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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22671272 No.22671272 [Reply] [Original]

I was a poorfag just 2 months ago. I'm 25 and am still 2 years from an ME degree, and had 3k in savings as of July 1st. Never had a job in my life. I've turned $1000 into $500,000 since July 1st and I'm here to tell you how I did it. I call it the rule of 3s.

Before any trade/opening of a position:
1) Drink 3 beers.
2) Take 3 hits off a dank joint. *CRUCIAL*
3) Wait 3 minutes.
4) Reconsider your trade.

I know you will be in disbelief, but I can assure you, it really is that simple. We live our lives in the "default mode" that our brains have learned over the last several million years. You are focused on survival in this state. Every little decision will be calculated subconsciously with that one goal in mind; and this is unavoidable. Survival of our species comes first. The key is the realization that substances are capable of removing you from this default state and into a state less clearly defined. When in this state, you are capable of making decisions you might've never made in the default state. Even when it comes to money, your brain is well aware that every dollar you lose is a dollar less that you can use for survival. And in the game of shitcoins, SCARED MONEY DON'T MAKE MONEY. Your brain will persuade you to avoid opening a position because of unforseen risk but you can't afford to make this mistake. The 3 beers remove your safety barrier just enough to escape this sense of doubt. The 3 hits off a dank joint will somewhat correct for this inhibition, making you think about things in a different manner. The 3 minutes just lets the dank joint take its effect.

Also, never trade during the day. If you follow these rules, but during the day, you will become dependent on weed and alcohol. ONLY TRADE WHEN THE CHINKS ARE TRADING. Follow these steps anon, and you will one day do what I have done: free yourself from the wageslave destiny. You're welcome.

>> No.22671318

wheres the proof.

>> No.22671351


Clinical Diagnosis-tier confirmation bias. You belong in a straitjacket but congrats.

>> No.22671396

> Every little decision will be calculated subconsciously with that one goal in mind; and this is unavoidable. Survival of our species comes first. The key is the realization that substances are capable of removing you from this default state and into a state less clearly defined. When in this state, you are capable of making decisions you might've never made in the default state. Even when it comes to money, your brain is well aware that every dollar you lose is a dollar less that you can use for survival.
unironically genius guy here. Take notes.

>> No.22671432

my best trades were made when i was in terrible hangover

>> No.22671575

actualy seems like a decent idea, used to smoke allot, do coke, etc. gets you "in the zone" i guess. cant anymore cus of ancle monitor but def thinking abt starting back up at some point

>> No.22671635

At first I thought this was bullshit, but I think there's some merit here.

Post your eth address, OP. I'll send you 100 bucks

>> No.22671802


>> No.22671846

I dunno man, last time I got piss drunk and high I read an XRP thread and bought 10k coins. After I sobered up, next day I sold them for about the same price I bought them cuz the coin never fucking does anything.

>> No.22671855

sent ;)

>> No.22671866

Sent you 1000$
Thanks, OP

>> No.22671894

That's not the same ID as the OP guys lol.

>> No.22671907

OP what the fuck are you doing you’re literally convincing weak minded regards to relapse

>> No.22671932

OP is on to something here

>> No.22671948
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Not OP

>> No.22671981 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22671990
File: 383 KB, 660x498, 1553558937325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been waiting 5 months for that relapse was gonna happen regardless of OP or not fren, but i guess now i might gamble my shitcoins while doing it aswell

>> No.22672071

>literal newfags

>> No.22672219

Me again. I'm a man of my word. It's sent.


>> No.22672280

save your money fren. i figured people would take this as some bullshit. i'm glad you saw the truth in it. it's hard to express such an opinion without people assuming youre full of shit. substances are sacred. they will unlock so much potential as long as you remain in control of them

>> No.22672399


Hey Op.
What you’re really talking about is spiritual enlightenment, but it has nothing to do with money.
Or am I wrong.

>> No.22672505

Almost all of those people are broke