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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 640x640, photo_2020-09-26_21-07-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22841014 No.22841014 [Reply] [Original]

With only 10,000 Supply FOREVER. A new revolutionary token was just born.
$CORE is a unique Deflationary token, every transaction that goes through is giving 5% to holders, no minting on this one as it is a TRUE farming token that will generate value over time (and profit to holders)

No one holds any tokens related to it, not even the owners, its all within the contract

>Well done
Auditors have approved that the code is great and some of then are holding this one

Big names coming to the table, Crypto Frog is the first, and more to follow, you can be sure.

With only 10,000 supply, this one is going to boom. Buy a bag right now



>> No.22841109

Just picked some up!

>> No.22841121

Am I an idiot if I only participate in the liquidity event and stake instead of buying this shitcoin, as well?

>> No.22841123

whats the fuckin telegram? can't find it for shit

>> No.22841126
File: 17 KB, 920x274, core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1m volume in the first 15 minutes


>> No.22841156

Both is the best option

>> No.22841179


>> No.22841181


>> No.22841197

2) Because of (1), whales cant continuously dump because they would be fucking themselves
2) Everyone is forced to work on governance because their liquidity is locked
3) 5% of profits from strategies are used to buyback crow
4) EVERY transfer incurs fees that are also used to buy back CRO
5) Yield farming with a hardcap of 10k so there is absolutely NO WAY TO ADD MORE
6) 100% fair launch

>> No.22841201

Presale ended with almost $2m IN LIQUIDITY and its locked FOREVER. No games on this one!

>> No.22841483

You can’t sell you fucking idiots you got fucked sideways

>> No.22841514

what retard?

>> No.22841531

> exclamation points
> so many positive replies after a few mins of posting
> "noob" questions

Yep, pajeet coin definitely.

>> No.22841623

You better get in now Rhemal, your curry squirts are stinking up the room. This is going to fly to over $10k today.

>> No.22841654
File: 128 KB, 1775x726, SELLLL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever bro, grab a bag stop being a pajeet


>> No.22841704

this fucking shit is so exclusive



>> No.22841828


>> No.22841902

This coin is the bomb. The presale is LOCKED FOREVER, meaning nobody got actual coins to dump, they got liquidity provider tokens for farming.



>> No.22841943


>> No.22842054
File: 36 KB, 512x296, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons look at this website. Seriously take a look. How does the website make you feel about this project? Think about it. Does it seem like a scam? Really ponder on that alone. It's the most base level research you can do to tell the quality of a project. Well, if it made you think this is a scam then you are a fucking idiot and you are ngmi. You are looking at potentially the best opportunity in crypto since YFI and you thought it was a scam. Buy $CORE, or rope, your choice.

>> No.22842059


>> No.22842103

Staking 15 LP atm and also grabbed a decent bag at $280 as a hedge.

This will be at $2K in no time.

>> No.22842106

I love how some randoms are posting how good this coin is.
Nice try Pajeet, nice try.

>> No.22842254

Did the same thing anon only at $300

>> No.22842308

how much eth/core for 15 LP?

>> No.22842316

This is $577 now are you fucking serious? This is it, this is making it time. I’m pouring a glass of jameson and toasting you all biz

>> No.22842360

i finally bought 0.5 eth after missing out on every /biz/ shitcoin

>> No.22842398



>> No.22842436

I love the retro ui
definitely picked some up this is going to $2000 for sure

>> No.22842517

Pre sale was $135 and now it’s breaking $650. I couldn’t sell if I tried, gas would destroy me.

This thing is literally going to $10k or more

>> No.22842637

how did people get into presale? why does /biz/ only finds out about this now?

>> No.22842677

by the time something appears on /biz/ you are already late

>> No.22842711

I heard about it here

>> No.22842723

why? for me the gas price is normal. Or it is for presalers?

>> No.22842780

is there a point in staking? can you withdraw rewards and how much is APY? I guess you can't withdraw LP once staked.

