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File: 299 KB, 3390x1171, Screenshot 2020-10-05 161935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23058783 No.23058783 [Reply] [Original]

I think its time for people to finally accept that the stock to flow model is objectively dead at this point.

>> No.23058809
File: 27 KB, 216x398, gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k EOY check em.

>> No.23059132

20k is literally never going to happen again.

>> No.23059164

>next halving is on 4/20

>> No.23059167

the saddest thing about this is you're probably serious

>> No.23059234
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dumb

>> No.23059310

he is wrong by 2 month, february will be at least old ath

>> No.23059465

BTC is the best returning asset in human history.
Stay negative, broke, and never-trumper, bitch.

>> No.23059507

>stock to flow model is objectively dead at this point
The time til pump extended a little longer each halving. We are right in track with that pattern.
OP is objectively a faggot

>> No.23059531

I'm retiring next summer. Fuck off.

>> No.23059548

>Yea, BTC is TOTALLY going to 100k SOON. There's NO DOUBTING IT!

>> No.23059642

Not what I said you snivelling kike

>> No.23059857

Of course only a drump supporter would get suckered into fake internet money.

>> No.23059910

u seem retard

>> No.23059947

It's your "matter of fact" attitude & writing style that gives away much more than you think.
You also have less than 100k to your name.
Too bad.

>> No.23060012

>I think its time for people to finally accept that
It was over before he even started.
What type of narcissistic, sociopathic, appealing to authority, desperate to fit in, pathetic mongoloid starts a sentence like that?

>> No.23060143

Facts and reality always make delusional bulltards upset. Bitcon is never going to make a new ATH ever again.

>> No.23060255

>Facts and reality
Get your estrogen levels checked.

>> No.23060474

right.. cause you said so.

>> No.23060505
File: 431 KB, 800x600, 1597997345024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah btc wont go above 100k any time soon.

>> No.23060551

Because its a fact.

>> No.23060586
File: 87 KB, 1200x600, 5a6a12c9178425320f8b4635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole narrative around btc has changed drastically in the last three years. Reddit, 4chan, discord, etc. actual discussions about the technical aspects of BTC are long gone because nobody cares anymore. Chinks are literally populating cmc's database with 5000 shitcoins in less than a year that nobody will know about, ever. USDT mc is unbelievably high and nobody seems to notice.

This entire market died the day Katy Perry posted her cryptonails on instagram. We are well past mainstream and BTC hasn't changed a little bit, it has nothing new to offer. The entire market tanked 90% this year alone ffs, what the fuck are you expecting faggots?

>> No.23060748
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>> No.23060765

>what the fuck are you expecting faggots?
The same thing we do every millennium, Pinky. To try take over the debt slavery!

>> No.23061072


>> No.23061205

damn its really over

>> No.23061240


>> No.23061279

lmao real OGs bought bitcoin to escape zionist trickery.
KYS 18-22 year old "ALT-RIGHT" faggot

>> No.23061351

20k by april 2021 checkem

>> No.23061389
File: 135 KB, 720x1172, Screenshot_20201005-202305~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McAfee's prediction is pure gold too:

>> No.23061551

Imagine believing anything a known drug addict and scam artist in exile says.

>> No.23062597

Bump because cryptofags haven't seen these charts enough.


>> No.23062883

pocket 88

>> No.23062941

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.23063396
File: 2 KB, 125x99, 1567098880344s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23063540

Pretty much correct, but only for BTC and its horde of zombie chain clones. These "chink shitcoins" on Ethereum are where the actual technical innovations, speculative discussion and developer effort are focused these days. 2017 retail bagholders have nothing but ghost dances and 100x leverage meme lines whenever the corpses decide they need to twitch a little bit. It's like the products aren't even there, they're just tools for trading

>> No.23063608

This has been really depressing to read

>> No.23063744

There's nothing those shitcoins can do that ethereum can't when 2.0 is out

>> No.23063771

20k by this dec

>> No.23063824

Eloquently put anon

>> No.23063833

>there's nothing a company (governance token) or machinery (utility tokens) can do that oil (L1 settlement token) can't

>> No.23063857

Can someone please translate this faggot for me. Is he trying to call eth a settlement token?

>> No.23063947

and worst off hes fucking some nigger which was probably his drug dealer at one point. im surprised he doesnt have double digit stds at this point

>> No.23064041

If the dollar dies who knows. But as it stands, bitcoin just repeats the gold story, eternal crabbing. I'm fine with it. No need for btc to be 9999999653 million dollar. Cypherpunks lost, that's it.