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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22705591 No.22705591 [Reply] [Original]

I'm unironically in the top 30 of Statera holders and for some reason I'm feeling very confident about the future. If the crypto market has reached its bottom of this dip it's very likely that STA will break $1 within 2020, possibly even next month.

There's just way too much support for it to fade away and that's only biz. Eventually it will reach beyond biz and that will be a hell of a moon mission.

>> No.22705621

I'm sorry bro, but this coin died a while ago. it's never going back above .30, I'll be surprised if it goes above 0.10

how long have you been holding? you must have seen the writing on the wall.

>> No.22705624
File: 346 KB, 802x749, 0822E633-2218-4F6F-BA32-BBD9F14219F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is dead as fuck retard buy axia . that hasn’t been pumped and dumped to death. it has a similar concept, low mcap, and hasn’t been pumped and dumped. most statera holders went to axia

>> No.22705671

Based. Fellow day 1 STAtist here. Often immitated, never duplicated.

>> No.22705850

You do realize it's almost 10x from just two months ago? I bough in early june and have seen MUCH worse than what it's currenlty going through.

Claiming it's dead is just rediculous and desu I don't understand why people even bother to come into STA threads if they think so.

>> No.22706314

I am a top 25 wallet. I really want to get to the 1% mark.

>> No.22706357

This is a jeet scam

>> No.22706375

There are no jeets involved

>> No.22706379
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>> No.22706492

I have been accumulating this, but the targeted FUD campaigns have been getting to me. Why is it a good one? I get the tokenomics, but when, if ever, will it be on the normies radar? Plebbit posts about it are all you guys. I'm still researching to see what and when before I dump more into it

>> No.22706684

anyone that believes STA fud doesn't like money

>> No.22706760

Can't inflate you with any hopium rn :( No idea what the fuck is gonna happen from here on out. But, let it be known the dev wallet was airdropped something like 9,000 uni. Imagine the shilling.

>> No.22706806

Why would the dev wallet get airdropped uni, other than the 400 that everyone got?

>> No.22706820
File: 35 KB, 250x242, 1598404907371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are faggots that don't deserve STA
just sell now and buy rope
later you can tie each other's nooses

>> No.22706904

Liquidity providers were airdropped more UNI. The devs have a total of roughly 9700 UNI (of which 400 are in the donation wallet)

>> No.22706929

xBTC is basically a fundraiser for STA. Social Capital is just going to be able to make more and more projects and put STA in them or milk funds to funnel to statera.

What fud is even "getting to you". It has all been disproven again and again.

>> No.22706982

Why would that be a problem? Dev wallet spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on reimbursements and depleted the majority of their stack

>> No.22707053
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1598882097230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing but high hopes for sta

>> No.22707099

why :(

>> No.22707415

I'm not saying it is a problem? The devs holding 10k UNI is awesome as hell, just hoping they put them in good use.

>> No.22707476

is STAtesman enough to make it?

>> No.22707479
File: 74 KB, 300x300, F859FB99-E937-420D-910B-3A0DDA818022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here friend things are looking neat.

>> No.22707506

Oh, gotcha

>> No.22707794

no statera holders went to axia

>> No.22707895

Will hold till $5.30, all we gotta do is wait anon. STA will zoom in a bull run.

>> No.22708107

/biz/ is impatient and therefore shitting on STA, that's really what it is. Once it violently moons very soon, we'll see more threads shitting on it to go lower. Keep fudding biz.

>> No.22708115
File: 1016 KB, 1551x1012, F7F74A22-FF8A-4C2F-BD60-9CC10310A771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good that means weak hands are out and helped us burn even more tokens.

>> No.22708188

i meant no one sold statera for the sta killer of the week

>> No.22708231

imagine being such a coping bagholder
rope yourself

>> No.22708392

Imagine being so upset about a random altcoin that you waste your time actually replying in this thread even though you supposedly don’t care about STA at all.

>> No.22708395

You are retarded. OP is way up and does not need to cope. Do you not know that STA was at 1c not that long ago?

>> No.22708654

Post address, otherwise you're a pajeet larper.

>> No.22708693

This is a really comfy hold as long as you've been here early on. If you were here during the hack you had that dread about the project most likely dying. But it didn't and we're stronger for it. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.22708793

Statera started on biz. MOST of the top holders are from here. I was top 40 at one point

>> No.22708815

I'm top 200. Feels comfy.

>> No.22708856

Will say this is the only crypto I currently hold. I sold my eth and bitcoin. I'm afraid of what's to come for crypto in general, but have an incredibly strong belief in Statera.

>> No.22708885

how to tell how top i am

>> No.22708933


>> No.22708936

That's pretty based, I hope you are wrong about btc and eth though

>> No.22708958

I hope so too. Balancer seems to be doing a good job of keeping value comparative to other currencies. Bitcoin isn't down very much. If it fails, sta will also likely fail is the sad truth.

>> No.22708988

If STA hits 1$ I'm out. Gonna get an old 4runner and move to the country

>> No.22709017

top 100 wallet here. Also wallet holders have nearly doubled in the last 6 weeks. That's some fast growth.

