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File: 74 KB, 626x560, cute-sad-china-attacked-coronavirus-infection_92289-656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23025411 No.23025411 [Reply] [Original]

China will soon be sued by international courts into collapse for the COVID propaganda hoax. How do we profit from this?


>> No.23025437

hopefully we get to see a billion chinks starve to death

>> No.23025447

>Implying china gives a shit what other countries think and will pay it

>> No.23025454

If they know what is good for them, they will take the opportunity to install Hong Kong-est democracy and boom again on the right side of history. Nobody wants to see China fall, just tyrants and conspirators get their dues.

>> No.23025467

Largely depends on the US elections
If Trump gets 4 more years, it is game over for China and the UN. If Biden and his cabal wins, hello world wide corporate communism that will make the first industrial revolution look like an Utopian world of milk and honey

>> No.23025474

>Nobody wants to see China fall
nigger what? i hate chinkoid subhumans and want them all wiped off the planet

>> No.23025483

True a lot does ride on this election since USA has the military might, but this isn't just the USA that will come for the CCP. Trillions of dollars have been lost internationally, that doesn't just 'blow over'.

>> No.23025495

China have a long rich history, and good business can be done there.

But communism is a plague which will be wiped from this Earth.

>> No.23025502

No money has been lost, it was redistributed silly, and those that played ball all received their fair share

>> No.23025516

Seeing as how they've bought US debt.. wouldnt we just forgive ourselves of that debt to them. Problem solved

>> No.23025528
File: 97 KB, 644x942, 2FA6563D-7260-4B71-B6CB-5782F1E7622B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China didn't tell us quickly enough we could have locked down sooner!
>China told us on purpose to make us lockdown!

Are Americans honestly this fucking retarded?

>> No.23025537

Let me rephrase. Trillions have been lost from the pockets of those that matter, the citizens of the nations the leaders should fear.
National government bodies have very good reason to be nervous right now. The jig is up. It's only a matter of time till everything is exposed, and those that took the money... well.

>> No.23025549

China is a member of the WHO, there are international laws and treaties in place that force china, as anybody else to comply under the threat of international sanctions if they don't.

I can only recommend to watch some lectures on international law, it is a very interesting subject in a more and more globalized world

>> No.23025553

It was a global shill campaign from China directed at the leaders of the world. Coronavirus dangers were GREATLY exaggerated and we see this now even through the perpetuated propaganda.

>> No.23025554

>China have a long rich history,
long history of rape and slavery of those dogs. no wonder they are soulles cockroaches at most, they cant even face thier own history because it exposes them.

>> No.23025563
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most never stop to think for even a second, just pick up the latest chant

>> No.23025567

China pretty much own the WHO.

>> No.23025589

You are 100% right, and I hope that the 15% or so of the population that see this and the 15% that are angry even if not sure why, have the balls and resources to go and visit so called leaders and corporate influencers at home.

>> No.23025597

The original question was, how do we profit from this?

>> No.23025616

When the population has their rights taken from them, it becomes a matter of survival.

This information is the tinder.

>> No.23025626

You still have a brain you know? Your country could have assessed the virus in your own labs...

>huh duh we hate China, don't trust China!
>oh let's trust China on this thing!

Absolute state...

>> No.23025638

pretty sure there is shit we still don't know.

For one, they shut down domestic flights out of wuhan, but left open international flights? They lied about the numbers early on. Its a communist gov, this was their Chernobyl.

At the end of the day though.. why are these assholes always generating pandemic level respiratory diseases. They need to stop their people from fucking monkeys and eating dead, diseased forest creatures.

>> No.23025644

>implying our politicians haven't long been bought and paid for by China and locked into major trade deals

>> No.23025669

I wish it were that easy, but the majority has been conditioned to be sheep that wants to be lead no matter what, and I unfortunately don't see any honest conjugators able to focus the anger of the masses onto specific targets, only false prophets and controlled opposition.

Maybe Trump, but that is a big maybe, as he plays the peaceful business game, not the rightful anger one.

>> No.23025703

international institutions like WHO are a meme because donations directly translate into political power within the institution and survival matters even to globohomo institutions.

>> No.23025715

If they shut international flights you fags would start whining about how China are locking innocent foreigners in Wuhan

Honestly you're so dumb it hurts

>> No.23025724

You are way off my friend. We have been waiting for a reason to unite. I rarely meet someone who doesn't know that this is messed up and wrong. The people are awake.

>> No.23025734

Lol who build this scam website? Smells like fiverr curry...

>> No.23025737

who's going to enforce the ruling? President Joe "my son got 2 billion dollars from china" Biden, LMAO?

