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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 800x600, xDigiByte_Logo_Words-1bmyts.png.pagespeed.ic.54-PHixzhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2267490 No.2267490 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2267499


>> No.2267505

or you could just buy the dip and stop having to hate yourself, whatever works for you

>> No.2267508

This coin will be at 5k usd by the end of the week

>> No.2267512

LOL you don't know what this shitcoin even offers, and you want me to buy it on the tip haha

have a (you)

>> No.2267521
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>mfw fud'ers staying cucked

>> No.2267525

2k sats by next week no question

>> No.2267527

This coin offers the future. Bill gates is doing a presentation on it with minecraft integration on the 9th. You are a complete fucking moron if you don't throw everything on this now.

>> No.2267536

>next week
More like tomorrow.

>> No.2267537


>> No.2267541

why even lie at this point? will only do more harm than good

>> No.2267546

Don't lie. There is no such thing. There's shilling and then there's lying. Don't be that guy.

>> No.2267552

I'm not lying do you even own DGB?

>> No.2267560

Just woke up but I may still be dreaming. Do I really see DGB at 1850? Wew...

>> No.2267568

Everyone following /biz/ for more than 3 days knows that DGB fudding is useless.

Get over it.
You sold after the first little pump, stupid little pajeet that you are.

>> No.2267594
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not looking good

>> No.2267603

I made my profits, but I'm keeping it real. This is non sense, there are no fundamentals. I am saving my money for Sonm (And Sia right now)

>> No.2267605

Yeah I sold enjoy my bags fags hahaha can't believe you guys bought my bill gates bullshit.

>> No.2267608

Dont worry about these pussy drops, by next week we'll be onto greater heights

>> No.2267630

Oh shit you think so? Bought back in just incase.

>> No.2267648
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>> No.2267657

moron for lying, moron for selling. this coin will leave you in the dust.

>> No.2267673

Never sold this coin is the future everyone knows it. I have it speculated at around 10k sats by the end of the month bill gates endorsement secures this.

>> No.2267684
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>> No.2267705

>wake up
>see I've made $2.3k on an initial $1k
It feels good

>> No.2267739

FUCK, is the dump coming?

>> No.2267744

Most of the DGB holders are sleeping right now. Could dump tomorrow, could dump in an hour.

>> No.2267747

sold again cya suckers lol how gullible are you idiots?

>> No.2267756
File: 66 KB, 510x332, 1494975659365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard that Steve Jobs will endorse DigiByte, it this true? If it is... HOLLY SHIT I HAVE TO BUY!

>> No.2267762

Le Minecraft server maymaycoin. It's truly remarkable what qualifies as a pump and dump.

>> No.2267805

Everyone coming up with the "le minecraft" shit shows that he has not invested 1 minute waht DGB actually can and is there for.

Ssssssshut the fuck up with Minecraft.

>> No.2267827

lol what is this other than a bitcoin clone with additional methods of pow?

>> No.2267835

pls stop shilling; there are new coiners who get hurt by all the hyperbole. In all seriousness though, DGB/ETH parity by the end of the week.

>> No.2267846

Enlighten us, we're listening.

This 1000 times

>> No.2267848

Obvious fud tactics

>I bought and made profits but it's shit

Newb thinks "even its supporters don't believe in it".

>> No.2267857
File: 189 KB, 1323x706, 1489622772204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think ETH is going to fall that hard? hahaaha

>> No.2267858

I screencapped this :) See you soon, faggot

>> No.2267881

1700 IS HOLDING, don't let them breach

>> No.2267902
File: 174 KB, 1015x724, dgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpai, i just wanna help... you are offending me... (pic related are my boughts in and cash outs)

>> No.2267930

Holy shit you bought like a whole ten cents' worth of BTC? Market is gonna crash

>> No.2267938

so you got in late and are trading with pennies

>> No.2267943

nice price numbers

>> No.2267950


I am up 5k

>> No.2267957

Others here are up tens of thousands

>> No.2267963

we are recovering boys

>> No.2267975

Really looking forward to elon musk's dgb presentation, implementation with spacex should truly send us to the fucking moon.