>> No.22842790

Selling and staking is kinda scuffed, I guess its due to the constant +5% when someone stakes

>> No.22842998

Guys I found this on /biz/ and was the third person in the TG
No more blaming /biz/

>> No.22843067

This is next YFI run.
Thanks crypto frog for the call

>> No.22843097

its dumping soooo hard

>> No.22843116

Someone unironically dumped $128k of CORE and it actually absorbed the dump pretty damn well.

>> No.22843149

That’s $1.2k for stakers :)

>> No.22843202

Great pump and dump faggots. Stop falling for this.

>> No.22843282

you must be new to this? Thanks for the dip anyways.

>> No.22843300

because the target is still $2000 EOD

>> No.22843309

fucking retard brainlet loves being poor. Sits on biz and watches charts all day and still can't figure out how to swing these releases. Holy shit you have no hope.

>> No.22843382

this. Its just begun, and we are going to break the $1000 soon.

>> No.22843622

Is this OnlyUP 2.0?

>> No.22843800

I think academic papers will write about the game theory of Core

>> No.22843824

its becoming the ultimate tug-of-war

>> No.22843918
File: 9 KB, 236x214, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best investment of my life.
not even kidding.
is this real life?!

staked AND market bought.


>> No.22843990


>> No.22844007
File: 30 KB, 1031x537, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pattern call

>> No.22844076

1 CORE am I going to make it frens?

>> No.22844127

farming without inflation?

Sounds alot like Gemswap.

Hey GemMaker is that you? Already launched another scamcoin have we?

>> No.22844137

can we see 10k on this soon bois?

>> No.22844143

Why am I so fucking bullish on this?

>> No.22844156

Try selling lmao.

>> No.22844225

Have already sold 4 times, and bought back. Its actually pretty easy since and even with low slippage when the liquidity is so huge. This is real money making gem.

>> No.22844353



>> No.22844395 [DELETED] 


>> No.22844442

Never change /biz/

>> No.22844453

CORE dev can exit scam with all liquidity.


File 17 of 37 : CoreVault.sol

// Withdraw without caring about rewards. EMERGENCY ONLY.
function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) public {
PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
require(pool.withdrawable, "Withdrawing from this pool is disabled");
UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender];
pool.token.safeTransfer(address(msg.sender), user.amount);
emit EmergencyWithdraw(msg.sender, _pid, user.amount);
user.amount = 0;
user.rewardDebt = 0;
// No mass update dont update pending rewards

>> No.22844469

nevermind, it was just a glitch. Going up now.

>> No.22844482

CORE token? More like COPE token, because you cant even pull your liquidity LMAO!

>> No.22844496
File: 7 KB, 240x240, B9614634-9068-4BD4-AC67-DD95F8FD1AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no who could have seen that coming?

>> No.22844509

KEK. You keep saying that.

>> No.22844540

I wonder why shills ignore this? you're literally giving all liquidity to dev, he can drain EVERYTHING

>> No.22844622

because people keep falling for pajeet rugpulls

>> No.22844631

that function is for individual users' funds. learn to read solidity retard.

>> No.22844649


talking with the dev live

>> No.22844666

this is the weirdest thing Ive ever watched

>> No.22844685

Confirmed its not a rugpull nor a scam.

>> No.22844686

muther fucker they are fixing this bitch live, I am unironically about to go all in. This is the coolest crypto project I've ever seen

>> No.22844691

This is not for withdrawing from the uniswap pool. You literally CANNOT withdraw from uniswap pools unless they upgrade the contract

>> No.22844699


>> No.22844719

This. We are making history here.

>> No.22844736

What is that frog's relationship with the great Apu Apustaja? His head is squished, but he is just as cute as Apu. While Apu is known for crying, that frog is known for picking up phones and saying "Henlo" or "Moshi Moshi."

>> No.22844765

Apu Apustaja on suomesta, ja se on parasta mitä sammakolle on tapahtunut. Kansainvälistä mainett niittää hän. Ostakaa tätä paskaa myös. The next Link.

>> No.22844781

it is huge imo, fucking legit project once in a while!

