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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22962592 No.22962592 [Reply] [Original]

They really think we're gonna sell our Linkies for sub $10? lmao

>> No.22962623

they can get 1k linkies from me at $1000 rest will be staked

>> No.22962630

I'm about to sell all mine. I wanted to make it but now I have another kid on the way, am about to lose my job, and need a bigger house. I don't see another way, go on without me.

>> No.22962648

>having a kid
>wanting a bigger house
you were never gonna make it anyways

>> No.22962715
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I have no idea what they are thinking. If LINK was a scam then why didn't they shill it during the run to $20 and let it pop to $50+? What the fuck is wrong with those faggot chink whales. Let's just get it over with. But no these faggots had to load the fud since we breached $7. And now they expect me to sell at $10 or below? No. Fuck you. You didn't give me my pump so I'm not giving my LINKs. I can keep coping through these dumps and crabs no prob. Idk what kind if a "grand plan" you market makers have, but it sure as hell doesn't involve me giving you my linkies at such a measly price. I'm 20. I can wait. Meanwhile you richfags are 35+. Time is running out gramps. You better start pumping this before you need a machine to pump your heart.

>> No.22962718

Probably true, I'm too old and already set in my ways. I really like having a kid though and am excited for the second one. I just also like my personal space. Good luck, anon.

>> No.22962775

Based. I’m a 30 year old boomer with a glorified suicide stack but not selling any for at least another few years. Might even try to buy more but buying this high makes me feel like an idiot even if it’s a good move long term.

>> No.22962844

I can never understand what is meant by "suicide stack". It used to be 1k, but now it seems like 10k since I feel like killing myself twice.

>> No.22962856
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>They really think we're gonna sell our Linkies for sub $10? lmao

>> No.22962872

This. The only way to make it is suicide to prevent future costs.

>> No.22963143

I only hold 3k and still wish for the sweet release of death some days. Nice digits tho

>> No.22963204
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>> No.22963281

>being this young
>being this based
gonna make it 20yo anon