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22759674 No.22759674 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22759848

Honestly what is even happening? Everything is down again today, but especially the fiat hedges seem to be hit hard. I mean I bought metals and crypto at a time, when I knew that things will go down again and I'm still a little in the money. I will certainly buy more on the way down. But god damn give me some kind of explanation, I really don't know how to explain this right now. Especially Silver, WTF?

>> No.22759911

Prices go up and prices go down. Ours is not to reason why

>> No.22760004
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>he didn't tether up

>> No.22760023
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>> No.22760027

sure, but if something very specific happens there needs to be some type of explanation. Like a shift in public opinion or something. If it's only one asset class it can be random. But if literally everything is going donw including the fiat hedges, it's very weird. So everybody and their mother is suddenly interesting in buying big into dollars or what?

>> No.22760107

It really makes not much sense. Inflation is going up right? So why is the dollar increasing? All hedges vs the dollar should go up, not the other way around. Very weird.

>> No.22760142

totally wild guess here, but with all the QE there are quite a few entities just sitting on billions and billions of liquid usd, not circulating it, they don’t give a fuck if everything crashes relative to their massive stockpiles, they can just buy in later and have an even more absurd advantage than they do now

>> No.22760171

What in the flying fuck happened.

>> No.22760293

I don't think inflation is going up, they want it to go up, but we are in extremely deflationary teritory because of COVID. Sure with all their printing and bond and stonk inflation, at some point there is a high chance of this bleeding into fiat. But the clear winner today seems to be the dollar. However I don't think it's because people want to be in dollers, it seems more like a general low energy panic. Maybe all the robin hood idiots are getting nervous? But I don't think they invested much in Silver, they are more in Tesla, Amazon and Apple and overpriced shit like that.

Those people clearly exist and many whales are waiting on the sidelines. But to me it doesn't explain who excatly is selling currently all their assets across the board, for no apparent reason. Maybe there is something going on with institutional investors? Some regulatory problems they ran into, being overexposed to speculative assets or something in those lines?

>> No.22760348

We have a tendency to look for simple solutions to complex problems. We’re so inclined to do so we’ll find patterns that don’t actually exist. As to a specific trigger to this sell-off: it’s complicated

>> No.22760431

The world economy was shut down for 6 months and the only thing keeping markets afloat was QE money from central banks. The money spigot has been turned off and now the real implications of shutting down the economy are setting in.

Remember that every time QE is used to prop up markets, the potential crash just becomes even more devastating.

The Fed will do more QE and we will "recover," meaning that the wealthy class who make their money from these asset bubbles will recover, and an ever increasing chunk of the population will slip into poverty. Markets will recover in price, but at a certain point it won't mean anything because there's no economy left and virtually everyone is poor. That's when QE stops working because money no longer has any value with no economy in which to spend it, and hyperinflation sets in. After this there will be years of economic depression and social instability, and at some point strong men will emerge and fix it.

>> No.22760465
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well nothing much, but it's the second overall pretty red day all across the board. Silver is hit especially hard. There seems to be no good explanation for why this is happening.

But like >>22760348 said, it's certainly complicated and who knows. But I personally would like some kind of theory, who is selling and why. Because it's certainly not the gold and silver bugs.

>> No.22760550

if you were here since 2017 (same september btw;) you would be numb to the pain

>> No.22760552

this is my general mind set as well, but I don't understand why metal and crypto is tanking so hard as well, even harder than the assets that actually shut tank. Usually first the stonks tank and then the hedges follow, because of margin calls and because people want to buy the dips. But right now it almost seems like the opposite.

>> No.22760630
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I have no clue why the fuck everything is getting raped by red dildos. Kek save us all
> mfw down 70% since personal ath

>> No.22760664

T H E G R E A T R E S E T 1st chapter

>> No.22760681

You can invoke price suppression on the part of the bullion banks if you like. Personally I’d say silver is/was overbought and the cure for high prices is high prices, but I expect it’s more complex than I can fully appreciate

>> No.22760755

Or is it maybe because DJI, SPX and NDAQ have been slowly but surely gone down during all of September and now people are running out of steam. Especially the leveraged idiots?

not really sure if it was ever overbought, when you consider that the FED is determined to completely dump the dollar into the ground. Last time when they started with this shit silver went to 50$ and this time it's clearly worse and people all over should be in full on bank run panic mode. Not saying that 50$ silver is necessarily rational, but this should happen when people get worried.

>> No.22760833

I can only speak for myself but I’ve been slowly dca’ing into a PM stack for almost a decade. I’m not buying at today’s prices, but to be fair I’m not selling either. Silver is volatile, it’s just how it do

>> No.22761576
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Zoom out faggots!!!

>> No.22761581

1k btc eoy

>> No.22761635


>> No.22761920

When will you start buying again? I’m also trying to DCA but even then I get dumped on another 30-50%.

>> No.22761957
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What the fuck, I go do something else for 2 hours, come back, and everything I hold took a nosedive???????????

>> No.22762865

I would recommend just slowly but surely buy into it. If you consider that only recently Silver was around 30$ this is already a pretty good discount. The crisis is nowhere near over and the consequences of the FED printing will slowly creep in over the next years. Changes are that Silver will drop down to 10-12$ again, when the stonk market finally completely crashes. But who knows, this might be your best discount in the next 5 years. Just never go all in and kind of buy in a way you can justify with yourself.

>> No.22762883

>2nd relief bill has been in the works for a while, but kept getting stalled. There was some hope that congress could work something out before the election, but Ginsberg died so now replacing her is going to be the main focus, and congress isn't even pretending a relief bill is coming any time soon.
>first day of fall yeaterday, turn of the weather for the colder reminds everyone that the coronavirus will only get worse over the winter months.
>news reports saying that a return to normal won't happen until 3rd quarter of 2021 at the earliest
>uncertainty surrounding upcoming election

>> No.22763395

good info, but shouldn't this all be super bullish for metals and crypto?

>> No.22764375

My deal is that I can buy in cash in person up to $2000 CAD without kyc. When I can buy gold below that again I’ll start acquiring more. I’d be loading up on platinum but my local guys are all out of stock. I already have too much silver