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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22922541 No.22922541 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread : >>22907184

Read the website. Go through it, realize why this rebase token is great compared to the others, buy, hold and forget. Check the charts and price once a week and smile at your little pile of money growing each day while the price remains at a stable level.

Another day, another positive rebase.
I wonder how many times I'll have to make threads here until /biz/ catches on. It's getting tiring talking alone for the most part, and it makes me look like a forceful samefag everytime. I'll just dump random doujin and Booru pictures to keep this thread alive, I guess.

I ask phoneposters to actually make sure to save the ACTUAL picture, and not the thumbnail file (which usually has a little 's' at the end of its filename) as you not only save a lower quality pic, you also don't realize it meaning you risk to post it later, unaware of the loss.

>> No.22922612
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oh my gosh not again

>> No.22922637
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Yes anon, it's that time of the day again. Have you bought? I would understand if you didn't.
But you're missing out.

>> No.22922722

there are too many rebase projects, this project has some uniqueness but I don't know if it's enough to put money in
and what is the response to devs dumping?

>> No.22922850

even the ponzi players are back to their old games.

>> No.22922926
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I saw the posts in the thread, it was already achieved as I expected.
Turns out it never was dev wallets, but an attempt at fudding that can be easily debunked. The team tokens are locked for another 2.5 months, since it got listed on Uniswap on September 15th. (it's safe until December 15th if I'm still good at math) At least, this point of failure is moot for now. Nonetheless, early holders with the potential to dump still exist and with the liquidity being below $100k, it wouldn't take much for a panic sell off to tank the price.
And regarding as to what makes xEth unique compared to competitors - I believe it's the only one on the market right now that ties both deflationary mechanics and positive rebases only. I heavily insist on the I BELIEVE part since I shamefully stopped looking for alternatives since I got in xETH. So I genuinely don't know, anon. Guess that's one additional assignment for now.

I'm under a strong survivorship bias and this is one of the reasons why I'm openly shilling for xETH. I waited one week before deciding to talk about it here though, to see if it truly was sustainable for at least this long. It's now been 10-11 days since I bought. The ship is still afloat, and there are news coming up in the future that will certainly help propel the project forward. You still have time.

>> No.22922946

sweaty french female anus must be sniffed

>> No.22922976
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Imagine the smell

>> No.22923217

what do you think about ampl

>> No.22923374

>enter thread
>save images
>hide thread

>> No.22923492
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I used to own and shill for AMPL back in June-July, unironically following the "your IQ is too low to understand it" meme and preaching it. I sold during the first dead cat bounce at $2.5 so I managed to still exit with a profit even if I hated myself for being too greedy at the time.
Regarding my opinion on the token itself and its future - I'll be honest, I'm bearish on it. It was nonetheless the first one to propose this model but since it got easily exploited by bots and swing traders alike, on top on the fact that it required you to be more proactive than just holding the token and forgetting about it (unless you were rich enough to make a profit thanks to the geysers) it was too much work for me to consider.
Glad I'm useful for that at least. Don't hide the thread yet, I'm not finished with dumping the goods.

>> No.22923507

I'm about to explode on those buttcheeks if you know what I'm saying

>> No.22923544
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I'm afraid I didn't get what you meant, could you please be more specific?

>> No.22923568
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Good point - the project's name is a bit bombastic. Also, it seems like you could quickly get around the project's 'transaction taxes' by selling on a centralized exchange if possible.

>> No.22923732

cex is unlikely to ever happen, it never ends well for these types of things

>> No.22923910
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I hope that CEXes stay away from projects like these as it's a given recipe for disaster. I unironically can't wait for projects like XSN to takeoff and more uniswaps to prosper. L2 solutions cannot come soon enough, same with ETH 2.0.
This is not over yet. This is merely the beginning.

Also, on a side note. It looks like a literal who e-celeb might look into xETH, according to this video centered around xBTC and rebase tokens - thanks to the comments from TG shills who kept mentioning it on his channel.


I know I wanted a little more exposure, but now that a person whom I assume to be an authority (probably more like a PnD device) I don't know what to think. It's possible that we might see a short term pump (or it's more likely that devs already filled his wallet with bags ready to be dumped), but what comes afterwards will be deadly. I unironically hope this won't occur as it's been a long time I've been this comfy holding a token.

>> No.22923959
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>but now that a person whom I assume to be an authority
might endorse it in the following days*

>> No.22924114
File: 2.12 MB, 791x2041, (C94) [Ringoya (Alp)] Watanabe no Kyuujitsu | You's Day Off (Love Live! Sunshine!!) [English] {Faux}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source is in filename.

