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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22856906 No.22856906 [Reply] [Original]

what comes after "making it"?

>> No.22856920


>> No.22856957

Emptyness and the realisation that the chase was more fun than the goal. Also a Lambo.

>> No.22856961

Sniffing buttholes like pic related

>> No.22856981

Living alone in a big house then killing yourself within a few years

>> No.22856986

Make it again ad infinitum.

You should always be improving. You're not an insect with a linear purpose.

>> No.22857035

Losing it all, because once retard always retard.

>> No.22857045

A family

>> No.22857052

Probably this for me. I’m a complete loner. I have trouble sleeping at night sometimes when I realize how totally alone my life will be. My parents are all I really have.

>> No.22857070

you have us dude.
You think you're odd but this goes for the majority of people here. We're a different kind of people.

>> No.22857080

how old are your parents?

>> No.22857094

In their 50s.

>> No.22857118

how ugly are you? If you're not deformed you should have a chance at socializing

>> No.22857127

he's right, a lot of us are in the same boat. couple of internet friends to keep me sane, passing chit-chat with parents when I make food. 30 years living in the same bedroom prison so far. no desire to change anymore

>> No.22857134

All I want is a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere so I dont have to see another human for as long as I live

>> No.22857136 [DELETED] 

Think decentralized. You can be the future man.
Digital pseudo anonymous social relationships are fascinating!

>> No.22857146

PS5. Thank you based Hayden Adams. If your current reality is shit, you can play in another one.

>> No.22857152
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>> No.22857156

this is illegal in germany fuck
you're forced to live in towns and cities etc

>> No.22857160

Not that bad. I don’t have any real interests and don’t feel connected to people my age at all. I’m fine with it for now but I know that it’s going to hit me hard one day.

>> No.22857163

Spending more time with my family making memories rather than being at work away from work. “Making it” doesn’t mean overpriced cars and a McMansion to me, it means freedom and long term security.

>> No.22857180

***away from family, not away from work.

>> No.22857243

GOD i hate women

>> No.22857262

well yes, if you're not trying you'll be a loner forever
I was lucky that back in HS some CHADS took me under their wings, so I was forced to socialize

try something, anything
if you hate it you can always fuck off right back into your room again

regardless of how you decide
good luck anon

>> No.22857279

>t 16 year old

>> No.22857287

what do you mean it's illegal in germany? why?

>> No.22857290

I’m 26

>> No.22857305

>t 26 year old

>> No.22857308

Buy a big house/apartment. Follow my passions

>> No.22857311


then >>22856920

>> No.22857313

you're not allowed to build a house in the middle of nowhere and just live there

the finanzamt want to know where you live
something with waste regulations etc etc

>> No.22857328

28 here. Same boat. It really does kind of suck. I’ve lost most of my friends getting older. I’d like to think I’m not that weird and such is normal as we get older.
Having this place helps.

>> No.22857439

Just buy a big enough piece of land, put your address in the shack or tent or whatever is there in the front, and then build your real house deep in to the woods where no one ever comes.

>> No.22857463

don't you need to go through a bunch of planning permission stuff to get that done? they'd probably deny your build based on the location of the plot

>> No.22857534

yes you do
if you're not literally a billionaire your only choice is to build a house in a new development area where everything has to look exactly the same

>> No.22857557






>> No.22857583

> *advocates being an insect with a linear purpose*

>> No.22857592


>> No.22857600

second post best post.

>> No.22857603

God I hate women so much

>> No.22857610


>> No.22857650
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Wait it's that really the look they give? Isn't it that they think your face is funny?

>> No.22857655

Using money to fix your life. Then get yourself a stable life. Then finally some inner peace and freedom to have long-term fulfilling fun.

>> No.22857659


Losing friends is normal. So is making new ones. Life is dynamic, but you gotta keep it rolling.

Join a gym or local gardening group. Hang out at a library or galleries. Take up shooting or archery. Whatever the fuck you think looks cool, go learn to do it. There will be people there who, by default, share at least one interest with you. Don't waste away in your room. I'm watching my son do that and it kills me. Your parents want better for you.

>> No.22857706


>> No.22857729

I haven't made it but just recently started making more money than my dad. I make about a $1000 every few days without working. My life consists of eating at restaurants, jerking off and staying inside. I'm even more of a loser before I made it.

>> No.22857778

>1000 every few days
how? swing trading?