>> No.22709043

although I'm top 100 if I combine my two wallets.

>> No.22709063
File: 472 KB, 676x798, 7F11E4CB-9B7F-431F-AF9E-0E29EF850B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True..sorry Anon my autism got the best of me there..

>> No.22709090

Do i pool my statera? Got a 10k stack

>> No.22709105

No, I would hold until the price goes up at least double, and then pool a percentage of it

>> No.22709122

STA is a shitcoin

>> No.22709132
File: 78 KB, 1079x585, D3682B2F-DC7D-4966-BB80-99F6F4F55BDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Anons said to wait if you it goes up it can mess up the pool or some shit I’m still trying to figure it out myself. But for sure I want to pool. Going to wait for pic related to happen.

>> No.22709198

My friend Sean is also a dumb nigger who doesn't believe in Statera future and you can both make a noose out of the same rope and KYS with it at Sametime for all I care. My blood bleeds blue for Statera and you simps can't change that

>> No.22709842

I bought the top when it was 30 cents. Still holding but feel like killing myself desu.

>> No.22710068
File: 347 KB, 1080x1308, 6CADD906-AB36-49A1-807C-6BEC46841C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience lad same here I got in around there but dollar costed in to this levels I got a good stack and I’m done adding to it. Now it’s just time to enjoy the waves.

>> No.22710112

I'm a top 15 holder and I'm not confident in the fact that the best option is to hodl. I should have swing traded during each version fuckup, bought the hack, pooled, etc.
Hindsight is just common sense. It was common sense to keep my shit in Tether when it dumps, pool when it crabs and swing trade. It was common sense to keep STA as a long-term HODL with 1M tokens.
I'm not very confident the liquidity will improve in the long run considering how little liquidity there is for Delta token. Unless Balancer Labs finally adds AMPL and STA without the deflationary/minting/rebase bug. Pairs don't have this problem, sadly pools do.

However the """FUD"""" only makes me want to buy harder. If I had 8 million dollars I would pump STA to 2$ solely because of the FUD
and I am 100% serious that I will find some of you, dox you, torture you in your own homes and steal your money.
This is no "lol it's just friendly FUD, bro". This is dimwitted FUD made to insult and piss off people like me.

Real FUD is realizing that if you swinged from AMPL to YFI and leverage traded them + ETH then you would already have 20-40 million USDs. Real FUD is realizing that 500k tokens is all you need (and there's still a 10% slippage). Even if the 6M token whale added his own liquidity he'd end up selling back to himself. The liquidity is a real problem with STA, unless you find someone wealthy to make a fixed price transaction.

This so called "FUD" >>22705621
might be in good sportsmanship on a 4channer Married with Children level, but it's sheer stupidity and offensiveness makes me far angrier than any real fud.

>> No.22710142
File: 125 KB, 1200x815, A10C6536-B794-4358-8921-A3FDA2D936B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you think we can hit $10 by this time next year ?

>> No.22710163

can i just pool sta or does it have to be coupled with eth? can someone explain how the ratio works

>> No.22710258

Next year certainly, each year adds another 0 as crypto gets bigger and bigger. Back in 2014 a shitcoin reaching 200M cap was as amazing as a 2B cap. (If retards stop taking money out of STA to buy AMPL, Sushi and other stuff)
I was hoping this year, but it won't happen unless you funnel all the money from AMPL, YFI+others into STA. YFI+YFI's clones managed to direct all the money in one place, leaving most other non YFI projects into crabbing.
When something pumps as hard and consistent as YFI then money has to be taken out from somewhere. I could see AMPL clones going down to hell as YFI clones were getting popular and I could see how YFI was falling down in price while UNI was pumping. Well that and Binance+Coinbase ruin everything with their shorts. That's 1 of the reasons why BTC crabs and barts.

>> No.22710278

okay, let's run a little math... assuming the average burn rate stays constant with what it has been: 15 million tokens burned in 3.5 months. So that's 4.2 million tokens per month. In a years time we will have burned another 50 million (this isn't how it works I know, but still it's basic math for an example) placing us at a total supply of around 35 million tokens. So to have a $10 price we'd need a market cap of around $350 million. At today's market, we would need to be a top 50 coin in order for this to happen.
Now IF there's a golden bullrun, Bitcoin pumps through the roof. That's a whole different story. We could very easily do $10, with the combination of the Balancer buying and burning tons of STA, plus if you remember 2017, a $350 market cap was nothing. Now of course the burn rate will decrease exponentially, but stil...

>> No.22710373
File: 342 KB, 1807x2047, 80DB04AD-B7AD-46BB-98DE-ADAF028C1D1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see dam thank you Anon smart biz bro. Also if normies Fomo in the sky is the limit.

>> No.22710555
File: 673 KB, 1680x1050, 1CD0CCAC-87F6-46DF-B54C-99EA02464069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea Anon Iron hands will make it. It’s only been 4months and some retards want it to moon. It takes time.