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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 1228x1986, 03295092-352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22824345 No.22824345 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.22824366


>> No.22824368
File: 63 KB, 253x394, announcement. jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUNDS ARE NOT Safu this is going to dump Bitcoin HARD

>> No.22824388


>> No.22824403
File: 144 KB, 1436x1358, -023959023-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All wallets frozen

Holy fucking shit it's happening

>> No.22824429

people use this chinese shit?

>> No.22824446

who cares, smole hack of only $150mil

tether will brrr it back

>> No.22824684


>> No.22824724


>> No.22824735


>> No.22824736

literally the shittiest exchange which airdropped a bunch of cancer fucking tokens to everyone fuck this let it burn

>> No.22824744


>> No.22824756

Not your key, not your _____

>> No.22824824

This is big.

>> No.22824866
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>> No.22824885

Lol hacker got a total of 4.4 yfi out of $191m total hacked. Guess we know whats not dumping

>> No.22824903

Only Biance funds are SAFU

>> No.22824906


>> No.22824931

Reading this unintelligible horse shit gives me cancer.

>> No.22824958

Whew, my funds are still there

>> No.22824974

Please do not be true.

>> No.22824980

You do realise that the numbers you see in your account is from a centralised database and not the blockchain right?

>> No.22824992
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No, I did not.

>> No.22824996
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>> No.22825003

Dude just let him have one more moment of bliss

>> No.22825007


This is your average crypto holder kek.

>> No.22825025

More screenies pls

>> No.22825066

I have more than $200k on KuCoin, if it gets hacked I'll find johnny lyu and beat his gook ass

>> No.22825072

So... what's going on? I'm only replying because of the meme wallet posted worth assloads.

>> No.22825082

how is anyone this lazy with that kind of money on the line. Holy shit dude. If you do get your money back i hope you learn to take 10 seconds to make a wallet

>> No.22825120

I'm guilty of leaving a bit of chainlink and ETH on coinbase I'll admit, but most of mine is safe on a hardware wallet.

>> No.22825139 [DELETED] 


>> No.22825145
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>> No.22825174

oh wait nvm
actually I deleted the app bc the update screen had no option to skip even if I wasnt using it

>> No.22825183
File: 159 KB, 1291x701, dump it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so its a kucoin new wallet or a hacker waller?

>14 million vidt

>> No.22825220

I am clumsy I trust exchanges more than myself... but according to the head of VIP relations the funds are safe so it's all good

>> No.22825284

well now i hope you see the flaw in that logic. Tattoo your password to your asshole and you dont need to trust even yourself. Your own asshole will carry you unlike that VIP who may be lying

>> No.22825314
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>> No.22825345


>> No.22825361

>283 million akro
w-what happens now? i was just starting to remember what it felt like to make a profit...

>> No.22825370

ahahaha what a fucking retard

>> No.22825373
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7k when

>> No.22825433

Oof. This will not age well

>> No.22825467

wtf OP i pulled money out of Kucoin literally a few hours ago

>> No.22825540

Kucoin is literally the shittiest exchange out there, jfc I hope you lose all your money

>> No.22825558


>> No.22825602

this is the type of person that has 10X my portfolio, ok.

>> No.22825703
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>> No.22825738

Im glad we didn't lose Ron today.
As for kucoin users not so much

>> No.22825762
File: 19 KB, 1388x115, sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I wanted to sell the KCS I've bought at $0.86 but I clicked on the buy button instead of the sell one. How does that make you feel ?

>> No.22825786

omg i thought he died. Thank god

>> No.22825832

is this real?

>> No.22825875

We have to wait for Kucoin annoucement. Doesn't look good though

>> No.22825913

>trusts chinese female

>> No.22825937

Please god dump the AGI first I need more!

>> No.22825940

when will crypto kiddies learn its all a scam

>> No.22826001

Fuck, whattamagonnado?
My SAFEX bags are to heavy, one exchange less to dump them, GATE already rejected us, lets hope for Binance

>> No.22826061

Not your keys...