>> No.22857828
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Crafting purpose, and shaping realities in good way. Read Nietzsche fag

>> No.22857841

I can't explain or other retards will do it too. But I mean I literally don't work. I go to clubs and buy drinks for people and give homeless people money but I don't have any gold chains or nice jewelry. Thinking of getting a suit.

>> No.22857857


>> No.22857864

We need an autistic, anti left, community hub. Made up of traders finding the next thing. With a physical location and a strong security force.

>> No.22857865

I'm gonna die alone, fuck

>> No.22857890


>> No.22857899


>> No.22857912

Kekking at the pic. So accurate. I hate those stupid fake faces against the fucking phone's camera.

>> No.22857946

So you're a waiter

>> No.22857968

>what comes after "making it"?
total societal collapse, you might as well buy yourself a bunker slot and load up on some good LAN vidya

>> No.22857981

Freedom. Being able to make the things I want instead of what my boss wants.

>> No.22857988

This chick isn’t even hot what the fuck man

>> No.22858263

Taking care of my parents until they're gone and then blowing my brains out.

>> No.22858505

Yes. Not be confused with when they look away to avoid eye-contact, or look away because they are shy, or look away because they are not interested, or look away because they didn't even notice you, etc. Good luck figuring out which is which.

>> No.22858521

>improvement is a linear purpose

>> No.22858629

can confirm, another loner here, this place & you guys have unironically saved my sanity more than a few times in the past 2 years

>> No.22858714


>> No.22858800

It's not about looks, just feel like there is something fucked in my head that makes it so I can't talk about things like everyone else does

>> No.22858849

you get waifu
she love you
you then have a VRA revelation and get right back in the game anon

>> No.22858934

100 acres of fertile land with a wife and 5 hohol kids

>> No.22858955

Marijuana can take away the nightmares

>> No.22859042

Made me laugh

>> No.22859152
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make it again

>> No.22859312

>it means freedom and long term security.
This is all i want. Freedom and stability.

>> No.22859356

And Evola. Don't suicide the people in this thread.

>> No.22859382

>if /pol/ and reddit
>the post

>> No.22859469

>just feel like there is something fucked in my head that makes it so I can't talk about things like everyone else
This. I found peace in here.

>> No.22859567

stop surviving, and start living.

>> No.22859675

How can she be such a good actor? God damn that was convincing

>> No.22859741

> Giving hobos money for free
> Not paying them to be your informant on streets instead

>> No.22859758
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>he doesn't have a plan for his money when he makes it
This is literally the difference between being rich, and being a poor person with money, anons. Decide which one you want to be before you even think about trying to "make it".

>> No.22859776

Marijuana only suppresses the pain Anon. Only Jesus will cure it.

>> No.22859947

not a bad outlook if you ask me

>> No.22859991

That's a man

>> No.22860398

I’ll probably live the same middle class lifestyle that I do now. Except that instead of working I’ll be writing naruto fanfics all day. Also Dodge Challenger cause I wanna be cool

>> No.22860532

jesus or knowledge

same thing unironically considering that theology has answers that have confused and pained the human race since sumeria, babylon, mesopotamia

oh and and 9/11 was inside job

>> No.22861094

fucking bitches, smoking weed all day, sleeping, and gaming

then when i'm bored use my skills to start a company or re-join a big company

>> No.22861109

retarded as fuck

>> No.22861115
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I don't care if I make it then end up killing myself.
I'm just proving that I could.

>> No.22861130

>smoking weed all day, sleeping, and gaming
admittedly i already do all of this

>> No.22861478
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Working partime right now testing out being a neet with Money. The challenge is to make sure you keep your mind busy. Finding purpose and a well balanced life. Also yea it helps hugely to have a goof partner. The 2021 bull run well set many of us free from wage salving. But you have to set your mind free now so you can be prepared for that. Some days I legit feel like losing my shit from boredom but it’s my own fault I go full neet on some days.

>> No.22861601

I halfway made it, since I get 8-12 ETH monthly passive income from yield farming and staking a few coins. I will have to shift some of my funds into less volatile investments though, like real estate and stablecoins that I'll use to farm/ lend in more secure protocols than the shitty food tokens.

Anyway, my next steps are:

1. Find a cool gf
2. Get a driving license (it's very useful)
3. Go on a Euro trip
4. Do a ton of shroom, acid and DMT in wild forests and mountains to gather more insight and wisdom so I won't blow my money on stupid shit
5. Learn to sail
6. Buy a sailboat
7. Travel around the world for a few years until I decide what I want to do next

>> No.22861685

This, same as finally getting the girl. It's all about the chase.