>> No.2267979

dont buy shit coin now. be patient. Buy @980 sat. Trust me

>> No.2267982


>> No.2267985

Lol she wont be going that low.

>> No.2267996

Who else here absolutely HYPED for Donald Trump's DGB presentation?

>> No.2267999


>> No.2268008

DGB phases:
>drop to new support

Same as most coins, only we're not waiting a month or two but days lol.

>> No.2268009
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>mfw nigel farage as guest speaker

>> No.2268015
File: 80 KB, 1254x616, tachnichuul anolysius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But guys you didn't even use the fractal chaos bonds/bollinger bands combo to determine to new ATH factoring in the possibility of a whale double-backed crossover manipulation scheme involving segwit currencies on the cryptomarket
>you can trust me because i used some long words

>> No.2268025

I miss that fudder, where was he today?

>> No.2268029

it just tested 2000sats and you fudfags are celebrating a correction.

you are going to make this same thread when it dips at 3000? topfucking kek

>> No.2268032

oh shit bought back in

>> No.2268036

Oh this is the first time I'm hearing about this! Just looked up it seems he wants this to replace the USD!

>> No.2268044


>> No.2268086

>replace the USD!

>> No.2268248

fud cucks. make a new thread quick!!

>> No.2268262
File: 100 KB, 250x184, farage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiat was a mistake - Nigel Farage

>> No.2268278

but that's how you make money you idiot, but lying to others so they buy high and sell low
without them, it's impossible to make money

>> No.2268293

Implying /biz/ has any say on market direction, maybe on shit coins with low market caps.

>> No.2268295
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Parabolic SAR indicates the downtrend has begun. Anyone hodling after this point is a madman.

>> No.2268359
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>no meme triangle

Absolute bullshit.

>> No.2268368
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Digibyte takes flight today.

>> No.2268379
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you only need to look at the MACD

black should by on red, it's due to another dip according to MACD

>> No.2268420

This. The problem is, these dipshit's don't understand that natural market growth is the only way to make this coin work. It's been cheap for too long without a market influencing platform DURING the time a lot of people knew you could get rich quick on crypto. People have been slowly stockpiling this coin over the years. Some people have a LOT and they're waiting for the right price to dump their bags. I can't wait to see artificial buy pressure put up by whales get cracked open hard by a major holder who's ready to exit. Anyone saying "BUY DGB BUY DGB THE PLATFORM THE PLATFORM!!!11!!1!" doesn't understand that FAST growth = FAST drops.
99% babby's first crypto, all jumping on the hype train and circlejerking shills left and right. Shills victimize people, and it's a horrible thing to do. This coin will be stuck in pump and dump mode forever barring any REAL market influencing platform. Protip: it will never happen for DGB and no matter how many anime memes you spam out, and no matter how much buy pressure whales put up.. you're all only compounding the problem 10 fold. These people just don't understand how markets work.

>> No.2268434

dgb was a shit coin with low market cap. i bought in at 122

>> No.2268442

Right but now it has a market cap of 350million+ so making FUD posts on /biz/ every day is not exactly impacting anything.

>> No.2268451

then who are all the retards like me buying it, if not people who read /biz/? I literally bought it after i saw it on this board.

>> No.2268463

Maybe you should read the chain of replies because I have no fucking idea what you're trying to say to me in relation to my posts.

>> No.2268474

bought at ~800, sold at 1850

Seems good, but still small profit (cause volume is very small)

What the next ?

(By the way, i'm still holding the MOON bought at 1sat when it was firstly mentioned here - it had hit 4 sat earlier but i have not sold it)

>> No.2268522

Are you trying to FUD my coins?

>> No.2268563

You're actually stupid and don't know how to read. I'm basically saying the FUDders are retarded for trying to FUD all day because ultimately at this point nothing /biz/ does will impact DGB anymore since the market cap is so high. So they are just FUDing to fuck people out of gains because they are salty which is really pathetic.

