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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 339 KB, 262x768, WillfullyPoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2305034 No.2305034 [Reply] [Original]

So I bought DGB at 2250 Sats. I see this comic, What do I do? Should I KMS tonight or rob a bank to make up the losses? I spent 5,000 usd on my DGB. My wife doesn't know. I'm really fucked guys I just lost our life savings.
>kansas resident

>> No.2305049

Don't worry, it'll bounce back.
-t. random internet guy with no accountability

>> No.2305058

>lost our savings
Did you sell? If not, hodl you faggot

>> No.2305070
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Yes the sats are going down only because BTC is going up. The value shouldnt be taking too much of a hit and should only benefit in the long run.
Hold on budday

>> No.2305085
File: 146 KB, 682x682, DgbKysMate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thanks mate

>> No.2305091

never panic sell

>> No.2305105

dgb will recover. watch the ceo presentations on it. they are professional, and utility for the coin goes beyond gaming. in fact, i think its much more viable for the international trade market, like he demonstrates. im in trade finance, its fucking archaic

>> No.2305127
File: 143 KB, 1865x704, dgbcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing OP.

Check this out

Should I just die?

>> No.2305141
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Anon, I...

>> No.2305151

lmao all these posts about diamond hands are starting to make sense, it's hilarious seeing so many people panic at normal fluctuations

>> No.2305165


Don't even think about selling until at least after the news. Stop looking at the charts and get some sleep.

>> No.2305188

Okay If you're not biting a bullet or walking out in front of traffic than I wont either.

Thanks man. I'll do my best.

>> No.2305205

jesus, at least learn to diversify a bit. doesn't warren buffet come from kansas or something?

you want to have at least some of your crypto holdings in relatively stable things... to judge stability, look at market cap, trading volume, and history (how long has the fucking coin even been around?).

i have maybe a third of my total holdings in btc. the rest i'm gambling on memecoins because why not.

>> No.2305241

Thanks for buying on ATH and being the guy that actually throws money away for others to win some.

>> No.2305270


I put 0.5btc in DGB 4 weeks ago. I had 9 btc before the dip now.

This coin is different. This thing has an amazing community with strong projects and strong leadership.

At the very least this thing can overthrow LTC as it's value prop is literrally being 1/1000 of a bitcoin.

Normal People can wrap their heads around sending 1 DGB = $1-$2

>> No.2305309


Why do you play the game if you don't have any stomoch for it ? Fucking Hold you cuck.

>> No.2305597

Man, I have Digi, but if you think it's hitting a buck you're nutso.

>> No.2305800

Think long term. Crypto will either be completely dead and finished or will have a trillion dollar market cap in 5 years. Hint: It's not going to be dead.

Hodlers win again!

>> No.2305857
File: 500 KB, 725x483, hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day your wife will thank you. Just HODL and wait. Digiholders will be rewarded with lambos

>> No.2305930

2200 to 1600 looks normal to you?

>> No.2306015

Does 100 to 2000 seem normal to you? This isn't the stock market retard harden up

>> No.2307424

After that pump? Yes.

>> No.2307481

My advice is to not even think about selling it before $1. Just wait it out and sell at $1 if you dont wanna wait further. I myself am not selling atleast till $5

>> No.2307598

What's everyone's opinions on Citibank? Should I try to sell when it peaks and buy back the dip, or just hold and hope that all the newcoiners keep it afloat? I don't mind losing some profit by holding but i'm worried about it pulling an LTC and returning back to fuck-all after the hype dies.

>> No.2307641


To be on the safe side, I would sell half at the peak to secure the gains. There's surely going to be a massive pump the day of or the day before, and without the Citibank news propping it up, the coin could dip and stagnate potentially. When it seems safe again, buy back in

>> No.2307668

Even though i've done that before i somehow didn't even consider to do that this time around. Cheers for the advice.

>> No.2307673

HODL you spineless bastards.

Look at the hit the majority of Altcoints have taken in comparison to where DGB has held.

Also have a read into some of their stuff like aiming to tap into the gaming/e-sports market - Not talking about that minecraft sever shill but rewards to gamers playing cs, LoL etc.

>> No.2307716

Reminder that the average DGB investor either:
a) belongs to a pump group and shills 8 hours a day to new investors
b) is a new investor that doesn't know that a script can slowly control the price descent to maintain a high sell price
I've got some more devastating news for you new investors! Eventually they'll lose control of the sell volume! And guess what that means? Off the fucking cliff this coin will go. I made my profit off this pump and dump. Know why? Because I bought 1.1million at 100 sat. And I sold at 2075! What lesson have you learned from DGB?

>> No.2307720
File: 9 KB, 846x52, DGB JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't lose my life's savings on it, but I feel for you in a different way, OP.

>> No.2307736


>> No.2307796

Youre a fucking idiot spreading fud. The people who are in DGB literally care about it so fuck off.

>> No.2307839

>Honestly "caring" about an alt coin
Is all about profit ya dingus

>> No.2307898
File: 29 KB, 557x365, 1491445529221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought 1.1million at 100 sat. And I sold at 2075!

what a fucking idiot, i'm going to screenshot this and repost it one day when its convenient.

>> No.2307926

Why in the fuck would you make fun of someone for making 20x gains? Even if he could potentially make more in the future, no one is going to laugh at a guy for making 20x gains

>> No.2307937


Guys who sold BTC when it was $19

>> No.2308008

Well of course it's going to look retarded in hindsight, who was to know it was going to reach the point it has today?

>> No.2308041

lol you fucking newcoiner

>> No.2308090

You're gonna want to screenshot your post for good measure.

>> No.2308109
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>> No.2308131

happy you lost, fuck off out of crypto and dont put your life savings in /biz/ pumps you fucking idiot

>> No.2308237


>> No.2308350

You deserve it. Thats exactly what is wrong with some ppl

>> No.2308389


>> No.2308419


It still rose in comparison to dgb. I dont know why you all are worried

>> No.2308468

I mean usd