>> No.22826096


>> No.22826107


>> No.22826110

nooo someone stole my DGB :(

>> No.22826113

Given the situation

>> No.22826128

fuggggg it's real, deposit and withdrawal are grayed out, and i literally just got my ledger nano today

>> No.22826165
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>> No.22826187

goddamnit. I literally just sent money to my ETH kucoin wallet. FUCK. I was wondering why it didn't show up. FUCKKKKK. whats going to happen to it?

>> No.22826200



>> No.22826209
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>> No.22826216

i lost everything

>> No.22826235


That’s what you get for not using Uniswap nigger HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.22826238


>> No.22826264

In the bio
>The KuCoin Exchange is a safe and efficient cryptocurrency exchange.
Yes, safe until it's not

>> No.22826268

just needed to convert some eth to btc. no fucking way its gone. just going to take a couple days.

>> No.22826275

They are saying funds are safe. Does anyone here not see their funds? That wallet had a ton of alts in it.. But luckily my holdings weren't doing them.

>> No.22826282
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>> No.22826291
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but… they told me funds are safu.

>> No.22826306


>> No.22826319
File: 10 KB, 137x130, 1355638731018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what?

>> No.22826335

I sold all my vidt right before the fucking hack! 2k... I would’ve been fucked. Thank you to the anon who said something about Korean bots or something earlier! I’m sorry for all you bro’s who got fucked.

>> No.22826339

Super bullish for all other coins, but especially BTC as everyone will flock to the #1 safe asset.

>> No.22826341

How do I withdraw my funds? Please help me

>> No.22826354
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>> No.22826359

Withdrawals disabled because they have nothing to give you. Its over.

>> No.22826362

you can't right now. They froze wallets so no withdraw/deposit. Have to wait it out and hope our funds are safu

>> No.22826372

you dont

>> No.22826374


>> No.22826376
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>> No.22826377

nobody cares about your poorfag stack faggot

i lost 3.5k VIDT which represents less than 5% of my VIDT holdings

14 million VIDT burned nigger. That's all that matters. I'm happy!

>> No.22826380
File: 33 KB, 720x720, 1598211172119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I have 2,000 DeepBrainChain that I bought in 2018 are they gonna be safe?

>> No.22826394

How does $0 sound?

>> No.22826400

They better give me my NOIA. That’s my moonshot

>> No.22826434


>> No.22826450

i am fucked my life savings on there

>> No.22826452

>my life savings are on a chinese bitcoin exchange

>> No.22826454
File: 3.46 MB, 3508x2490, jill_stingray_keanu_reeves_john_wick_and_johnny_silverhand_va_11_hall_a_and_2_more_drawn_by_allgreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pssst, guys...
>not your keys, not your ______

>> No.22826493
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>> No.22826498

>trusting a chink
yep checks out he's clearly retarded

>> No.22826524


>> No.22826527
File: 14 KB, 348x509, 1600704865091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are only funds affected or personal data and/or passwords too?

>> No.22826534

Wow. I just took a $100k loan from my uncle two days ago and put it into USDT on Kucoin. I used $10k of that in a few coins. I am going to kill myself if anything happens.

>> No.22826554

>just another instance of dumb money going to smart money

>> No.22826557

I doubt someone who just took 200 million in crypto gives a fuck about your passwords and data.

>> No.22826563

>t. Uniswap user

>> No.22826566

I really hope it all works out for you friends, I can imagine the suffering you’re enduring.

>> No.22826578

Damn it
I had like 8k there

>> No.22826584

Where are you getting $200m from?

>> No.22826601


>> No.22826625

the wallet has 200k link in it

>> No.22826641


>> No.22826644

Yea i hope lockton has a fockton of money to insure $200m

>> No.22826648


wait... holy shit is that the hacker wallet???

>> No.22826664

yes it is either a hacker wallet or a kucoin wallet but tigen

>> No.22826673

hacker did you a favor

>> No.22826675

Yes, anyone not going into USDC and Tether right now is gonna have a bad time.

