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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22862194 No.22862194 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22862229

omg he is satoshi, buy buy buy
>someone debunks him
fraud fraud fraud, sell sell sell

rinse and repeat

>> No.22862321

Is there any connection between this guy and Ghislain Maxwell? She was one of the early posters on bct when he was in charge of it.

>> No.22862349

just look at him, ofcourse there is lmao

>> No.22862472


>> No.22862885

I'm for Craig and BSV because we need a Satoshi who sucks cocks and eats ass and gets fucked in his ass with cocks and eats cum.
Of course not you schizo.

>> No.22862928
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>> No.22863033

Which of his 12 personalities is Greg stuck with today?

>> No.22863041

Thanks for confirming it's real

>> No.22863046
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>> No.22863351
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>this is the email that prompted creg to try and kill himself.

>> No.22863378
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>this is creg trying to khs

>> No.22863641

Timeline doesn't match at all, ty for exposing yourself

>> No.22863719

I cannot understand why people accepted bitcoin core after all the corruption was revealed. Even if you hate craig and think he is a fraud for the same reasons you hate bsv you should hate the core devs - fraud and corruption

>> No.22863768

You have described BCH holders

>> No.22863828

greg is fucking retarded
craig is Australian, he would never bend the knee
he will go to jail and shoot himself in the mouth before 'coming clean'
Australians don't shitpost, Australians are the shitpost

>> No.22863858

Its sad that bch is the only alternative. How can we trust bitcoin in 40 years if right now its foundations are on core and everything it entails? I wish i had never read up on this shit and just bought btc on coinbase and watch number go up. I still dont know enough about bsv to decide if i want to buy into it but I hope one day something takes down the core devs and their system even thougg i have money on btc. It feels weird because the whole crypto world sort of tacitly admits that core is completely bought out and controlled by big banker interests and that this is ok

>> No.22863886

What's going to bring them down is when people start using BSV for its intrinsic use value and the network naturally outgrows BTC. It already has greater use value for everything except money laundering (which, to be fair, is a huge market)

>> No.22864042

I own zero bsv. I dont see this happening because people are sheep and if most exchanges and the consensus of the crypto sphere is that BTC=Bitcoin Core then thats what most people will use

I never even knew that btc stood for bitcoin core and not just bitcoin or that they had been controlled from the start by bankers. If you go to wikipedias entry for bitcoin what does it tell you and where does it lead? Normies dont understand crypto they will just go to the path of least resistance if google says bitcoin is core then thats what it is. Its crazy that info on the corruption of core is publicly available but that it gets you called a "conspiracist" for pointing it out. Shits fucked and i dont see what could ever unfuck it

>> No.22864197

Daily reminder that btc has on bullrun in it. After that its lights out. Not scaling in the second half of the 2020s is a death sentence. For another 5 years or so its lmao who gives a shit lets trust the devs.

>> No.22864231


>> No.22864252

>when people start using BSV

>> No.22864260

BSV won’t happen. Easy as that. Cope.

>> No.22864268

Thank you for the exit pump Holy shit

>> No.22864308
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>I own zero bsv

At least get a suicide stack. You don't want to KYS when the inevitable happens.

>> No.22864373
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People forget how congested the BTC network was during the height of the bullrun. People were complaining about high fees, a lot. Next run at its peak will be 10x as bad during the peak months and probably turn ugly starting in 2022.
>"But muh hashpower."
Literal switch to flip that takes 5 seconds and it's all directed at BSV.

>> No.22864409

>I dont see this happening because people are sheep
By this logic you shouldn't have bought bitcoin in 2010 either

>> No.22864444


>> No.22864481

Post proof faggot

>> No.22864544

Im retarded and havent figured out where to buy it that doesnt include kyc or a new fiat onramp. Why do most exchanges not list it but list random shitcoins?
Did people switch to bsv after the last bullrun? No they didnt if anything btc was cemented more as bitcoin in the public's mind.
I didnt buy when it was first shilled here on 4chan and I hate myself for it. The point stands that even with all the available information core is seen as the "real" bitcoin. If normies including me barely understand crypto or blockchain as it is what are the chances everyone suddenly changes to bsv or something else? The longer core continues reigning as the real bitcoin the harder it will ever be to change. Again I hope I am wrong and I own btc but no bsv, out of pure principle it would be great to see core fail and the behind the scenes corruption not just exposed but internalized and processed by the wide public.