>> No.22844813

Just reading through the posts on this thread, each one one fucking hysterically optimistic, tells you, SCREAMS AT YOU, that this is one Jew, on his own in a bedroom in front of a Like-Farm of thirty five iPhones all set to the same biz thread and all puking out more or less the same gushing, unrealistic, overfamilar hyperbole over something that is totally unknown to the rest of humanity.
Sage this utter bullshit and move on

>> No.22844865

anon above me has no idea what he is talking about

very few understand the actual tokenomics of this. it's an experimental protocol that may go to 0, or it goes to 10k+. hard to say now but wow am i EXCITED

>> No.22844888

they just passed a LIVE AUDIT on YouTube!!! LEGIT PROJECT!

>> No.22844893

? theyre fixing shit it didn't pass anything lol

>> No.22844903

This. The best gamble there is.

>> No.22844928


>> No.22844932

>Thread has no doubt only optimism
This is not going to end well.

>> No.22844949

There are a bunch of fudders what are you talking about, including yourself technically.

>> No.22844959

Fuck off then. This is the most exciting project to hit DeFi since Yearn

>> No.22844968

Either going to 10k or 0.

Given that a rugpull is literally impossible I will take my chances at the 10k :)

>> No.22844982

Literally the next YFI. Even if you didn't put in much as a LP you're probably going to make a lot of money on this.

>> No.22844985

Lmao you fucking moron Yearn went unnoticed and nobody ever replied to those threads try harder pajeets

>> No.22845034

That's a damn lie, check warousu

>> No.22845083

Based. These fucking noobs think /biz/ is the place to be.

>> No.22845192


>> No.22845244

they can’t even get staking to work

>> No.22845320

already fixed live on stream

>> No.22845360

it's not fixed lol the auditer is trying to fix the broken code

>> No.22845368

nope, not working yet

>> No.22845468

Claimable 0.290328
staking and making money dunno about you

>> No.22845799

you can't withdraw it theres a error in the code

>> No.22845836

and hes working on it right now itll be done soon

>> No.22845840

this is the most based contract i have seen in defi so far.
all lp tokens are locked forever.
if you lp core you are there for life.

>> No.22845870
File: 75 KB, 400x560, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking your slice of the 1% fee on a multi-million dollar volume project for life. Incredible

>> No.22846097

Just bought the dip again! I'm up like 20 ETH so far. Get in here anon


>> No.22846162

how much did you stake?

>> No.22846198

staking is working fine. They write you shouldn't stake LP with too many decimals. With 1 decimal it's working.

>> No.22846204

which is what should have always been in case of farming. when a farming tokens is released what happens? whales with 200 ETH drop it down, squeeze all the tokens and dump on you, now you are buying their bags and they have made x20 profit on your pajeet head. Here it cant happen! once you provided liquidity its gone forever, and not to dev's wallet, to smart contract. its Huge and i think we will see $CORE bright future ahead

>> No.22846214

Presalers are going to make their money back fully in 3.5 days at this rate. And from there, it's all free money. Fucking incredible thank you thank you biz

>> No.22846259

I bought in an hour ago from the bullish-wedge thread and this thread makes me want to sell.

>> No.22846268



Never use a contract posted on here directly, Always find the coin you are looking for, through uniswap, coingecko whatever...
The anon here posted a fake contract with the fake token dont give him any pennies


This is the real CORE/ETH, again if you just go there without verifying you are legitimately retarded.

ALWAYS VERIFY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22846288

sell bro smart people will buy your bags its k

>> No.22846298
File: 95 KB, 1050x902, ECH4khkU8AE83Tx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought in, how far will this go? i'm just degen rn i don't even care about reading the tokenomics

>> No.22846428

Update: After 3 hours with the $CORE dev Cyotee managed to fix the Withdraw issue, fully works now lets go ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRr0sKSRVv8&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=ThePlatonicTrickster

>> No.22846453

You should read about tokenomics
It's what's going to launch this to $50k within the next two weeks, minimum
It's actually brilliant

>> No.22846460

APY is circa 500% now. It will decrease later, so it will need some months just to return the investment.