>> No.22826685

but given they said "given the situation" its very likely a hacker

>> No.22826704

You never 100% drain your hot and cold wallets like this, otherwise you cannot support withdrawals.
This is so fucking obvious to me, how are you people not freaking out?

>> No.22826720

yea i totally agree. Im not freaking out because i have zero leverage trades open and i never used kucoin

>> No.22826729
File: 19 KB, 400x400, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but 200 million in crypto being stolen will dump everything. Exchange hacks are a garunteed dump and this is the biggest I have seen from a monetary standpoint.

>> No.22826730

How do we profit off this?
He can sell all erc20 on dexes. Will it affect the price on, say, binance? If so, what is a pair I can short? Ocean doesn't have futures and that amount of link is too low to affect the price in a meaningful way right?

>> No.22826756

Why is this not moving price?

>> No.22826757

how much in assets did Kucoin have to begin with?

also a hacker would be mixing these already?

>> No.22826760

Predictions for dump price + time frame? Also if i want to look for historical precedent are there other instances besides Mt. Gox?

>> No.22826767

of what?

>> No.22826784

you realize it's not burned, right?

it's just not in the hands of kucoin anymore.

lol excited to watch these funds get laundered through the first off-chain exchange with privacy features. gonna have to be a dex, right? which dex will allow for anonymous transfers? would probably need Tor enablement or semi anonymous transfers - maybe via layer 2 solutions? maybe something cross chain compatible so they can move it into monero or something. hmmmm... wonder what dex might offer that type of functionality....

>> No.22826787

There is so much liquidity on uniswap man, he can make off with so much ETH/BTC if he wants.

>> No.22826797
File: 62 KB, 1557x640, f4901f1c4ee9e38b6d4ae522e8938441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hacker guy

>> No.22826803

important question alert

>> No.22826806

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.22826810

Several. In recent years, exchange hacks have basically been bumps in the road for markets instead of the apocalyptic events they once were.

>> No.22826811
File: 620 KB, 2196x2274, Catjeet88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22826812

True. Wait a week and same price as today though. I also dont own any investments in the stolen coins

>> No.22826841

>implying dex's have enough liquidity for all those huge stacks of shitcoins

>> No.22826843

set limits at 90% 80% and 70%, catch the knife all the way down and be prepared to ride the golden bull come q1 2021.

>> No.22826844

Can anyone explain to me in simple terms how the hell someone even pulls this kind of thing off? Really, it just seems super complex to me. Alright, I'm on the front page of a CEX, what's the next step? It all blows my mind.

>> No.22826857

What prevents people from just making a contract that says
>Pull such and such from this wallet and send to my wallet?

>> No.22826872

sure. A little chinese man is sitting in his office. He has been entrusted to $200m. So he books a flight and steals it. The end

>> No.22826887

Yeah def an inside job given the scale.

>> No.22826903

>using an Asian exchange

>> No.22826906

whats the difference between an exchange getting hacked and metamask or mew.

>> No.22826922

>major happening
>only 136 replies
Does /biz/ really have that few users who aren't pajeet shills or bots? Goddamn.

>> No.22826926

You are acting like a 200 million dollar crypto theft does not effect you because you had no funds on that particular exchange.
This will dump the whole market once it is made official.

>> No.22826928

metamask has never been hacked

>> No.22826931

>First you explain to people in the room it' s impossible
>Then a gun gets pointed to your head
>You type really fast on the keyboard while onscreen there's a huge animation taking up the entire screen
>5 minutes later you're in
>Smoke a cigarette

>> No.22826934

The computer program code "computer language" instructions contained in the token contract

>> No.22826944

you are acting like that wouldn't benefit me tremendously right now

>> No.22826952

If it's the exchange they should have access to all of the wallets, not just one of the many their funds are split across. Did the thief also get their BTC?

>> No.22826959

Goodbye $$$$$$$$$

>> No.22826962

This isn't going to dump shit. Literally a nothingburger.

>> No.22826970

They have good liq for some pairs. Check ampl, link etc on uniswap.info.
Maybe shorting eth is the move? Because he will have to sell what he can for eth and then sell the eth to cash out?

