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23077018 No.23077018 [Reply] [Original]

There are advancements being made and progress in XRP that ignores the idiots on forums, all the broke peasants, ignores those of you chasing shit coins and quick tricks. Those of us with real investing experience, knowledge of the geopolitical backdrop, global economy, history of banking, finance and trade, are all in on XRP. I truly don’t give a shit about any single one of you. Really. Die poor. The best and most entertaining part of all this, will be witnessing the absolute despair of the ignoramous Cro magnon minds you have trying to compute the reality of XRP at levels you cannot comprehend currently. Have fun with your unicorn and cHaINLinK. Ha ha ha , fuck you guys make me laugh. Alright. Peace.
-Wall Street Out.

>> No.23077019

The best part of the anti XRP delusionists is they base their entire assumption on the basis of “XRP hasn’t mooned, therefore it never will”. Their simple minds fail to observe anything, compute mathematics, incorporate logic, entertain reason. These fools are the definition of fool. They are their own worst enemy. Their blind bias and hysterical anti XRP stance emanates from their own ignorance and frustration at themselves for being unable to understand the very facts making XRP have value. The depression and anguish these morons will feel when they indeed witness XRP explode (and I can guarantee it will), will be perhaps the worst anguish a man can exist with when it comes to a “missed opportunity”. They will have to realize they had extensive time and opportunity to examine, learn and acquire XRP, and instead hemorrhaged capital on non-starter shit show coins. They will go through grief like stages of DABDA - denial, anger, blame, depression and acceptance. They will deny XRP is truly on an upward trajectory. Some may FOMO in too late, however many entrenched haters will deny it is happening and deny it will last. The anger will occur throughout the process as they lash out, upset by missing the opportunity they had ample time to partake in. They’ll blame each other, blame you, blame me, blame family and forums and threads and every crypto retard they can point at, and even most
Importantly blame themselves. The depression phase will last years, maybe decades. They’ll be reminded of the missed opportunity in XRP every single day they awake to their peasant like existence of toil and hardship. Some may kill themselves as a result. I actually had a friend say this to me exactly after he sold a large position of XRP, “If XRP ever hits the $10 you talk about, I will kill myself.” Acceptance will be rare and only the most mature and emotionally secure individuals will truly accept the reality of XRP rising.

>> No.23077034 [DELETED] 

Doxing your mods wasn't enough I see

>> No.23077121
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>XRP goes up 1c
XRPtards are absolutely pathetic. If any of this was true then it would at least be $1.

>> No.23077430

>”iT wOuLd bE a dOLaR”

Would it? Explain your flawless and impeccable understanding of market dynamics to us all please. The floor is yours, please elaborate articulately and succinctly why XRP “should be a dollar” and exactly what you calculate it’s
Value to be, where, when, why, and how? Go faggot.

>> No.23077579

The real problem I have with XRP schizos is they talk out of both sides of their ass. On one hand, the elites are going to set the price at 2k or some shit. On the other hand they get mad if you doubt that tall tale, and even worse they find it necessary to constantly make new threads outside of their containment thread even though evangelizing this shitcoin shouldn't matter either way. If the elites are really going to set an overnight price (unlikely) then why shill the shit so hard? Just stay in your containment circlejerk club and wait for ThEMoOnsHOt that will always be two months in the future. Why bother shilling so hard if it really doesn't matter anon?

>> No.23077641

Not shilling shit. It’s the ignorance that most frustrates me. XRP will NEVER EVER SEE $1000 or even $2000. I doubt it will ever see $200. I can guarantee this however, and mark this with a screen shot:
3 years from today it will be trading $20-30.
That’s all.

>> No.23077701

>The floor is yours
the floor of XRP? the whole market has been looking for it for years and still cant seem to find it

>> No.23077796

>Wall Street Out

Haha what a larper. Call us when you nigger leave your Detroit kennel and learn how to zoom out on charts. Your shitcoin has been ranging on in the same area or even below now for the past year.

Meanwhile everyone and their mother made money, yet you still go ahead with Muh BaNKs.

Terra and Velo are already doing what you shitheads are trying to do for the past 5 years. I recommend you tie your heavy bags from your neck and throw yourself into the river. Spare us from listening to another human thrash that fell for the XRP bot shills and bough the top.

