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File: 207 KB, 602x444, 93FCD7DC-2DC3-4923-81FE-3529AAEB92C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22842748 No.22842748 [Reply] [Original]

2 days ago when Bancor was at 75 cents I told you that BNT had bottomed out and was about to begin its second 1000% increase this year as Bancor gets ready to release v2.1 that mitigates impermanent loss in liquidity pools: >>22800383 No other other AMM protocol has been able to do this yet. Not Uniswap, not Curve, not Sushiswap, not Balancer. None of them. Anyone who has ever staked in a liquidity pool knows how much it sucks to put money in, think you’re banking by collecting fees and then actually end up with less tokens than you started out with when you unstake. Well, Bancor, the first AMM to ever exist, the people who literally invented DeFi, have found a solution to this problem and it’s going to make them the most valuable DEX in the space and drive up BNT price to over $12 before December. A very conservative call based upon the value they are about to deliver to DeFi. If you were smart and listened when my galaxy brain told you to buy a couple of days ago you have already made a nice profit. Congratulations, but this is just the beginning. If you didn’t buy yet, you are still very early. Heres’s why. Bancor v2.1 bread crumbs are being dropped all over Bancor’s telegram channels but there’s not been a single official announcement about it. Slowly people are starting to realize that behind the silence Bancor is preparing to drop a massive upgrade. Smart anons watching the Github saw some major updates, word got out and it the repo was made private. My advice to you anon is to get in on BNT now while there is still not a single official mention of what’s coming on Bancor’s blog or social media. Get in before Reddit realizes what’s happening and the BNT 1000% pump V2 kicks off. If you don’t believe me I don’t care. I’m only posting this now so I can come back later and say I told you so like I did when I called the first 1000% BNT pump this year.

>> No.22842791

Yeah I got in on a dip to 81 cents, I'm ready to go

>> No.22842806

>Giga brain detected

>> No.22842826

Where to buy sirs i want to do needful and follow smart sirs to moon

>> No.22842848

Lol I literally had a dream about Bancor then I woke up that same day and saw your post. Took it as validation and went in.

>> No.22842873
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Also this cup and handle on the 7 day is no joke

>> No.22842874

literally anywhere but best liquidity for BNT is unironically on Bancor itself. bancor.network

>> No.22842901

The prophecy is unfolding.

>> No.22842921

bought 80k bnt yesterday. Will i make it?

>> No.22842924

My original call 2 days ago for anyone who missed it. >>22785339

>> No.22842953

>based and bnt pilled
you will make it 80,000 times. see u at the yacht party anon

>> No.22843488
File: 400 KB, 750x732, EBE922BD-0969-4BA4-95F8-1ECD49CE5C3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so incredibly based. my god

>> No.22843846

It's dumping you fucking JEW.

>> No.22843944

I woke and was like "pffft Bancor, really?" then I saw the post and it all made sense.
I will add, I also had a dream that I saw the words BSN scribbled on a wall one time, with 2 other crypros that I don't remember, underneath it.
This was before I had any idea about BSN. I googled it, and it turned out to be China's government Blockchain Service Network, of which includes Ethereum, Tezos, and a few others.
This matched a dream I had about Tezos earlier. Then recently I saw that Tezos was being used to power France's Euro. So that one was validated.
And on the 25th, Algorand joined BSN.
The 2 cryptos scibbled underneath BSN in my dream were XTZ and ALGO.
But BSN was written bigger, so I would remember that, at the very least.
I am deeply connected to some force. Idk if its remote viewing, access to akashic records, or what.
Regardless those are the only 3 dreams about crypto I've ever had. Tezos, Algo, and Bancor.
I had one more dream that I met my future self and he told me about RLC. I said I knew what it was, which is when we both realized that we were eachother, in different timelines.
But, I can't validate this one because maybe my future self was still bagholding and just wanted to shill it.

>> No.22843946

OP is a kike that is dumping for a measly 10% gain from the past week. kek.

>> No.22843966
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If you look at recent price action, you'll see large pumps followed by quick, deep selloffs as big wallets accumulate.
Watch it recover, and then know that we're trying to help you..

>> No.22844015

when is the v2.1 getting released?

>> No.22844036


Also, it's not fucking dump, its consolidating at 90 cents after forming a huge cup and handle. We are literally forming a textbook handle. I mean, either youre in now or youre just a fucking retard and I know for a fact its the latter because it takes 2 seconds to look at the chart

>> No.22844064

pajeet shitcoin

hacked 3 times
failed to deliver a working product in 3 years after $150M ico raise

no thanks

>> No.22844101

Next few weeks is my guess. Contracts already being audited. Nate is joining some DeFi conference discussion on Monday. Hoping he provides an update on v2.1.