>> No.22826972

Yeah 1200 BTC was taken

>> No.22826986

People are retarded. Use this principle and deep technical knowledge to pull off a hack.

>> No.22826990


Does everyone in Biz has a rich Uncle/Dad/Wife’s boyfriend?

>> No.22827005

Why the FUCK isn’t this moving the price?

>> No.22827017

we are genuinely that early, even crypto twitter is not trending anything.

>> No.22827029

Holy shit.

>> No.22827042

I'm feeling nice so i'll explain this, but if you don't understand that already you should not be on this board and need to go back to plebbit. You will definitely get scammed here.
An exchange will have their crypto stored in a wallet, all user funds are stored in that wallet or in multiple wallets owned by the exchange (not your keys, not your crypto rule).
MEW or Metamask should only be used alongside a hardware wallet like a nano or trezor. Your crypto will only move if you sign the transaction on your hardware wallet. If MEW or Metamask get hacked your funds won't be affected as your keys aren't stored on your PC. If you're retarded enough to use MEW or Metamask only and not use a hardware wallet you're asking to be hacked.

>> No.22827057
File: 31 KB, 633x758, 7FBDAEF3-644A-4C9D-BD94-B72EBDE29C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.22827064

no confirmation it's a hack you noobs. could be just a wallet move

>> No.22827083

just when tv stations in China started shilling crypto this happens. for sure setup by chinese

>> No.22827092

Your a mongoloid, no exchange ever consolidates their cold and hot wallets to a single account and goes into emergency maintenance.

>> No.22827102

At this point it's likely to be a hack, they are silent and only saying "funds are safe". The only other reason I can think of is if their main wallet was compromised and they needed to shift the crypto asap so they shut it all down

>> No.22827148

Why is the price of bitcoin going UP?

>> No.22827149
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>> No.22827155



>> No.22827158
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>> No.22827159

Not a top 10 exchange.
Volume is not relatively as large as top 10.

>> No.22827166


>> No.22827175
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>> No.22827177


This makes far more sense.

>> No.22827180

So confirmed hack. Now the question is. Is this part 1 of 5?

>> No.22827190

But no insuranceshu
Do you have a kukoin accoint?
Recommendation: get out. Now.

>> No.22827197

They do have insurance

>> No.22827200

ITS FUCKING REAL https://www.kucoin.com/news/en-kucoin-security-incident-update

>> No.22827207
File: 554 KB, 967x954, pink wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had so much money on there. I was too lazy to move it.

>> No.22827209

Roll the dice.
Get out if you have an account and avoid the process.

>> No.22827213

> get out
Solly, withlawal close light nao

>> No.22827215

Everyone says that it’s not safe to keep funds on exchange, but every time in recent history major exchanges get hacked they just whatever we got you. Sooo it seems safer then holding oneself. Unless a major exchange try’s to exit scam or if the government tried to seize their assets

>> No.22827225

You can't get out retard, transfers are disable while they do a security review

>> No.22827226

Private wallet.

>> No.22827234

you shouldnt lose funds as long as their cold wallets stay safe. So far youre good

>> No.22827235

Or you could, you know use proper cold storage techniques and have 0 chance of getting your funds stolen.

>> No.22827254

>US bank fails
>lol I have FDIC insurance
>Wait, what? I have to go thru the process and my money won't be available for 6+ months.
Ref: '08 GFC. You will be made whole........................... eventually.

>> No.22827261

amazing how online stock brokerages dont get hacked as often

>> No.22827267
File: 25 KB, 1209x224, kucoin hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22827273

CEO parting with your funds Quadriga style

>> No.22827277

Honestly Kucoin had like no volume at all. It was on its last legs, Uniswap killed it months ago. If it really was legit hacked there's no way they recover from this.

On top of it not being close to worth paying everyone back how would they even acquire these shitcoins to pay people back. You're totally fucked.

