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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22764611 No.22764611 [Reply] [Original]

What career paths are actually worthwhile? No meme answers like CS.

>> No.22764647


>> No.22764659

Just buy kneepads and start sucking dicks. It's a stable job at least.

>> No.22764660

I'm not joking but computer science is unironically the best career path. You literally get paid to google things you don't know how to do.

>> No.22764661

How am I suppose to find a job?

>> No.22764666

Finance and accounting

>> No.22764683


>> No.22764685


Well what do you like doing and what are your talents?

>> No.22764690


t. Unemployed Law grad without a min wage job 1.2 years out

At least I got my narcolepsy diagnosed

>> No.22764698

CS and IT are the only reliable memes. If you already have a Bachelor's and can afford to NEET for half a year, just self-teach and do Leetcode exercises once you're somewhat competent.

>> No.22764701

Make autistic and edgy videos on youtube for max profit. Let them know you mean business, and don't be afraid to scream into the camera.

>> No.22764721

How does that even happen?

>> No.22764777

economics -> civil service

>> No.22764793

I just dont have faith in CS. The amount of majors coming out of college makes my stomach turn and the fact that you can be qualified for a 65k job 6 months after training sounds like a recipe for over saturation. And the fact that big companies are shilling litterarly everyone to enter the field isn't making prospects look any better.

>> No.22764801
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>mfw I got an oversaturated CS degree from a mid-tier university and as expected /biz/ and /g/ screeched like howler monkeys that I should have done something else
>25 years old and just accepted my first six figure position despite being nowhere near the best in my field
Fact of the matter is if you aren’t a social retard, a STEM degree is the easiest way to get a high (not top) tier salary. Doesn’t take insane amounts of school like being a doctor, doesn’t ruin your joints like being a tradesman, doesn’t take being in the top 1% of your profession like being a salesman. Medium level of effort for a high payoff, which you can then use to reach the top by putting it into crypto.
You fags will now LARP as millionaire tire shop owners to poo-poo my easy path to success as is your standard coping mechanism. Give it to me.

>> No.22764817

My gpa is average thanks to being bedridden through most of uni. I still have a cv pumped with extra curriculars, but it means fuck all apparently.

I've been applying for everything from junior law roles to supermarket and call centre positions. I still have enough beyond the funcoin crash to buy rope, thankfully

>> No.22764845

Where do you live?

>> No.22764853

How medium tier? I’m at low t30 and it feels insufficient

>> No.22764857

Public Service

>> No.22764870

>The amount of majors coming out of college makes my stomach turn
Yes, but most of them are either smelly autists that will never get hired because they bring up anime and video games and their interviews, and another huge chunk are #GrrlCoders that can’t even do Fizzbuzz.
>and the fact that you can be qualified for a 65k job 6 months after training sounds like a recipe for over saturation.
It pays that highly quickly because if you aren’t a retard you can be valuable that quickly.

>> No.22764921

Colorado Springs though my position is a remote one out of Denver
Typical Statename State University school (Colorado State University in my case)

>> No.22764925


Will ALL be literally automated away by Open AI's next gen AI within 15 years

Stay away from coding or accounting, it's going the way of hand made textiles after the invention of the loom, except imagine the looms just required someone to say "ok faggot gimme a real pretty rug for the missus" and out pops a finest persian

>> No.22765014

Wtf why is it taking so long?!?! /g/ told me my career would be over 2 years ago!

>> No.22765017

Same here. Recently graduated from a decent, cheap university. Was making $30 an hour as an intern for a Fortune 50 company, then they hired me on at $70k right out of school. I do less than an hour of work daily and since wfh it has become even more leisurely. I can easily net a bigger salary elsewhere, but I'm in no rush to leave and currently soaking up the resume "experience". They'll also pay for 90% of my Masters if I so choose to pursue it.

