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22955993 No.22955993 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready?

>> No.22956010
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i am

>> No.22956035

i am, I've been holding this for a whole day and this piece of shit is not moving at all

>> No.22956088
File: 221 KB, 1440x954, Screenshot_20201001-055535(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All day? Wow anon you have the foresight and patience to make it. Cant relate
I stupidly only bought 4k worth at 81 cents (the bottom) last week
What was I thinking

>> No.22956112

better tell me when 1 BNT = $10 you smug asshole

>> No.22956161
File: 191 KB, 1440x1274, Screenshot_20201001-060312(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you still don't know whats coming?

>> No.22956347

whats coming asshole tell us

>> No.22956728
File: 225 KB, 1429x631, Screenshot_20200926-224912(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The liquidity black hole.
V2.1 has done what people thought V2 could and would do.
Now we're just waiting on word from Bancor themselves, which was confirmed to come soon.
This is it.
This is the biggest play in DeFi. Ever.

>> No.22956760

if it was that simple, wouldnt it already be mooning like crazy?

>> No.22956824

It is. Its jumped from 73 cents to 1.15 in a week, as people in the know accumulate.
But no official word on v2.1 is actually out, only breadcrumbs.
Ever heard of buy the rumor, sell the news?
But this is a true 1000x tier pump. Single token staking + 0 impermanent loss will suck up the liquidity of every dex, provider, etc in a massive vortex of liquidity and profit. This is the DeFi apocalypse. The bullrun catalyst.

>> No.22956847

meh sold at $2, they're never going to actually pull the trigger and get this thing moving. Launch was very underwhelming

>> No.22956928

so normally, if the price had gone up in the meantime while you were staked, when you withdrew you would get less than you deposited?

>> No.22956979

so bancor can be added on the list. it is really like hunting shrimp in a barrel, with apex

>> No.22957059

Exactly, then the provider would incure "permanent" losses.
It would be impernanent only if the prices returned to relative value at the time of staking.
Combine this mitigation with Bancor's Chainlink price oracles that settle for the best price at time of buy, and factor in single token exposure, and Bancor will provide 100% the best AMM option.
This is the liquidity black hole. It's imminent. All breadcrumbs from Nate, the trading channel, Github, and a few smart anons have spelled it out for us.
V2 was the alpha release, and V2.1 is on the way.

>> No.22957096

>Single token staking + 0 impermanent loss will suck up the liquidity of every dex, provider, etc
they need to bring enough volume to their dex for that to happen, no assets will switch to bancor if there's no money to be made just for the sake of impermanent loss. if people wanted their assets to be safe without making profit they could just keep them in cold storage

>> No.22957136

Hence the blackhole mechanics. Volume will flow, more liquidity will flow, attracting more volume and more liquidity.

>> No.22957188

Ready for Bancor to lose another 50% of their marketcap? Yes, I am.

Union (UNN) will literally fix this.

>> No.22957208


And here is the new UI if anyone wants to check it out.


>> No.22957440
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Well, there it is.

>> No.22957470

DODO killed Bancor just like VRA will kill all other gaming coins (most likely scenario)

>> No.22957516
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The absolute state of this board

>> No.22957743

I'm waiting for a dump so i can accumulate more

>> No.22957793
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yes rabbi i am

>> No.22957805

It wont. Chart is solid. Locked and loaded.
Maybe a slight shakeout as 1.15+ buyers panic sell, try to catch that if you didnt get in at 80-90 cents last week

>> No.22957818
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>> No.22957836

Wait does this coin have a jewess queen?

>> No.22957873
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welcome newfren

>> No.22957911

Holy SHIT.
I actually prayed to God to guide me and enlighten me and bless me after studying Judaism all night, and that night I had a dream about Bancor.
Thats what made me start paying attention to Bancor threads and notice what was happening.
It all makes sense now.
This is the one.

>> No.22958019

i got in at seventy-something cents but im bullish af on that

>> No.22958744
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r8 my meme ta

>> No.22958787

>Wait does this coin have a jewess queen?
I forget almost none of you were here in 2017.
>second largest ICO ever
>was defi before there was defi

deliver nothing, devs fantastically wealthy, zero motivation to do a fucking thing.

>> No.22959023

remember when they "accidently" left the ico open after the hard cap was reached?

>> No.22959063


I can't believe that's real what the fuck

>> No.22959578

I 'member.
On the one hand, the devs genuinely had a good idea that was way ahead of everyone else, the coins elevator pitch IS defi. They just utterly and totally failed to deliver.
It is a stunning total failure.

>Bancor is a Decentralized Liquidity Network >that allows you to hold any Ethereum token >and convert it to any other token in the >network, with no counter party, at an >automatically calculated price, using a simple >web wallet.

aka, its fucking uniswap. They had 153 million dollars and a near 4 year headstart.

>> No.22959939

As long as it requires BNT for pools it will never be used. If BNT was turned into a governance token that received ETH dividends it might have a chance

>> No.22960023

this, i aint selling a single link for bancor. but i will gladly let them use my links for a decent apr.