>> No.2268659

stop fudding DGB

>> No.2268672

Sorry, please buy.

>> No.2268698

DGB will fall to 800 sats after the presentation.
Loads will panic sell, whales will accumulate untill it hits 1200 and starts "recovering". Then they'll dump untill it falls to 100 sats where smart /biz/ got in.

I hope it doesn't though DGBchan is cute

>> No.2268729

DGB gets more FUD thrown at it than any other coin. look at the chart to see just how valuable their opinions have been so far. you really want to be another one to add to the screenshot pile? why don't you do yourself a favor this one time and just buy in.

>> No.2269862


buying high today will be the new low next week. I don't get why people are so anal about buying at a dip

>> No.2269989

Just tell me when it's going to dip

>> No.2270035

I bought a little at 1488 too.

>> No.2270054

Why is this just rising and rising?
It's a complete shit coin.

>> No.2270055

It might be, but then it'll also keep climbing until June 9th, that's a guarantee. So you'd be a dumbass not to get in.

>> No.2270070

2110 on bittrex.
mien camf servers btfo

>> No.2270083
File: 29 KB, 844x294, 1479165584853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when alex jones was supposed to endorse trumpcoin, i remember
buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.2270085
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>> No.2270093


DGB wont be the main focus in that Citibank conference.

It's literally just a footnote mention when they talk about shit like Amazing and Google.

>> No.2270101

>doing TA before 9th

kill yourselves

>> No.2270104
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> comparing a $400 million market coin to a $6 million meme coin at its peak

>> No.2270107
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>> No.2270109


>> No.2270115

Holy shit, dat last candle.

>> No.2270122
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>> No.2270128
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>> No.2270129
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>> No.2270152

how hard and when is this shit gonna get dumped?

>> No.2270155

please dip

>> No.2270162
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>> No.2270165
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>digibyte investment has doubled
>stratis investment has doubled

...do I buy more digibyte or more stratis?

>> No.2270173

DGB has more short term potential with DGB @ Citi T4i in a week

>> No.2270254

more like Today

>> No.2270296
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>> No.2270315

s is for stratoshere. We m now

>> No.2270364

>bought 1.5m dgb at 200 sats
>sold all at 650sats
>decided to buy back in at 900 sats
>only bought 200k


>> No.2270460

Will it keep rising til 9th then?
Should I pull some student loan and invest that for a week?

>> No.2270473

Never think "should've, could've" if you want to retain your sanity in future trades. Imagine the opposite. Imagine if it had bombed after you bought at 900.

>> No.2271421

at least you made gains

>> No.2271647
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>Selling at 1488

>> No.2271831


>mfw I fucked up a buy order, typed 1970 instead of 1870
>it's at 2200 now


>> No.2271833
File: 219 KB, 894x894, _3_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9iyug4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone willing to sell some DBG, about 50$ worth? coinbase doesn't work for me, i can pay with paypal

>> No.2271881

You guys are all the same. This market isnt a 1 day win big cycle. It takes weeks of up and down days to climb to significant gains, keep chasing 2x and 3x pumps and looking at the world like a fucking ant

This coin consistently rises to the top, holds massive volume, and when people buy it they HOLD. Thats why every time a surge in volume happens, less and less is needed for the price to rise. Whale manipulation or not real crypto gains are a game played over weeks or months.

Calling these 2 days a "pump", cashing out your gains and losses means misisng out on the next "pump", one more pump in the series of "pumps" that brings it over a dollar.

This is a top coin. You guys are blind if you arent looking for the next XRP, the next PIVX by finding what happened when it climbed from half a penny to $.40 in XRP's case and 2 bucks in PIVX's case.

Track DGB's rise, look at some god damn charts. spouting memes here and chasing pumps will make you break even. You're better off holding ETH if you play this market that way tbhdesu

>> No.2271902
File: 8 KB, 3060x28, digi sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>going on vacation so sell all my DGG (pic related)
>just got back
>see price today
Kill me.

>> No.2271919
File: 37 KB, 600x653, feels-good-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when fat fingers pay off

Nice going bro