>> No.23077801

so should I buy in 3 years? it seems like all this shit does is crab down

>> No.23077883
File: 86 KB, 404x500, Velomach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I am screencaping this. XRP bagholder tears are the best, goes perfectly with the fact that my Velo bags will moon and basically replace XRP.

>> No.23077920


Also there are a ton of tokens that are way more likely to 100x in 3 years as the "crypto as a utility" boom happens.

>> No.23077961

>bought the top huh?

There it is more assumptions and projections of your manufactured reality shit head. Look, I give two nah less than one shit about you. I know you care less
About me as well. But get this, my first BTC experiments came in 2011/12. I got involved with XRP after extensive research, at $0.005

>> No.23078064

How about you explain why XRP is supposedly going to go up? The problem with people like you is that you think an asset's value comes from some objective traits that it has. This has never been true for anything, at least not completely true. At the end of the day, the most important deciding factor of an asset's value is nothing more than sentiment, what people are willing to pay for it, not matter how retarded or irrational you think their reasons might be. So you can scream and shout all you want about XRP "use cases", and its "applications", and so on and so forth, none of it is relevant. The only thing that is relevant is whether or not ppl want to buy XRP, and that ship has sailed long ago. XRP does not APPEAL to anyone, and the average normie sees no value in it for themselves. Even if institutions adopt the ripple technology somehow, doesn't guarantee much of a price increase.

>> No.23078084

Ha ha ha ha VELO...... omg ha ha ha yessssss I heard there were fucking velo chasers out there and I didn’t believe it. Amazing! Dude stop you’re killing me. Please tell me what it’s like in there? Inside your fucking head. What goes on? Is there music?? Do you have like some retard montage playlist? Is it nickel back? Fuck. Wow. They exist. They really exist. Amazing. Go be poor somewhere else nigger.

>> No.23078113
File: 307 KB, 1000x758, Hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC experiments

What a pathetic larp you are, if you really are involved with BTC that early post a tx id/github link or Bitcoin talk link.

You people are snorting some bad rat poison to spew out such dreams, if you bought XRP that early and haven't dumped after Jeb left then you deserve to be poor.

Banks took over and the only usecase that they could come up for their shitcoin, so that they don't get cucked by SEC was a PnD scheme.

"Reserve token" that is not tied to the Ripple labs tech that Jeb developed, essentially having 0 incentives for nodes, thus creating a centralized piece of trash, even distributed excel spreadsheets are better than this. If you are so knowledgeable mr wAllsTreEt then explain what is the usecase of XRP and why is it needed.

I can explain why Velo or Luna are needed in the system anytime, so I'll give you the floor.

>> No.23078169
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I don’t have to explain shit. Again, I don’t care.



Good luck with UNI, LINK and VELO.
Neither of those 3 will exist in 5 years. And you can take that to the bank.

>> No.23078220

Nogger who the fuck has screenshots of BTC transactions from 10 years ago. I lost half a BTC a friend sent me who was trying to get me into it back before you beat off to a bra section in your local newspaper paper insert.

>> No.23078253

Seems like judging by your first link, and the first post within that link, that we are kind of in agreement. Price predictions are bullshit. Nobody knows what an asset will be worth. But my point is just that an asset never has "true" worth, or "correct value". People who say "this isn't priced properly", are retarded. Any price that exists in a free market is by definition correct. Because it is what people have decided the asset is worth to them, nothing more. If suddenly nobody wants to buy a ferrari anymore, nobody on the entire planet except for one person, and that one person thinks its worth 5 dollars, then thats what its worth. That is the correct price.

>> No.23078492

Oh yeah, suddenly you lost access and you didn't have any other online presence, because that is what early BTC adopters used to do. Btw you could at least post a picture of that 0.0005$ buy, but I guess it was on MtGox before the hack, no ?

Good luck with your scam, I hope the Jews won't dump too much on your head. Meanwhile I enjoy my comfy Velo bags.

>> No.23078881
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>> No.23078984


>> No.23079071

imagine holding teh xrp

>> No.23079489

So we have to wait three years to make a x100?

>> No.23079617

n-no... Or, maybe.