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22716380 No.22716380 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss the only cryptocurrency that matters, Bitcoin, here.

>> No.22716447

bsv is bitcoin, there is not much else to say except btc is a zombie with last dead cat bounce completed

>> No.22716517

Not much to say about BSV being Bitcoin, true. What about applications? I have been out of the crypto for a good while now.

>> No.22716529
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Will Libertas be a serious competition to data storage on bitcoin sv?

>> No.22716551

There is only Bitcoin

>> No.22716622

there is big secret stuff going on and lots being built

>> No.22716811

Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn't have the keys used to sign this message.

The Lightning Network is a significant achievement. However, we need to continue work on improving on-chain capacity.

Unfortunately, the solution is not to just change a constant in the code or to allow powerful participants to force out others.

We are all Satoshi



>> No.22716849

What is to be discussed? We are at cape canaveral. Massive normie funding due to endless qe and low interest rates incoming. Witnessed two boomer colleagues at their coffee break talking about this bitcoin that has only 21 million units and that you can buy it on a regulated exchange where your coins are insured against hacking.
My dick was rock hard.

>> No.22716895
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>discuss bsv
0 tps.
its dead

>> No.22716920
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>discuss bsv
patent portfolio's analyzed. 0 value
its dead

>> No.22716954
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>discuss bsv
average transaction value: $0
its dead

>> No.22716994

nice chart you absolute brainlet

>> No.22717028
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>discuss bsv
court case: lost
its dead

>> No.22717055

>he literally cant see the yellow line its so small

>> No.22717068

Look how terrified of it they are

>> No.22717090

dont stop posing im fucking dying over here

>> No.22717118


>> No.22717194

csw derangement syndrome detected

>> No.22717597

csw is the bitcoin judas of big blockers

>> No.22717834

If I owned the keys to 150 Bitcoin blocks mined in 2019 and the words “lightning network is a significant achievement” came out of my mouth, you have my full permission to shoot me dead.

>> No.22717864

2019 = 2009

>> No.22718021

Lol bsv is a network with roughly 400 nodes. It's a joke.

>> No.22718323
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>> No.22718756

Bored with BSV threads as they always end the same, haters looking like this

>> No.22718942
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Down to 290 nodes now. But its even worse...because of severe retardation a good portion of those nodes stopped updating several thousand blocks ago (gay csw failed upgrade). The result is there are only 213 active nodes on network.

Its an utter and complete failed project which no one uses.

>> No.22719138

there's actually only like a dozen nodes, retard. About the same as BTC, maybe more. Nodes create blocks, full stop.

>> No.22719387
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>> No.22719430

Raspberry Pi isnt node. Its only network spamer.

>> No.22719514

bsv tards can't get the concept right. Let me help:
* legislative branch (developers)
* judicial branch (independent nodes / wallets)
* executive branch (miners)

In this way there is a balance of power and it ensures that all parties reach consensus on important topics.

In your gay nigger-run tard version you have:

* Judicial + Legislative + Executive (nchain)

see how niggerfied and gay that is?

>> No.22719647

cause corecucks feel insecure about bsv and without fail, flood the thread with the same bullshit
it's very tiresome

>> No.22719816

Money doesn’t need governance unless you are or wanna be a (((central banker))). Bitcoin was created nearly perfect by a private entity within the laws of western civilization, core design set in stone, and if you don’t like it STIFF. Your checks and balances imply people will always be jockeying for position to change the protocol inside (((their))) paradigm but there’s no need if the protocol can’t change. The set of rules is established. Step outside the matrix.

>> No.22719867

>fully centralized coin response

>> No.22720031

If you want Bitcoin to not be Bitcoin that’s your prerogative, but don’t expect smart people to not call you out.

“The current system where every user is a network node is not the intended configuration for large scale. That would be like every Usenet user runs their own NNTP server. The design supports letting users just be users. The more burden it is to run a node, the fewer nodes there will be. Those few nodes will be big server farms. The rest will be client nodes that only do transactions and don’t generate.” — Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.22720700

sv is not bitcoin
never will be either

>> No.22720760
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>> No.22720800

it is a significant achievement tho but you can only appreciate it if you understand why 0-conf is total garbage bullshit

>> No.22720894

We’ll leave that up to the jurisdiction of law, which your ilk has been lucky to sidestep so far and is the only thing that really matters long term. It’s coming!

