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22868463 No.22868463 [Reply] [Original]

>be me on Friday after a very casual week at work
>played vidya
>lift heavy weights at the gym
>watch the first half of Memento
>wake up on Saturday morning
>drink coffee, read chapter of a history book
>eat food, have a very large binge, feel very fat
>go for my usual Saturday 11 mile walk while listening to Cum Town and alt right podcasts
>walk hasn't been kino for over a month; summer is over
>browse internet when I get back
>go for a 4 mile joggerino
>had also had two shits since I ate, so my megafatness had faded somewhat
>browsed internet, slept
>woke up at 11 am today
>read fiction, finished a very short non-fiction book I started a few days ago
>ate food, had a normal binge, browsed internet
>will go to the gym soon

The weekend went by so quickly. Hopefully I'll give up junk food soon.

I'm on the verge of 30. I'm so old. I saw some students whining on BBC news and even 18 year olds are so extremely normie and adjusted to society. I had no social life at all in university, so I barely progressed socially. I never had a chance of getting a job immediately.

>> No.22868499

Stop fucking binging and being fat your life literally seems better than mine you fucking london frog cunt bitch JUST STOP STUFFING YOUR FACE and FUCK OFF

>> No.22868543

Play less vidya. One hour a week. With friends if possible.

Stop eating junk food. It'll kill you.

"Alt-right" podcasts are gay. Listen to an Evola audiobook or something like that.

Browse the internet less. You probably watched porn too during your weekend but are too ashamed to admit it.

The reason time flies by is because you're spending too much time on electronic jew devices, and your attention span is shot.

>> No.22868840

Surprisingly based.

>> No.22869003

turn your walk to a run, if you still have the energy to jog then you should increase the intensity (speed, length, add weights if you want to)

Improve your food diet as well as your media diet. Exercise and reading is good, but I don’t know a soul who consumes “Alt-Right podcasts” that isn’t also depressed.

If you want to reintegrate into society, the easiest way seems to be through video games. If that’s too lame for you, you could try crossfit or a bookclub since those seem to be things you enjoy.

Take some, none, or all this advice and good luck brother

>> No.22869049

Those kinds of podcasts are just to make money, sell you a cause, etc etc. Most are Alt-Lite at best, neocon at worst.

>> No.22869056

How come you're not doing any of that shit?

>> No.22869259

Learn to cook and start eating healthy fresh meals, not the package crap. Eat enough fruit and veggies. Cooking gives a lot of satisfaction and its fun to try new recipes, after a while you come up with your own recipes and start making good food you like to eat. It's fun and it gets you laid.

I bet a bad diet is one of the biggest reasons people feel like shit and depressed.

>> No.22869272

me > Doesn't wage slave.

>> No.22869766
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1598781804582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha I love cumtown

>> No.22870018

Link me to an Ebola audiobook brother.

>> No.22870063

Just keep listening to alt right podcasts, they'll definitely keep you well adjusted and good to be around.

>> No.22870279

Stop being such a pathetic loser and you won't feel like one. Stop going to fucking Reddit and letting it infuse your mind. Stop being such a fucking fat fuck. Stop blaming everything but yourself you pathetic fuck.

>> No.22870377
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, a_ov_Pepe_160928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to reintegrate into society, the easiest way seems to be through video games
What the fucking fuck

>> No.22870991


recommend you listen at a higher than 1x playback speed; if you want to download this file you can as well, just google how

>> No.22871125

lmfao listens to alt right podcasts all day and wonders why hes got a horrid social life, your probably not awkward, just a fucking cancer to be around and turn every area you infect into some miserable shit show that nobody wants to deal with on a regular basis, stop making your entire identity based around politics, especially if its gonna be a side that hates everyone, even themselves the most. You are what you surround yourself with, you surround yourself with trash, you will become trash and nobody likes hanging out with trash, that simple.