>> No.22861727


>> No.22862002
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Good shit Anon can you give us the blue print to farming how much do we need to make good money.

>> No.22862127

Fuck. I love you guys. None of us will make it in the normie sense but that’s ok.

>> No.22862585

By the way has anyone figured out why we are this way?

>> No.22862895

who is this whore? seen that pic yesterday already

same. it doesn't get better when you turn 35

>> No.22862993
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wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.22863006

we're diconnected from the hivemind

>> No.22863013

Revenge on Clown World.

>> No.22863253
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we are going to make it frens, we will have nice big homes in which we will be able to enjoy the hermit lifestyle with cute pets and peace.
do not give up hope
No, I'm not completely sure how it happened, there was a brief period in my life where I was fairly normal, but I just disconnected from everything when I was a teenager and never reconnected.
I can do a mean normalfag impression tho

>> No.22863294

The only thing comes after making it is FREEEDOME !!!!!

>> No.22863311

Did you ever try mdma, acid or mushrooms? They can fix a ton of mental related things.

>> No.22863400
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that's what allowed me to have the sick normalfag impression. I'm no longer as depressed and anxious as I was when I was a teenager, which I attribute at least partially to acid/shroom trips, despite this I'm still antisocial, but quite a bit more content.
never tried MDMA tho.

>> No.22863658

Well, first thing you have to do is to find undervalued coins and make a ton of ether from one or more of them (200+ eth), then find a somewhat sustainable farming protocol and use a part of those gains to get some nice interest. I wouldn't go chasing those 1000-5000% APY rewards cuz those can't keep such rewards up for long. Right now I'm farming some XIO, STA and I also started farming some MEME since I bought 10 of these for cheap. Also put a stack of ETH on the side for investing a little bit into various coins you might find around here and getting a x3-x5 now and then.

>> No.22863876

MDMA I found that it helps the most with the antisocialness thing, cuz it's an upper that gives you a huge boost of serotonin so it makes people very confident, talkative and very connected to others, to the point that people on MDMA start loving the shit out of everyone that's around them, even objects and animals lol, and they understand everyone's point of view and help them and all that funny lovey shit

A bit of the effects remain long time I think, for example before trying MDMA at a festival I had no idea how to dance and I didn't understand electronic music at all (psytrance especially), now I can feel the music and actually dance even while sober and idgaf if I look goofy while doing it kek

The bad side is if you take too much the next day you'll feel depressed cuz all serotonin was used in a couple of hours, but smoking weed on the comedown and taking 5HTP the next day helps a lot.

>> No.22863926

I do everything I do to bust fat nuts in filipina girls

>> No.22864009

pretty based plan, best of luck :)

>> No.22864033

I've been meaning to give it a try, I've heard that it's being used in a clinical setting for people with PTSD and shows good results.
I don't have PTSD, but I think it could potentially be helpful for my fairly extreme standoffishness.
I'm also considering going to one of those Ayahuasca retreats.

>> No.22864044

GET A FUCKING CAT OR A DOG DUDE. Most people are overrated as well.

>> No.22864078


>> No.22864104

what are you farming? are you in yearn?

>> No.22864162


are you me?

>> No.22864457
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I know this feel anon. I also only have my parents. They are old and it is sad to watch them grow older and frail. I thank Christ for my time with them. When they go I will have Jesus and that keeps me sane. Also shitposting between here and /pol/ allows me to actually communicate in a real and meaningful way that irl people are incapable of doing.

>> No.22864505
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You say that but I am a decent looking man who’s autism makes people love or hate me. In this timeline unfortunately it makes me repulsive to women and hard to make male friends as well. Pic related is me. Don’t give a heck if I am doxed. You lads should know not everyone looks like a gremlin with these issues.

>> No.22864567

This. I smoke pot a lot. But it is just a bandaid on a sucking chest wound. You will just fall deeper into dispair and will need to smoke pot first thing in the morning just to get through the day. Put yourself in Christ’s hands. I promise it will help, at the very least ask for help or to increase your faith. I stumble sometime and I am no saint. But the lord is the only stable thing in my life and has saved my life at my lowest of lows.

>> No.22864616

based and wholesomepilled

>> No.22864629

are you all psychopaths too?

>> No.22864649

Not all construction has to follow building code, especially if it is far from the beaten path.

>> No.22864719

If you've made it, why not go find a hobby?

>> No.22864731
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Right there with you fellow butthole sniffer

>> No.22864745

Most likely, but some larping sociopaths are also here.

>> No.22864759

you suck 100 dicks for $10 at clubs? or give drugs to random people at clubs then steal from them?