>> No.22720968

>We’ll leave that up to the jurisdiction of law
and how do you imagine that to happen you utter fucking retard? blockchains are global jurisdiction is local. imbecile.

>> No.22721037

also you may have a problem with code is law you may believe a court could order people to break protocol but if that would be true the all the bitcoins wouldn't worth the paper the whitepaper was printed on.
bitcoin only makes the slightest amount of sense if it's completely above the national laws.

>> No.22721276
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>Ali the Barber

>> No.22721326
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>> No.22721828

Code is law in exactly zero legal jurisdictions on the face of the Earth, no matter how many coalitions of pencil neck commies living within 50 miles of San Fran say so. Sorry to deflate your hopes and dreams.

>> No.22721857
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>literally the only coin that matters

>> No.22721887

>Code is law in exactly zero legal jurisdictions on the face of the Earth
doesn't matter that's the beauty of it. it's way stronger than any legal system. because it's basically a shared perception of reality. no court can change that.

>> No.22722046
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based literally poster literally posting literally the only literal posts that literally matter

>> No.22722103

Calvin sent another 50k to mumbai huh...

>> No.22722209

Techthiests in for a rude awakening. Most people on Earth dont want to be criminals and will understand that the common laws advanced human civilization has agreed on for 800 years Trump your 1s and 0s. In time your code is law solution will be relegated exclusively to the sewers of the Internet and no man or woman of good moral standing will touch it, if it’s even used at all.

>> No.22722320
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Jew shill detected

>> No.22722432

dude not even the worst dictatorships could enforce people thinking what they want. it doesn't work. especially won't work in the developed free world. you are all kinds of fucked with your bootlicking agenda.

>> No.22722846

Who’s telling people how to think? I’m simply stating a hypothesis, that most people like the laws that have protected concepts like property rights for centuries. If you stole 200 bitcoins from me and I could prove it in front of a jury of my peers, according to code is law I guess they’re yours but I doubt most people see it that way, in fact probably a very tiny minority. Are you one of those weird Defund the Police guys too?

>> No.22722970

they are mine on the bitcoin blockchain obviously and nobody can take them back. but the same would be true for a stolen and torched lambo.
the law does not those exact coins returned to work as the law and hold society together.
what kind of moronic thinking is that?
the law will make sure you are compensated but your bitcoins are gone forever unless returned willingly for reduced sentence.

>> No.22723130

"Hi Your Honor....well lets see how can I explain....I was in a biz arrangement with Ira's brother and we managed to get about 150 tons of gold....and I've managed to take that collateral and get a bunch of loans....well here's where it gets tricky....turns out all 150 tons of gold was locked in safes which I lost the key to and then the safes were accidentally dumped to the bottom of the ocean........so kinda what we are asking is, can you make a ruling that compels innocent 3rd party fishermen that they most go to bottom of ocean and retrieve those safes????"


>> No.22723149

>mathematical certainty is not real because laws n' shieeeet
>uncensorable protocols aren't real except for mine
>I get to have the ticker even though everyone thinks my project is fucking stupid and it currently does nothing and has little to no support
>And if I don't get my way I'll sue!

>> No.22723163


>> No.22723234

When BSV is king torture will be brought back. Problem solved. Tick tock

>> No.22723267

>not chad Iron ore

did yall niggas even play runescape


>> No.22723288

It's a sideshow for autists that will never be ready for production

>> No.22723320
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what’s that yellow dust?

>> No.22723324

It’s clear you guys think the target market for all crypto is people like you, which is why it hasn’t reached anywhere near one percent of its potential mass adoption in almost 12 years. Sure, work on your own chains and keep trying to sell it for any reason other than to make more fiat, and keep failing, while we bring BitCoin to the rest of the world.

>> No.22723335
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rofl you would have to first prove i have your coins. but you can't because it would be like proving i know a secret you don't even know.
impossible. so yeah courts of law would sanction torture based on unproveable assumptions... that's what your ideal world looks like?

>> No.22723355

it's pretty much in production but being a free forming network it's still in it's infancy. it will find it's ideal shape and molt as time goes by again and again.

>> No.22723381

>which is why it hasn’t reached anywhere near one percent of its potential mass adoption in almost 12 years
the main reason for that is the lack of need. adoption will happen when there is pressing need or advantage. crypto lacks both. it solves problems that the people who has access to it don't really need solving.

which is why it's still mostly a speculatory asset altho that's changing right this year.