>> No.22846512

Why would it decrease? Volume will just keep going up, especially once strategy vaults are live

>> No.22846518
File: 37 KB, 988x556, EE-JiFTX4AEL0YU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't read things, i go by feel, just bought some more

>> No.22846523

WOW really fucking bullish, the dev literally stuck with Cyotee for 2 hours looking for the cause of the bug, and actually fixed that.Damn biz, we can finally make it for once...

One more thing. Any ideals what is supposed to happen in 20 hours? Is the dev suppposed to renonuce ownership then? Not sure about the specifics, bit in the Cyotte mentioned that something was supposed to happen so this becomes unruggable?

>> No.22846549

but but ... dont you see anything wrong with that? if locked you are fucked, if something goes wrong then what?

>> No.22846568

TVL may increase faster than volume. Volume is highest at the launch.

>> No.22846593
File: 20 KB, 351x512, based dept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22846609

TVL increases volume proportionately, though. 5% of all fees from TVL go to market buying core. What am I missing?
Every dev you demanded lock liquidity would like a word with you

>> No.22846646

How do i stake? I don't want to pool liquidity, just staking

>> No.22846663

i just bought 5, what am i in for

>> No.22846680

You can't. Staking is only done by LP holders as they have the most skin in the game (they're locked in forever)

>> No.22846685

Unironically $100k for you very soon, probably at least double that or triple EOY

>> No.22846735

>locked forever
then why provide liquidity

>> No.22846780
File: 43 KB, 1663x346, corevault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's such a good project, why are all these people selling?

>> No.22846793

Because it's the only way to farm the fees.

>> No.22846807


>> No.22846809

Because you get 1% of all transactions. I'm on pace to make back all the eth I put into the pool in 4 days

>> No.22846822

How do you withdraw fees if lp is locked?

>> No.22846839

I think we're getting dumped on.

>> No.22846841


>> No.22846848
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1584319914947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I

>> No.22846850
File: 72 KB, 750x469, wut2939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's at like ath right now tho

>> No.22846867

devs just rugged gg

>> No.22846884

Read the medium. 1% of all TX's are given to stakers. Kind of like how other tokens burn on each TX? This one gives them to stakers.

>> No.22846913

Really?? Because I am seeing a shit load of 20+ ETH buys, sells as well but price is moving up

>> No.22846954

just confirmed on the live stream

>> No.22846976

Lying gay fudster

>> No.22847104

I was being sarcastic you ogre.... price is 900 and climbing, too bad you are outpriced but it is still 10xable.

>> No.22847122

There are many buy orders, but the sell orders are usually bigger 5/10/15 ETH, looks like peasants are buying in and whales are gradually exiting.

>> No.22847194

I staked about 9 LP did I go a little crazy or did I just make the best decision of my life. I could've bought YFI at this price and waited until 2-4k to accumulate 1.5. Didn't want to fail again.

>> No.22847221

If the sell orders are bigger it will be the price would have been going lower... Currently the price is $950 from $900, 20 min ago

>> No.22847262

Just bought 4.2 ETH, let's se how this roll

>> No.22847263

anyone who reads your previous posts can see that you have been wrong every time

>> No.22847383


>> No.22847398

1k per core has been breached, we are in price discovery. 3k per core is fud

>> No.22847428

95% of new projects shilled on /biz/ are pajeet scams, sorry if I am a bit pessimistic here

>> No.22847458
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, 523D5832-839D-4412-ACE5-38D21D2550E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..Why the fuck are people buying tokens with no use case for $1k?

>> No.22847478

What's the point of staking/adding to the LP vs market buying? Am I missing something? I read the medium but I'm willing to throw like 15 ETH into this to jump on the defi train.

>> No.22847496

maybe somebody will buy it for more in the future

>> No.22847505

no use case.
lol imagine this as yfi vault, except all the yield goes into buying more yfi. and distributes it to the lp holders of yfi/eth.
oh and nobody can ever remove liquidity from the yfi/eth.
hard cap deflationary, and buy pressure from the yield farming.