>> No.22844128

it's not that soon, i promise. Don't keep setting deadlines then getting disappointed. I think 3 months from now is a more realistic assessment. If it launches in 2020 i'll be happy. Even Q1 2021 would be acceptable for a fully tooled launch

>> No.22844193

i will grab a suicide stack, but don't want to tie my money for 5-6 months on nothing happening

>> No.22844237

no prob, play it how you like. when there is a confirmed full launch make sure you're paying attention, though, if Bancor pull off what they're trying to build it will be a complete revolution in DEXes.

>> No.22844263

yuppp this is trash.. try chartex for a coin that has a working product before launch and is ripe for a 10x pump

>> No.22844348

any idea how they do one-sided liquidity on any token without chainlink feeds?

>> No.22844382

no idea, and they're not going to tell us lol

>> No.22844473

Damn nice stack anon
I hope so

20k Bnt-let here. Out of fiat. Hope it enough for at least an invite to the yacht party
What is the make it/suicide bnt stack?
100k/10k? Less than 70 mil. Supply. Thinking make it could be 10k or less even.

>> No.22844556


I've been burned on ICO in 2017 and on this last pump supporting BNT. If Bancor is so great why is it bellow ICO price. Why did it drop so much now even with V2.

>> No.22844755
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I bought 300 at 6 dollars. Still holding.

>> No.22844841
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1 BNT is enough to make it

>> No.22844891

How could you possibly assume it won't happen in the next few weeks? At the end of August, they send they want 30-60 additional days of data and to work on the code before releasing the next iteration. Considering the code is already in audit, the next few weeks sounds reasonable.

>> No.22845246

V2.1 will come out with DAO and BNT staking rewards?

>> No.22845268

I'm far more interested in uncapped pools with no impermanent loss, liquidity amplification, and single-token LPs. The DAO and staking rewards are simply cherries on top. I think they're close to adding the cherries but may want to test uncapped pools and additional pairs, first.

>> No.22845416
File: 368 KB, 1199x786, 3932AA95-667A-49E2-BE8B-B7C76F55D3C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if bancor v2.1 had multiple uncapped pools on day 1? maybe that’s the plan.

>> No.22845469

Nate just said "at least a month" and the thing with people constantly quizzing him is that he keeps giving optimistic dates that don't come to fruition.
I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than get my hopes up 5 more times only for further delays.
And I don't blame the team at all, they're trying to get it right, but now I see why chainlink never give time frames for anything.

>> No.22845487

so it's you posting this disgusting nigger in the telegram. please sir, no more

>> No.22846003
File: 92 KB, 640x640, A578C5A0-4E72-42B5-9437-3BB11BBF4C96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nate never gave a single date for this release and the twitter and blog are completely quiet, but speculation that there will be some sort of announcement or launch in october that will pump BNT is not far fetched at all. that’s why i’ve loaded another little 20,000 BNT bag during this hype free opportunistic dip.

>> No.22846748

BNT’s new tokenomics with super high staking rewards and Bancor V2.1s new pool design that mitigates impermanent loss will cause all DEFI liquidity to flow to Bancor's pools, creating a feedback loop of larger liquidity pools > super lower slippage > more trade volume > higher staking rewards and more demand for BNT. Because Bancor V2.1 enables single token exposure (staking of any supported token) Bancor liquidity pools will suck up even more assets & liquidity. Liquidity aggregators like 1inch, DEX AG, Kyber and Paraswap will come to source the vast majority of their liquidity from Bancor V2.1 pools. BNT is taking a page out of the Synthetix playbook with a cookie cutter copy pasta of SNX that makes it so anyone who locks BNT in Bancor pools will earn insane inflationary rewards. This will generate massive FOMO into BNT to stake liquidity and create very strong liquidity pools that rank in the top of DefiPulse. Supply of BNT will shrink on all exchanges and will be very easy to pump.

>> No.22846806

been a while since I've seen a liquidity black hole copy pasta. Feeling very bullish. Jealous of anyone who's getting in on bnt this cheap

>> No.22846852
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Its literally dumping

>> No.22846981
File: 174 KB, 1280x945, 0AFD33C2-F694-4986-AA43-B0A8227BA8E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could be one of those lucky buyers anon. BNT is feeling very bullish again, and this is with no official news yet. we all know what BNT does whenever news comes out.

when its double the price in a week don’t say no one told u this was going to happen. the anon who started this thread predicted the entire 1000% BNT bull run this summer.

>> No.22847288
File: 98 KB, 913x745, D25E4AF3-FE8B-4835-9292-2D441BB7E53F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNT bull bumperino for my bangorian bullarinos