>> No.22864869

love you anon
we're all in this together

>> No.22864927

i want to consensually rape that qt

>> No.22865044



>> No.22865049

Sauce pleees

>> No.22865124

I want to genocide women

>> No.22865136

Dude, how? Your autism is that debilitating?

I look nothing like this, but I suppose I should be grateful that I'm just a shut-in out of preference and can be social when I feel like it.

>> No.22865209

i've stopped working, idk if i made it, but i'm pretty free which i think is the first step of making it.
still not feeling that great

>> No.22865283

>Life is dynamic
No, it's static.

>> No.22865345

This. We all know this is what's waiting for us.

>> No.22865544
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Yes. The only place I really go out now is church. But this Jewish virus hoax has put a damper on that somewhat and everyone is terrified to be within 6ft of you. It’s also hard to make friends there because I am a single guy going alone and most of the men my age are married. I was approached by a random dude at church to hang out but I had the feeling he was a homo especially since every time he was near other men they were visibly uncomfortable so I am sure there was something they knew about him.

The last time I had a GF was highschool and the last girl I dated asked me for 600$ after dating for two weeks with no explanation.

Shits fucked bro.
I am moving to NH in a week to live with a good friend so atleast I will have some company finally. I have a handful of friends but they are all over the country and also live in solitude because all of them are vets and hate how gay everything has become and can only enjoy one another’s company. What an atomized world we live in, this clown world had created an entire generation of men without any roots. If any anons are down just enjoy nature and get close to God, it keeps me sane and it will do the same for you.

>> No.22865596

I'll be your friend bro!

>> No.22865661

Sorry for the rant. The only people I talked to in the last few days were my
Mom and Dad with basic “how’s your day” small talk.

>> No.22865978


>> No.22866817

when did faggots like this start coming on 4chan

jesus christ this place is becoming reddit

>> No.22866839

that webm is suicide fuel desu. knowing ill never have a girl look at me like that :(

>> No.22866842


>> No.22866861

dont worry, you will never make it

>> No.22866937

This is a great answer.

Financial independence means being able to raise a family and actually be a present father (or mother but I think it's mostly us guys here).

>> No.22866985

hookers, drugs and suicide after 1-2 years

>> No.22867010


>> No.22867027
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>> No.22867034

lmao I can't believe someone sees this cringe attention seeking whore as suicide fuel

>> No.22867078


>> No.22867121


Fuck, this shit is turning women into air head retards.

>> No.22867123

I bet when she made this she was like "omg this is gonna go so viral look at this cool eye thing I can do lol I'm gonna be famous"

>> No.22867187

Blowing your brains out when you realise it's all just ephemeral crap

>> No.22867379

she's a ftmtf tranny

>> No.22867493


>> No.22867511
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>4. Do a ton of shroom, acid and DMT in wild forests and mountains to gather more insight and wisdom so I won't blow my money on stupid shit
Good plan if you want to get eaten by bears and wolves. But at least it will be a fun experience.

>> No.22867937

How did you find god?

>> No.22868030

A few tissues, or a sock.

>> No.22868433

Based and Chrispilled

>> No.22868569
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>> No.22868612

>How did you find god?

I had a Chick I really liked dump me and found out I was involved in a BS lawsuit the same week while being extremely isolated because I was doing the GI bill thing in a state where my buddies were all going to get out and go with me but never did. I Basically just said “fuck this BS” and was going to kill myself. No tears or any gay note was just over it. Something stopped me and I didn’t.

After that I just realized there is a God and he loves me and life isn’t entirely hopeless.

After that my faith grew and I will never be that low again. God is good anon, when I am down I pray the rosary and God has answered a lot of my prayers.

>> No.22868651

To add to this I also had a dream when I was down when I asked God how to serve him I had a dream that evening where it was just a voice (or something) telling me to build a farm. Never really was into farming but now that is my life’s goal and have been autistically learning aspects of organic farming and bee keeping.

>> No.22868725

Checked thanks anon. The lord is good and his burden is light.

>> No.22869104

I am one of the most amazing and gifted talkers irl according to most people that know me. I have made at most 3 enemies in my entire life..... but im a genetic and evolutionary deadend at midget tier heights of 5'2. I HAVE had gfs in my life but all were short lived and all left me for tallbois.
So now I have accepted im a shortboi and willl never be loved how I want so I just chase money and profits so I can continue my life moved to a cabin hamlet of 1000 people or less far out off the main roads to be left alone. I'm liked but I usually assume its cuz everyone views me as the short funny clown thats good with words and makes people laugh....I dont feel respected or admired just looked at as that funny short boy pretending to be a man.