>> No.22765078

>muh AI
why do people who are tech illiterate always use the AI meme

what has the MSM done to brainwash you people as to what AL and ML are

>> No.22765082

Based. Most of 4chan doesn’t understand how to make the system work for you. And you’re doing it right, that’s essentially what I did, and now I’ve moved onto a still large enough company that my real work per week is <20 hours, but small enough that I could command a higher salary with my experience.

>> No.22765088

I don't see it getting automated but getting simplified. Kinda like how squares pace and wordpress made websites accessible to small businesses.

>> No.22765104

If you're a web dev pajeet, sure. Any jobs working with cybersecurity, AI, or data analytics/pipelining will simply become more and more in demand. We literally have more jobs than we can even fill twice over.

>> No.22765136

Trades can’t be outsourced or easily automated. Just sayin’

>> No.22765154

You're not, that's the point. What did you think all of that inflation and illegal immigrantion was allowed for?

>> No.22765165

I got laid off from a web dev position back in March. Was a fresh grad, only worked 9 months. We used coldfusion versions 9-11 (old shit) server side and old javascript libraries. How the fuck do I get hired.

>> No.22765178

>Kinda like how squares pace and wordpress made websites accessible to small businesses.
Even today there are still legions of dedicated Wordpress developers.
Small companies don’t just make their own websites and maintain them, they stumble through the most basic stuff and then hire a freelancer or web dev firm to come in and actually create it for them.
Granted, I don’t want to touch php or Wordpress personally, but there’s still an abundance of good-paying jobs out there for it.

>> No.22765188

So will everything else.
The point of CS is to effortlessly make a 6 figure salary in 1-3 years’ time. Then you can save up your money for several years before the AI finally takes over.
You are gonna have a hard time doing that with any other major.
Also, working from home is the best.

>> No.22765257

don't do computer science cuz like, computers will be writing code soon n shiet

>> No.22765271

1) find a junior level web dev position
2) highlight your projects/successes with that company in your resume and cover letter
3) in your cover letter, take some time to say something to the effect of “Though you may use [Angular/React/Insert modern JS framework here], my experience with [your tools you have experience with] gives me a strong background to quickly pick up and learn the nuances of [thing they’re hiring for] blah blah blah...”

>> No.22765288

You're laughably ignorant if you think decades of legacy systems will vanish in ten years. Most of our financial, governmental, and medical systems are still built upon ancient Fortran code. You aren't going to magic wand that all away with some AI meme you don't even understand.

>> No.22765351

Wouldn’t archaic, legacy systems be the easiest for soft ai to master? I mean if I were an ai dev, what you just described (especially government maintenance contracts) would be the low hanging fruit I’d be grabbing for

>> No.22765387

Are engineering degrees a meme? I haven't been able to even get internships, let alone a full time job

>> No.22765407

>graduated with biochem degree
>prepared for med school, took MCAT, got accepted at 3 schools
>started med school
>realized after 2 months I hated it and never even had an interest in "medicine" to begin with and was just thinking about the money/prestige

anyone more JUSTed than me?

>> No.22765432

>muh trades poster has absolutely zero fucking idea about what AI development even is
Color me shocked. The sad thing is I do agree with the notion that more people should go into trades, I support you fags getting more people. But then for all your righteous indignation about nobody appreciating what you do, you then try to talk shop in an area you clearly know nothing about, and out comes verbal diarrhea.
What you’ve essentially just said is that if a building was built before 1980 (or pick a year you like), robots can now do 100% of the maintenance on it.

>> No.22765444

Take the all loans they throw at you and buy crypto.

>> No.22765470

I have a masters in chemistry and wish I had done a trade instead. You’re an unpleasant person and I hope that you never make it

>> No.22765476

You have a biochem degree, you can get hired just fine. I have friends my age that did almost the exact same thing, did biochem as their undergrad for med, then withdrew from med school before even starting to get a masters at a local school and they’re doing just fine.

>> No.22765495

People were saying the same thing in 2012. Real AI doesn’t exist and it’s going to take a lot longer to automate jobs away than you kids think.