>> No.22723417

>while we bring BitCoin to the masses
0 tps
only up from here...right creg?

>> No.22723436

core is laughing at this tiny little blank point which is called bsv.
fake volume
no legit exchanges
bot tx so it looks alive
no users
csw and calvin are on suicide watch, they are losing every single battle currently.

>> No.22723453

yeah, that why paul tudor jones dumped 1b into it...with JPM doing cash management and Fidelity acting as custodian....

get a grip. you picked the wrong horse and now the game is nearly over.

>> No.22723536

i was talking about normal people. i never said it will not see financial or institutional adoption. it may even replace digital fiat of course those would be central bank issued centrally validated cryptos not any existing project.
but that all doesn't matter. what bitcoin does nothing else can do. you can be your own bank. literally. you don't need anyone's permission for this either nor you have to trust anyone. and in a way that's immune to inflation moreso than metals. it just insane how quickly shitcoiners forgot about this they print themselves and each other to oblivion in a race to scam retards.

>> No.22723570

>he’s justifying picking his crippled horse with cancer and horseshoes made of cement.

>> No.22723571

Hello, sorry to go slightly off topic but what's your take on Crypto.com?

>> No.22723707

you know this is the most ridiculous shit i ever heard about crypto.
custodians... yeah. why do people insist on playing the same centralized trustful and fractional reserve games even with an asset that was designed to bypass the need for them?

>> No.22723779

Imagine if you could use your bitcoin to actually do something in addition to hoarding them for a rainy day. Imagine if you could earn bitcoin for thousands of activities, completely legally, without anyone’s permission or help, outside of legacy banks.
The fifth industrial revolution.

>> No.22723892

what's stopping you? oh yeah nobody wants to give you real bitcoins for your shitposting... damn.

>> No.22723948
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>> No.22723971

>what’s stopping you
>your imagination

>> No.22724103

Business. Spend a few days learning it, you might even consider tuning in to the upcoming Bitcoin conference which has actual business leaders discussing business applications. Much different than the crypto conferences you might be used to where bunch of nerds hand out stickers and jerk each other off while arguing over protocol tweaks. If you’re intelligent, you’ll start to get it.

>> No.22724162

Unfortunately, BSV will take a while longer to see any significant price upside. Other than that, it's BitCoin.

>> No.22724196

dude business doesn't need crypto business is perfectly fine with the current establishment which was made entirely to support it and coddle it.


>> No.22724419

Not my fault you can’t see the paradigm shift incoming. Sure most businesses might feel they don’t currently need crypto, that’s why we’re creating hundreds of new businesses. I’m sure out of a few thousand a handful will succeed, and the best thing is when just one succeeds all others get stronger, inspiring new entrants.
Yes, bitter benefactors of the current system will attack from all angles, both directly and covertly. And yes, they will fail to stop us.

>> No.22724725

>Sure most businesses might feel they don’t currently need crypto
in 2020 nobody that can afford it needs crypto for anything. most specifically business doesn't need crypto for anything.
the only people who need bitcoin are the ones shafted by inflation and redistribution constantly but are not rich to easily avoid it. and nobody needs the shitcoins.

>> No.22724765

>they will fail to stop us
delusions of grandeur
the entire crypto market cap is laughable joke to big money.

>> No.22724870

The fact that Rio Chain provides a bitcoin lending platform for their users is one to consider generous

>> No.22724945
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>listed companies dont need to find a place for $500M during eras of negative interest rates.
ok midwit

>> No.22725047

no they don't they have billions of options available to them. they may or may not choose to for the lulz but they sure as hell don't need it.

can't you fucking read?

>> No.22726274

Some people are deep in some shady shit and some became convinced they could hide their keys and come out to a fortune instead of getting assraped by feds, both literally and financially.
There are way more reliable and proven savings/money making ideas than BTC. Jfc you guys don’t get out much.

>> No.22726569
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>There are way more reliable and proven savings/money making ideas than BTC.
Yes goi buy our government bonds

>> No.22726638

>billions of options
name a cash equiv that microstrategy could've purchased. there are really only 2: gold / btc.
he bought btc because like paul tudor jones, see's it as being a winner this decade.

