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File: 1.61 MB, 1494x1644, JRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22725496 No.22725496 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly not surprising considering he admitted to using BRAVE browser a few podcasts ago.

>> No.22725523

apparently the use-case is determining consensus on news online. JRT will determine what is fake news and what is reliable via the blockchain. Interesting.

>> No.22725526

will be called JET (JRogan Experience Token)....pronounced JEET

>> No.22725581

what podcast?

>> No.22725614

the reggie watts one i believe

>> No.22725625

the biggest unit is called a joe and the smallest unit (18th decimal place) is a roe.

>> No.22725653


i'm more inclined to believe that they'll be called rogans.

I'm planning on stacking at least 10k Rogans before he runs for president in 2024

>> No.22725658

the sluttiest one is a hoe

>> No.22725815



>> No.22725831

will it be pegged to elk meat?

>> No.22725842

I think it's impossible for this to work.
It's going to be what a proof of stake, and token issuance is given to nodes who grade stories correctly?

This is just going to look like reddit 2.0.
Every conflict has several sides of a story, and verifying which is fake or not isn't up the wisdom of the crowd.
Journalists with a track record are the most legit, but they all seem to get the Michael Hasting or Julian Assange treatment when they become successful.

>> No.22726081
File: 19 KB, 536x479, 1600286041762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it what Chainlink is supposed to do? Deliver definitive truth?

> my face when Joe rogan is the next Chainlink killer

>> No.22726181

when will we get kylie koins? I only buy the most luxurious of scams

>> No.22726258
File: 73 KB, 1600x900, 105439429-1536353186931screen-shot-2018-09-07-at-4.45.51-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we need is like joe rogan token oracles to like grade every news story.

>> No.22726453
File: 81 KB, 1000x562, 1594558085732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> it's very simple Joe, really. So fundamentally, the nodes each write a different article, and we hash them, then take the median of all the hashes, and de-hash, and deliver it to the market. This is how we achieve irrefutable, anonymised definitive truth

>> No.22726501

Hey Jamie whats up, good work on the podcast brother... next time get Joe to shill his own coin though, ya?

>> No.22726656

This is bullish for all of crypto, but this thing will be going to saturn regardless of if it works or not just off his name alone.

>> No.22726680


Joe Rogain is literally irrelevant

>> No.22726713

Will I get a discount on steroids and HGH if I pay in Rogans?

>> No.22727073


>> No.22727301
File: 6 KB, 222x227, joejoeyjoejoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RoganCoin(DMT) surpassed Bitcoin in 2022 to become the dominant cryptocurrency, just as the crypto sphere gained widespread acceptance and was ushered in as the next evolution of the internet
>All businesses now conduct commerce and resolve contracts through the RoganChain
>Companies spend thousands per month on DMT for gas
>JOEracles provide data from almost every event that occurs on earth into a Blockchain distributed across trillions of supercomputers in the Earth’s crust
>Joe Rogan has become the world’s wealthiest man, and is tipped as the next president of the USA
>Joe sits in a control room conducting podcasts with all the information of the world at his disposal
>”Jamie, pull up that livestream of that guy in Hong Kong taking a shit”
>Video appears of a man in his own home, watched by microscopic JOEbots that roam the earth, as numerous now as bacteria
>Joe chokes laughing and passes the blunt to Bill Clinton, who is appearing on the show
>”Jesus, look at the size of that thing. That must be tearing his ass apart, son”
>Jamie, no longer occupies the studio with Rogan
>He is trapped in a subterranean steel cube with his arms and legs pinned, an IV drip for sustenance, and a constant feed of the information gathered by JOEbots fed through JOEracles to neural connectors in his brain, allowing him to pick and relay information to Joe’s projector.
>Back in the studio Joe is watching chimp UFC 4, which he privately funds

>> No.22727540

>Joe achieves apotheosis and begins running the world from the shadows
>Satan is now jealous of Joe instead of God

>> No.22728055

I assume the code will be audited by chimps and gas prices paid in weed and dmt