah, can't be. Even the pajeets are past 1k

>> No.23124417

A lot of villages are going to be able to afford gold plated tuk-tuks and toilets to pray to in the future.

>> No.23124503
File: 9 KB, 454x520, d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are fucking gay

>> No.23124559

Wow, you must be very rich!

>> No.23124568

found you
targeted you
I like to play with my mouse

>> No.23125423

I bought under a cent and am still holding.

>> No.23125570

It isn't the act of saying "Fuck You", that makes having "fuck you money" a check point, if you don't know about the dream of being able to have the FREEDOM to just say "fuck you" and walk away at any point, I'd invite you to lurk more friend.

>> No.23125604

Im probably one of 5 non bot OP posters on this board at this point, why call my thread inorganic desu?

>> No.23125883

I DCA in every week, do the same, 0 stress investing.

Then by vishnu my bullish sentiment has been fud all along

Godspeed to your village, tuktukanon

I will say that this FUD is targeted at lurkers who haven't read the white paper, yellow paper, or read the book. DYOR this post is false. How the fuck are you going to enforce a ruling over a dispute if both parties haven't agreed to the system of arbitration? It's a single layer of bad FUD deep.

Id find fair at ~0.25 USD until they have more applications and curated databases to pull value for applications for, what were you thinking?

I've been thinking of switching to gondolas for my Kleros memes because I think there is potential in Kleros >Gleros :DDD

That's the ratio I spend money on them BTW, Im not selling I single fucking link, especially not for some stupid shit like "Rebalancing a portfolio", when the world is as clown honkity as it is.

You have fairly mistaken the lack of obvious use cases for this technology to the layperson as the technology being useless, the truth is the innovative, instead of iterative, nature of the software means there's going to be a learning curve, and a longer deployment and adoption cycle, but the use cases are there. I've given two actual and a few hypothetical, at this point it's on you to disprove their viability.

It goes like
>I will look for another employer if you don't agree to hire me based on fair terms of employement with transparent contractual agreements (hint: business will also sell the creation of these smart contracts) that also permits me 1 wk PTO in the event of a family tragedy
>If you're not worthless the employer agrees, countering with the reasonable request a layer for dispute to claim be added, you agree and Kleros is the native solution to your smart contract employement.
PNK fudders can't see the forest for the trees, same as LINK fudders.

>> No.23126876

25 cents is reasonable for the time being. If they deliver on Linguo I can see it climbing higher. Longterm I’m super bullish though so I’m biased. I imagine a lot of Omen disputes will be escalated over the election

>> No.23126984

It suffers from a lack of exchanges. What coin this serious is only available on Uniswap?

Anyways I got my 100k but I feel like 500k is a make it stack and I'm just slightly above a suicide stack.