>> No.22726897

i need bitcoin because i live in a den of thieves and lying scumbags that will steal everything that is not nailed down but as time passes they will steal even the nails.

i know how this all ends. and i don't trust anything the law has control over because these criminals make the law.
they could buy any number of securities or assets to stave off inflation. which is the only reason not to hold cash. i completely understand why would someone pick bitcoin but i also understand why almost nobody does.

>> No.22727033

>any number of securities or assets
if you read up about the case of why microstrategy made that decision. saylor talks extensively about how he and board researched a ton of options and weren't even sold on bitcoin idea originally...but in the end it was best choice.
the "just buy an inflation protected asset" idea was the first one they debunked. after covid the prices of those ballooned up - as all govt inflation protected bonds did worldwide - it basically came down to gld / btc.

>> No.22727702

>he and board researched a ton of options
exactly my point. thx.
>after covid the prices of those ballooned up
well smart money bought the bottom not the top what can i say they woke up too late to buy the dip on stocks. there is also real estate land that can be leased out especially. productive assets acquiring other companies and so on. bitcoin is not something business needs. it's something whacky ceos may like tho.

>> No.22727731

>also real estate land
yes lets buy commercial real estate during an era when occupancy rates are 20% and politicians are making eviction illegal.

I wonder if saylor and board discussed that and came to similar conclusions....?

>> No.22727864

Like it or not BTC is just as much of a fork as BCH and BSV despite anyone’s personal feelings.
Side question: why do we believe some people when they say they own a ton of Bitcoin without showing keys if keys are the only way to know they own it 100%, and not believe other people?

>> No.22727899


gold is overvalued but it still would have been a much better choice than bitcoin. i'd be sweating bullets.

>> No.22727937

nah, you are an imbecile you think with poorfag money. business don't need to buy condos they can buy thousands of acres of productive land or land that will likely be developed in a few decades. even real-estate overseas. just stop sperging out! nobody that has real wealth needed crypto before. and not even now.
the people with barely anything to their name and no investment opportunities completely at the mercy of the predatory financial institutions and banks are the only ones that needed bitcoin. and only if they knew their government can turn on them any minute in a variety of ways. because otherwise gov bonds were available always.

>> No.22728016

>BTC is just as much of a fork as BCH and BSV despite anyone’s personal feelings.
some chains have enough liquidity to absorb 500M USD over 8 trades...others dont.

>Side question: why do we believe some people when they say they own a ton of Bitcoin without showing keys if keys are the only way to know they own it 100%, and not believe other people?
because tards like cults of personality. even if the idea that the successfully anonymous creator would bizarrely choose unmask himself in such an odd way while simultaneously refuse to actually prove it...they need leaders to such a degree that they will look past that. glorified daddy issues.

>> No.22728279
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At the end of the day BSV works and is growing in terms of use. Some coins only hope is to lure investors (speculators). We’ll see what happens.

>> No.22728513

>a million transactions of $0 value
>it works

>> No.22728515

I'm for Craig and BSV because we need a Satoshi who sucks cocks and eats ass and gets fucked in his ass with cocks and eats cum.

>> No.22728552
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>> No.22728584
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>> No.22728613

Your vision is too small. Very non Satoshi of you.
Low fees are good when your goal is to onboard the 99.9%.

>> No.22728764

BSV is capable of handling instant microtransactions for fees that are a fraction of a penny. Can your little faggot corecoin handle that, Bilderberg?

>> No.22728925

BSV blockchain contains CP and everyone who promotes this project or even has its blockchain on his HD will get investigated by the DoJ end of this year. They are currently preparing further meassures. Enjoy future assfucking.

>> No.22729050

>BSV blockchain has CP on it
I guarantee you BTC has 99.99x more CP on it than BSV

>> No.22729097

>instant transactions
>0-conf of course!!!
if you dont need confs why even have miners? just go ripple route and run it all out of mysql db.

>> No.22729151

Because of the big block size, it's easier to store CP files on BSV and easier to access. The CP you can find on the BTC blockchain needs to be extracted, converted, and so forth, way more complicated for final viewing. Also, it's easier for LE to go after a smaller and more centralized crypto than something like BTC.

>> No.22729364


>> No.22729758

Flippening when?

>> No.22730208

literally never

>> No.22730974

kek my schizo zoo general is still bumping

creg is not satoj and bsv will never amount to anything more than another scheme for creg.