>> No.22847530

staking gives u the yield all the funds are being used to generate. it buys core with the yield and then distribute to the lp stakers

>> No.22847563

there are no yield strategies in place right now

>> No.22847628

So does it make more sense to market buy CORE itself rn or to stake with ETH, or a little of both?

pls i just want gains on my 15 ETH

>> No.22847629

Getting serious YFI vibes from this, my trust has been won by them doing a live bug fix

>> No.22847648

new ATH... getting faggits

>> No.22847672

do you think you could farm your initial out of this before hype dies or it gets rugged? if so, then stake

>> No.22847684

I watched the whole stream, finally a project that I wont have to worry that there is a way for the devs to rug. This moons or fails by itself and us, but no hidden forces

>> No.22847692

I'll probably just market buy then....

>> No.22847695

Hurr durr you can use this coin to get even more of the coin but it doesn’t change the fact that it fucking does nothing and you guys are literally buying chuck e cheese tokens for $1k


>> No.22847732

hey idiot. clown world requires clown solutions to getting rich. quite obvious logic.

>> No.22847740

Stick to your shiny metals and boomer stocks old man.

>> No.22847746

its gonna dump hard lol

>> No.22847759

that is the "safe" strategy
permalocked liquidity is scary

>> No.22847771

i am financially ruined

>> No.22847799

No I’m investing in crypto that actually had a use and solves problems and makes things better for the world not garbage like this. It’s a literal ponzi, it has no actual value to it.

>> No.22847874

you've made 10 posts in almost 4 hours, why? i get the sense that you're externalizing anxious thoughts that you have while participating in the ponzi

>> No.22847876

heard this one before

>> No.22847908

Nothing wrong with ponzi schemes. (((They))) don't want you in them because (((They))) don't want you to make it. Use case is a meme. I'm here for money.

>> No.22847909

>tfw knew about core yesterday on merv but ignored it

I want to die

>> No.22847942

I knew about Core before the presale and remembered it today.

>> No.22847997

how's that working out for ya big guy

>> No.22848081
File: 51 KB, 502x839, 64A68758-A49C-42F6-8658-16B9A22F8FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t take this irrational market anymore I want it all to crash and burn right now why the fuck are you degenerate gamblers making it crap like this

>> No.22848114

hi dark

>> No.22848133

It even has minesweeper.

>> No.22848145

few understand

>> No.22848216

>invest in ponzi scheme that rewards you with money
>invest in ponzi scheme before crypto twitter and jewtubers shill it
>invest in a coin with high liquidity and low supply
Anon, you're the clown. It's only natural that people invest in projects that make money. Why would I throw money at a project with "real world usecase" that's focused on getting partnerships with big companies and won't have a mainnet launch until two years from now when I can be bearish on a ponzi scheme that's literally designed to make money for the individuals?

>> No.22848348

It's literally not a ponzi. It's a sophisticated financier / arbitrageur that you can own a slice of

>> No.22848391

imagine thinking its gonna dump when its perma locked. and the apy on staking is going crazy.
im getting like more then 2% per hour or somethign ridiculous. never seen this before. i made 5x already just on the claim rewards

if your not staking lp on this farming, then idk wtf u doing

>> No.22848404

There's thirteen thousand fucking Ethers locked in there, wtf.

>> No.22848430

never to be removed again
it is retarded

>> No.22848500

I assume the point is that more people buy in to be able to farm, which slowly removes the locked ETH by selling the farmed tokens, but then there's more tokens locked... This is hilarious.

>> No.22848685

yeah terminus of the game is a race to "remove" eth from the liq pool by selling
excited to see the excuses they have regarding "delays" of real yield farming kek

>> No.22848699

Really? I'm getting nothing near that. I calculated roughly 2.8% a day

>> No.22848742

how long before 2k?

>> No.22848771

>solves problem
this solves the problem of me needing more money, faggot

>> No.22848777

At this rate about 3 hours.

>> No.22848812
File: 78 KB, 1383x717, Screenshot_2020-09-27_13-54-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memelines (on a coin that's been alive for a few hours LOL).

>> No.22848825


>> No.22849423

holy fuck, I have to be honest, I couldn't digest the whitepaper but saw the hype and trusted it, very glad so far

>> No.22849484

the website is undeniably based