>> No.23025784

Awake, maybe, they were as well when the kings and queens of Europe were bleeding them dry for God and crown, and still it took hundred of years, leaders and financial interests to kick off the American and French revolution. There will never be a proletarian revolution, neither from the left, the right or a unification, history is written by great man, not the masses

>> No.23025791

>China have a long rich history, and good business can be done there.
t. chinglish mongoloid

>> No.23025811

>implying there are not great men within the general population making plans now, many of great wealth and prestige

I'm calling it now. 2021 is going to be a shitshow.

>> No.23025813

>If they shut international flights you fags would start whining about how China are locking innocent foreigners in Wuhan
found the chink

>> No.23025849

If you travel enough you get clued in to these things. Chinese people are not all dead eyes mongoloids. They are prisoners, trapped in a world of double speak and death threats.

>> No.23025867

Depends. To go back to the first point
Trump; they will simply fail because they lack the military power to push it through and his administration will continue to rob international bodies of the power they acquired over the last 80 years.
Biden; peasant rebellions at most that will be beaten down similar to all the local uprising in Europe, and might, only might serve as propaganda for some great men still to be born

>> No.23025882

yeah that they created.
ITT spider web semi conscious automatons try and save face for the hell they created

>> No.23025904
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It's a tough one. The main effect of course will be manufacturing moving into other countries. I'm not sure how to profit from that.

>> No.23025944

I'm not necessarily pro-China myself. I hate the way they treat animals for example, and China was largely built on exploiting their neighboring countries with taxation under military threat. But people largely just adapt to their environment because everyone simply wants to survive. Change the environment, the people can begin to heal. I think they should have that opportunity.
I suspect Trump is one of those great men I alluded to.

>> No.23025950

raise labor standards and quality. Remove the consume and dispose mentality. Make things last. Profit by selling people the tools, knowledge, and parts they need to extend the life of their purchases. Treat things as investments

>> No.23025954


>> No.23026002

Only a spastic would blame china.

I'll tell you whose responsible for blowing it out of control and thats the "scientists" whose estimated death numbers were literally pulled out there arse, mass media in general for propelling fear to all time highs, the governments that ate the shit up without questioning anything and all the fags that walk around in masks thinking that a piece of tissue is gonna save you.

>> No.23026018

We will see. I for my part stocked up on chemicals, ammunition and spend a part of my LINK gains on a new rifle and a scope able to make heads explode from a mile away

>> No.23026033
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They had their chance during their revolution and they chose wrong.
science worship of authority figures not critical thinking up for debate actual science.

>> No.23026035

so he was right, nobody. imagine actually thinking your hick incel opinions matter

>> No.23026048

lmao seethe harder chink subhuman

>> No.23026087

I want to see Chinese women naked and the men castrated

>> No.23026095
File: 267 KB, 688x1251, another_day_on_pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic... you sure got me huh?

>> No.23026100

>aping out because yellow ppl bad xd
>n-n-no you're the one seething
take this gold stranger, I hope itll make you feel better about your covid lay off

>> No.23026141

haha I am also 12 and I agree

>> No.23026289

Collapse of china won't happen without war. They'll tell other countries to fuck off when they sue them.

>> No.23026403

Perhaps, but it will aid in harsher negotiations in trade deals and a lessened consumer demand.
They will also lose land purchased in foreign countries and many politicians on their payroll will be offered up to the people.

>> No.23026532

in hindsight this is very true, for competent countries that is. but burgers have shown everyone just how hard they can fuck everything up, I guess you can't be the #1 country without being #1 in covid

>> No.23026563

Reminder that every country effectively started with one case.

If it was so easy for China to detect it early and eradicate it, why didn't every other country?

Oh I thought it was easy?

>> No.23027215


>> No.23027293
File: 59 KB, 744x402, 1594444303036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if trump is so based why did he fall for it?

>> No.23027476

They'll just claim all the debt.

O you want me to pay you x? Just take x of the amount of debt you owe me kek.

>> No.23027861

It only takes one tyrant to nuke the world.

>> No.23028079

I don't think you understand how international law works. There are a couple of treaties that allow countries to sue other countries, but they're basically a kind of forced arbitration where a third party intercedes in an argument like when it was decided that our tariffs weren't kosher. There's definitely nothing that covers a situation like this.

>> No.23028129

>tell people uncomfortable truths
>Ahhh I have no response better just call them a Chink despite Chinese not even being able to post on 4chan due to captcha
>heh argument status: WON

>> No.23028493

OH FUCK do international sanctions mean they are going to start eating more dog penis or less?