>> No.22827301

no bullrun? well it was a nice summer at least

>> No.22827303

Ah, so not only was kucoin hacked, but it was by a true autist like us

>> No.22827308

they have total insurance

>> No.22827309

Is their insurance with the same OnChain that is NEO's private parent company? This is weird.

>> No.22827320

I could. But then I would lose out on things like blockfi where they give me 6% interest for holding my funds.

>> No.22827325

lol bitcoin don't give a fuck about no name shitcoins

>> No.22827327
File: 16 KB, 240x234, imcooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting some bitgrail vibes

>> No.22827332

That helps nothing if they just give him Chinese Yuan.

>> No.22827345

What the fuck is total insurance?
This fucker still has 200+ million in crypto to dump relentlessly into uniswap liquidity with impunity. Prob gonna color up to some privacy coins.

>> No.22827360
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1491795229371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck still uses kuckcoin in 2020?

>> No.22827368

My fucking sides. Literally tearing up at that capture.

>> No.22827372

more like someone is making a point

>> No.22827375

>BLM destroys target
>BLM: they have insurance, fuck em
>The people that worked their that no longer have a job......
Total insurance = you have to work thru the claim process for months/years
>asia exchange

>> No.22827391

I do faggot, to buy BSV. But im not dumb enough to keep anything on exchamges for more than a few minutes, been around since before mtgox was even a thing

>> No.22827402

> to buy BSV
A fork of the original BTC with no cap on supply?????
>Who forked it and can change supply cap in the future?????

>> No.22827416
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hopefully they have insurance
so lucky

>> No.22827423

So is the price of bitcoin going to dump or not?

>> No.22827441

it was the main way to buy VIDT and OCEAN (before binance) you fucking pleb

>> No.22827445

no. kucoin is a low volume exchange.
Not even in the top 10.

>> No.22827455
File: 54 KB, 913x431, 242342343242342354353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are fucked.

>> No.22827490

Bad use of quotation marks

>> No.22827517

insurance is 100%

everything is fine

Also hackers might be scared to move coins for a long time.


>> No.22827521
File: 212 KB, 907x800, 1E4A15A4-FB3D-4EDD-80F6-4644BB5E9132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good for Uniswap

>> No.22827531

Sweetly ironic.
China took over Hong Kong 2 months ago with barely a peep heard around the world.
Threw out their constitution.
Arrested/jailed many.
And, implemented new laws.
Kukoin. Still in it? Get out.

>> No.22827533
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 2398753752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The People's Exchange"

>> No.22827553

>insurance is 100%
How long will you have to wait?
Forever. China rules now.

>> No.22827556
File: 94 KB, 601x508, D38706BF-0AA2-439B-8E63-454B86DE0717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is fine

>> No.22827567

Yeah no fucking way they have the funds to cover all what's taken RIP

>> No.22827572

Holy shit. Ampl is fucked. Rekt

>> No.22827584

This is for the folks not keeping up with going ons.....
China sacked Hong Kong a few months ago.
Going thru insurance while the trade war rages????????????????????????????????????????????
Complete the sentence:
You are ____________

>> No.22827587

Okay but is this bullish for Chainlink or not? The only thing that matters right now

>> No.22827599

Are you dense? I told you earlier that deposits and withdrawals are locked right now, no one can "get out" you dumb nigger

>> No.22827611

Only 200k so Chainlink will be okay

>> No.22827620

Good luck working thru any process, clownboy:

>> No.22827622

yo the v for vendetta guy posted elsewhere saying more to come...larp?

>> No.22827628
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how can someone put their money into something and not even understand the absolute basics of it?

>> No.22827634

>chink exchange
That's expected, nothing to see here, moving on

>> No.22827640

anyone want to buy my boomer rocks?

jk they arent for sale.

>> No.22827645

my sides

>> No.22827652


>> No.22827658

I feel bad for the people affected by this, I really do. Never keep your shit in exchanges, how many hacks will it take?