>> No.22765508

> You’re an unpleasant person and I hope that you never make it
Too late! Don’t say stupid shit and you won’t get mean responses. Sometimes it really is best to just not talk when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nobody will think less of you for it.

>> No.22765538

Define made it asshat

>> No.22765549

I'm 28 and have only had memejobs. I looked for like 2 years after graduating and found nothing except garbage. Biochem is a meme because it's not profitable. Jobs around me are all medical or engineering.

not going to jail to gamble on fake money peddled by NEETs on a korean pachinko forum

>> No.22765558

Read the thread.
Don’t talk out of your ass about AI and software development and I won’t talk out of my ass about chemistry since that’s not my field of knowledge. Deal?

>> No.22765594

Fair enough but you’re still some wagie codemonkey. If that’s making it for you, I’m very sorry

>> No.22765634

A highly paid wagie code monkey with plenty put away. You on the other hand went from muh trades to muh chemistry to muh-muh-muh six figures at 25 isnt good. I’m not saying I don’t believe that you’ve done well, but you’ve changed your tact and life story three times now. Something doesn’t add up, why post about trades and how you regret your degree if you’ve made it?

>> No.22765674

Marijuana Farmer. Micro-Grower is probably the best route but if you have the funds and means, an industrial setup would net you millions a year for minimal work.

>> No.22765753

Pharmacy is pretty comfy outside of flu season when it gets busy. I'm making $180k+ in suburban Atlanta.

>> No.22765756

>minimal work

kek you've never grown in your life

>> No.22765777

Merchant marines
>get paid to pilot ships all over the world
>fuck a new girl at every port
>maybe kill a pirate

>never deal with a female ever
>never waste time on the general public
>get paid to do shit that can never be automated
>don't be a retard and eventually you'll a boss

>get paid six figures and more to locate oil and precious metals
>see the world, fuck bitches

>> No.22765787

An entire thread dedicated to wagies on /biz/ doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.22765822

Look into clinical trials field, it's booming and dominated by women with science degrees so it's easy to get ahead, I started 50k with a BS from a good school,no effort work remote. 1 year later promoted 90k, again fully remote position, no stress. I'm set for life

>> No.22765870

>No meme answers like CS.
ok try prostitution

>> No.22765911
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Linked had this anonymous internal discussion thing about diversity and the whole chat was filled with things like, "why does diversity matter, shouldn't it be skills that are the most important?" and they had to do this whole giant apology and list all these reasons as to what they were doing to fix the toxic mindset that their employees secretly had.


>> No.22765941

Fucking this.
it's a pain in the ass, in order to optimize the yield you need to learn a lot of stuff, then you need to constantly monitor everything even if your installation is relatively automated after investing a lot of money into all the equipment because if you screw up 1 time bye bye to your high yield.
Then you have to find a guy that buy your shit as a good price and that's also not that easy. On top of the stress from being caught by the gestapo, huh I mean "government".

>> No.22765987

>>get paid six figures and more to locate oil and precious metals
Most geologists I know work for the public sector and make pretty mediocre amounts. You’re right that they do travel a lot though, if you’re into that.
If you want to make six figures in oil and gas, become a chemical engineer. You don’t make quite as much as Petroleum/extraction engineers but you also get better stability, as the job market is only somewhat dictated by the price of oil as opposed to completely like it is for Petros.
t. Best friend is a petroleum engineer and know multiple geologists

>> No.22766028

nothing is worth while. death is the best options.

>> No.22766070

being a neet

>> No.22766085

Chiropractor, nurse, plumber, electrician mechatronics that’s all I can think of

>> No.22766134

Unless you stay too long and end up dying in your sleep of a heart attack, cubicles can and will silently kill you if you don’t keep your health in check

>> No.22766140

If strong AI actually comes into existence you'll either be killed off or paid to sit at home forever. Before that happens programming of some form is immune to automation.