Sorry your autism makes it hard for you to make friends anon... I can make friends I guess I just cant make lovers or bond how I want with guys.... guess they all think im too weak to offer to go hunting and I guess im not strong enough to hang out and do manly things or fish with the guys so idk.... and females... I have had 1 female in 14yrs date me....every single last female has rejected me for my height and looks.

these millions I will make will allow me to build my giant 4 story victorian mansion farmhouse in the woods and be left alone to die by myself with nobody noticing.

>> No.22869281

Making it.

>> No.22869291

skiing, surfing, and gym. Free time to spend with friends and family. Reading.

>> No.22869408

In a world that doesn't make any sense, in a way, it's normal to not want to talk to other people. However, i believe some things might make sense. Like growing vegetable. You literally grow things that you'll eat. So you know they are not contaminated with chemicals, because you've done it yourself. So imagine making this as a group of people. It makes sense, doesn't it?

>> No.22869431

look at this soulless asian pretending to have feelings

>> No.22869444
File: 166 KB, 960x720, 7D17E74F-BC58-4941-BAEE-5C389AF4E9B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re the man anon. I am 5’8 and although taller than you I will say if you are shorter than 6ft women lump you in the short category.

Your goals will be achieved, lust darkens the mind and if you can overcome it you will get your millions and far more.

I served with men that were your stature and they were real men who I respected and still do to this day. Don’t ever think your stature makes you less of a man. Anyone who doesn’t respect or admire you does not know the man you are under stress. Even Tall chads get BTfO’d by shorter guys because they lack actual courage and life has been easy for them socially.

>> No.22869455

Keep going. Find someone you decide is worth the effort, and then make enough money for them to retire and live happily. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.22869502

It does; having a close community that homesteads together would be heaven. Hopefully I can find a Catholic wife to have a large family with on a farm. The day will come I am sure of it.

>> No.22869595

Don’t kid yourself height doesn’t mean shit with women if you’re autismo incarnate.
t. 6’4

>> No.22869639

I would unironically rape her and accept the 20 years of jail.

>> No.22869808


>> No.22870520

If your goal is having money to be a consumer you're ngmi

>> No.22870708

Dang anon. At least you can dunk on those whores without a problem.

I think due to tinder and social media we are experiencing an inflated pussy bubble.

I once asked a woman If she thought feminism would exist in the future because it seems like a small blip on the timeline that is civilization and she said yes but couldn’t back up why other than your classic Marxist tropes. All terrible and good things must end. With everything going on I feel like the ability for the west to continue this insane neo Marxism is coming to an end with the inevitable destruction of fiat and debt based currency. Hard times are ahead and with that comes opportunity for change.

>> No.22870739

Making it? Making what?

>> No.22870771

because when she looks at her phone shes looking at herself

>> No.22870785
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>> No.22871194

you sound like a nice guy. I wish you the best of luck in the future. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.22871372

Thanks anon. You as well, may the lord keep you and your family in good health.

>> No.22871519

If they look down a little and smile its that they like you. If you can literally see sparkles in their eyes (trust me youll notice) then they really like you.

If they keep looking away and pretending to not look its most likely that youre creepily staring at them. Smile. If they don't see it walk up to them (if theyre not close already) if the turn away while you talk thats a hard no. If their feet are pointing at you in a three way or multiple people convo then that means all her attention belongs to you. Their feet are extremely important.

Obviously if youre a fat unshaven basement dweller without any sense of fashion nor skills or humor yeah good luck. Working out /getting some decent clothes/ interesting hobbies can fix an ugly face. Humor is the best but I'll bet all my linkies before I trust a 4chan dweller making non offensive or belittling jokes and ruining the moment.

That being said I'd fuck the ever living shit out of this half asian girl she my type

>> No.22871823

I already do this anon, but until now I had to plan my trips so it doesn't interfere with my work program, so I was pretty limited timewise.

Nature is pretty safe as long as u have some survival skills and take some precautions (don't sleep with the food in a tent, have some big firecrackers to scare animals, carry a machete, don't go alone, use boots and long pants so snakes/ ticks won't bite you, etc.)

>> No.22871853


>> No.22871878

and have a trip sitter so you don't do dumb shit like trying to run around at night with no flashlight while chasing random animals

>> No.22871898

You buy a ring light and set your DLSR to take pics with flash while you be a 6/10 mutt for public consumption?