>> No.22827668
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>sank you vary much for your money

>> No.22827672

>Please rest assured that if any user fund is affected by this incident, it will be covered completely by KuCoin and our insurance fund.
looks like the
>i got a 100k loan and put it on Kucoin
fags have something to hope for

>> No.22827680
File: 507 KB, 1063x1041, 043F58E6-AA11-4083-B309-FC7536F7584D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200k link
mfw that’s less than half of what sergey dumps on us every week

>> No.22827681
File: 23 KB, 1180x257, still going.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still getting more from kucoin wallets

>> No.22827697


>> No.22827701


Interestiinnnnngggg. So we have come a long way since Mt Gox. Exchanges have learned. I can still see an exodus from Kucoin, their growth will seriously suffer, but I think people should be able to withdraw safely. After all an exchange can't lend and fuck with money quite as much as a bank can.

This will be an interesting test. If people fly out of Kucoin, but Kucoin remains solvent - it will be a leap for cryptocurrency, and again a huge improvement from the MtGox days. If it doesn't remain solvent, it won't kill crypto but it's not the best thing that can happen.

>> No.22827734



>> No.22827737

>we will take full responsibility
that doesn't mean they're going to give you shit other than an apology

>> No.22827741

It would depend entirely on how it was hacked. If it was the front-end, then individual balance would reflect the missing funds.

>> No.22827760

>Can't really read between the lines.
Hong Kong is toast.
Everything in it.
China LITERALLY seized territory and threw out their British constitution a few months ago.
>(you) not seeing the big picture here
>The BIG issue
Folks in that exchange that lose assets are toast.

>> No.22827776

Hack or exit scam?

>> No.22827777


>> No.22827791
File: 391 KB, 1898x1290, 14B55333EB2243BB9B10200E3B7CDEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay guys Vitaldent will roll back the transactions and we'll get the actual Ethereum 2.0 with the hacker's funds staying at Ethereum 1.0 (soon to be called Eth Classic) not to be confused with the actual Ethereum Classic (soon to be called Ethereum Oldschool)
It was skelly's plan all along don't worry everything's gonna be alright.

>> No.22827805

They'll wait until it bottoms then go "hey guys we have funds now, here's the reimbursement of $2M worth of shitcoins!"

>> No.22827828

Not even half a weekly sergey dump

>> No.22827834
File: 94 KB, 635x1078, pureevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22827836

>Tends to happen when you buy OBVIOUS FUCKING SCAM tokens.

>> No.22827841

i can still trade, is this normal?

>> No.22827844

brainlet here, how the fuck is the hacker still transferring shitcoins if the withdrawals are suspended?

>> No.22827849

Can I get a uniswap link to Ethereum Oldschool?

>> No.22827855

The funds are going to uniswap, and will probably be dumbed hardcore. CZ just killed two competitors with one hit through proxy

>> No.22827860

So uhh...how is kucoin saying anything is fine? User coins may be safe, but what happens if the exchange just fucking dies? Not your keys.

>> No.22827865

everything in that wallet is his

>> No.22827868

He has root access to their wallets (the keys to sign), he is not using their website for anything.

>> No.22827869

>Use Kucoin
>Get cucked out of your coins

Like Pottery

>> No.22827872

We don't know for certain that is the hacker wallet, it is only presumed to be

wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.22827879

I'm not actively up to date on China. Geopolitically bearish on China definitely. They could seize assets I suppose, big if true. However, these aren't your typical assets. If your theory is right it should be very fascinating to see how/if people manage to get their funds out of the exchange. Motive? Is CCP going to take that risk? Might fuck multinational corporation ties.

>> No.22827890

>User coins may be safe
Nope, your coins aren't yours anymore. Good lesson in not-your-keys-not-your-coins.

>> No.22827904

So how does this guy cash out into fiat without getting caught?

>> No.22827905
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1585614718458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger Coin

>> No.22827920

Fuck I had over $30k in shitcoins on Ku. A third of my net worth.

How fucked am I??

>> No.22827925

Anon is asking the right questions.
>What if the exchange goes bankrupt
Anons don't even know what's in play..
>China took over HK
>What if exchange goes bankrupt?
>What if insurance company goes bankrupt?
>What if China PRC says... fuck you
Kukoin folks are playing with fire.