>> No.22960273
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>Wow. Based.
100K BNT stacklet reporting in. Loaded up at 75 cents last week. Saw this pump coming. Posted thread about it here: >>22785339 $20 by EOY. Let's fucking go!

>> No.22960332
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Actually the opposite. Team is extremely hard working according to anyone who really knows. https://defiweekly.substack.com/p/aave-credit-lines-usdc-blacklist-79f

>> No.22960376
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It was no accident anon. All of Ethereum tried to rush the ICO at the same time, clogged the entire blockchain and no one could get in, so the crowd sale was extended to give everyone a chance to get their BNT. No one knew it would be as big as it was.

>> No.22960424
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You'll be able to do that with single token staking thats coming on Bancor v2.1.

>> No.22961088

Haha, hilarious thread. See ya on the other side. Those who know, do not talk, and those who talk, do not know.

>> No.22961458

i was the bancor fudder. i will coinfess. i fudded bancor for weeks so i could buy lower. i went all-in a couple of days ago and will hold until $10bn excited for the v2.1 launch that is happening this month. and perhaps a coinbase listing. LFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22961549

i was redpilled on bancor when someone posted a link on here to sergey's post on the chainlink blog talking about bancor v2

>> No.22962120
File: 250 KB, 600x931, bancorrecruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you from all of those threads. Hope we can make it together this time, zerosum.

>> No.22962301

So what is the deal with this? Will I be able to get passive income from my LINK with mitigated IL but still have exposure to its movements? Any good sources I can read?

>> No.22962359


Uniswap v3 copies Bancor. So what's the deal? UNI > BNT

>> No.22962437 [DELETED] 
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>I remember you from all of those threads. Hope we can make it together this time, zerosum.

>> No.22962472
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>> No.22962789

Yes thats how it should work.

>> No.22962817

Will Uni v3 mitigate impermanent loss and enable single token staking?

>> No.22962828


>> No.22962983

Based thanks I'll check it out

>> No.22963094
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I opened up a x3 long on bancor last night and I'm getting hammered because of the shitmex bust news

>> No.22963328

>v2.1 releases
>nothing happens

>yeah bros, really looking forward to v2.2 this time they really will solve impermanent loss and go to the moon; just gotta wait a few more months but this time they'll really deliver

>> No.22963476

So is there a time frame on when this will be live? If I can get 100% single asset exposure on my LINK with mitigated IL I'll fucking coom. This is huge the amount of liquidity that would enter DEXes if it was a wide spread thing would be insane. Its definitely a massive progression for the space and whoever solves it first.

>> No.22963515



>> No.22964406

Nice but I'm assuming nothing more specific or concrete? I guess I'll keep an eye out for it. I wonder what kind of returns can be expected? The fucking Uniswap USDC-USDT pool is routinely doing 15-22% APR depending on volume of course. That would be amazing. I'll have to see if Nexus Mutual has decent insurance for Bancor

>> No.22964599

So whats the highest price you thunk these will see? Let's say by EOY 2021.

>> No.22964839

Bancor stands to benefit greatly if it can time a fully featured 2.1 release at the peak of this DeFi AMM rennasiance.
DeFi revolves around profit and an easy UI. Bancor has already been working on it's UI, seen in an above post, and if it becomes more profitable to pool and stake on Bancor then the volume will rise, exponentially.
This is a potential 1000x.
You can bet on it, you can bet against it.
I'm just doing my due diligence in letting people know whats going on before it happens. Personally, I loaded up at 82 cents-99 cents and I expect to hold this bag throughout October to make sure I dont miss anything that could potentially change my life.

>> No.22964873

Well, I bought 300 at 6 bucks and held for years without the heart to buy more. 1000x would be 300,000, so life-shifting, if not life-changing. Fingers crossed.

>> No.22964914
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>This is a potential 1000x.

come on dude you actually said some valid things in the thread, let's not completely discredit yourself...

>> No.22965009


Yes. I looked into BNT today because was interested and also read up on UNI and their plan for v3 is literally a copy-paste of BNT v2.1.

>> No.22965081

Youre underestimating it still.
V2 pools have completely mitigated IL.
Tests are still being run on those pools though, which is why we await the launch of 2.1
But, Bancor created AMM. And everyone who provides liquidity knows about IL.
If 2.1 is successful, it directly implies that it will act as a gravitational force of liquidity and volume. Everyone will choose to use it.
Dexes will get sucked dry overnight. This is the liquidity black hole, and its truly a 1000x event.

>> No.22965178
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1000x would take it from a 65 mil mcap to 65 BILLION mcap. Twice as big as etherium.

>> No.22965199

too lazy to read, how do I profit off this?

>> No.22965430
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Depends on the timeline youre looking at.
If Bancor makes a move and corners the market, yes, a 1000x over the course of a year is nothing.
Short-mid term, I still expect nothing less than a 500x.
Israel is doing it.

>> No.22965557


okay just a bag pumping thread then

>> No.22966192

erm, anon, no one knows yet what Bancor v2.1 one does exactly and how it does it. Also, no one knows what Uni V3 does. So yea. That cant be true, unless Im missing something.

>> No.22966222

Buy BNT. Hold through December. Lambo.