>> No.22766168

Unironically any kind of blue collar work.
Plumbing, HVAC, SCADA, masonry, mining, forestry, and dozens of other niche electronics and engineering fields that I'm forgetting.

The reasons being the barrier for entry is a lot easier than other career fields, the work is challenging, and you will never get tasked with dealing with customers the way IT does.

>> No.22766197

Sales and business development.
Just learn to weed out the meme companies

>> No.22766205

You will if you want to make more than $50k/year.

>> No.22766222

as an electrical engineer, even if you have the shittiest experience, grades, no internship, bad resume, shit at design, you can always be a technician monkey for $20/hr minimum. then you can work your way up to an actual engineer. not sure if its worth the engineering course autism though.

>> No.22766248

Plumber. This job is not cookie cutter enough to automate while you are practicing it. You can also barter services to people to get services from other professionals (dentists, lawyers, automechanics, whatever). Getting these things in kind instead of having to spend post tax income is good.

Learn finance in your spare time and use your trades money to invest. You might be able to go in on distressed real estate with other contractors and access opportunities other people just don't get to. If you don't do that, you can just get good at stocks and speculative plays and try to beat out inflation.

If the bombs drop, you still have a useful skill. You can help get water and sewage working in communes. If you practice for a decade or so, you should pick up some electrical and home maintenance by osmosis.

>> No.22766283

Oh yeah, one other big plus, at least to me, is that blue collar work allows you to live outside of big cities. Most other fields, especially IT, is heavily concentrated in large, metropolitan areas. It's hard to be a cyber security analyst outside of Washington D.C. or Maryland, but you can be a plumber anywhere.

>> No.22766322

Still CS. I have such a severe personality disorder and problems taking care of my appearance that it’s impossible for me to keep friends, date, or pass any kind of “cultural/personality fit” interview and I still make $140k.
It’s the only game there is.

>> No.22766356

Psychologist reporting in. Pay isn’t as good as I’d hoped, but at least I’m damn certain my role couldn’t be automated

>> No.22766745

OpenAI is just a bunch of uncreative leetcoders jerking each other off. They will never produce anything worthwhile, much less code generation.

>> No.22767013

Its pedantic, but what do you mean by worthwhile? Are you trying the MMM route of retiring by 30 or looking for a job you can enjoy doing until 65? I fell into a civil service job and the pay is bleh and the benis shrink every year but I get to get paid to eat McDonalds and fuck around on a boat once a month. Wildlife management is a bluecollar dream if you dont care about money. Getting paid to trawl and eat walleye stew aint a bad life even if its a poor one.

>> No.22767485

you must interview well, and be already gunning for an internship literally anywhere within your field if your picky, or engineering in general, by sophomore year of undergrad. Get two done by graduation and you should be set. Youve heard all of the same old advice before. But whats your major, age and where do you live (region)?

>> No.22767541

Actuarial science

It pays like mid-tier finance jobs but you don't need an Ivy league degree to find a job.

You need to pass a bunch of exams though.

>> No.22767737

Trying getting through the interview or ecen an interview without experience.

t. No official cs worj experience or degree....cant even get a tech support job

>> No.22767752

t. Unemployed business degree holder no job over a year, had degree for a few years btw

Also dont recommend suicide.

>> No.22767789

business degrees are actual memes unless you go to a top 10 mba school

>> No.22767967
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Kleros Juror probably

>> No.22768336

>he read a buzzfeed article
kek if you knew anything about programming, AI, or machine learning, you'd know that machines don't write get code. better than indians, but that's it.

>> No.22768453

I’m just trying to get into cyber security

>> No.22768599

Cyber security expected 500% growth over next 10 years

>> No.22768758

Thanks for this post boys, I hooked up a local repo I was working on months ago to remote and now I'm ready to rock and roll.

>> No.22768786

Grocery store clerk

>> No.22769186

What about data science/analysis?

>> No.22769423

Your lack of attention to detail is why I wouldn't hire you. Get a cert or two at least if no experience.

>> No.22769458
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