>> No.22827927

uhh no? cryptopia?

>> No.22827932


I unironically have 80k DBC still sitting in my kucoin wallet. It's pretty comfy knowing that even the scammers probably aren't interested in taking it.

>> No.22827942

Time to wake up fuckface.

>> No.22827944

That's my question too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.22827957

kucoin is based in Singapore not china

>> No.22827961

Precisely my reaction.

>> No.22827988

Did you buy the kucoin dip? :]

>> No.22827989

kek, underrated

>> No.22827993

it's like the people's republic

>> No.22828019

Brainlet here guys... how can I still trade on kucoin? Does this mean my acct wasn't effected?

>> No.22828035

No one here can answer that

>> No.22828039

it means (You) are the hacker.

>> No.22828044

Server is not blockchain

>> No.22828061

cryptopia and all of my raiblocks would like a fucking word with you

>> No.22828063

How does he cash out into fiat without getting caught?

>> No.22828073

Y'all get yourself some JBG token, everything will be all better.

>> No.22828088


>> No.22828104

you are literally trading a spreadsheet , not real tokens moving on chain

>> No.22828113


>> No.22828115

you cant cash out on uniswap.

>> No.22828128

All chinks are scammers

>> No.22828133
File: 171 KB, 1280x1024, 1600909874703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never store a large amount on a exchange. Member Mt. Gox?
Get monero and store it in a linux desktop wallet.

>> No.22828139

You can still trade, but you can't withdraw ever again. (because your coins are gone).
Trading still works because ithe exchange can still pretend that nothing happened.

>> No.22828144

you can swap it to private coins and steal liquidity

>> No.22828216

what happens if i sent ETH to my eth kucoin wallet like an hour ago while this was happening? it still hasn't gone through...they gotta unlock withdrawals eventually

>> No.22828250

I'm sorry anon

>> No.22828254

Why would you do that? Sending eth to kucoin during a security breach? fucking wow

>> No.22828269

The hacker likely has access to the wallet you've sent the ETH to. KuCoin even made the statement that no one should make deposits right now.
I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.22828296
File: 25 KB, 307x352, 1515994896976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what the fuck is up with Alchemy?

>> No.22828340

washing using privacycoins, then a little at a time

>> No.22828393

I had 1500 JNT in kucoin...bros....I lost everything....

>> No.22828411

Never a dull day in crypto lads!
The rest of the board is sleeping on this.

>> No.22828412

i didn't know there was a breach. I've been using kucoin for years to convert ETH from uniswap to BTC so i can cash out.

I noticed my ETH deposit wasn't coming in then saw the hack.

ill be fine. Was only 1 eth so anons here have it much worse.

>> No.22828414
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, EXedlohUcAI7n6v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The senior partner of kucoin looks like THAT?!

>> No.22828496

My balance still shows up

Im afraid to sell or move into tether

I havent lost anything im sorry for the ones that did

>> No.22828509


>> No.22828519

not real coins. its a spreadsheet. i asked the same question anon. sad

>> No.22828534
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x800, KucoinHackedAHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22828543


>> No.22828542


Kek it’s gone if you send it during the daxk as opposed to the people who just sat on their shit.

>> No.22828554

Every erc-20 shitcoin from Kucoin onto Uniswap

>> No.22828556

to anyone who has/had a KuCoin account to make sure you don't have the same email/pass on other crypto accounts. That's bad practice anyway, but if you do, assume it could now be compromised and change it.

>> No.22828562

Hi Donnie Glowfag nigger

>> No.22828568

Everyone uses 2fa bro

>> No.22828583

2FA can be hacked as well (spoofing). Not a bad idea to change pw's.

>> No.22828585

They wouldn't be able to get through 2fa, right....?

>> No.22828591

>what is sim spoofing.
2fa is broken

>> No.22828595

Holy fuck I am.so happy I withdrew my nim a few weeks ago

>> No.22828609

Even so, do you want hackers to have your login info? Social engineering comes into play as well. Even if it's a 0.001% chance, don't be too sure and regret it later.