>> No.22864557

Quad of falsehood.

>> No.22864563


>> No.22864593
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Core cucks know they are just shitcoiners and Satoshi was right.

>> No.22864601

>Im retarded and havent figured out where to buy it that doesnt include kyc or a new fiat onramp.
Until recently, kucoin

>> No.22864632

what pieces of shit.

>> No.22864651

>what are the chances everyone suddenly changes to bsv or something else?
It won't be sudden, it will be slow and painful. It will be like 2018 fork wars all over again, except this time people will be forced to do a double take and question themselves.
But ultimately all that matters is that there is *intrinsic* use value in BSV, for example, https://etched.page

>> No.22864702 [DELETED] 
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You buy now very early.
BSV is like BTC in 2015 but BSV doesnt have block limit so there is no price limit.

>> No.22864720

This shit is still going? When is this circus gonna end?

>> No.22864772

For anons that understood this better as it happened: remember when bitcoin first popped up in 4chan discussions? It was a meme and people would give it out for free because they could still mine them on their gaming pcs of the day. At this point the bitcoin that was received by anons was it btc or bsv? I am trying to understand the timelines better. Did most of early btc users of places like 4chan switch to bsv or continued using core

>> No.22864826
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Smart people believe Satoshi words and low IQ guys love Blockstream vision and small blocks.

>> No.22864878

>specialized server farms

Isnt this the current situation with btc being mostly owned by big chinese farmers conglomerations?

>> No.22864947

Imagine if all that compute was being used to process transactions.

>> No.22864990
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>> No.22865016
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>> No.22865111

>Did people switch to bsv after the last bullrun? No they didnt if anything btc was cemented more as bitcoin in the public's mind.
That's the whole point, it's still somewhat usable. With 10x the normal volume a couple of years from now, zero chance.

>> No.22865151

Only the name of the protocol changed. Socialist cucks hijacked the name, BSV has been around since 2009 and BTC is technically new since 2017.
It's like reddit, their upvotes mean nothing in the long run. Exchanges and user nodes (kek) are "upvoting" the Bitcoin name to Core, but it's useless given enough time. An elaborate lie, not even a conspiracy to anyone with a modicum of intelligence and curiosity.

>> No.22865429
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Yes, there aren't actually that many nodes in BTC. Somewhere between 20 and 30 iirc. Node being defined in the whitepaper as someone who processes transactions by mining blocks.

>> No.22865806

if its 0-conf why do you even need these gay 20 nodes?
>he can't answer because he's a homo

>> No.22865880

Is this it? Can whales push it down to 110 again to fill my bid?

>> No.22865942

He's wrong that it would cause thousands of solutions per second, and even if it did, orphaned blocks are actually only a problem in the mental model where all nodes reject blocks that violate first-seen rule (which is what they're going for).

>> No.22866018

Sorry, what?

>> No.22866304

I still don't understand how most people bought into the idea that waiting years for L2 scaling was the better solution, and why they still buy into it when it's obviously overengineered, security mess vaporware.
I think small blockers are going to cave in if there isn't a new BTC ATH by 2021.

>> No.22866502

If BTC continues to test the 20W MA for the next couple of months BSV is going to suffer together with most other "alts." I'd be surprised if $150 and maybe even $130 are not revisited.

>> No.22866712
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0-conf doesn't mean you don't need block confirmations at all. 0-conf just means you understand the economic incentive structure of the network is such, that you can easily trust that that the transaction that is broadcoast is going to be confirmed and settled on the blockchain later.

It works and it works well. It's how Bitcoin was designed.

>> No.22866847

0-conf means in particular that double-spends are rejected *even if the new transaction pays a higher fee*.

