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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 96x96, core logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22871702 No.22871702 [Reply] [Original]

"Let me begin by introducing the project a little bit in simple terms.
We built CORE after seeing lots of farming plays fantastically implode due to poor economic decisions; specifically having the farming process mint new tokens.

We created a concept we call deflationary farming that allows the farming payouts of staked LP tokens to come from fees on transactions. The LP tokens are also only available for removal from the Uniswap pools if someone adds at least that much liquidity in the same block, otherwise it's simply not accepted by our token's smart contract.

The net result is that total liquidity only ever goes down from selling activity, and never from liquidity removal; and the incentive to hold is quite strong. Our next steps are introducing governance to add additional pools and adjusting some of the many levers we have in our smart contract."

>> No.22871794

.1 is a suicide stack

>> No.22871902
File: 31 KB, 489x499, pepe based .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.1 is a suicide stack

>> No.22872665

imagine believing there is such thing as a $93,000,000 game of hot potato? i can't wait to watch the rest of /biz/ buy in when this sucker hits $20k

>> No.22872813

>93 million


>> No.22872852

look at the daily volume. this is the real deal. this coins been alive for just over 24 hours mind you

>> No.22872856

This thing has the biggest volume of Uniswap at the moment, almost $100M. 3x higher than the next pair (ETH-USDT).

>> No.22872935
File: 7 KB, 245x205, B9EF658A-25A4-437A-B27D-5706E140C48C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people buy tokens with no use case?
>inb4 hurr durr the use case is to make me money
I just don’t get it, it doesn’t have any real value.

>> No.22872960


Sounds like you should unironicly buy VALUE then

>> No.22872981

To sell it to a higher price later when other idiots fomo in. Its a scam but if you get lucky or time it right you can make money from it. Nothing about this project,team,tokenomics, or the security of their contracts is legit. We knownits a fucking scam but since were early we can still shill it and dump on newfags down the road for some quick eth gains

>> No.22873006

if you call this a scam, then ultimately your calling all crypto a scam.

>> No.22873047

Yeah, no. If you can use a coin to buy things with it or a token to access a service then it has a use. All this thing does on the other hand is just generate more useless tokens.

>> No.22873072

It's not a scam at all, except insofar as finance / arbitrage is a scam. These types of DeFi products like Yearn too pool resources together to execute the best trading strategies that extract the most value.

>> No.22873076

>generate more useless tokens.
It doesn't, supply is fixed. The token is the mechanism used to lock ETH in the liquidity pool to redistribute yield from LP staking (which will come later) and dividends from trade in the token itself. That's the use case, a non-inflationary yield farming token.

>> No.22873165

>a high yield uniswap token with anonymous devs that was launched a day ago is the same as the bitcoin blockchain, ethereums ecosystem, link's advatange etc


>> No.22873166

It generates LP tokens doesn’t it?

>> No.22873242

>It generates LP tokens doesn’t it?
What? LP tokens are just an abstraction Uniswap uses to know the distribution of the pool by user. There are no new $CORE tokens minted, ever.

>> No.22873302

Then what the fuck do you get by staking it?

>> No.22873316

No it buys CORE

>> No.22873317

CORE, which are collected from FEES to trades, and market bought with profits from vaults (when open). CORE isn't minted, it's either collected or bought.

>> No.22873347

Which is exactly the same as generating more tokens, brainlets. You get more useless tokens, that’s it.

>> No.22873356

You get a token called CORE. The only value this token has when you look past the meme voting rights etc is that maybe you can sell it later at a higher price to someone else

>> No.22873368

Literal ponzi.

>> No.22873374

>Using profits to re-buy existing tokens is the same as the token printer going brrrrrr.
>Calls others brainlets.
The absolute state.

>> No.22873396

I guess you didnt see how many rugpulls we had this week

>> No.22873404
File: 54 KB, 220x220, 57189062-6E0D-4619-878B-8E41516E1056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using shit to buy more shit

>> No.22873714

You get a fee that traders pay liquidity providers
Lmao no it's not. When you do a venmo transaction and they collect 2.5%, did you create new money??? I'll let you think this one over

>> No.22873763

You lack a fundamental understanding of CORE; might want to save your FUD for FoodFi threads.

>> No.22873832

How do I make profit, if I can't I stake?
So, after staking, I don't own them?

>> No.22873878

You receive CORE tokens and sell them.

>> No.22874165

Almost bought a big bag when this was around $200. Paid too low gas fees and the price skyrocketed as I was waiting. KEK.

>> No.22875090

cheap discounted lp tokens,

1 hour left

>> No.22875143

Jeets shilling who will then say "you shouldn't have bought in at 3k" once you get dumped on, like this guy >>22872665

The scammiest, most uppity of scams

>> No.22875153

>we're early

Early was 600, you're just a bagholder when it dumps again in an hour or two.

>> No.22875166

None of the buttons on your scamsite do anything. Try harder.

>> No.22875195
File: 6 KB, 213x237, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100,000 EOY

>> No.22875393

retard its not a scam site, use a normal browser and turn off ur ads. try chrome.
it works why would i scam if no buttons work lmao wtf?

>> No.22875420

Kys scammer

>> No.22875433

dumb fuck im literally providing ppl a discounted lp token price at 30% discount.
wtf are u smoking

>> No.22875627

sorry i had the wrong link

>> No.22875697


>just send your money to this mystery address for a discount
Fuck off scammer seriously go look in the mirror and say i am a piece of shit over and over until you hate yourself for trying to rob people with your chink scams

>> No.22875731

10 is a suicide stack, half staked half to sell when it hits $100k

>> No.22875749

$200 was at the end of LGE, so in the first seconds after?

>> No.22876837

>he doesn't know about BOUNCE
>probably doesn't know about Clover42 either