>> No.22828621

Kuckcoin's wallets got drained.

>> No.22828622

What coins are the worst affected though? What does the hacker have most of?

>> No.22828627

Just use a password manager and randomly generate passwords for everything and then don't get a virus like a retard

>> No.22828645

We're talking about the auth app here, right? How would someone gain access to that?

>> No.22828651

Use google auth for 2fa, if you're using you're phone number for it you're gonna get rekt

>> No.22828658

I thought I was retarded for withdrawing my pleb stacks into a wallet and taking the withdrawal fees. I still have some btc on kucoin but feels good man

>> No.22828670

Look for yourself:

>> No.22828681

Lots of AMPL, OCEAN, ETH, other shitcoins I don't care about

>> No.22828701

Yeah, it's probably a non issue, but still prudent to change your pw's if you use the same pw for Kucoin.

>> No.22828713

Oh lawdy, so are tokens like ampl and ocean fucked because they're relatively fragile? I have a stake in both, should I tether up?

>> No.22828729

Depends on what he decides to do with them. Maybe sell half and buy any dip? I doubt he would try selling all at once, would just shoot himself in the foot.

>> No.22828750

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.22828816

Not the tokens, they will bounce back. The liquidity pools are fucked, those providing liquidity are fucked, those that took loans and played the shitcoin game on uniswap are fucked, and of course Kucoin has to deal with a giant reputation lose, and is fucked. One hit, two less competitors

>> No.22828921
File: 241 KB, 1125x1121, 1567124717146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, bait, haha, I got you guys good haha

>> No.22828928
File: 17 KB, 262x228, 1309226229268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so all withdraws and deposits have been frozen and this guy is still pulling and you're telling me this isn't an inside job?

>> No.22828949

Another troll post?
The hacker has the private keys, he doesn't need the website's withdraw function.

>> No.22828992



>> No.22829025

>price of btc in the background
oh boy this is going to be good

>> No.22829033
File: 29 KB, 467x467, ChangingColorsIllusion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KuCoin could just start moving all their tokens themselves though, right? To new wallets? Before the thief moves them?

>> No.22829058

Just checked my account all is still there. A big nothingburger

>> No.22829061

someone should make a part 2 thread soon

>> No.22829076

another retard that doesnt know how a cex works

>> No.22829081

you should apply for a job at kucoin i'm they'll hire you

>> No.22829083
File: 50 KB, 1224x742, 1585860330673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he doing with this? Is this all the wallets he plans to use to sell with later on?



>> No.22829090

I think that is probably what is happening. A thief would have had that shit transferred in a few minutes

>> No.22829115

good one

>> No.22829124

It maintains that, while its hot wallets were hit, its cold wallets are safe. Moreover, it claimed in its announcement, "If any user fund is affected by this incident, it will be covered completely by KuCoin and our insurance fund."



>> No.22829148

check this out


already hitting exchanges

>> No.22829348
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>> No.22829376

the only coin i ever traded on this shitform is ampl
>im going to spend $20 on gas to dab off normals

>> No.22829555


I wish I was smart enough to understand what someone does in this position in terms of cashing out.

>> No.22829661

So what..exchanges are 90% cold storage wallets and are fully insured, they are just locking it down so they dont get haxxored again, back up in a day or two

>> No.22829669
File: 490 KB, 810x900, find you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.
So let's summarize.
>kucoin gets hacked
>people think it's this wallet.
>that's actually kucoin's new wallet because they learned of the leak, quickly transferred to a new hot wallet to stop any thievery
>they didn't announce anything to stop the thief from being alerted
So what is the thief's actual address?

>> No.22829697

He said they would post it later

>> No.22829817

If that's the kucoin wallet, why are they sending tether to mxc?

>> No.22829870

I'm doing my own research to figure out who the actual thief wallet is.

Where did he do that? I see them tethering up for a certain amount, but where did he send the tether to the exchange?

>> No.22829889

Are you saying that this is the thief wallet?