>> No.22924198
File: 1.57 MB, 1325x931, it's popular but it's good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C92) [Inariya (Inari)] Kyoudai ni Okeru Seikoushou no Kiroku [English] [desudesu]

Also, for a change, I'll start dumping the long-ass FAQ explaining what the token is about. Unless coomers would prefer me dumping pics. I'm happy today, so I feel like spoonfeeding.

>> No.22924279
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>> No.22924332
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>> No.22924346
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>> No.22924396
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I don't feel ashamed posting every single page to bump the thread, by the way. If pajeets can do it so will I.

>> No.22924412
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Not forgetting the REAL reason I made this thread of course.

>> No.22924438
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>> No.22924530
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Oh yeah.

The team is planning to burn 50% of their funds, I forgot when but it's going to happen soon™. This should certainly help in strengthening faith in the project, which is already quite high despite only being 2 weeks old.

It's a point I often forget to address when making these threads since I'm more focused on the token itself, but from what I've seen so far and according to the overall sentiment in the TG channel, the guys behind xETH are legit. They even reimbursed a retard who fucked up somehow, by losing his funds or something. They had no reasons to do so and yet went that extra mile. This could easily be a stunt to create false legitimacy, but the gesture was appreciated and remembered nonetheless.

>> No.22924593
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Also screw this, thread is auto saging because I'm talking alone as usual.
It's both a blessing and a curse. It's like when you read and participate in a given niche manga on /a/ before the anime adaptation announcement. It's comfy, but boring.

But then as you think it'd be nice to have more people on board you start to regret wishing for it when you see the kind of retard it brings. It's really similar to how you find a legitimate project before degens, moonboys and pajeets alike stumble upon it.

>> No.22924664
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Now here is something I'm actually excited about, namely the Staking platform. I really hope it'll end up being successful with good rewards so that it can tackle both the lack of liquidity and nicely pump the volume. This combined with more exposure and marketing should make us see and enjoy nice rebases for quite some time.

>> No.22924708
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i avoid ampl because of the potential for manipulation, especially on centralized exchanges.
The team sets the tax for sells?
This coin seems like a short term hold that might make some money but it needs a rebrand and less team control

>> No.22924742
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And that's it for the project's "litepaper".
If it crashes down to zero for whatever reason I'll feel bad for dragging other anons around, but on the other hand if it moons I'll be able to sleep with a clear conscience because I did my best shilling it listing the pros and cons. Also I'll be smug as fuck because I told you so
Yeah, I believe they're the ones in charge of setting up the taxes - I assumed it was decided and fixed by the smart contract but it's actually not the case.

>> No.22924773
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>This coin seems like a short term hold that might make some money but it needs a rebrand and less team control
I forgot to address your point but YES, I absolutely agree. What's the purpose of advertising the token as being part of DeFi if it's function can be modified at will in a centralized fashion?

>> No.22925124
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At any rate, I've become tired of bumping in a mostly inactive thread. Thanks for the few anons for keeping me company even if it was short, guess I'll take a nap for now.

See you around and don't forget, keep your eyes on the text. I hope this becomes a nice short-mid term opportunity, it has all the chances to know a little success especially as October comes in.

>> No.22925142
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Oh yeah before I forget it turns out the taxes are automatically set

>> No.22925245

Shitty token but very based thread

>> No.22925471

based waifu poster

>> No.22925694

that's good

>> No.22926082

>no pajeets
>no broken English
>7 unique posters with actual discussion
>normalfag repellent

Is this an actual gem? Even if it's not sustainable in the long term, from what I'm gathering there's a lot of money to be made just by following the momentum. I'll try and wait for a cheaper entry below $6 or even below $5. The weekly chart is very appealing

>> No.22926157

this's from well known scammers. All /biz know about this shit and their scam. Are you new here?

>> No.22926186


>> No.22926191

Well I started lurking one week ago. I don't know much about who's behind what but this thread looks natural compared to the ones shilling Fyooz or other recent uniswap listings

>> No.22926528

good conversation, however I'm reluctant to say the token is a holder. It does seem better than ampl, the original rebase token, at least, with some of its features. Ideally you can hold this token without worrying about massive drops in value from negative rebases. Could make some money short term or for a quick flip, but it's risky.

>> No.22927741

>Well I started lurking one week ago
You'll fall for the fud and won't buy. It's fine, we can't all make it.