>> No.22866938

The more valuable btc becomes, the lower the on-chain volume will be.
What nobody ever mentions is that people don’t trade btc on the chain like they did back in 2017. Btc is bought and sold on exchanges that don’t have to move btc on the chain for every transaction. Me selling some btc to you on coinbase only means that they transfer the ownership of some btc from me to you in their excel spreadsheet, not that a btc transaction takes place. Only when you want to move your btc on or off the exchange do btc transactions come into play, and you don’t have to do that very often.

>> No.22867024

can you see how retarded that concept is for a trustless p2p electronic cash system?

>> No.22867055

Finally some actual fucking discussion on /biz/ and not shitcoin shilling.

>> No.22867128
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No it isnt. Blockstream brainwash crypto community.
Micro transactions could be great for all.

>> No.22867222

oh, i agree that microtransactions are good
i'm saying trading on exchanges with spreadsheets is dumb

>> No.22867334

>Why do most exchanges not list it but list random shitcoins?
Because, when bitcoin can scale like bsv it can engulf the entire market and so exchanges go out of business

>> No.22868267

bump only good thread on /biz/

>> No.22868317

based craig is a faggot poster. keep up the good work man, your posts brighten my day.

>> No.22868474

Is craig/bsv pozzed by globohomo like btc is?

>> No.22868510

Literally dumping

>> No.22868526

craig is a fag, but stealing memes about pete buttplug is lame

>> No.22868611
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>> No.22868624

Growth on BSV has clearly leveled off. There doesn't seem to be any new growth at all.


>> No.22868738
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>> No.22868757

craig is the most pozzed figure in crypto. he's bitcoin judas and singlehandedly destroyed the effort to scale bitcoin onchain when he made gavin look like a fool for believing him.

>> No.22868809

Sorry I dont understand I thought bsv was the project trying to scale bitcoin and core was the one advocating for smaller blocks? If core was bankrolled by AXA then who is behind craig?

>> No.22868899

Doesn't that kind of defeat the point?

>> No.22869093
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Why the fuck someone buying this useless fork with shitton of real applications??? All you have to do is build your Lightning Network Node and hold your useless coins!!!

>> No.22869232
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Sorry Blockstream Devs are Judas

>> No.22869284

0conf means your wallet sucks gypsy dick

>> No.22869293

the same people. craig was needed to kneecap the big blockers and make them look like kooks

>> No.22869312

Nothing for months, suddenly bsv shill posts, haha you fucking retards bought the dip, we ain't buying your scam coins enjoy you bags jeets

>> No.22869462
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>> No.22870550

Dev here. Both BTC and BSV trace their blockchain’s history to the same genesis block, so you can happily say that anyone receiving those early bitcoins received btc AND bsv (AND bch, btc, btg and the others)

If a BTC transaction was made after the fork, however, it only happened only the BTC blockchain. If a BSV transaction was made after the fork, no one cared because it’s only used for childporn and weather data which is why its price has fallen from $3000 to $200

>> No.22870770
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Cool so pedo guys dont use BTC and Greg use only BSV?

>> No.22870960
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He sounds interesting - what’s his twitter handle?

>> No.22871274

I wasnt paying attention at all during the split. That was some years after bitcoin was given out for free here. Was the overall consensus of 4chan pro bsv or pro core? Does anyone have relevant links to archived threads about it. All I know since I started browsing /biz/ last year is that most of the crypto world hates bsv but there are some contrarians here who argue for its merits

>> No.22871389

98% of /biz/ are bag holders or foreign shills so I wouldn’t worry what /biz/ consensus was. BSV threads happen basically hourly starting three days after CSW fucks up as he was last week at court. A fair man would observe that three days is how long it takes Calvin to wire Rupees to Delhi

>> No.22871410

I dont mean bsv shill threads on biz Im talking about other boards like /g/ back when the forks were happening

>> No.22871516

I’d say of the people on 4chan that know what a utxo is, the vast majority are big blockers. Likewise for the people who think bitcoin is bigger than “lambo money”

>> No.22871664

Is there no other viable alternative is it only core vs bsv at this point? If both are pozzed by globo homo what hope can there be?

>> No.22871999

BSV protocol is set in stone. Anyone can use it and create anything.